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25.01.2022 Spent some time recording a few videos today in preparation for the launch of our new website. #Marketing is a constant improvement game just like every other division of your business. Check out our blog post on the 9 divisions of business in the link below for our perspective on it. Here’s the link:
20.01.2022 Other than investing in themselves, which other commodity do successful people place a high value on? Their time. Time is an interesting concept. It’s something that high-achievers have a specific way of thinking about. As such, it deserves a decent amount of consideration.... It is one of very few resources that is truly limited; and once it’s gone there’s no getting it back. It has its own value. And yet, I know business owners who would rather spend time getting a menial task done then pay someone else to do it. And they’ll look at that as though they’re saving money. But, if their time is worth $200/hr and they could have paid someone else $30/hr to do that task - did they really save money? Absolutely not! They simply haven’t considered the value of their own time. I also know people who attempt what’s often called Time Management. In my observation, that’s not the most effective way to look at it. Can you manage, manipulate, or in any way affect the passage of time? The answer is no, you can’t. So you can’t manage time. But, what can you do? You can manage events. It’s not about managing time, it’s about managing the events of your day and ensuring that they fit into the time frame you’ve allotted them. In this video, you’ll find more tips and insights into the way that successful people view their time, and how they then use this to manage the events of their day for the most effective results. * This video is part of a series from a highly effective program developed by Mike Irving, Founder and CEO of #AdvancedBusinessAbilities, called the #SalesSkillsAccelerator. If you found this video valuable and want to know 'How to Explode Your Sales Conversion Rate and Increase Your Revenue Without Relying on Unethical Manipulative Techniques', check out our FREE Sales Skills Accelerator Masterclass, where Mike will show you: #1 How to rapidly build rapport without having to use complicated manipulation techniques. #2 How to know when is the exact right time to close the sale. #3 How to overcome the four most common sales killers, without resorting to cheesy objection handling techniques. * Find out more about your FREE Sales Skills Accelerator Masterclass: * Remember, Sales, or selling is simply ‘Communication towards Action and Commitment’. It’s our mission at Advanced Business Abilities to help you become a more effective communicator to generate sales more effortlessly than ever before!
16.01.2022 How often in your life are you working with another to achieve a common #goal? The answer is probably every day; you just might not have thought of it that way before. Whether you’re a sole trader working with a customer to fulfil a service agreement, a team working to deliver an important project, or life partners looking to save towards buying a house, the principles at play to ensure #success when working with others are the same.... In order to achieve the goal that’s been set, it’s necessary that you #Cooperate with the other people involved, right? But, what is #Cooperation? What does it look like? How do you know you’re doing it successfully? And what’s the impact when cooperation is lacking? Well, let’s say you’re in a boat with another person. You think you’re both rowing to shore and while you're working hard to row to shore, the other person is drilling holes in the bottom of your boat! Have you ever had an experience like that, when someone who was meant to be working *with* you on something, was actually making your life harder? The good news is there is a three-ingredient system to enable you to ensure cooperation happens, and to more easily spot when it’s not, so that you can get back on track. In this video, Mike shares what these three ingredients are and how they work together to achieve cooperation in the #relationships you hold, whether in #life or #business. * This video is part of a series from a highly effective program developed by Mike Irving, Founder and CEO of #AdvancedBusinessAbilities, called the #SalesSkillsAccelerator. If you found this video valuable and want to know 'How to Explode Your Sales Conversion Rate and Increase Your Revenue Without Relying on Unethical Manipulative Techniques', check out our FREE Sales Skills Accelerator Masterclass, where Mike will show you: #1 How to rapidly build rapport without having to use complicated manipulation techniques. #2 How to know when is the exact right time to close the sale. #3 How to overcome the four most common sales killers, without resorting to cheesy objection handling techniques. * Find out more about your FREE Sales Skills Accelerator Masterclass: * Remember, Sales, or selling is simply ‘Communication towards Action and Commitment’. It’s our mission at Advanced Business Abilities to help you become a more effective communicator to generate sales more effortlessly than ever before!
14.01.2022 Have you ever experienced a #sales meeting with a prospect that just felt absolutely #effortless? You left going Well, that was easy! They were really keen. It’s an amazing feeling, isn't it?... And at the same time, the question we have is: Do you understand what happened that created that? Do you know what was going on for your client in order for them to close themselves for you? There’s a system, or a model so to speak, called ‘The Ruin Cycle’. This model will explain exactly what happened in that situation that led to your prospect demanding your service. It’s just that you wouldn’t have known it was happening at the time. Once you understand this model, you can replicate it. You can have more people #closing themselves at the end of the meeting. And you’ll have far more understanding of exactly knowing when to close. If that sounds like a worthwhile concept to understand and implement, check out this video. Mike Irving goes into much greater detail about The Ruin Cycle; what it is, and how you can use it to support your prospects to make a decision. * This video is part of a series from a highly effective program developed by Mike Irving, Founder and CEO of #AdvancedBusinessAbilities, called the #SalesSkillsAccelerator. If you found this video valuable and want to know: 'How to Explode Your #SalesConversionRate and #IncreaseYourRevenue Without Relying on Unethical Manipulative Techniques' Check out our FREE Sales Skills Accelerator Masterclass, where Mike will show you: #1 How to rapidly build #rapport without having to use complicated manipulation techniques. #2 How to know when is the exact right time to #closethesale. #3 How to overcome the four most common sales killers, without resorting to cheesy #objectionhandling techniques. * Find out more about your FREE Sales Skills Accelerator Masterclass: * Remember, Sales, or selling is simply ‘Communication towards Action and Commitment’. It’s our mission at #AdvancedBusinessAbilities to help you become a more effective communicator to generate sales more effortlessly than ever before!
13.01.2022 When we hear success stories we often hear the end, the bit where the success happened. Have you ever considered that at the beginning of that story, was a person who took a huge risk knowing they could fail? *... #AdvancedBusinessAbilities Because you deserve to run a business that’s #Enjoyable #StressFree And #Profitable We deliver #PerformanceCoaching #EffectiveCommunicationTraining #SalesSkillsTraining For #BusinessOwners Who want a practical, data-driven approach to #SelfDevelopment We will help you #BreakthroughTheBarriers And recognise your #BlindSpots Which are holding you back from #CreatingYourOwnReality Enabling you to build a #LifeAndBusinessYouLove Reach out via our website to book an obligation free Discovery Session. We look forward to supporting you to get more of what you want!
13.01.2022 Are you experiencing challenges when it comes to #engaging with your team and keeping them #motivated? This article highlights some of the ways you can develop a greater understanding of your team, to #empower, #engage and #motivate them even whilst working #remotely. And if you’ve been following us, then you’ll likely understand why our favourite quote from this article is:... Empowering employees means asking good, meaty questions that prompt them to think through the problem. It’s all about asking questions! Like @AdvancedBusinessAbilities Because you deserve to run a business that’s #Enjoyable #StressFree And #Profitable #BusinessOwners #SmallBusinessOwners #SmallBusinessSupport #Sales #Communication #SelfLeadership
11.01.2022 Has your #business adapted to leverage #online services to reach your #customers in a different way? And if not, what’s stopping you? New data from Venture Insights indicates that 70 per cent of Australian consumers now consciously support local businesses, but many indicate that they are hamstrung by a lack of online presence. Businesses that go digital also reap near-immediate rewards Michael Ackland, Group Executive, Consumer & Small Business - Telstra Highlighted in thi...s article are some of the emerging trends as online customer behaviour changes due to COVID-19. It also covers how Telstra Business is supporting the SMB sector in Australia to take advantage of the ‘new normal’ and reach new customers online. If you’re a #SmallBusinessOwner who is selling online or looking to, it may be worth taking a look: Like @AdvancedBusinessAbilities Because you deserve to run a business that’s #Enjoyable #StressFree And #Profitable #BusinessOwners #SmallBusinessOwners #SmallBusinessSupport #Sales #Communication #Leadership #SelfLeadership
05.01.2022 Other than investing in themselves, what other commodity do successful people place a high value on? Their time. Time is an interesting concept. It’s something that high-achievers have a specific way of thinking about. As such, it deserves a decent amount of consideration.... It is one of very few resources that is truly limited; and once it’s gone there’s no getting it back. It has its own value. And yet, we know business owners who would rather spend time getting a menial task done then pay someone else to do it. And they’ll look at that as though they’re saving money. But, if their time is worth $200/hr and they could have paid someone else $30/hr to do that task - did they really save money? Absolutely not! They simply haven’t considered the value of their own time. I also know people who attempt what’s often called Time Management. In our observation, that’s not the most effective way to look at it. Can you manage, manipulate, or in any way affect the passage of time? The answer is no, you can’t. So you can’t manage time. But, what can you do? You can manage events. It’s not about managing time, it’s about managing the events of your day and ensuring that they fit into the time frame you’ve allotted them. In this video, you’ll find more tips and insights into the way that successful people view their time, and how they then use this to manage the events of their day for the most effective results. * This video is part of a series from a highly effective program developed by Mike Irving, Founder and CEO of #AdvancedBusinessAbilities, called the #SalesSkillsAccelerator. If you found this video valuable and want to know 'How to Explode Your Sales Conversion Rate and Increase Your Revenue Without Relying on Unethical Manipulative Techniques', check out our FREE Sales Skills Accelerator Masterclass, where Mike will show you: #1 How to rapidly build rapport without having to use complicated manipulation techniques. #2 How to know when is the exact right time to close the sale. #3 How to overcome the four most common sales killers, without resorting to cheesy objection handling techniques. * Find out more about your FREE Sales Skills Accelerator Masterclass: * Remember, Sales, or selling is simply ‘Communication towards Action and Commitment’. It’s our mission at Advanced Business Abilities to help you become a more effective communicator to generate sales more effortlessly than ever before!
04.01.2022 What did you think of last week’s video: How to Achieve More of What You Want (Part One)? More importantly, what understanding were you able to gain about the concept of your #ComfortZone? And when we spoke about the walls of your comfort zone being made up of your ‘Unwillingness to Experiences’ did that make sense to you? ... If you’d like a refresher (, go for it and read on once you’re done. Otherwise, if you’re ready to continue, this is where it gets really exciting! If there was a simple system to support you to expand the walls of your comfort zone, what difference do you think this would make in your #life and #business? Well, we have a system that does just that. It will support you to shift the walls of your comfort zone and help you to achieve more of what you want. I know that many of you were excited to receive this next video, where our Founder, Mike Irving, goes into detail about that process, so we're going to let you get straight into it. * This video is part of a series from a highly effective program developed by Mike Irving, Founder and CEO of #AdvancedBusinessAbilities, called the #SalesSkillsAccelerator. If you found this video valuable and want to know 'How to Explode Your Sales Conversion Rate and Increase Your Revenue Without Relying on Unethical Manipulative Techniques', Check out our FREE Sales Skills Accelerator Masterclass, where Mike will show you: #1 How to rapidly build #rapport without having to use complicated manipulation techniques. #2 How to know when is the exact right time to #close the sale. #3 How to overcome the four most common sales killers, without resorting to cheesy #objectionhandling techniques. * Find out more about your FREE Sales Skills Accelerator Masterclass: * Remember, Sales, or selling is simply ‘Communication towards Action and Commitment’. It’s our mission at #AdvancedBusinessAbilities to help you become a more effective communicator to generate sales more effortlessly than ever before! See less
02.01.2022 How much easier would #sales be if your clients are telling you what they want? It’d be effortless, wouldn’t it? So, what’s the best way to find out what your client #wants?... Ask lots of #Questions! If you are constantly telling your customer you will never #understand what they want. But, what do you think will happen if you give your prospect your complete #attention, and ask questions with an #intention to understand their #reality? #findoutwhatheywant Like @AdvancedBusinessAbilities Because you deserve to run a business that’s #Enjoyable #StressFree And #Profitable #BusinessOwners #SmallBusinessOwners #SmallBusinessSupport #Sales #Communication #Leadership #SelfLeadership
01.01.2022 Have you ever stepped outside your #ComfortZone? At that moment, what happened for you? Did it feel exciting? Maybe a little scary, but also exhilarating? ... Now, have you also had the experience where you stepped outside of your comfort zone and it felt too much? We know a lot of people who have experienced this and the result is usually there are things they then can’t get done or accomplish. If there was a way for you to more effortlessly get out of this zone, would that be helpful? Well, in order for you to do that, it’s necessary to understand what your comfort zone is. What are the walls of your comfort zone made of? What keeps you in there? If you watch this video, the first of a two part installment, you will begin to understand all of that. And once you understand it, the second video (part two) will support you to break out of your comfort zone to achieve more of what you want. * This video is part of a series from a highly effective program developed by Mike Irving, Founder and CEO of #AdvancedBusinessAbilities, called the #SalesSkillsAccelerator. If you found this video valuable and want to know 'How to Explode Your Sales Conversion Rate and Increase Your Revenue Without Relying on Unethical Manipulative Techniques', Check out our FREE Sales Skills Accelerator Masterclass, where Mike will show you: #1 How to rapidly build #rapport without having to use complicated manipulation techniques. #2 How to know when is the exact right time to #close the sale. #3 How to overcome the four most common sales killers, without resorting to cheesy #objectionhandling techniques. * Find out more about your FREE Sales Skills Accelerator Masterclass: * Remember, Sales, or selling is simply ‘Communication towards Action and Commitment’. It’s our mission at #AdvancedBusinessAbilities to help you become a more effective communicator to generate sales more effortlessly than ever before!
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