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AEF International

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25.01.2022 According to Ethiopian legend, goats discovered coffee! So grab a cup and we’ll tell you the tale The legend goes that a goatherd realised his goats were particularly energetic after eating the berries from one particular plant. The plant had the same energizing effect on the goatherd, and so the tradition of drinking coffee was born! Why did we tell you that? Well turns out that goats are still changing the world! In Blitar village located in East Java, our goat-raising mi...nistry has over 250 goats being raised. They will then be sold to support the ongoing mission work in Blitar. A house of prayer has been established in the village, and welcomes people from other faiths to come and hear the amazing message of Jesus. If you want to support this ministry, just $150 will buy a goat to empower pastors and ministry workers in Blitar, East Java. You can find more information in our March 2020 newsletter.

24.01.2022 Did you know that the religious freedom we enjoy in Australia is not shared across the world? Many countries do not allow their citizens to follow their religion of choice, or gather together to worship. Find out more about the situation in China on page 3 of our latest newsletter.

24.01.2022 Did you know that Grace Academy in Nepal has a Facebook page? You can find it here - Like the page for an inside look at Grace Academy, and to see many of the students in action! Grace Academy offers education to children who would otherwise not receive an education. From humble beginnings to now over 510 students, Grace Academy changes lives and creates the next generation of community leaders. You can suppo...rt this valuable work by clicking the link below - just $15/month will ensure the continuity of education at Grace Academy, and all gifts over $2 are tax-deductible.

23.01.2022 In this time of global uncertainty, it is easy to allow fear to overwhelm us. The fear of illness and death is understandable. But we have the promise of eternal life, so we no longer need to fear death! 1 Corinthians 15 v 54 says Death has been swallowed up in victory! Death was defeated at the Cross, so we as believers can rest in the hope of knowing eternity is ours. ... Click the link below to read more:

22.01.2022 AEF International is at the cutting edge of missions. We train, empower and support missionaries to spread the gospel in their own communities and country. But we cant do it alone we rely on the prayerful and financial support of our global network. The mission is too big for us alone, but together, we can achieve more than we imagine. Find out more about how you can support AEFI missionaries and projects on our website:

20.01.2022 According to Ethiopian legend, goats discovered coffee! So grab a cup and well tell you the tale The legend goes that a goatherd realised his goats were particularly energetic after eating the berries from one particular plant. The plant had the same energizing effect on the goatherd, and so the tradition of drinking coffee was born! Why did we tell you that? Well turns out that goats are still changing the world! In Blitar village located in East Java, our goat-raising mi...nistry has over 250 goats being raised. They will then be sold to support the ongoing mission work in Blitar. A house of prayer has been established in the village, and welcomes people from other faiths to come and hear the amazing message of Jesus. If you want to support this ministry, just $150 will buy a goat to empower pastors and ministry workers in Blitar, East Java. You can find more information in our March 2020 newsletter.

19.01.2022 Did you know goats can change the world? Yes, goats! In Blitar village located in East Java, our goat-raising ministry has over 250 goats being raised. They will then be sold to support the ongoing mission work in Blitar. A house of prayer has been established in the village, and welcomes people from other faiths to come and hear the amazing message of Jesus. If you want to support this ministry, just $150 will buy a goat to empower pastors and ministry workers in Blitar, East Java. You can find more information in our March 2020 newsletter.

17.01.2022 God is in control and His Providence must be acknowledged! With the COVID-19 crisis blazing a trail of upheaval across the world, its easy to feel out of control. But we can go back to the scriptures and rely on the assurance that God sits on the throne, and is in control. For more encouragement in this time of crisis, click below... See more

15.01.2022 Support the Asia School of Ministry - AEF International has on-site training centres in 6 Asian countries, where each year 200 workers are given systematic Biblical and pastoral training though Asia College of Ministry (ACOM). It costs around $350 per annum to train one missionary trainee. Your financial support will ensure the ongoing training of leaders for the Church in Asia and the Pacific.

14.01.2022 As we start a new week, take a moment to reflect on Isaiah 60 v1: Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. (Isa. 60:1). We can share His light as the world gets increasingly darker. If you are a believer, this is the time to demonstrate the joy, peace and faith that the Holy Spirit has deposited into you.... Think about how you can share His light this week, as you go about your daily life.

14.01.2022 Ray Ortlund reminds us of an amazing event from the 20th century

13.01.2022 Jesus loved children. All over the world, AEF leaders are investing in the lives of children in their community. Grace Academy in Nepal offers education to children who would otherwise not receive an education. From a small start of 15 students, to now over 510, Grace Academy changes lives and creates the next generation of community leaders. You can support this valuable work by clicking the link below - just $15/month will ensure the continuity of education at Grace Academy, and all gifts over $2 are tax deductible.

13.01.2022 If youre spending more time at home at the moment and looking for something to read, we have a quality range of books and CDs available for purchase on our website. Whether you want to learn more about missions, or read inspiring stories of lives that have been transformed through the message of Jesus, we have something for you. Check out the full range at the link - and let us know in the comments below about a great book youve recently read.

13.01.2022 For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth. Acts 13:47

12.01.2022 Solid Rock Hospital in Cambodia, like many others in Cambodia, has a shortage of nurses and wants to do something about it by setting up a nursing school at the hospital. It is seeking donations towards this goal. We would love to see you partner this venture. You can visit our website by clicking this link:

11.01.2022 As Christians we are called to live for Christ, but we cannot be Christ. As Kevin DeYoung points out our role is to point people to him. Its not about how much work we do. We need to point others to the sacrifice that only a Saviour can provide.

11.01.2022 Have you checked out our new blog? Full of encouragements, challenges, inspiration and reflection and regularly updated, its new hope and fresh thoughts for this time of crisis.

11.01.2022 Quality healthcare is something we often take for granted. No system is perfect, but Australia has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. We believe every person has a right to quality medical care, regardless of where they live. Solid Rock Hospital in Cambodia is desperately short of nurses. They are seeking funding to commence and run a training program for local students, to equip them to become nurses. To contribute to the School of Nursing at Solid Rock Hospital, click below. Donations are tax deductible and your generous gift will ensure quality healthcare for future generations of Cambodians.

10.01.2022 It is easy to feel alone and isolated at this tumultuous time, but following Christ is about community and unity. Even with physical distancing, its important we dont lose connection with others during this time. Here are some ideas on how you can safely maintain a connection with others during this challenging time: - reach out to elderly or unwell neighbours who may require assistance with groceries - sign up to our newsletter to keep up-to-date with what God is doing the... world ( - get some friends together on Skype and pray for some of the things on our prayer list ( Matthew 18:20 says For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them. This is more important than ever to remember when your usual gatherings like church may be cancelled. You are never alone.

10.01.2022 For more than 50 years, AEF International has relied on the support of people like you to expand our work throughout Asia. While financial donations are necessary and greatly appreciated, sometimes prayer is the most important resource for any Christian organisation. Wed like to invite you to consider adding AEFI to your daily prayers. Click the link below for a list of prayer points.

09.01.2022 BREAKING NEWS! AEFI has a new blog! Discover hope, with fresh thoughts to free you from fear! We believe light shines brighter in the darkness. No matter the source of your pain, we believe there is hope for you.... To encourage you we want to bring you fresh thoughts and perspectives that will encourage you to find meaning and purpose as you negotiate crises, suffering and despair. The Hope Beyond Crisis blog features writers and leaders from all walks of life sharing the hope they have found.

08.01.2022 AEF Internationals vision is to reach Asia with the Gospel by equipping and supporting national pastors and other workers. We invest in supporting education, healthcare, church planting and biblical training, orphanages and self-sustainable projects. For more than 50 years, the support of people like you has allowed our ministry to grow and expand across the region. To find out more about the projects AEF International is involved in, click here... See more

06.01.2022 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14

05.01.2022 It can be overwhelming to hear the constant tide of bad news about the pandemic. We can seek comfort in the arms of God. In 2 Corinthians, Paul refers to God as the God of all comfort (2 Cor 1v3). In the short passage, the words comfort, comforted and consolation are found about ten times. This is comfort that knows no end. Read more about how God is our comforter in this blog from Dr Daniel James. ...

05.01.2022 Many churches are not meeting in their usual place today. Some are meeting online, or in small groups in congregants homes. How are you worshipping today?

04.01.2022 Whenever someone says I am praying for you, it will surely bring great peace and strength to your soul. In this uncertain time, saying I am praying for you can be more than just a statement, it can be a great encouragement to someone who is struggling. Why dont you offer to have a cup of tea with someone over Skype this week, and spend some time encouraging them. And maybe offer to pray for them!

04.01.2022 Have a look at our latest blog post - Experiencing the Christmas story in the slums of Mumbai

04.01.2022 Recently our Executive President Dr Jonathan James visited Nepal to see the new extension school of Grace Academy. Based in Dukuchhap, this school will be the first Christian witness in this village. The new site is 20 miles from the main school, and will expand the opportunity of AEF leaders in this region of Nepal to share the gospel.

04.01.2022 Founded in 1960 by Dr D.G James, AEF International mobilises and equips evangelists and missionaries to reach their own people groups. Now led by Dr James son, Dr Jonathon James, AEFI has more than 200 missionaries, working in 11 fields. Find out more about our history and strategy here:... See more

03.01.2022 Many people are finding innovative and new ways to create community during this time of isolation. Families are having dinner parties on Zoom, neighbours are dressing up in formal attire to take their bins out, and teddy bears are appearing in windows of houses across the nation to be found by children walking by in a scavenger hunt. Have you been doing something creative to stay connected? Tell us in the comments below!

03.01.2022 Have a look at our latest blog post - A Spiritual Legacy

02.01.2022 Grace Academy is growing! An opportunity to invest in the future of Nepal. In Dukuchap, 20kms south of the Lalitpur campus, management have found a remote community of people from the Brahmin and Chetri ethnic groups. There are more then 1500 households in this region, and not a single school. Land has been purchased in the area, and a school able to accommodate up to 500 students is under construction. The land was purchased with local funds, however the build in estimated cost approximately AU$50,000. All gifts to the Dukuchap School project are tax-deductible. Click below to find more information about the project and details on how to donate. All support is deeply appreciated, we cant do this without you!

02.01.2022 Have a look at our latest blog post - Event: Love Asia Evening & Supper

02.01.2022 Have a look at our latest blog post - Presentation Morning Saturday 20th October-The Challenge of Buddhism

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