Aesthetics by Andrea | cosmetic & personal care
Aesthetics by Andrea
Phone: +61 426 064 024
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25.01.2022 Here I have one of my beautiful clients my number 1 fan, my little sister! Does antiwrinkle treatment hurt? This is a demonstration of how quick and easy an antiwrinkle treatment can be. Some clients describe it as a little sting that lasts a few seconds, generally the redness disappears after a few minutes allowing you to return to your normal daily activities. #antiwrinkles #antiwrinkle #aestheticsbyandrea #aesthetics #beautt #beautifulgirls #beautifulwomen #beautifulmen #love# #cosmetic #cosmeticlovers #cosmeticlovers #cosmeticnurseinjectior #cosmeticnurse #cosmetica #face #wrinklefree #wrinklefeeeforhead
24.01.2022 #cheekfillers #lovecheekfillers #beauty #costmeticinjector #nurseinjector #nurse #endeavourhills #camberwelp #mienbrows #dbosmeticstattooing #aaestheticsbyandrea #dermalfiller #dermalfillers #smoothskin #skin #goawaylines #jawline
23.01.2022 Non surgical procedure for Cheeky cheeks Pause the hands of time with dermal fillers! Cheeks are the foundation and the starting point of most cosmetic injectors. Only $750 per mL State of the art product used. Duration: *Approx. 12 months plus!... PM me, call me on 0426064024! to arrange you're treatment session xo #cheekycheeks #cheekaugmentation #dermalfiller #noninvasivepricedures #aestheticsbyandrea #dbcosmetictattooing #lovecheeks #beauty #rejuvinate #feelyoung #lips #biglips #livethyself #cosmeticnurse #endeavourhills #melbourne #southeasttmelbourne #iloveantiwrinkle
22.01.2022 Why do people get cheek fillers??? Cheek fillers are generally the starting point for any cosmetic Injector when it comes to Improving the patients appearance. As we get older our face not only loses elasticity, we lose fat, muscle, bone and texture. Applying cheek fillers can help soften jowls and marionette lines, Improving the lower face structure and giving the cheeks a much more youthful appearance. *Its one if my favorite treatments! Just saying To book in you consultation please contact me via facebook or call me on 0426064024
20.01.2022 Are dermal fillers only used on young people?? This is a prime example of what dermal fillers can do for clients with older skin types. Here we used 1.5 ml of dermal filler to each side of the cheek to help lift the mid face, This treatment also has a knock on effect to the lower face, See how he jowls have soften and arent as prominent in the second picture. It is important to understand realistic expectations when treating older skin types due to we are oss fatlt, bone and elasticity loss. It is essential to have a though consultation with your injector prior to treatment to discuss goals and realistic expectations.
20.01.2022 Hi everyone! Aesthetics by andrea has available appointments in Camberwell on 7th August from 3pm *PM me for details. Dermal fillers & antiwrinkle injections available :) #ilovecosmetics #cosmetic #cosmetics #cosmeticfun #cheekfillers #lipfiller. #lipfillers #beauty #igotthis #thankbyougod #nurseinjector #nurse #cosmetica #appointments
18.01.2022 #lovemydaughter #4yearoldsinger #vibrato #love daughter #song #sing #melbourne #singing #lovetosing #cosmeticnursemum #everythingidoisforyou #cosmeticmuminjector #love
17.01.2022 Why do people get cheek fillers??? Cheek fillers are generally the starting point for any cosmetic Injector when it comes to Improving the patients appearance. As we get older our face not only loses elasticity, we lose fat, muscle, bone and texture. Applying cheek fillers can help soften jowls and marionette lines, Improving the lower face structure and giving the cheeks a much more youthful appearance. *Its one if my favorite treatments! Just saying To book in you consultation please contact me via facebook or call me on 0426064024
17.01.2022 Non surgical procedure for Cheeky cheeks Pause the hands of time with dermal fillers! Cheeks are the foundation and the starting point of most cosmetic injectors. Only $750 per mL State of the art product used. Duration: *Approx. 12 months plus!... PM me, call me on 0426064024! to arrange you're treatment session xo #cheekycheeks #cheekaugmentation #dermalfiller #noninvasivepricedures #aestheticsbyandrea #dbcosmetictattooing #lovecheeks #beauty #rejuvinate #feelyoung #lips #biglips #livethyself #cosmeticnurse #endeavourhills #melbourne #southeasttmelbourne #iloveantiwrinkle
15.01.2022 #Frown lines... I had the pleasure of treating this gorgeous ladies frown lines. She had 20 units of botox injected into the glabella area. This was over and done within 10 minutes! Most patients feel no discomfort or pain. You can return to your normal activities straight after treatment. *Special offer*... Get 20 units of botox for $260!!! Lip filler $450 Cheek filler $750 #lips #cheeks #frownline #antiwrinkle #cosmeticnurseinjector #cosmetic #beauty #love #forveryoung #southeastmelbourne # #endeavourhills #livelove #aestheticsbyandrea #dbcosmetictattooing #melbourne See more
15.01.2022 #Frown lines... I had the pleasure of treating this gorgeous ladies frown lines. She had 20 units of botox injected into the glabella area. This was over and done within 10 minutes! Most patients feel no discomfort or pain. You can return to your normal activities straight after treatment. *Special offer*... Get 20 units of botox for $260!!! Lip filler $450 Cheek filler $750 #lips #cheeks #frownline #antiwrinkle #cosmeticnurseinjector #cosmetic #beauty #love #forveryoung #southeastmelbourne # #endeavourhills #livelove #aestheticsbyandrea #dbcosmetictattooing #melbourne See more
14.01.2022 This is one of my stunning clients whom was seeking a natural look to help fill out her lips. 1ml of Juverderm ultra xc was used to enhance these lips. *Photo taken directly after treatment. As we age we dont just loose fat and elasticity from our body, we also loose it in our face.... Dermal fillers can help plump the skin where fat and elasticity loss has occurred. #cosmeticnurse #cosmeticinjectables #cosmeticnurseinjector #lip #lipaugmentation #beauty #dermalfillers #lovethylips #botox #aaestheticsbyandrea #dbcosmetictattooing #mienbrows #biglips #sexy #sexylips #naturallips #mylips
13.01.2022 Here we have a gorgeous lady, who came to me concerned with her "smokers lines" to her upper lip. I used 1mL of dermal filler to treat this area and wow what a difference it made! The name "Smokers lines" comes from the repetitive pursing action you do when you smoke or even kiss.... Overtime, the muscle that surrounds your mouth goes into overdrive causing lines to this area. Another factor is bone and fat loss, especially as we age even our gums shrink! causing the upper lip to sink in. The vermillion border that gives us the shape to our lip also becomes faint and not marked, But with a little help of dermal fillers we can rehydrate the lip so it appears more youthful and structures. #freshlips #ilovelips #sexylips #olderlips #smokerslines #heartlips #iheartlips #cosmeticnurse #cosmeticnurseinjectior #beauty #cheeks #endeavourhills #camberwell #mienbrows #dbcosmetictatioing #lovethylips #cosmeticprocedures #injections #feelgood #ineedtolearntotakephotos
13.01.2022 Calling all men! Antiwrinkle treatments arent only used on women! Botox can be used to help soften lines that may be very prominent due to working outside, stress or hereditary factors. Botox doesnt make you look feminine it allows you to see what you looked like before wrinkles came around! ... Try it now! I have availabilities next Thursday! 0426064024 #brotox #men# #menskincare #menatwork #antiwrinkle #botox #cosmeticnurseinjector #nurse #nurseinjector #cosmetic #cosmetics #beauty #nolines #lookyounger #feelgood See more
12.01.2022 Hello everybody! What are Crows feet and how do we tackle them? #nolines #cosmeticinjector #nurse #nurseinjector #ilovebotox #antwrinkle #goawaylines #botox #cosmeticnurseinjector #beauty #endeavourhills #camberwell #mienbrows #dbcosmetictattooing #restore #turnbacktime
10.01.2022 *Brow lift / frownlines* Antiwrinkle treatments to these areas have an immediate youthful appearance. Brow lifts are quick and easy and as you can see in my beautiful clients before and after photos the smoothness and softness of her #frownlines. Pay attention to the eyelid droop in the previous photo oppose to the post photo, you can see a dramatic change in her eyelid. ... Get your brow lift today! Simple and easy!!! #browlift #antiwrinkle #forhead #smooth #loveantiwrinkletreatment #cosmetologyschool #cosmeticnurseinjector #cosmetic #beauty #eyebrows #lovethyself #nurseinjector #lips #cheeks #frownlines #healthandbeauty #dbcosmetictattooing #endeavourhills #lyndhurst #lynbrook #cranbourne #southeast #aaestheticsbyandrea See more
10.01.2022 This gorgeous lady came to me concerned with deep and pronounced lines to her forhead. Antiwrinkle treatments can help smooth and soften the lines to achieve a more youthful look. Clients that present with this issue need to make aware that in one treatment it is unlikely they will achieve a "flawless" forehead look. ... *A few treatments maybe needed to achieve that goal, especially if deep lines are stagnant. This particular client received 10units of botox, we treated her very conservatively as it was her first time, however look at the difference it made in just one treatment!!! #antiwrinkle #wrinklefree #botox #nursesthatloveosmetics #cosmeticnurseinjector #cosmeticprocedures #cosmeticlovers #foreheadlines #nomorelines #beauty #smoothskin #olderskin #aestheticsbyandrea #aesthetics #dbcosmetictattooinf #mienbrows #camberwell #endeavourhills #endeavourhillsbeauty
10.01.2022 #nurseinjector #nurse #cosmetics # cosmeticinjector #nursesthatloveosmetics #voluma #juvederm #botox # lovecosmetics #cosmetica #mienbrows #endeavourhills #dbcosmetictattooing #camberwell #cheeks #cheekycheeks #aestheitcabyandrea #loveyourself #lips #cheekylips #ilovecosmetics #beauty
08.01.2022 #Lip promo Get your lips feeling juicy and sexy with this special November promo $450! usual price $550 SAVE $100 PM me via insta or Facebook to lock in your session #aestheticsbyandrea... #lips #sexylips #juicylips #juvedern #biglips #cosmeticnurseinjector #beauty #melbourne #endeavourhills #southeast #cheeks #antiwrinkle #dermalfiller #dbcosmetictattooing #lovelips See more
07.01.2022 #Lip promo Get your lips feeling juicy and sexy with this special November promo $450! usual price $550 SAVE $100 PM me via insta or Facebook to lock in your session #aestheticsbyandrea... #lips #sexylips #juicylips #juvedern #biglips #cosmeticnurseinjector #beauty #melbourne #endeavourhills #southeast #cheeks #antiwrinkle #dermalfiller #dbcosmetictattooing #lovelips See more
07.01.2022 *Brow lift / frownlines* Antiwrinkle treatments to these areas have an immediate youthful appearance. Brow lifts are quick and easy and as you can see in my beautiful clients before and after photos the smoothness and softness of her #frownlines. Pay attention to the eyelid droop in the previous photo oppose to the post photo, you can see a dramatic change in her eyelid. ... Get your brow lift today! Simple and easy!!! #browlift #antiwrinkle #forhead #smooth #loveantiwrinkletreatment #cosmetologyschool #cosmeticnurseinjector #cosmetic #beauty #eyebrows #lovethyself #nurseinjector #lips #cheeks #frownlines #healthandbeauty #dbcosmetictattooing #endeavourhills #lyndhurst #lynbrook #cranbourne #southeast #aaestheticsbyandrea See more
06.01.2022 #antiwrinkletrearments. This beauty came to me concerned with lines to her for head. She was over makeup sitting into the creases. *Clients first treatment... I used 10 Units of botox to achieve this result. Time: 10 mins Client satisfaction: Book now to receive our #antiwrinkle promotion for November! #antiwrinkle #iloveantiwrinkletreatment #nurseinjector #cosmeticnurseinjector #lovewhatyoudo #botox #juvederm #southeastsuburbs #lips #cheeks #nolines #goawaylines #aestheticsbyandrea #dbcosmetictattooing
04.01.2022 I'm back! Now is the time to get in and begin your treatment journey! Look good feel good for all your upcoming events! Ph: 0426064024 or Contact me via Facebook page Much Love ... # cosmeticnurseinjector #lovemyjob #proudworkingmum #antiwrinkle #antiwrinkletrearments #antiwrinkleinjections #beauty #beautuclinic #botox #lips #cheeks #lovethyself See more
04.01.2022 Why should I get #antiwrinkleinjections ? As we age our body looses elastin, fat and even bone causing drowsiness, wrinkles and saggy skin. A way of softening and help prevent the formation of wrinkles is by antiwrinkle injectables.... They last anywhere from 3-4 months! Treat yourself and book now to rewind the clock! #beauty #youthful #young #antiwrinkle #beauty #cosmeticnurseinjector cosmetics #cosmetic #cosmeticnurse #nolines #love #lookgood #injectables #melbourne #endeavourhilla #Camberwell
03.01.2022 EXCITING NEWS! *Limited time only. Get any area to the value of 20 botox units for $260 Choose from: *Forhead* Frown lines* *Crows feet*... Antiwrinkle treatments take up to 2 weeks to fully settle in! Do you have a special event coming up, races? birthdays? or looking for a little Voom Voom! PM me for more info or your complimentary consultation. #antiwrinkle #nolines #nurseinjector #aestheticsbyandrea #dbcosmetictattooing #love #lovebeauty #beauty #feelgood #beautician #wrinklefree #endeavourhills #berwick #southeast
02.01.2022 Say bye bye to frown lines! Frown lines can come across as concerned or "angry lines". They can be easily softened with a very quick and effective antiwrinkle treatment that can last up to *3months. Please PM me for a complimentary consultation, great packages available!
01.01.2022 #antiwrinkletrearments. This beauty came to me concerned with lines to her for head. She was over makeup sitting into the creases. *Clients first treatment... I used 10 Units of botox to achieve this result. Time: 10 mins Client satisfaction: Book now to receive our #antiwrinkle promotion for November! #antiwrinkle #iloveantiwrinkletreatment #nurseinjector #cosmeticnurseinjector #lovewhatyoudo #botox #juvederm #southeastsuburbs #lips #cheeks #nolines #goawaylines #aestheticsbyandrea #dbcosmetictattooing
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