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A Father and Son Lawn mowing


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22.01.2022 The Prime Minister Surely will respond to the Fact that Councils all over the Nation have been operating outside of the law, they have been misleading Courts will prosecuting Land Manager/owners when in fact they had thousands of Kilometers Locally and tens of thousands of acres themselves infested and released to the environment for the Last 30 years, Add to that the Fact that NPWS, Main Roads, SEQW and the NSW Variant, Energex, Ergon, Rail all operate outside of the Bio Sec...Continue reading

22.01.2022 City Greens are the Most lethal animals in Australia as are the Climate change Groups, in my world it is very difficult to show the Pre fire Story and the exten...t of the Crimes but these pictures actually do a really good job of it if you look hard and study, this is what the fuel loads look like over 20 million Hectares, Not one animal can move at Ground level in this material and its only between stage 1 and Stage 2 here. If you look hard you can see many dead tree trunks that you don't notice at first, but in most shots at least 2 trees in every 10 are completely dead, and the lantana Camara here in these pictures is only 6 to 10 meters deep and a complete sea of it, soon in Stage 3 it goes vertical and this happens after all cattle are out. The Greens hands off policies are responsible for the Pure Forest destruction of the last 4 million Hectares to be Destroyed along with every living thing in the current fires. Lantana Camara could not destroy the 20 Million Hectares without the Greens lack of knowledge, You see it thrives in the areas that are the least managed so the Governments lands are the most poorly protected in our nation and they are the Greatest threat to land ownership in our Nation, To understand the Deadly threats that fires pose to you and your Family you need to be educated and wake up. The Fires in Australia today that are killing people did not come from next door usually, they came from the National Parks in every Case of a Major fire in the last 2 years, and the fuel loads in these pictures show at ground level the thickness of lantana Camara but what you never see from your point of view is Lantana Kills all the trees it climbs over, and when it goes Vertical so the Dead Fuel load of GUMTREES is staggering per acre, But what you did not know is it kills all the smaller trees much earlier than this as it drowns out the sunlight to them and poisons the Ground suppressing all other vegetation with its lilliopathic leaves, So its not Climate Change Crap that Causes these fires and that is why the Fires for 2 and 1/2 years have been a Constant increase in massive Canopy Fires. In My World for the last 40 + Years I have destroyed many myths created to try to turn their backs on Australia's worst weed and I have actually filmed and taken pictures of this to help people understand what is actually happening in Real time, so this property is actually Fantastic compared to the ones surrounding it and that is horrific on its own, because any fire coming through any of these properties are already going to be raging inferno's and absolutely impossible to do anything with, because these materials run off the roads like this and are the Cause of all this lantana having flooded illegally from the entire roads system above and all the way across the Mount Mee range, the exact same terrain and materials are all through Qld and NSW that is currently burning and why for Decades I have been warning people that this was coming. But it has fallen on deaf ears with many people still today doing nothing at all about protecting their homes, instead they will wait until its all gone and then join the others saying Well we are alive, when really your Homeless, Broke and GOT no Future because the Home is gone which was a large part of your property Value, Your entire neighbor hood and Community is gone and today not many people are going to want to buy anywhere near where the Government Created these monster fires are they? now that is Post fire reality. The Premiers emergency Services says that if you do not leave you will die, if you prepared your homes and land well then your homes will survive? I was very angry to hear people actually being told this. The truth is in all of these communities there is no chance of survival for you or your homes and here on Mount Mee, Mount Glorious and much of Samford, Dayboro, Petrie, Mount Cootha, there is no hope at all for you or your homes, with many of the areas being absolute death traps with 1 or 2 ways in or out so your likely hood of escaping these materials that line the roads and flooded down 100 to 200 meters off the roads above, like this example and down a mountain side will mean the intensity of the Fires, mean you and your children are dead because the Current policies of run away only work with slower moving fires. All steep terrain and elevated fires do not work that way, Now I only listed a few places here, every where is under threat and these fires are currently running over 100 kilometers long with some a Thousand kilometers with tiny patches between them which will soon fill in. Wake Up Australia is a Very good phrase in this case, illegally Grown lantana Camara on Roadsides is Australia's Greatest Criminal act and here is the easiest explanation, as it flows off the Roads which are head waters, the water leaves this area and flows to every single water course, riparian area, dam and then the sea, Lantana Camara loves and I SAY LOVES water, every time it gets 25 Mm of water it reseeds, it flowers and Reseeds, yes I repeated that because you did not understand what it meant the first time. This Incredible Trait of this plant made it what it is today, Australia's worst plant, It burns like petrol, but if you poison it then it Burns like Napalm on a Good day and a Atomic bomb in High winds, But its Greatest or worst Attribute is its love of Water and in 158 Years I was the First person to prove its seeds float, they always knew about its love of water and that its seeding on Roadsides at the rate of 6,000 + new plants for every single plant Growing there or 4 Completely covered acres PER YEAR, so when this materials was illegally Allowed to consume our range Country by the Criminals in National Parks then this BOMB was already primed and the Pin had been pulled from the Grenade, But your Councils who were supposed to protect you and your Family joined National Parks and TMR in the Destruction of over 30 million Hectares in Queensland alone and more area in NSW. SO as Lantana Floods down from the Ranges and the roads and is carried on the water it consumes more land faster today than it has ever in the History of our Nation then why did they give up. But the worst part of that is its illegal to allow it to leave the property it is on so how were the Criminals meeting their legal obligations to you, your Family, your the Environment, to our lands, To our Heritage? well that is something you will need to look into legally as you seek compensation for the deaths of all living things and your Family members in these fires and something that you must ask the Prime Minister and Premiers of all states as QLD and NSW specifically have had this information for 4 years and done nothing at all except dig a Massive hole for themselves that when the legal nightmare does start, then there is going to be some interesting Jailing's I can tell you. But the Greens and Climate change Groups are so uneducated that they cannot identify Lantana Camara growing on all roads and water Courses, which was your early warning of what is happening today, because what you can see is nothing compared to how far it flowed downstream !!!! it destroys all river banks, Creek banks and riparian zones as it destroys and weakens all life along them, its to shallow rooted to hold anything so once again the Not for Profits owned by the Governments lie to you in stating its better than nothing, But How Stupid are you? and I mean that as a Bloody serious Question? our water ways were lined with Australia Vegetation now these morons who were given a Piece of paper that stated I am a Bush Regenerator on it and now these people owned by our Criminals in Government are saying Lantana Camara illegally grown down Government lands and water courses which then flow across all private lands down stream are better off now because lantana Camara and other weeds are the only materials left on the banks? Can you tell me what happened to the Vegetation that was there before you illegally allowed 30 to 50 years of this materials to consume these lands? I am very serious about this and you must understand how huge this devastation is. The fires that rage come raging up these funnels following the Lantana Camara which is burning like petrol and destroying anything that the lantana did not get before? are you understanding this now. The fact that lantana Fought for 30 to 50 years to destroy these water courses and had opponents, but today they have none thanks to the fires Caused by Criminals, so when the seeds flood back down, they will consume EVERYTHING and do it in a time line, that is the stuff my nightmares are made of. In our Government there are no experts only Criminals, they Caused the fires you see, and the message here is this begins with the fires not ends with it, You cannot deal with lantana camara with Fire, National Parks Criminals have been doing this for 50 years and we now have 20 million Hectares when we had 5 Million In 2009 so are you getting the magnitude of this, and why the Premiers Criminally lowered its Classification illegally around 2016? that is a Fact !!!!! SO what was the plan? They admit they Screwed up and Completely lost control and then Gave up, they were advised to give up by Bio Security Criminals in QLD and NSW who were supposed to protect our Environment as were National Parks Criminals so with all that I have told you and shown you, the Real information you need to understand is I am Australia's only 40 + year expert in Permanent Lantana Eradication so when I tell you we better start Caring about this because this is the beginning and not the end. As Lantana Camara floods these bare water courses and the Competition is completely wiped out. The new spread rates will be off the charts here as will be the new lands consumed illegally, and those lands will be private lands. Koala's are all the rage and the news, the Koala Groups are really Cashing in on this Fire Bonanza, yipppeeeee? Did you know that there are no Koala's in Stage 2 and Stage 3 Lantana ? Seriously did you know that? Did you know that all the experts in Koala's Knew this? then why did they not say something? Did you know that they all knew that Lantana Camara has been killing Billions of Gumtrees for the last 30 Years through NSW and QLD? why did they not say anything? But hold on they told you in Commercials it was Farmers and land Clearing that is killing them? and they said nothing at all ever about this? Even Australia Zoo was given a gift of $45,000 to destroy lantana on their own lands from the Annastacia Palaszczuk Government and she paid Huge amounts to set up this Koala Expert Committee and they have said nothing at all about it? But the Gift proves they either Knew the lethal nature of Lantana Camara to the Koala and its habitat or they just are into giving gifts of $45,000 dollars of our money. This Scam is a Bloody Disgrace and the fires are a bonanza for all the wildlife groups who said nothing. The Truth is all of the Koala Corridors, most are lands that no Koala's are in because of the Lantana Camara growing there, but on paper it sounds great when your Premier and Prime Minister come to Brisbane for a Briefing by the expert panel they own who said nothing about this fact. But you need to understand that Nothing lives in or Under Stage 2 and Stage 3 Lantana Camara so its not the Bloody Koala's you need to worry about, under the Current Annastacia Palaszczuk Government they have destroyed more animals in the last 3 years then any have before them in 3 decades and the exact same can be said for NSW who have the exact same policies of illegally Growing lantana on roadsides and National Parks, What is Really interesting is they say its to costly to deal with Lantana Camara because they Grew 85% of all Stocks? I wonder how cheap its been for the nation so far in the last 2 and 1/2 years to deal with the Consequences? But dealing with the Consequences has seen bigger increases in the BEAST, so you Failed on every single level and you have a $250 Billion Dollar low Risk Problem Burning over 3 States and this year the increase will be another $40 Billion Dollars plus the Fires, the Cost of Fire Fighting, the Infrastructure Costs, Insurance costs, and the deaths, I listed them last because our Government cannot protect you, Yet our Premier went begging to President Trump to please send us his holiday makers because she has bankrupted our Nation, I think that idiotic Fool making this plea just sums up everything about this person. I mean talk about morally Challenged then her and the Federal tourism Minister blowing his horn about the new Kylie Minogue ads campaign being a massive hit, Are you bloody serious at this time, people are fleeing for their lives across 3 states and your promoting WHAT? you idiots Talk about morally Challenged. The conclusion is that in 158 Years that lantana Camara has been destroying our lands and our Heritage, Nothing lives in or under Stage 2 and Stage 3 Infestations and the Fires it Creates wipes out everything clearing the way for the next wave, The way it stores its seeds means that it is waiting for our next flood to expand its influence of tens of millions of hectares in the next few years and thanks to the Criminals leading our nation and the ones behind them with absolutely no knowledge or ability then this is guaranteed to continue until the fires are so large that we see thousands killed and 10,000 plus homes destroyed in single month or season, and its coming quickly, remember we made history in Qld in October 2019 with 2 entire rainforests completely destroyed because of lantana camara fueled fires raging up range country and Straight through the Rain forests. Who was it that Secretly Created World History and why? by Illegally lowering the Classification on Australia's worst weed? What was the Motivation and Plan? Because that is the Real cause of these fires in 3 States today, Not the Droughts, not Climate change and the staggering part is it is and always was illegal so what were they thinking and planning? Garry 0449 986 880 Lantana Removal Queensland for all your Lantana eradication and Removal operations with over 40 + years experience all over QLD and NSW

22.01.2022 Keeping up the pressure on those who are breaking the law, it is interesting that Government Departments and Councils are so willing to Break the law and to lie and misslead the public while doing it really is of interest, what is really more concerning is the Fact that the Courts are involved in this scam. Regularly the Courts find in the Councils Favor as they consider them experts all while the Councils openly and happily admit they are breaking the law across the nation? ...Are we considered to be that stupid or that easily run down. I accept that the Courts if they knew of this might just have a different policy in place as they are being willfully deceived and used illegally with information, But then the CCC has proven openly just how Corrupt the Whole entire Council system is. The legal side of this entire discussion will in the very near future cause Mr Turnbull and Both QLD and NSW Premiers to sit up and take notice. SO I look forward to the point at which they find their phones and decide we better get serious about weeds before we weed them all right out of Office. Illegal activities the place the lives of our Children, Families and every living being in our Country in Danger cannot be tolerated at all. See more

21.01.2022 Once again we need your Help, There has never been more need to stand up against Councils and Government to protect our Flora and Fauna which then includes our Children's Financial future as the costs of their illegal activities will be all we leave behind.

19.01.2022 It was said late last year that some Government land that is heavily infested is now being cleared with the purpose of then Forcing Private land owners to clean up their properties of the infestations that came from the Crown lands and Council lands in the First place, what do you think about this or feel about it? SO please Join our Lantana Removal Queensland Group and add your voice to this fight before it becomes to late?

18.01.2022 WE Clear where others Fear, and that is the simplest way to sum up our services, we are all about bringing safety to Families lives by taming their Jungles. Many of the Land owners had absolutely no idea how big of a time bomb they were sitting on. So Call Garry or Joel today on 0408875815 visit our web page

17.01.2022 Before Summer gets here its now time to dig out the Old Garden or yard demolition to make way for the new look, Storm Damage, Trees Down and all sorts of other issues then we have you covered, from Driveways removed to whole demolitions, We have 40 years of experience in Building and Construction so we know how to get it out. WE are local to Brisbane's northside so give Garry a Call today 0449 986 880 We operate out of Narangba

17.01.2022 Here is the actual link to the U Tube video, please share this world wide no matter where you are as this lethal problems need to be made public to save people ...before they get killed or there families loose so much money. Even if you have no interest in Farming or Families, Please take a couple of minutes to make a difference to My Families Health and Safety and Like, or Not, Comment, Subscribe and more importantly share this all over Facebook and all other medias to save Lives, This is Not Click Bait this is real and in my case and others I now know of because of this are not the only deadly Tractors out there and in my Experience with Agco/ Massey Ferguson Australia there is not one ounce of Warranty Back up at all, they will never return your call about Lethal defects, since the Tractor has been repaired for the Blown Diff, it has Many Lethal defects listed still but I have not had one call from either the Manufacturer Agco/ Massey Ferguson or North Pine Motors about the lethal equipment listed here but not limited to the defects I have listed. it's only been about 4 weeks so far with intermittent steering, no power, bound up inside, on a 20 to 30 % slope in the morning you can start it and leave it there with no Brakes on and all implements up and it will stay for you. if your driving it and turn the wheels unless you open the throttle right up it will stop even though you were driving down the 20 degree slope. SO please Friends and people just cruising through help or Family as it costs you nothing to make this viral for a good cause as no Families in the world should suffer this ever, Farming is hard enough as it is. See more

16.01.2022 Slashing and large acreage mowing on the northside of Brisbane with steep terrain, We also Remove Trees, Garden beds, also digging new Garden beds to save your Back so give Garry or Joel a Call today to get things under control before the real summer storms hit and the Chaos begins.

15.01.2022 The Real Question for the Premiers of NSW and Qld, as well as the Prime Minister, is in the form of the Premiers Statement that Councils were responsible for Inspection and Enforcement on all Crown lands and that she is not responsible for the Criminal actions of Departments that her Government control? What do you think? So you have every single Government department operating illegally and You State that it is the Councils that failed the Australian Nation by failing to do...Continue reading

15.01.2022 This is a must see for anyone affected by Lantana and Farming.

15.01.2022 How Much is your Families life worth seems like a Harsh intro to a topic but in some cases its simply the fact of some ownership of properties, we live in a world where people do very silly things or they sometimes do them on purpose but the consequences can be monstrously bad. In these pictures, this can be many many places in Australia, With the lantana methods being trialed and used being the ones that Governments told people to use or try, Look at poisons here in these pi...ctures and see the total moon space of absolutely deadly material just waiting for a spark, the cost of the Treatments are huge, the moral costs is something that no one deals with, as how much is killed above and below the soil and the truth is the Lantana will come back eventually from this better as there is no rivals at all, the animals and microbiology is none, but at least they went off to die so no one needs to worry about that, The Nutrients to the soil are completely gone as they went with the Microbiology, but what scares me even worse then every single one of those issues and they do scare me, Fire, can you imagine the fire coming up from a sea of this material on a slope like this with the material already into the trees canopy as these pictures show? The actual home is at the top of these areas. Lantana burns well enough to be a very serious problem when it is alive but when its like this is in the pictures you can see what I am talking about, the Deadliness of this menace to People and to animals is devastating, and poisonous to other animals. WE have lost Millions upon millions of Hectares of land to this menace in Queensland alone and I can't imagine what that is Country wide, in other pictures to come you can see how impossible it is for animals to use any of this land once it is infected in this way, its We can claim your land back for you and set you on the path of making your paradise what you want it to be, Property Values plummet when this menace moves in. So Please Call Garry or Joel Today to take control and make your lives safer 0466716830 See more

13.01.2022 Sometimes when you buy a new property you need a complete demolition of the Gardens given that there is no light getting into the House then we can handle every part of it. we cover all of Brisbane and have the gear to get the Job done. Call today to make a Mole Hill out of your Mountain.

13.01.2022 As the summer season fast approaches we are ready to get Slashing. We operate out of Narangba north of Brisbane and also do Lantana eradication, Yard Clean ups and Dumping of Cars, Deceased estates and Council Clean up orders, So call Garry or Joel today on 0466 716 830

13.01.2022 Sometimes we are faced with quite massive jobs to clear or clean up, but we always get them done. We systematically attack the problem and work our way through. Even where the problem is lantana it really is 40 years of practice and knowledge that allows me and Joel to systematically exterminate the the foe. I really have a thing about Lantana and even though I don't use chemicals, I have completely cleared and cleaned it out so many times from so many properties and places t...hat it really is beatable. There is a great deal of satisfaction in turning a wasteland back into usable and beautiful Australian bush-land or home. We do everything from mowing right through to Acreage mowing and slashing, as well we have Excavator and Tipper as well as an 18 inch chipper so we cover everything, and with a large 4 wheel drive tractor we do slashing as well all around the North Brisbane areas. We also specialize in Council clean up orders where they want properties cleared and cleaned up, while this is often not cheap work with removing large amounts of materials we do have many years of experience in this field of work. We also do mowing and property maintenance as well as tree lopping and removal from small scale to very large, where we have to climb to take done trees, we can handle it all. With our earthmoving gear we also do under house digs and dirt removal, we also have places to dump clean fill at very reasonable rates as well as vegetation and trees. We do offer great deals were the trees are of interest to us, Ironbark, Gum species. So Give us a call should you need things taken down and cleaned up, never let the trees around your house get to big because there is one Guarantee in life and that is no matter how big it gets it will fall down, but the cost difference and safety difference in year after year of leaving them means sometimes many thousands of dollars to ten thousand dollars in extreme cases where if they fall they not only take your house but the neighbors as well and with suing being so popular its a nightmare you want nothing to do with. We have people were they cannot let their children play in their own yard because of the Gum trees next door shedding massive limbs onto their shed and yard that would have killed their children but instead destroyed the roof structure of their double Garage shed.

11.01.2022 I also do Slashing and Fire management, Trees are very important this time of year with the Westerlies howling it a time when things fall on Houses so for Emergency Calls Call the best with all the Knowledge of Construction means I am expert at minimizing damage which is huge when trees fall onto Structures. To often People Cause much more damage because they don't understand the construction or the loads that occur as weights change when Cutting things up. With over yes Professional experience in so many fields it means that I save you money by getting it right and your also supporting a Small local Queensland Family rather than a Multi National owned giant who could not care less about our community or needs. so call Garry today on 0449 986 880

10.01.2022 The Real costs with Lantana come from Mistakes being made, But there is no point turning to Government at this stage as they do not understand it at all and that is despite Billions being spent over a 100 years and nothing being learned from it as each and every study and paper was a rehash of old works and this is something we Must stop. WE must be Training communities in how to eradicate Lantana, But more importantly we need identification early which is the key in bringin...Continue reading

07.01.2022 As we dig further into this mess that is the current situation with Lantana and other Noxious weeds that are completely out of Control, it then demands that the Government organised,as soon as possible sit down negotiations on how this mess is going to get actioned and what future Funding will be allocated to the New Eradication plans which must incorporate at least a 5 year minimum package that then can start to haul in the True Growth rate and real time levels of infestatio...n as it is obvious that the so called 5 million Hectares are not even close to the real infestation levels out there and they must also understand that its not just a matter of eradication but also of reforestation and rejuvenation of the areas as well as understanding that this also links to Global warming issues and Habitat losses in Australia with more animals being denied access to clean water and Food because of these massive Government owned infestations which we have only started to film but the shear volume of these infestations make that a immense Task on its own where we should be filming the areas that are being Eradicated from the areas of most importance and they must be ethically removed which has never been done in the past, with much of what is done is illegal in both nature and also actually illegal because of the codes that are in place and they are actually correct. We can not only achieve those out comes but we can do it Environmentally ethically where the poisoning of the whole Eco system under the now used system does not achieve, the Highway of Micro Rizal Fungi that then distributes that poison equally through all sub soil Plants and organisms that poisons all living things in the very ecosystem that we are trying to rescue and save, This actual mentality must stop in allowing Damage caused to be something we go back later to try to undo instead of doing it correctly the First time and spend a little more money up front doing it ethically and systematically so as not to destroy the Foundations we will need later while rebuilding the system. There are some amazing Facts I am trying to share and also get the message to people that this is a ticking time bomb like Global warming that has been allowed to get rolling that should never have happened but now that it has then we must force the Governments to action it with Hast, Vim and Vigor to not just stop it but turn it back, to stop Hiding behind Bad science and also Findings that do not match or work in the Field, We can teach everyone how to take control of their lands and their neighborhoods with National Pride that we see this Creeping Cancer like many others be stopped in their Tracks quickly and then turned around to be totally eradicated where ever it shows up and is identified. Please keep tuned as the amount of filming in real locations increases expediently until action takes place as Your Voice does really matter and will be heard. See more

07.01.2022 A Tremendous amount of our work is actually done on very steep blocks in very difficult conditions but it is the work that we really enjoy doing because, WE CLEAR WHERE OTHERS FEAR. and with that as our moto we are The Jungle Busters. This job had been turned down by many earthmoving contractors as being impossible and we made it work easily, Just as a note here we actually do the almost impossible but that costs allot more money so we never really rule out options. We are th...e Ultimate specialists in coming up with solutions, These Lovely land owners had even gone as far as using hired man power and Wow did that get costly and worse it got messy. Those man power solutions run at about 10 times our costs in similar solutions + I am yet to see a job well done as they get more and more tired as the days go on and care less and less, just wanting to be out of it. Other services we do include Placement of materials down to steep areas like this, Narrow access is a big thing for us whether we are carting in or we are carting out we have many specialty ways of uniquely dealing with tight access. WE also do Slashing in many areas as well as Large scale Lantana removal so check us out at See more

06.01.2022 This is going to be incredible as this information Spreads, There is so much information that is to be shared and there is allot that individuals can make a difference to our Countries Future. Holding Mr Turnbull, The QLD and NSW Premier is the Future and with this information shared and acted on it will do that, We must Vote on Issues like this so that a clear Message is sent. The Only Politician that has shown any interest in these issues it Mr Lloyd Russell, He is the only... one, others have given lip service and then when they get the information then they run away, I was disappointing in One Nation as there was good strong talk and then oh well we will get back to you in a couple of weeks if we can do anything, Katter Party has never responded, Mr Bill Shorten, Nothing at all, Susan Lamb Nothing at all, So I Say again Mr Lloyd Russell has come up with Non Stop People to contact, Directions to take it, Issues related to Local needs and Problems. His Knowledge has surprised me in such a broad nature so I will be backing him now from here on in with the Longman By Election and that is solely because he is the only one that has had any input, We need Hungry People that are the Peoples People, I am sick of Major Parties that talk the talk like one nation that then say but we are to busy running up to this election, But when you think about it if they are not interested in issues before the get office then what can we expect after they are in power? The seriousness of Lantana and how it affects everyone in the Country then we best demand attention Now before they have another 3 years of Rubbish with no policies or Actions. See more

06.01.2022 So sad that they do this and endanger lives will fully while refusing to Fix their lethal Tractor

06.01.2022 I am just about to turn the heat up on Mr Turnbull, and all the Major Departments that are causing the miss information as well as the NSW and QLD Premiers to Reign in the illegal conduct of the Councils across the Country so Share the heck out of the information and join into the discussions about your own local areas as this is the way to bring the Councils and other land managers into line to eradicate the weeds of National Significance.

04.01.2022 Just a day at the office removing pools for people and rebuilding rotten fences, replacing rotten retaining walls or collapsed ones.

04.01.2022 I am going to piss people off here but lives must be the Number 1 priority, this video shows the horrific lack of Training and knowledge of QFES and the NSW equivalent, Firstly people are not heros that drive through fire, The persons that ordered them to drive through flames should be Charged, the Crew chief and section chief should be Charged and the Fire services should be held accountable for the loss of the Assets. Did you watch the video? Seriously watch it then this is...Continue reading

03.01.2022 With summer coming there are many people removing Gardens and Retaining walls, so give us a Call and we can make it easy

01.01.2022 With Government and Council elections upon us, then it is important to look at Government Spread rates of Lantana camara. Fun Fact, did you know they say in dry conditions and terrain then Lantana Camara spreads at 400 new plants per year for every single plant so in the second year that is 400 X 400 = 160,000 so the third year 160,000 times 400 = 64,000,000 yes that is 64 Million from one single plant in just 3 years and those are Government figures, and remember nothing at...Continue reading

01.01.2022 In some of these pictures the lantana was over 30 feet deep and absolutely impenetrable so it took massive efforts to clear it out and rejuvenate the land there

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