Afghan Students' Club in Adelaide, South Australia | Community organisation
Afghan Students' Club
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Address: University of South Australia, City West Campus 5000 Adelaide, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Maria Rahimi Position: Event Manager Degree: Bachelor of Medical Radiation (Medical Imaging) Year: Second Taking the role of Event Manager in ASA, could provide me to undertake some professional development and skills. Additionally, I am so excited to use this opportunity to connect and encourage other students by organising some surprising and exciting events for diverse students. Apart from this role, I have been a Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS) leader for UniSA College since 2018. Working with diverse students from the last few years, this enabled to build effective teamwork and bring up some amazing ideas for students that would not be only specific to afghan students or culture, but any students could join and have fun.
24.01.2022 INFORMATION!!! For all UNISA student's who wish to find out more about higher education, come to MC building, Mawson Lakes campus this Wednesday from 5-7:30pm. This event is organised by the Bangladeshi Student Society and will be useful for all.
23.01.2022 Due to the rainy weather last time, we are holding the ASA beach day again this Saturday. Come along with your friends and high school students are welcome- food and drinks provided plus there will be a beach volleyball game.
23.01.2022 Mussa Ahmadi Position: Treasurer Degree: Bachelor of Law (Hons) and Bachelor of Business (Economics, Finance and Trade) Year: Third I’ve been interested in joining the Afghan Student Club (formerly known as Afghan Student Association) for a while. After meeting one of the executive members during an event, I was then invited to assist ASA with their Eid event held last year. The purpose of the club, to organise and to encourage Afghan tertiary students to attend social events in a friendly environment was what resonated with me the most. I would like to pursue this purpose and help the students to better network amongst themselves, within university and the broader community.
22.01.2022 Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the social distancing rules in place, Afghan Students UniSA have come up with an idea to engage with our audience. We are going to run a series of monthly topics consisting of weekly questions to find out Your Perspective. These series are a way for us to understand your perspective of the relative topics to help us arrange workshops in the future to address those issues. Rule #1 Answers will be posted on our story but your names and identity will be kept anonymous. #2 Be respectful of everyone on this platform as any form of disrespect will not be tolerated #3 If you dont want your answers posted on our story please let us know in your reply. The weekly questions will be posted every Sunday at 6pm.
21.01.2022 The following tournament is open for everyone to join. Details are below.
21.01.2022 Hey everyone, hope your holidays are going well. Flinders University are seeking your assistance with a survey on the use of public space and in return you will receive $15 electronic voucher. See information on the link:...
20.01.2022 A Literary conversation with jawad Khavari, who is a renowned writer and scholar!! ASA is proud to be part of the team bringing this together for the Afghan community!! Beneficial for all so come along and bring your friends!!
20.01.2022 Hello everyone, There is an opportunity to be casted in an upcoming TV series in SA. The details and contact are below:... If you are interested contact: Allison Meadows - Casting Director Email: [email protected] Ph: (02) 9331 6613 STATELESS - ABC TV Series casting search The project is called STATELESS, the details are below. Its a very powerful and moving drama series, 6 x 1 hour episodes for ABC TV. We are just in the process of creating a casting flyer which outlines this information and invites people to apply. I will send that to you as soon as its ready in the next day or two. We will also be posting all casting information on our facebook page in the next few days Anyone who is interested can apply and well then ask them if theyd like to audition for one of the roles (if they are suitable, age, cultural background etc) or if they would be interested in being one of our background extras when filming commences in late May. All roles are fully paid, the rates as set by Actors Equity which is the union for performers in Australia. SYNOPSIS A powerful and timely series about belonging and identity, STATELESS is the story of four strangers whose lives collide at a refugee detention centre in the middle of the Australian desert. STATELESS SERIES INFORMATION Matchbox Pictures and Dirty Films Co-Creators - Elise McCredie and Cate Blanchett Writers - Elise McCredie and Belinda Chayko Directors - Emma Freeman and Jocelyn Moorhouse Executive Producers - Cate Blanchett, Tony Ayres, Elise McCredie and Liz Watts Producers - Sheila Jayadev and Paul Ranford Casting: Mullinars Casting Consultants FILMING DATES: 27th May 4th August (Some roles might be a day or two of work, other might be several weeks of work) LOCATIONS: Adelaide and Port Augusta
20.01.2022 Hamid Abdul Baseer Position: Vice President Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Structural) Year: Second... Afghan Students Club (ASC) at UniSA provides a great platform and opportunity for Afghan and Non-Afghan communities to connect, exchange ideas and share their values. I’m beyond honored to work as the new vice president alongside an amazing group of individuals at ASC. With our passion and hard work, we will introduce the Afghan culture in UniSA and South Australia from a unique perspective to paint a brighter picture. We have plenty of social, academic and sporting events planned ahead already. We welcome your ideas and contributions in any form to help us deliver our goals and make this club even better for all its members. Feel free to reach out to me or the club if you want to join the club or have any suggestions for ASC. I am looking forward to a great year ahead and wish you all the best!
19.01.2022 Spiced is here again: this Thursday 17th October 5-7pm at Student Lounge, City West Campus. Come along with your friends to try tasty food from different cultures and meet other students. We are setting up a stall and the theme is street food- so come along and have some amazing Afghan street food! #spiced #unisabusinessschool #yourculturemyculture
19.01.2022 Join us at cultural night to support the Afghan Stall- we will be wearing our traditional clothes so make sure to dress your best in your traditional attire as there are prizes for the best stall and prizes for best dressed and in the past 2 years Afghans have won the best dressed Lets keep up the tradition of winning the best dressed award
19.01.2022 A big thank you to the ASA Dance Group who put up a wonderful dance. A special thanks to @shekev12 for the amazing choreography and @murtazaaa101 for organising the dance group @ Brookman Hall
19.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who joined us at the 2019 Quiz Night hosted by @aatsa.adelaide and @afghanstudentsassociation. It was a wonderful first collaboration! Both teams enjoyed all the hard work and planning for the Quiz Night. We hope you all enjoyed the night as much as we did! Dont forget to join us at our general meetings to be a part of more events such as this one where you will have fun and meet a lot of new people. Dm us or comment below if you any suggestions for future events or any comments about the Quiz Night! @ Union House Computer Suite - Adelaide Uni
18.01.2022 Quiz night- Last day to purchase tickets through Eventbrite at $10. So hurry and get yours now.Quiz night- Last day to purchase tickets through Eventbrite at $10. So hurry and get yours now.
18.01.2022 It was great to see so many volunteers at the briefing session for cultural night 2019 hosted by @adelaide University retract club. Our team will be volunteering to represent our Culture this year by showcasing food, artifacts, flags and music at the Afghanistan Stall. Head to the cultural Night 2019 fb event page to get your student tickets. If there is anything that your find should represent our culture such as activities like henna, calligraphy then leave a comment below or inbox us your ideas.
18.01.2022 Join us on the 5th of July for AATSA & ASAs first ever collab for QUIZ NIGHT 2019! Open to all tertiary students and professionals. Open to all tertiary students and professionals, the evening will consist of 4 mind bending quizzes covering a variety of topics, as well as games in between to keep the night lighthearted and friendly! So come along, meet other students & professionals and unwind after all that exam stress! ... Could the timing be more perfect? Venue: Eclipse Room, Level 4 Union House, University of Adelaide Entry fee: $10 (finger food, pizza and refreshments included) Register: Registrations through Eventbrite close 3rd of July - get your seats early before they sell out! *we WILL NOT be accepting registrations at the door due to catering purposes* Note: Please bring gold coins for games we will play and to go in the running for your chance at winning the raffle prizes! For more information contact: Hayda Ibrahimi - 0452 413 315 Farahnaz Haidari - 0469 073 987
18.01.2022 Fatima Salihi Position: President Degree: Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science and Honours Cohort As the President for the 2020/21, I would love to serve the Afghan Student’s Club with full dedication and passion. With the support of my amazing team members, I would like to take the advantage of this role and focus more on our youth’s academic and personal development. However, our social networking and community events will also continue. I believe this will be an extreme ...leadership position that entails looking for new and innovative ideas to accomplish so many fantastic things that will benefit our students and community. Thus, I highly encourage you all to participate, make the most out of the events and share your experiences to advantage others. Please feel free to contact us and share your ideas
17.01.2022 Happy new year everyone Wishing you all an amazing and wonderful 2021
13.01.2022 Only 2 days to go... ASA is really excited to announce that it is time for a fun day at the beach! You can either chill at the beach on the grass with a beautiful view and with the wonderful company of friends playing games and chatting or you can join others for a friendly volleyball competition and various other games. We will meet you all near the playground behind the beach house Glenelg. We cant wait for Sunday! It is for all tertiary and high school students. So bring your friends along.
12.01.2022 2019 Executive Board Nominations are now OPEN!! ASA has continuously worked hard to provide Afghan student's with a wide range of events for the past 4 years and wish to continue to prosper and provide even better events in the future. ASA is the voice of Afghan student's at UNISA, if you would like your voice heard then nominate yourself for any of the following positions;... - President - Secretary - Treasurer - Events Officer - Marketing Officer
12.01.2022 We had such amazing models for the fashion show, all of them looked stunning in their Traditional attire and and the audience picked the traditional Hazaragi dresses and the two young boys won the audiences hearts. @ Brookman Hall
11.01.2022 It is quite remarkable to see the how the same circumstances can create different situation for different people and how it affects every individual differently. Here are some of the responses to our first question: How has COVID-19 affected your life? Responses: Limitation of movement, fear between people, no motivation and of course shortage of toilet paper. Got quarantined for 14 days and cant get out! Social life is affected, no catch up with friends no social...isation due to the social distancing rules. I have been saving money, previously a fair portion of it would go towards eating out. Realising that everything is temporary. We can plan but, Allah is the best planner! I am living the dream of having more sleep and game time , I am not complaining at all. I have learnt how to cook for the family because mum said so! Study wise it hasnt been good! I prefer to attend face to face classes and its one of the reasons I decided to enrol in my degree. Now I have to change my habit and get used to inline study. It is difficult because there are so many distractions at home and its harder to focus. Now it takes me twice as long to do the same amount of work. Hasnt changed that much for me to be honest. Still going to work like always. It gave me back the 3 hours every day to do the things I didnt have time to do due to the commute to work. Please share your thoughts in the comments below about the answers or if you wanted us to ask a question you think is quite interesting. Stay tuned for the second part of the question this Sunday and hope you will participate as your answers can open up a different point of view for someone who may be struggling in this difficult time. After all it is about Your Perspective See more
11.01.2022 A fellow Tertiary student has emailed us to better understand the situation of the Afghan Diaspora in Australia to help with their research. Please read and dm us your answers or comment below. I am writing to you as part of my research project on the Afghan diaspora and community in Australia that I am currently undertaking as an undergraduate student at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra. This project aims at highlighting the main priorities, needs, and c...oncerns of the Afghan diaspora in Australia. Thus, I am interested in everything involving the Afghan community (events, associations, initiatives, networks, etc.) as well as the Embassy of Afghanistan and its actions towards the Afghans in Australia. In order to help with my research, I would like to ask you a few questions that you may answer by returning this email. - How would you describe the Afghan diaspora in Australia? At your level? - What is, if anything, missing to the Afghan community in Australia? At your level? - What are, if any, the main emerging priorities of the Afghan diaspora in Australia? At your level? Please note that your answers will neither be used as evidence for my report nor included in it. The purpose of this process is only personal as it will help me better identify the main priorities of the Afghan diaspora in Australia.
10.01.2022 Hey everyone, We are holding an insightful event next Wednesday. *Legal Rights (workplace) with Leah Marrone.... Come along to the session with your friends and ask any questions you might have about your legal rights in the workplace. The details are below.
10.01.2022 Less than 4 days left- Quiz night happening on Friday. Open to all Tertiary students and professionals. Its bigger and better this year and its the first ever collaboration with AATSA . Wonderful timing to unwind from all the exam stress so come along and meet other students and professionals and enjoy the quizzes, games, raffle prizes and food and snacks. Get your tickets through Eventbrite: A special thanks to our sponsors Lazziz Afghan Cuisine and Modern Kebab & Pizza House
09.01.2022 We are collaborating with various associations in Adelaide to hold Culture Night. We will be having our own stall, wearing traditional attire and providing food. Plus there is an award for best dressed so come along and dress to impress.... Click the link to get your tickets!
08.01.2022 It was a pleasure to meet with Minh Tan PHAM the advisor to Peter Malinauskas MP Leader of the Opposition. We met for a meeting to discuss the issues and problems the Afghan Youth face in Australia. Some topics discussed included the cultural clash, getting citizenship, mental health and the stigma attached to it, discrimination faced by women who wear the head scarf and a few other issues and problems. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to voice our opinion and to acknowledge that these issues do exist and the youth are trying to fight these issues everyday. The only way forward is forward and that is what our youth is trying to achieve so lets be a positive support system to the youth.
08.01.2022 The pictures are finally here from the ASA EID night! It was a wonderful community event consisting of dance, fashion show, live music and tabla, games and raffle prizes. @ Brookman Hall
08.01.2022 Such a lovely video all the way from Bendigo showing that adversity can always be overcome! If you guys have videos such as this that you would like us to share on our Facebook page than please do send us a message.
08.01.2022 Zahra Bayani Degree: Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honors) Year: First I will be serving as the secretary for the 2020/21. Happy and excited to work with the executive team to bring some fun and youthful events for students. ... I have extensive experience in youth leadership and empowerment, project planning and management and team building and cohesion. Having acquired these skills and knowledge I decided to join this club and give back and do something for the community. I hope to portray and exemplify the benefits of getting involved in extra curricular activities and developing skills that are not taught in textbooks. I am the recipient of Minister of Education’s Award of Leadership in Languages and Cultures for 2020. I am a big believer of hard work and dedication. Life is all about getting out of your comfort zone and making the most of opportunities. If you would like to be part of our club please get in contact with us.
08.01.2022 Members Meeting happening this week Thursday from 3-6pm at JS2-02 UniSA City West Campus. This meeting will mainly focus on Eid coming up next month! Come along to find out more about how you can be a part of this exciting and fun event! Bring your friends along and anyone is welcome to volunteer! Come along as we appreciate all your help and assistance. If you have any question just send us a dm or come along on the day to find out more.
06.01.2022 We are pleased to announce our official name and logo for the club "Afghan Students' Club" Due to university policies we have changed the club's name. Nevertheless, our aims and aspirations remain the same which is to provide professional and social networking opportunities for students and community members.... We are looking for you all to get involved and join us at our events. Your support is necessary to build, grow, and sustain our club. We also welcome suggestions regarding events and workshops, special interests and programming, and other ideas to help shape the club. Please stay tuned for future posts about our new Executive Board Members, events and ways to engage with the club. We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible in the near future. Thanks, ASC Team
06.01.2022 Happy Eid Al-Adha everyone. We wish you a blessed Eid with family and friends. Stay safe everyone.
06.01.2022 SAWA-Australia(Support Association for Women of Afghanistan) SAWA-Australia (SA) wants to help Afghan women make FACE MASKS for Afghan roadside workers who face starvation if COVID-19 clears the streets. Please donate as little as you can or s much as you can. #letsmakeadifference
05.01.2022 ASA is really excited to announce that it is time for a fun day at the beach! The day can take shape however you want it to. You can either chill at the beach on the grass with a beautiful view and with the wonderful company of friends playing games and chatting or you can join others for a friendly volleyball competition and various other games. We will meet you all near the playground behind the beach house Glenelg. We cant wait for Sunday!
04.01.2022 Happy Nowruz to everyone celebrating. The ASA team wishes you all a safe and healthy Nowruz with your family and loved ones. Please stay safe during this difficult situation of COVID-19 and keep supporting each other. Be kind to those around you and stay safe.
03.01.2022 USASA Clubs Award Night 2019- it was the first time ASA was nominated and short listed for the Club of the Year Award. @ Adelaide Oval
02.01.2022 It is already February 2020! Welcome back everyone to a new year, new journey and new experiences. This is a small throwback to the 2019 Cultural Night! We cant wait to begin the new year welcoming new students who are starting their journey as a university student and also the continuing students. We hope to see many new faces along with familiar faces at UniSA. Congratulations to all who have graduated and our team wishes you all the best for future endeavours. To begin 2020 we encourage students of UniSA who wish to join the executive team to keep up to date with our social media page as we are opening registrations on 7th of February for the new executive team.
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