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25.01.2022 There is a huge difference between hoping for a better outcome and creating the outcome you must have. Metaphorically speaking it's easy to see why sitting on the couch eating a bowl of chips and hoping to feel energised doesn't work. Curious as it is, this is what most people do when they want something that takes effort.... When you see yourself as a healthy and vital person, believe that eating real food is the only possible option, and get outside and move your body even when the weather is cold, then the results will happen. What have you been wishing for? Hope is not a strategy.
25.01.2022 The genetic lottery is kinder to some people - let's call this raw talent. Where you are born, how your parents raised you, and the education available to you all make a difference in giving you a head start. Call this your privilege if you like. What you do with it is critical. This talent or head start is wasted unless you develop self-awareness, have a growth mindset and put in the hard yards. What about those without a head start. ... For example, let's say you are 'person of restricted growth' (a PORG) A fun name we had for my beloved mom in law. If you have a big dream to play professional basketball and you are 5.5" you are very unlikely to make it to the big time despite practising 12 hours a day. Quite possibly Extra lightweight (60kg class) in Judo might be an option. The secret is not to focus on the 100s things you cannot do. Instead, decide which of the 1000s of other options you could be great at when you put in the hard work.
25.01.2022 Is balance in life always a worthwhile goal? While 100% focus on only one aspect of life doesn't work out for most people, balance isn't always necessary. When you are pushing hard, things can seem to be out of balance, uncomfortable and stressful. What would happen if you embraced this pressure to be creative and get more into the day? Find ways to get important things done faster, and stop doing what adds little value to yourself or those that matter.... Being out of balance from time to time isn’t the worst thing in the world.
25.01.2022 Sometimes what we fear doing, asking, saying; the hard choices are what we need to prioritise... It's easier to take the path of least resistance, not make the tough decisions or are work hard in the present believing it will all be fine. Kind of like buying lottery tickets and going back to watching TV. ... Often you pay for this approach later on. The more discomfort and uncertainty you are prepared to endure in the present, the less you will face in the future. So, go for that run, say no to the pizza, get the qualification, take the promotion, have the hard conversation. Your future self will be glad you did.
23.01.2022 Look in the the person with the challenge looking back at you? Before you say "who me? naaa", take a closer look and make 100% sure.
23.01.2022 To do anything, we have to put aside our fear of looking stupid, not being good enough or failing. You are unlikely to ever have all the answers, so sometimes you just have to get started. Metaphorically speaking; buy a canvas, brush and some paint and craft the first stroke. Learn what you don't know, and go find out how.
22.01.2022 'If I just keep doing what I'm doing, keep my head down, single-minded focus, it will eventually work' hmmm... This is great advice BUT only for short periods of time before taking a 'refocus breath'. One of the keys to success in anything (Projects, relationships, health etc) is to build in brutely honest checkpoints. 1. Be super clear on the desired outcome and why you want it... 2. Break it into smaller actionable pieces 3. Take massive action and get help where you are not the expert 4. Use sensory acuity to gauge if it's working, still aligned to the original outcome & check if the desired outcome is still valid 5. Make adjustments early early early Repeat See more
22.01.2022 Imagine how curious and flexible as a communicator you can become if you realised you don't perceive the world and others as they really are, but as a projection of yourself. Your mind is limited by your filters; your beliefs, values, mood, expectations, experience, language and more. Another way to consider this idea is that what we perceive moment to moment is our mind’s best guess of what's going on out there in the world. Taking the time to manage your own state of mind, and truly finding out what, how and why someone else sees the world the way they do will open your eyes to their truth
21.01.2022 There are many things that concern us that we have little or zero control over. Learning to notice and then choosing to let go of these things will allow you to focus more mental energy on what can be done by you, today. Test yourself. Watch the news and see if you feel more or less energised afterwards.
21.01.2022 It's far more empowering to reframe what you can't do into something you choose to do
20.01.2022 How often are we guilty of being somewhere else in our minds rather than being present in the moment? When you are working you wish it was the weekend. When you are in the gym, you are wondering what you will cook for dinner. When you are with your partner, you are watching TV. The meme in the picture is not meant to be flippant to those with serious medical conditions. ... For everyone else, you can choose to learn valuable lessons from your past, but don't need to dwell there. It's great to set goals in the future, however worrying about what might happen saps the energy you could be using to make things happen right now that creates a brighter future. If happiness is indeed a choice we make every day, what would you need to focus on right now that brings more of it into your life?
19.01.2022 Was chatting to a client. They said, 'I just get so frustrated all the time'. Asked them 'Do you enjoy doing that?' ... 'No'... 'Then why do you choose to keep doing it?' No-one causes you to feel/do anything. If it's not working STOP IT
18.01.2022 Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck. Dalai Lama
18.01.2022 Taking valuable lessons from past experiences is valuable. Investing time planning and crafting your future is also key. Dwelling in either robs you of choosing the best possible state to make to most of right now.
18.01.2022 When we cling to an idea or ideology without stopping to look deeply at the underlying facts, data or counter-evidence we rob ourselves of an open mind. Beliefs are powerful enough to blind people into wars, you are not immune. Give yourself a gift and meet and talk with people who don't share your view. Get incredibly curious into where their information feed comes from, how they think the world works, why they do what they do and how their thinking serves them.
17.01.2022 If you start to see the struggle as a right of passage to what you truly want to achieve then it becomes easier to do the work to get through it. No sain athlete loves getting up at 5am to do hill runs when there is no-one there cheering them on. While we are not all athletes, taking on hard tasks and even seeking voluntary pain builds resilience that's useful later on. When unexpected difficulties and challenges arise, you are better prepared and tend to be more flexible work through them. Consider the small group of people in western countries at the moment going nuts because they are asked to wear a mask. Imagine not being able to get your preferred cut of meat at the supermarket! Where's the resilience, community spirit and flexibility? It's harder than normal, so what? What would happen if you embraced it?
15.01.2022 Developing self-awareness is a critical tool to allow for consistent growth. When we believe we are stuck or have a limit, then we are automatically providing evidence to prove ourselves right - nothing can change. Choose to start noticing the possibilities by opening yourself up... - what could it be like if...?' - what if ... were possible?' - I haven't found a way to...YET' and experience your mind break free to the change and growth that is possible. See more
13.01.2022 When we compare ourselves to others we have to rank; better or worse than. As we cannot take into account all the relevant factors, this is not an accurate way to gauge if we are truly growing. Learn skills and technique from others and compete daily with the person you see in the mirror.
12.01.2022 Wisdom from the ancients: Stoic philosophy We have influence at best over other people and outside events. It is not what happens to us that matters, but how we develop the inner narrative accounting for the events of our life. When we choose to be in charge of our own minds, we can reframe/change the meaning of anything that happens so that it serves us.
11.01.2022 Excellence is picking your field of expertise, showing up every day to be better than yesterday to give your gift to those who value it. I believe part of this is to be rewarded for it in some way (money, love/connection, significance) In any role or context (work, family, health..) it's about being vulnerable enough to seek feedback, aim higher than average and make a difference, in your unique way. Be careful, though, excellence is not about being perfect. I see perfectionism as an illness and all about choosing to measure yourself against unrealistic outside world ideals that can rarely be met.
10.01.2022 What to do, when it gets too much and you want to throw in the towel.
08.01.2022 Some people are attached to a reality that belongs to another time - you can get addicted to decisions made long ago as they feel safe. As humans, we feel comfortable when we are seen as consistent by others. We might believe people will think we are wishy-washy if we change our minds too much. If your results are not what you want, then the only way to alter them is to change your mind and do different things until you get better results. ... I found it useful to take on the belief "what others think about me is none of my business". This frees me up to experiment, to be less attached to stuck ideas, concepts or frameworks. If they don't inspire, motivate or help me and those I care about grow then I let them go. If you hold onto strategies that no longer work for you, who does that really benefit? It may help those who are invested in you staying the's not the way to a more fulfilled life.
08.01.2022 You can plan to be perfect at the big launch (and potentially overwhelm) or write the first page.
08.01.2022 "When you focus on what you have, you'll open up to have even more. If you fixate on what you don't have, you'll live in scarcity." As humans we appear to be naturally wired to focus on scarcity - if your ancestors didn't focus on food, shelter, security and other things that could be scarce, you would not be here. Your ancestors are likely to have gifted you these (successful) genes. This means you may have to work a little harder to rewire your natural tendencies. While 2020 has been so difficult for so many, what have you really missed out on? The roof over your head? Food in your tummy? If you compare to what you were able to do last year, it may seem a pretty shit year. If you focus on what you still have, your kids, your partners, health, time, home. How have you nurtured these?
06.01.2022 Emotions themselves are essential, necessary for being truly human and our very survival. Imagine you didn't feel fear when a wild animal was chasing you. Why then do we over-react? It's complex, here are a few thoughts for you to ponder... It is useful to become aware that because we all filter reality, our brains react emotionally; not to the event itself, what actually happens or what is said, but to our perception of it in the moment. Try this on. Think of a time in the p...ast where you experienced very positive emotions. The day you got married, had your first child, won the sporting event. Notice you can relive a small part of the emotion. Now ask yourself, is that remembered event real? Of course, it's imagined, taken from your memory banks, and yet you can react emotionally to it. For normal everyday situations, if we can learn to put just a little bit more time/space between the perceived events and our emotional reaction, we can enhance the positive emotions and reduce negative ones.
05.01.2022 Many people are 'people pleasers'. They love to give back, be the person on call, the one others can rely on any time and place. In private you wish you had more time for yourself, to pursue your own desires and interests. Why wait? When you say YES to everything that comes your way, remember you saying NO to a lot of other things.... Maybe you don't need to be a superhuman all the time. Often when you are out there rescuing someone (it's faster if I do it myself) you could be robbing them of the opportunity to be self-sufficient and grow. This is selfish in itself. Of course, we need to contribute, to say yes sometimes, but not at the expense of you living your life purposefully.
05.01.2022 Living 'above the line' means taking 100% responsibility for your successes and setbacks. Get up and give it another shot
02.01.2022 Once your mind gets on a certain track of thinking, it can be hard, if not impossible to really see/hear/feel what another person is communicating with you. Taking a deep breath to stay calm, and use the art of questioning to really explore the person's model of the world. This takes practice and makes a real difference in every aspect of life.
01.01.2022 Self-awareness is key. Admire the talent/skill/genius in's their special thing. Ask yourself, what can I be awesome at? The answer can't be everything. Pick a few and focus on them. It's OK to change your mind too.
01.01.2022 Steps to happiness. -Write gratitudes every day... Some days you’ll have to work harder than others to find the tiny things you can be grateful for. Makes a big difference focusing on what you already have.
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