Agspec Australia | Agricultural service
Agspec Australia
Phone: +61 457 733 763
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25.01.2022 To all the growers, workers and their families spending long hours in hot conditions, bringing in this years crop. Not to mention the flies. A snippet of some wheat coming of in South Australia. It has been a challenging year in more ways than we could have ever imagined. #agspec #harvest2020
22.01.2022 Rainfast confusion with adjuvants? A company states "boasting favourable rainfastness", for their new product yet the label states "DO NOT apply if heavy rain or storms are forecast within 3 days Flextend doesn't boast, it just helps the spray stick like to a blanket. Now that's rainfast. When you need your application to spread and stick on your leafs, #flextend can assist. Flextend allows you to irrigate just 1 hour after application.... #agspec #rainfast #stickerspreader See more
21.01.2022 The application of a fungicide or insecticide often coincides with the timing for late copper nutrition, to assist with head or pod fill for many crops. Many planes are concerned, or don’t use copper due to the extreme abrasive nature, that can occur, causing excessive wear on the application equipment. RapiSol Cu fully dissolves, eliminating this concern. Aerial operators applying RapiSol Cu are surprised how #rapisol is just like applying water with no abrasive nature on t...he equipment. If your needing to apply copper by the plane, then #Rapisol Cu is the right choice. The full RapiSol micronutrient range can be applied by plane with no concern for excessive wear on the equipment. RapiSol Cu ideal for aerial application. [email protected] #agspec #compatible #easytouse See more
21.01.2022 How's this for an ingenious idea? SA farmer Leon Zacher needed a bit of help getting into the header for the 2020 harvest this year. Diagnosed with an inope...rable brain tumour at the start of COVID-19, Leon has been going through chemotherapy and radiation therapy. While he's doing okay so far, his family wanted to make sure he could get in for a few laps during harvest. The family rigged up this safety cage on the front of their fork-lift and hoisted him up into the header safely. "Grandpa has been a farmer all his life - just like my dad," explained Bec Zacher. "Dad wanted desparately to get him in the header, but his walking is gone, so he rustled up a bit of a cage... and popped him into the header for potentially, that last header ride, so it's been a special week that's for sure," she said. Leon's grand-daughter Bec Zacher is now in quarantine after returning to her home in Western Australia, but she says, "seeing grandpa made it more than worth it". Good luck Leon and family! : Bec Zacher via ABC Eyre Peninsula
20.01.2022 WHEN YOU NEED YOUR SPRAYS TO STICK ON RAINY DAYS. Time, effort and expense in applying a spray to a crop is huge, only to see a rain shower come through later in the day or the next few days can be so discouraging. #flextend from #agspec is a Spreader/Sticker that helps with good coverage while retaining your investment on the leaf. Phil, Adjuvant Manager from Agspec explains, "We understand that plants can benefit from sprays like foliar nutrients, however we are often not i...nformed that these take time to be absorbed by the leaf. The last thing we need to see is all that foliar nutritional benefit being washed off by rain or irrigation." Flextend is based on the natural sap from the pine tree, that achieves beneficial spreading and sticking. "You will find Flextend excellent in the wet, but even better in the dry" commented Phil. Ideal for IPM programs,. #rainfast [email protected] for more information.
20.01.2022 How many in crop discussion have occurred during the season? With this little know-it-all, it was more of a lecture than a discussion.
19.01.2022 When a Softer Approach is needed, Citowett is there to help. #citowett allows good coverage of both leaves and fruit, while being soft at the same time. This means a healthier, more robust fruit cuticle, (natural wax layer), reducing the loss of moisture, extending shelf life and trapping taste in every piece of fruit. When you need a softer approach #agspec #softerwetter #betterspreader
19.01.2022 Great to see families out and bout over the long weekend supporting Rural Australia. We are all rediscovering there is so much to see in our own States. #barossa #barossawine #agspec
19.01.2022 WOULD YOU LIKE TO ADD ZINC & MANGANESE WITH YOUR FUNGICIDES? Often fungicides occur at the same time a foliar zinc (Zn) & manganese (Mn) should be applied. RapiSol Duo (Zn+Mn) is built for fungicides. A micronutrient that can be added to the tank without concern for glugs, blockages or product breakdown in the tank. #rapisol range of foliar micronutrients has been designed to be applied with most products you apply foliar, insecticides, fungicides and biologicals. If you are... planning a fungicide and would like to include some Zn + Mn to help with fruiting post flowering, then RapiSol Duo would be worth evaluating. One pass is far better than two. For more information on the Agspec RapiSol range: See more
17.01.2022 Canola harvest in the mallee. Luckily was there before the lockdown.
17.01.2022 In trials overseas, apple seedling plants were used to examine the influence of drying time of the deposit, rain intensity, and rain volume on rainfastness of mancozeb. Over an hour, 0.5 mm, 5 mm & 48 mm rain events were simulated. Wash-off of mancozeb, independent of drying time was evaluated. Results show that mancozeb was washed-off easily from the leaf surface of apple seedlings due to the impact of a few millimetres rain, and a higher volume of rain caused little additional loss, regardless of drying time. In excess of 80-90% of mancozeb was lost. #Flextend #spreadersticker #rainfast #agspec
16.01.2022 Birthdays and Corona have not gone well together. Phil our SA/VIc/Tas Agspec Business Manager found a way to cook up some fun for a special birthday, even though not many family were aloud to attend. Ingredients: 1 sheet 3-6 Balloons (blue for boy) 1 cheap woolies cake... 1 cream with blue food colouring, whipped. 1 birthday boy 1 camera with flash pointing to ceiling a couple of props lying around the house Mixing: Allow a touch of daylight through the curtains. Throw them all together on the kitchen floor and have fun. PS you need to be on the floor also Time: Up until crying occurs and preferably before being sick (might be a possibility depending on amount and speed of eating...) Cooking: A quick whip through photoshop to take out the tiles and a few shadows. Result: Hope you enjoy the outcome. See more
16.01.2022 The Agspec Thailand team often come across country scenes somewhat different to that we find in Australia.
15.01.2022 Rice demonstration plot being sprayed by Agspec Indonesia
13.01.2022 Green and amber and gold it grows When the sun sinks late in the West; And the breeze sweeps over the rippling rows Where the quail and the skylark nest. Mountain or river or shining star,... There's never a sight can beat -- Away to the sky-line stretching far -- A sea of the ripening Wheat. "Song of the wheat." - A.B. (Banjo) Patterson
13.01.2022 HAPPY #NationalAgDay From the team at Agspec Thanks to all the amazing Aussie farmers who work incredibly hard every single day to provide high quality food and fibre.... Keeping us and the fed through the crazy year of 2020! THANKYOU! #AgDayAU #AussieFarmers #thankafarmer
13.01.2022 Agspec is an Agricultural Specialty Product company, focusing on unique products for the Asia Pacific region
12.01.2022 Honey bees are vital for the pollination of many of foods we eat. Especially some of our favourite fruit and vegetables, which need active working hives to ensure production and in return the hive supplies golden honey. Some adjuvants and wetters are known not to be lethal to bees, however they can still dramatically upset the hive activity, reducing the effectiveness of the working bees on the important pollination of the crops. Flexstic sticker/spreader from Agspec is b...ased on the natural sap of the pine tree, allowing it to be used with sprays and have no effect on bees or hive activity. In some situations, Flexstic can form a flexible microfilm on the droplet, acting as a protective barrier for the bees. With more than 35 industries dependent upon bee pollination, choosing #Flexstic as your sticker/spreader helps the bees to continue to contribute over $14 billion to the economy. For more information on how Flexstic can assist your spray management when bees are active, email [email protected] #agspec #beesafe #stickerspreader #bees
12.01.2022 From Agspec Thailand, to Agspec South Korea, Agspec Indonesia, Agspec Philippines, Agspec Vietnam, Agspec Singapore, Agspec Malaysia and Agspec Australia the one thing we all see every day is the back breaking hard work and the extremely long hours on the family farm. #agspec #familyfarm
10.01.2022 IS TANK MIX CROPSHOCK REDUCING SPRAY PERFORMANCE? The main criteria we use for putting multiple chemicals in the tank, (besides pest control), is do they physically mix together. We don’t factor in if they are chemically stable in the tank. i.e. acidic glyphosate with alkaline amine. Once we get them to the target, are they biologically compatible or do they induce a CropShock effect that can reduce overall pest control performance? Recent work by AHRI has highlighted concer...ns when spraying a slightly resistant population of barnyard grass. It indicates a CropShock may have occurred that reduced both uptake and translocation of the glyphosate resulting in dramatic differences. They studied two populations of barnyard grass with relatively low-level glyphosate resistance and found that when 2,4-D Amine or Ester was added to the tank with glyphosate, barnyard grass control was greatly reduced. They went on to discover that this is due to an effect on uptake and translocation. Ref: #AHRI 149 What is the result when you then factor in environmental CropShock, warm dry days (high delta-t) as well? One of the simplest ways to improve leaf uptake, especially if CropShock is a concern is to ensure the spray droplet lifetime is as long as possible on the leaf. This allows more product to be up taken before the droplet evaporates. Hence the recommendation to spray early morning or late afternoon. This allows a longer droplet lifetime. What if you have to keep spraying during the day? It might be worth considering an adjuvant like Hygro-Stic. Hygro-Stic can double to spray droplet lifetime over an oil, while exceeding over four times that of a wetter. Over summer, Hygro-Stic has be found to enhance gly plus amine or ester mixes due to improved uptake by keeping the droplet longer on the leaf surface. For more information [email protected]
09.01.2022 Enviroshield is like insurance for harvest concerns due to wet weather. By assisting the lentil pods repel rain that may occur just before harvest, #Enviroshield minimises discoloured and shrivelled grain, preserving seed quality and marketability. Improve returns for improved lentil seed grade quality by protecting the crop from the environment with an application of Enviroshield, 5-6 weeks before harvest. Desiccation products can be used in conjunction with Enviroshield. #enviroshield #podshatter #seedstaining #downgrading
07.01.2022 We could talk all day about the bioscience in a drum of Atlantik. Like, the Ascophyllum nodosum is an inter-tidal seaweed found only in the pristines waters of the North Atlantic. In the unrelenting environment between the changing tides, Ascophyllum nodosum has developed a natural biochemistry that allows it to thrive & grow. Analysis reveals that Agspec’s Ascophyllum nodosum extracts can have as much as 87% more organic molecules than other seaweed species, much of this is ...believed to come from the challenging environment in which it grows. However the key benefit is the biostimulation Atlantik does to the trees it is applied to. The trees are stimulated to build stronger more functioning root systems. The trees are stimulated to develop more flowers and retains them during stress periods. The trees are stimulated to grow bright, juicy, quality fruit. For more information on #atlantik #biostimulation #agspec See more
06.01.2022 Cooler Crop Canopy? With summer fast approaching, we know the heat is coming. The use of AquiMax from Agspec will not only give you up to 30% water saving but also help the trees with a cooler crop canopy. AquiMax is not a magical answer rather it assists reduce some of the biological restrictions that lead to heat effects on the trees over summer. If your orchard suffers a hot summer, then apply AquiMax to a small section and see the difference for yourself. How AquiMax... cools the canopy: - Apply 3L / Ha of AquiMax (2-3 applications per season) - Improves plant available soil moisture - Improves water uptake via the roots - Improves sap flow from roots to leaves - Improves stomata conductance - Improves transpiration - Improves Canopy Cooling For more information on AquiMax email [email protected] or follow Agspec on Facebook or Twitter @agspecaus Pic: AquiMax applied to an Almond orchard. #aquimax #agspec #coolercanopy #watersavings See more
06.01.2022 Summer is coming! When you grow crops in the driest state, of the driest continent in the world, you appreciate how valuable water can be. Aquimax used in your irrigation program, helps retain both water, in the root profile as well as nutrients. This combination improves sap flow, improved transpiration and canopy cooling. Assisting the crop to better withstand the Australian summer. #agspec #aquimax #moistureretention
03.01.2022 Jonathon Lillecrapp GM of Agspec Australia with the new FAST acting, more ROBUST and more PALATABLE Snail and Slug bait Axcela. #axcela goes through a gelatinisation process creating a more PALATABLE bait pellet. This means that snails and slugs spend more time feeding on an Axcela pellet with they first encounter it. Less snails, more crop. [email protected] for more information #agspec #snails #slugs
02.01.2022 Legumes and Pulses can be affected by rain and wind leading up to harvest. Resulting in pod shatter and pod drop. Rain moisture can soak into the drying pod, badly affecting the quality of the seed just before harvest. An application of Enviroshield from #agspec, puts a clear microfilm on the sensitive pods, helping to repel and protect from pre-harvest rain. If you have experienced pod shatter, or severe down grading due to water staining or wrinkling, then it might pay to evaluate a drum of Enviroshield on your crops. Apply just as the pods start to change colour, around 5-6 weeks from harvest. #enviroshield #podshatter #seedstaining
02.01.2022 Citrus sprayed with combination nutrients of Zinc (Zn) and Manganese (Mn), results in an increase in fruit set, nutrient uptake, increased yield, and improved quality. When Zn is deficient, fruit size becomes markedly reduced with a smooth light coloured skin and low juice content. Inadequate, irregular green veins along the midrib and central veins are dominant on a light yellow background. Other symptoms typically enforce upright abnormally pointed leaves that are reduced size. Mn is critical for plant metabolism, growth and photosynthesis. Mn deficiency leads to chlorosis of the interveinal tissue of leaves; however, the veins dominate a dark green colour. Young leaves exhibit a networked pattern of green veins on a light green background. Mn like Zn will reduce fruit size with a thin skin and poor juice content. A strategic use of RapiSol Duo will overcome Zn & Mn limitations helping to deliver both improved citrus yield and quality. #agspec #rapisol #citrusquality See more
02.01.2022 You can now apply your insecticides and fungicides with key micronutrients without having to be concerned about deactivation, sludge or nozzle blockages. Rapisol ZMC allows the crop to be topped up with zinc, manganese and copper while applying an insecticide or fungicide. #compatible and #easeofuse means you can use #rapisol with confidence knowing there will be no reaction with other products in the tank. For more information on Agspec RapiSol range of fully compatible micronutrients #agspec #noblockages
01.01.2022 Some of us can't what to head back to Hobbiton in New Zealand when we can travel again. The banquet meal was such a great experience.
01.01.2022 If you crash the drone, and no-one sees it, did it really crash?
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