AHAA SA Branch | Community organisation
AHAA SA Branch
Phone: +61 409 295 560
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24.01.2022 No te podrás resistir a los bellos movimientos de nuestros Pura Raza Española Llevan el sello andaluz y español por bandera en todo el mundo. Esta fue n...uestra carta de presentación para el Olympia Horse Show de #Londres, una de las mayores competiciones ecuestres. Olympia, The London International Horse Show
23.01.2022 Herencia genética, evolución y morfología del Caballo Español. Son los asuntos que aborda en Rienda Suelta MANUEL NAZ, veterinario especialista en équidos, que ...es uno de los tres unicos jueces calificadores de reproductores que ahora mismo valoran ejemplares en España, en los TRC, Tribunales de Reproductores Calificados. En su análisis NAZ parte del origen de nuestro caballo en el siglo XVI puesto que "una raza no es una condición estática sino todo lo contrario, una condición dinámica que se tiene que ir amoldando a las necesidades del momento y a la demanda de lo que el mercado exija en ese momento". El veterinario y experto en caballo PRE, apunta que "el Pura Raza Español no ha perdido su sello de identidad, pero si se ha tenido que ir amoldando morfologicamente a las nuevas necesidades". Con todo, Naz considera que la evolución de nuestro caballo "ha ido en buena dirección... partiendo de un portencial genético importante que ha sido capaz de ir soportando todos los cambios que se han ido requiriendo" y que hace pensar que el Caballo Español "está en un momento álgido" #cordobacapitalmundialdelcaballoespañol
22.01.2022 Marvellous Maria! Maria Caetano and the lovable Lusitano Coroado showed us a masterclass of moves in the FEI Dressage World Cup. Sashaying their way up the leaderboard they broke records in awe-inspiring style. Watch and celebrate this divine duo.
22.01.2022 Personal best for @joao.torrao and Equador MVL in GP today at CDI3* Sintra with 77%. Simply a joy to watch! Congratulations to the whole Montevelho dressage team!! What an incredible combination
19.01.2022 La traversée d’un beau village valaisan !
19.01.2022 Breeders Notice The commencement of the breeding season is always an exciting time. To assist our breeders in having a smooth season please review the below in...formation. Wanting to breed to an Andalusian Stallion to produce AHAA registered offspring? Here are some checklist items. 1. The stallion is registered with the AHAA. 2. The owner of the stallion is a current Full Financial member with the AHAA. 3. The stallion owner agrees to, a) provide a duplicate 'Certificate of Service' to the mare owner, b) submit, with appropriate fees, the stallion returns for that particular stallion to the AHAA Federal Secretary, c) submit with stallion returns the Original 'Certificate of Service'. Unfortunately should any of the above not occur the resulting progeny will be ineligible for registration with the AHAA. There will be no exceptions. The AHAA Federal Secretary (contactable at [email protected]) can provide assistance in confirming some of the above items. (Please note this does not apply to the use of Frozen semen from a stallion standing internationally. For protocol on using international stallions and for any further information regarding breeding protocols please refer to the AHAA Breeding Guidelines.) http://www.ahaa.org.au//about/ahaa-breeding-protocols/p/88
19.01.2022 Updated AHAA Show Rules The AHAA show rules have recently been updated and can be viewed on our website as posted previously. There have been some enquiries abo...ut the new Rule 13 which states: "The trimming of whiskers around the muzzle and eyes or inner ear hair is a welfare issue and is strongly discouraged at AHAA events." The Rule was introduced because it is now widely recognised that whiskers (called vibrissae) have a rich nerve supply and are important to horses. They protect delicate tissue and compensate for blind spots. Trimming of whiskers and inner ear hair has been banned in numerous countries including Germany (where it has been banned since 1998), Switzerland and France. From 1 August 2020, New Zealand has also banned it. (More info can be found at https://www.nzequestrian.org.nz/wp-c/uploads/PP-GR-132.pdf).
17.01.2022 Have you seen that the Tanunda Show is hosting AHAA classes this year? Pop to their website for both the full show book and entry instructions. Show is on 13th March 2021. We would love to see our fellow AHAA SA Community there!
14.01.2022 ¡Un homenaje a la jerezana Feria del Caballo! Aunque no la celebremos este año, nos consolaremos un poquillo viendo fotos de anteriores ediciones. Y como hemos ...puesto ya muchas fotos de jinetes, con y sin flamencas a la grupa, dejamos en lo que resta de Feria la escena en exclusiva a las amazonas Muchas clientas interesadas nos preguntan por las normas que rigen en el traje de amazona, así que incluimos hoy en la primera foto las pautas generales, según la Asociación Española de Monta a la Amazona. Mañana y pasado expondremos las normas concretas para el traje a la vaquera y el traje a la rondeña
13.01.2022 Hi, does your horse have a best friend? Jan and Tarot were best friend. Jan grew up with Tarot. Tarot was his mentor and best friend forever. Please share your story
13.01.2022 Concurso Cabalcor 2020 Bonita experiencia, nos quedamos con lo positivo. Gracias a la presentación de @juanramirezbl
12.01.2022 The AHAA Council recently added a new show rule strongly discouraging the trimming of whiskers and inner ear hair to its Show Rules. Now the FEI has outlawed tr...imming the whiskers of all international competition horses from 2021. The new rule was passed during the Federation’s General Assembly on 23 November 2020 as part of the veterinary regulations covering sport horses competing internationally under FEI rules in all disciplines. From July next year, horses who have had their sensory hairs removed, unless for veterinary reasons, will be disqualified from FEI events. The wording, which was voted through unanimously, states that horses are not permitted to compete in FEI events if the horse’s sensory hairs have been clipped and/or shaven or in any other way removed unless individual sensory hairs have been removed by a veterinarian to prevent pain or discomfort for the horse. See more
12.01.2022 South Australia Andalusian State Championships 2021. Thank you to our big sponsors. Horseland Mt. Barker, GLS . Please come to our Show and watch the beautiful horses.
11.01.2022 We are offering an informal training day for show practise at the Kangarilla Pony Club on Valentine’s Day! (Why not spend this special day with your one true love, your horse!! ) Details: Cost = $10 per horse Time = 9am start... Location = 1871 Kangarilla Rd, Kangarilla SA If you wish to attend, RSVP’s are essential. Please secure your spot by emailing [email protected]
09.01.2022 Here is a radiograph of an almost two year old horse. It is that time of year when people get excited about getting their two year olds to a trainer to get star...ted under saddle. Here is a perfect example of why not to be in such a hurry. This horse will be two in May and when we sent these radiographs of his knees/carpus to a specialist at a university. We were told this horse should not be started in a training program for another 10-12 months because his growth plates in his knees were not closed enough. Starting a horse that is not physically mature enough can have long term effects like osteoarthritis and chronic lameness issues. If you have any doubt, you can always have radiographs done to see if the growth plates are closed enough for the work required by a training program. See more
09.01.2022 Increíble #posada del PRE Atento frente a nuestro Palacio del Recreo de las Cadenas, en la Real Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre. Enamora. Atento XV... Juan José Verdugo Cristina Gómez #AndalucíaDejaHuella
07.01.2022 As I’m sure you are aware, the unfolding COVID situation in SA has meant a cancellation of all indoor & outdoor sporting events for the next two weeks. This means the 2020 Baroque Summer Classic (to be held this weekend) is cancelled. An email has also been sent to the membership regarding refunds for those who have entered this event. ... Please take care everyone.
06.01.2022 Seems some are still confused
05.01.2022 AUGUST 2020 COUNCIL MEETING Council held their August meeting on the 26th. The main topics of discussion were: VIRTUAL SHOW: Feedback including Judge’s and Co...mpetitor’s comments were presented to the meeting. All up this proved to be a popular event, and Judges praised the high standard of presentation and training. This Show was a learning experience for all involved Competitors, Judges and Organisers, but it is safe to say that all are keen to do it again, and arrangements for the 2021 Show are already in progress. It is anticipated that an extended Program will include Long Reining and Handler tests which will give younger horses more opportunities. A date will be chosen to avoid the extremes of hot and cold weather during preparation and videoing. PARTBRED REGISTER: Changes to the Partbred Register were confirmed and a detailed explanation of Partbred Andalusians and their breeding will be published in the next Salto. A briefer explanation has already been placed on this page; but in essence, Partbred Andalusians still require a minimum of 50% Andalusian Blood with no colour or height restrictions. Partbred Stallions will be able to take their place in breeding programs in exactly the same way as Partbred Females have always done. We wish to make clear that the changes to the Partbred Register will in no way affect the breeding, registration and purity of the Pure Spanish Andalusians. SHOW RULES: These have been reviewed, and some changes have been made. The new Rules are now displayed on the AHAA web page. Main changes relate to the wearing of Safety Helmets to bring our Rules in line with the EA requirements. Clarification of the wearing of Safety Helmets in Costume Classes has been added, and in the interests of horse welfare, we have included mention of shaving whiskers and insides of ears. These last are standard in most European countries already, and it is anticipated they eventually will be introduced in Australia. Show Rules apply equally to all Members and State Branches. Other Rules may be added to suit particular Branches or Events, but the Rules must be used in total, without alteration for all AHAA events. NON-CONFORMING APPLICATIONS FOR REGISTRATION: two non-conforming applications for Registration of horses were received by Council. Sadly, as neither application was able to provide the required documentation, they were declined. It is timely to remind breeders and potential breeders that all requirements must be met. There have been a number of posts on the AHAA Facebook page reminding breeders of requirements. If you are unsure, please contact the Federal. Office. Registration should be finalised by the age of two years. FUTURE EVENTS: A number of web based events are planned for members during the last part of the year they will be advertised, so do keep watch. MEMBER FEED BACK: Please keep in mind that Council do their best to serve the interests of all AHAA Members; but we really appreciate your feedback. If you have suggestions, please contact the Fed. Secretary, Helen; or one of the Councillors. All contact details are on the AHAA web page.
04.01.2022 Novedades para SICAB 2020. www.ancce.es/2038 #SICAB20 #CaballoEspañol #CaballosPRE #PuraRazaEspañola #MorfológicosPRE #FuncionalidadPRE #Domaclasica
03.01.2022 The AHAA is excited to announce its Inaugural Virtual Show! The program can be found on the website at http://www.ahaa.org.au//competitions/2020-virtual-show/p/93
03.01.2022 Conoce toda la historia del arte ecuestre y el origen de la Real Escuela a través de este vídeo documental que hoy te ofrecemos Un arte y un sentimiento ú...nico que trota y galopa desde hace miles de años en #Andalucía. Podrás seguirlo en #streaming esta noche a las 21:00, hora española. #RealEscuelaEnCasa
03.01.2022 Así luce el número 'Fantasía a Caballo' de nuestro espectáculo 'Cómo Bailan los Caballos' con el jinete Rafael Soto. Nuestro picadero ya está preparado para... acoger desde hoy la Copa del Rey de Doma Vaquera. Aún puedes venir entradas.realescuela.org #AndalucíaDejaHuella
02.01.2022 Spring is here! And so the arrival of new life it brings... Learn the trade secrets from the breeders of the Carthusian horse. Watch the award winning Document...ary "Horse of Kings, Thief of Hearts" by activating your free trial month on http://free.horselifestyle.tv #CancelAnytime #BestHorseFilms #HorseLifestyle #BreedingSeason See more
02.01.2022 Tenemos algo impresionante que enseñaros... Esta semana hemos vuelto a inmortalizar algunos de los más bellos movimientos de nuestros PRE. Os de...jamos con el 'making of' de nuestra sesión fotográfica. Con precaución, por supuesto. #AndalucíaDejaHuella
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