A Healthier Shane | Other
A Healthier Shane
Phone: +61 403 116 056
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21.01.2022 Big fan of supporting Aussie business and this one is no exception. This week I got my order from @strikercoffee.co which contained a bag of Door Kicker coffee, a memorial Australian flag and a Striker Coffee Co face mask. The Door Kicker is my new favourite coffee with a great taste. I don’t drink much coffee without milk but with Door Kicker I’ve found it to have a sting flavour but not overpoweringly bitter. The memorial Australian flag has the names of fallen Australian... soldiers across the bottom. All profits raised from the sale of the flags going to @commando_welfare_trust @wanderingwarriorslimited and @the42for42 Check all these veteran owned businesses, they’re doing great things . . . . #veteranowned #veteranownedbusiness #veteranshelpingveterans #coffee #coffeelover #strikercoffeeco
20.01.2022 Set a new PR for my 1RM on the deadlift this morning. 115kg (253.5lbs) is the new bar that has been set. Feeling pretty chuffed about that.
19.01.2022 Breakfast time. A lot of people will look at this plate and point out the fats, the cholesterol, the salt, and the carbs. I look at it and see the proteins, the whole grains, the fibre, and, yes, the fats. Now, I’ll admit, I’m not a nutritionist so don’t go reading this and say hey, this guy on Instagram said you can eat this and be fit and healthy. NO! I’m not saying that at all. What I am saying is I am learning. I’m educating myself. I use tools and resources to help me ...eat better and feel better. I upload posts like this to reach out to those better educated than myself, tapping into a world of knowledge. I’ve also realised that I went off on a tangent, and forgot what I was originally going to talk about Anyway, breakfast was both tasty and satisfying. . . . . . . . #food #foodporn #nutrition #postworkout #postworkoutmeal #bacon #baconlovers #coffee #coffeelover
16.01.2022 I haven’t posted in a while. Work has been keeping me pretty busy. But, when the boss says take a week off, I take a week off. Here’s cheers to a week of kicking back and doing stuff at home. . . . .... . . #relax #jackdaniels #drinkofchoice #restandrelaxation #familytime #cheers #cheerstoholidays #unwind See more
13.01.2022 Received a RASIGS Corps flag this week. I have some great memories of my time in service. . . . .... . . . . . #veteran #exserviceman #rasigs #royalaustraliancorpsofsignals #jimmy #certacito #swiftandsure #australianarmy See more
11.01.2022 Tonight’s dinner, breakfast. Any time is breakfast time. High protein, high fibre. The tomatoes were fresh, vine ripened from our vegetable garden. . . . .... . . . #breakfastfordinner #comfortfood #bakedbeans #poachedeggs #bacon See more
08.01.2022 Attention all you blokes out there, you gotta get in on this session this coming Saturday, October 10, 2020. Come and listen to a few great speakers, learn a few things. Be there. See you then.
05.01.2022 Check out this video. This is an amazing product. I can vouch for its benefits as I’ve been using it since November 2019. https://youtu.be/C5KdVSNKWLE
05.01.2022 Getting my study on #aipt #australianinstituteofpersonaltrainers #certivinfitness #personaltrainercourse #personaltrainercertification #becomeapersonaltrainer #study #studymotivation #careerchange #careergoals #careerdevelopment
04.01.2022 Hi friends, Health and wellness is something I have become passionate about. Since starting Protandim NRF1 and NRF2 12 months ago I have lost 10kg in weight, gained more energy and, as an added bonus, reduced the dosage of my antidepressants. If you can spare a couple of minutes to watch a short video, have a look at this one. I'm interested in hearing what you think so PM me to have a chat.
03.01.2022 Hi Swimcare family. We are currently looking expressions of interest for those that want to join a weekly squad session for those aged 17 years and over. The pl...an is to kick off on a Wednesday evening starting at 6:00PM. Stroke correction, technique, strength and endurance will be part of the program and maybe a little bit of fun will be had along the way. If you're interested, please give our ever friendly reception staff a call on 02 6699 1114 to make a booking.
01.01.2022 No kids today. Just me and the bride. We took the opportunity to get back to nature and hike along the track out to Woolgoolga Falls. Heard lots of birds singing, saw a Kookaburra, a Goanna, and 2 snakes, one was a 2 metre carpet python. Such a beautiful area that we live in. #coffscoast #coffsharbour #woolgoolga #woolgoolgafalls #nsw #nswnationalparks #bushwalk #bushwalking #naturewalk
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