Ailan STYLE Music Show in Townsville, Queensland | Broadcasting & media production company
Ailan STYLE Music Show
Locality: Townsville, Queensland
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25.01.2022 Torres Strait Deddeyal Gammaz performed by Custodians...
24.01.2022 Playlist from last night's show - Theme for June, Sitting in the Shade/Drewz, Serrare/Jessie Lloyd & Mission Songs Project, I Nor Wande go/RAN Soundtrack, Oh Magandi/Rita Mills, Brand New Day & Big City Lights/Joey Tapau (Peace, Love & Respect Album), Survival/Wabaki Band, Taibobo/Fred & Richard Kiwat, Wai Mer Keriba Ged/Mer, Ngalman Rangath/RAN Soundtrack, One Generation from a Warrior/Drewz, Unity/St Pauls, Matha Nubeka & Augadh Gimal/Poruma Amen Kores
24.01.2022 Power Announcement!! Tagai Management Consultants (TMC) and One Blood Hidden Image Entertainment Group (OBHIEG) today entered into a Memorandum of Understanding... (MoU) on key areas of common interest relating to the development and delivery of positive social and economic outcomes for First Nation communities in the global village. The MOU was formalised by TMC Managing Director Murray Saylor and OBHIEG Managing Director Patrick Mau . The MoU recognises the shared cultural and business values of each party, and covers key areas for TMC and OBHIEG to work closely on, including co-design of innovative services and products that create social and commercial impact in the global village. COVID-19 and the recession have impacted all businesses and communities in some way. But small business is seen as a major enabler in our national recovery. The newly created culturally based business collaboration reiterates the saying, alone we are great, together we are powerful. Super excited for the journey ahead!! #debepasin #MOU #collaboration #community #sharedvalues #impact #TorresStraitIslander #Aboriginal #globalvillage #entertainment #innovation #supplychain #supplynation #QLDsmallbiz
23.01.2022 Congratulations to girl blo Muriel Bin Dol and Max Lenoy
23.01.2022 Congratulations to Christine Anu - 25yrs on and it's still a great album!
23.01.2022 WOW!! Eso for the many likes, shares and comments of the live streaming on July 1. Its unexpected that the videos have been very popular with more than 7,000 views in total, but Im thankful that you all got to enjoy the language hymns performed by the Choir Group. A big thank you to families for being involved, practicing the hymns and taking part. They are Alma Pilot, Louisa Hood, Kerged Ghee, Eli-joan Dow, Kai Dow, Louden Dow, Allison Sailor, Ian Kaddy, Ray Ghee, Louisa Tamwoy, Wya Sailor, Nellington Barsa and Zane Sailor. Again, thank you all for the responses! I will put the lyrics of the July 1 hymns on FB later today.
22.01.2022 Congratulation to Kee'ahn, well done! #STYLE
22.01.2022 I've played a few songs off this album. congratulations to Patrick Mau #STYLE
20.01.2022 #MaboDay #MDC2020 We Remember. We Honour. We Reflect.... We Celebrate. We tell our Stories of The Legacy - For The Future. HAPPY MABO DAY 2020.
20.01.2022 Indigenous Community Basketball League (ICBL) February 2021 Logan, South Queensland The National Indigenous Youth Basketball Program Australia (NIYBPA) organise...d by Indigenous Basketball Australia (IBA) is the first of its kind in Australian sporting history, providing a pathway for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in the 13-14 age group and commences in 2021. Eligibility: Age Groups: To participate in the ICBL, players must be aged 13 or 14 BEFORE the cut-off date of August 31, 2021. Any player who turns 15 before August 31, 2021 is ineligible to participate. Preference to play in the ICBL will be given to players aged 14 before August 31, 2021 or turning 14 in 2021. Birth certificates will need to be provided and sighted for all participating players. ICBL Competition: February and March 2021 held at Cornubia Sports Complex, Logan. National Indigenous Basketball Tournament (NIBT): The ICBL is also a selection tournament for the NIBT on the Gold Coast in April 2021. Registrations: To register your intent to play in this competition please contact the Regional Coordinator - South Queensland by October 22nd Email: [email protected] Mobile: 0448108895
20.01.2022 Best of luck Alex!
19.01.2022 : On this day in 1871, the Reverend Samuel MacFarlane of the London Missionary Society (LMS), accompanied by South Sea... Islander evangelists and teachers anchored at Kemus beach on Erub (Darnley Island) to convert people of the Torres Strait to Christianity. In defiance of tribal law Dabad, a Warrior Clan Elder on Erub welcomed the London Missionary Society's clergy and teachers. The Coming of the Light is celebrated by Torres Strait Islanders of all faiths in a festival like no other in Australia, where hymn singing, feasting and Ailan dans strengthen community and family ties. A monument consisting of a tall white cross, a representation of the All Saints Church, the Society's vessel, and scripture (as shown in this video), signifies the arrival of LMS and now stands proudly at Kemus beach. . #comingofthelight #torresstrait #torresstraitislander #erub #christianity #londonmissionarysociety #mayorphillemonmosby Radio '4 Meriba Wakai' (4MW) - 1260am Indigenous Knowledge Centres of Queensland ABC Indigenous Torres Strait Regional Authority NITV Cynthia Lui MP - Member for Cook Shannon Fentiman MP Craig Crawford MP Warren Entsch MP Ken Wyatt
19.01.2022 State Library of Queensland "Torres Strait Islanders Part 2" is available at flickr commons photograph are from John Oxley Library Access 6341 Dr Wilhelm Rechnitz Papers 1949-1972. The first link on this images will direct you to more images in this collection. The images focus on a variety of Islands and topics. As the SLQ "Torres Strait Islanders flickr commons set" had over 2,433 view . It was apparent that more images need to be released on the Torres Strait Islander people. I hope to get a lot of views for this "Part 2" set, in order to argue this need for more Torres Strait Islander material online, so please share this site with interested parties please.. Title of image: Saibai dancers on Thursday Island, 1960. Negative number : 6341-0001-0058
18.01.2022 Evacuation Coloured People Thursday Island to Cherbourg 1942 Coloured People Thursday Island to Cherbourg 1942.html
18.01.2022 National NAIDOC Week 2020 celebrations will be held from the 8-15 November. The November dates follow the decision by the National NAIDOC Committee (NNC) to pos...tpone NAIDOC Week from the original July dates due to the impacts and uncertainty from the escalating Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic across our communities and cities. The postponement was aimed at protecting our elders and those in our communities with chronic health issues from the disastrous impacts of COVID19. As cooler weather approaches the need to protect our most susceptible remains. Further announcements regarding the National NAIDOC Awards and the reactivation of the 2020 NAIDOC Local Grants Round will be made within coming weeks. The NNC understands that the July dates for NAIDOC may still be acknowledged by communities and organisations, however we are mindful that those celebrations and physical gatherings will still be impacted by the various State and Territory COVID19 restrictions and social distancing measures. We acknowledge the commitment and tireless work of the many State, Territory, regional and local NAIDOC Committees, organisations and individuals whose passion each year makes NAIDOC Week an outstanding success. We thank you for your understanding and working with us during these uncertain times. The NNC are continuing to work with our partners and key stakeholders to make NAIDOC Week 2020 a suitable and fitting celebration of #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe
18.01.2022 Honouring their Zenadth Kes seafaring past and maritime history. An old pearl lugger with some new deckhands, Torres Strait Islander mainlanders get the first ...taste of their forebears' life at sea. Mina eso au bala Noel Zaro and the Gerib Sik Torres Strait Islanders Corporation cultural group, and uncle George Mosby and uncle Pedlar Morrison. For National Naidoc Week 2020 onSBS News and NITV on the theme "Always was, always will be". Big thanks to Sonia and Mike (and William) from Pearl Lugger Heritage Fleet and Douglas and his Falla Reef Trips Cairns. Extended online SBS News report here: #ZenadthKes #TorresStraitIslander #TorresStrait #Melanesian #Pacific #NAIDOC2020 #NAIDOCWeek #NAIDOC National NAIDOC NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee) Week
16.01.2022 ! Torres Strait musician Benny Mabo launched his long-awaited five track EP Totemic Fire last Saturday with a smashing live ...performance on Thursday Island. Community members shopping in town stopped in their tracks to enjoy Mr Mabo’s island-infused songs including Lamar Zogo, Wai Kara Buai and Kara Negwam. Mr Mabo performed his tracks with the backing of local reggae band Black Paradise. The launch also included two songs by Black Paradise and a special performance by fellow Meriam musician; Bobby Kaigey. Torres Strait Islanders Media Association (TSIMA) Board President Mrs Ivy Trevallion officially launched the EP and said: I am very proud of Mr Mabo and congratulate him on the successful production of Totemic Fire. TSIMA are dedicated to supporting and nurturing our local musicians and artists to ensure that Torres Strait music and talents are promoted, Mrs Trevallion added. Totemic Fire was a TSIMA project produced by Will Kepa and made possible with funding from the Torres Strait Regional Authority’s Culture Art and Heritage Grant Program. TSIMA Operations Manager, Diat Alferink said: In light of COVID-19, we knew that launching Mr Mabo’s Totemic Fire would draw a crowd and we were prepared with safety measures and social distancing requirements for attendees. The audience really enjoyed the performance and TSIMA are now considering hosting monthly music pop ups, Ms Alferink shared. The Totemic Fire launch was opened with an official Welcome to Country by Kaurareg KANTC Chairperson Mr Milton Savage and MC’d by TSIMA Senior Broadcaster Sylvia Tabua. It also included an acknowledgement by TSIMA Board President Mrs Ivy Trevallion and an artist talk by Mr Mabo, who shared his music journey and what inspired his latest EP. We encourage our local musicians and artists to reach out to TSIMA, as we can help you to produce and launch your music, like we did with Mr Mabo, Ms Alferink said. TSIMA has supported the music and performing arts in Zenadth Kes for over 35 years and it continues to expand its services and ways of promoting local talents, Ms Alferink added. Totemic Fire will be aired on RADIO 4MW, TSIMA’s Website and the EP is still available for sale. This story was also featured in this week's Torres News! captured by Alima Ahwang #radio4mw #tsima #torresstraitmusic #indigenousmusic Torres Strait Island Regional Council Torres Strait Regional Authority Torres Shire Council Cape & Torres News First Nations Media Australia
16.01.2022 Stolen Wages Class Action If anyone needs to lodge their Photo ID or Bank Details, call 1300 591 545, to make an appointment with Jessie Billy who is in town until tomorrow. Deadline is 28 August 2020. If no bank details or photo ID then no payment will be issued.
15.01.2022 Congratulations to Tyrown Waigana, proud Noongar and Saibai islander... Love it!
14.01.2022 Congratulations to Professor Martin Nakata for receiving an AM for significant service to tertiary education, and to learning outcomes for Indigenous students.... and Congratulations to Mr Alo Tapim for receiving an OAM Medal for service to the Indigenous community of the Torres Strait. ** There may be more people receiving a Queen's Birthday Honour, so please check the Governor-General website... I just quickly went through the list **
11.01.2022 Songwriter and composer members can apply for one-time grants of $2,000. Applications deadline is 20 July 2020.
11.01.2022 The book has an album of songs which has been digitised by the State Library - visit the website and click on the link 'Listen to the audio'... Please be aware the recordings may have voices of families who have passed away.
11.01.2022 Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow on making his NRL debut and his two try assists. : #ridemcowboys
10.01.2022 Torres Strait Islander Community Choir Group, Townsville
09.01.2022 Pre-recording FB Page Video produced YouTube page created for those without FB KaiKai ingredients for mob feed at home Were ready for Mabo Day? W...iswe you? Townsville Zenadh CommUNITY YouTube page:
07.01.2022 Hello Families, the Choir Group is now on YouTube! (thanks to Xman)
07.01.2022 Meriba debe ople #MusicNight . Debe ki from erub First day celebration leading to JULY 1
07.01.2022 July 1 2020 FB live-streaming Big eso for the Community Choir Group for making it possible to do the live-streaming of July 1. Your singing was beautiful, on point and brought back so much memories for many of us. in Townsville, Queensland.... photo credit: Velma Gara
06.01.2022 Coming to NITV in 2021 Are you ready for a food journey around the Torres Strait! Hosted by Aaron Fa'Aoso.
05.01.2022 Registrations have re-opened for this years National Native Title Conference. The conference will run from October 19-21, 2020 and will remain on Minjungbal Bu...ndjalung Country in Tweed Heads, with the ongoing support of the co-convenor, the NTSCorp and the Traditional Owners. The health and safety of our conference delegates and community remains a key priority and the conference will be set up to meet government COVID-19 health and safety requirements. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 updates and will provide updates leading up to the Conference.
05.01.2022 July 1, Coming of the Light Torres Strait Islander Community Choir Group, Townsville
03.01.2022 CIAF Program Announcement! CIAF 2020 - The Cultural Evolution is a 10-day digital program of events from Friday 14 to Sunday 23 August 2020. View the full prog...ram of events here - #ciaf2020 #theculturalevolution Image: Artist: Paul Bong, photographer: Carli Willis
01.01.2022 The State Library of Queensland has over 800 accessible online photographs in their library catalogue [] and two interesting flickr commons Album sets. Remember to type "torres strait islanders" and link down to "SLQ digital Collections" to view digitised photographs. and view relevant Flickr Commons sites.. Torres Strait Islanders Cherbourg See more
01.01.2022 (): Travel restrictions to remote and discrete Indigenous communities came into effect of midnight Thursday 26 March 2020 under s477 of the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth). On 12 June 2020, Queensland was removed from the Biosecurity Determination (Remote Communities) and has been replaced with the new Chief Health Officer (CHO) Direction Restricted Access to Remote Communities. , , : : Residents and new residents of Torres Strait Island Regional Council and Torres Shire Council Communities can now move freely between the Designated Area(s) and Declared Travel Zone, and do not need to quarantine when returning home. Residents returning and new residents arriving from outside the Designated Area(s) and Declared Travel Zone must quarantine for 14 days in a suitable place. Exceptions for residents travelling outside these areas may exist for healthcare, boarding students, prisoners or youth justice clients, or approved community transport arrangements. Residents will need to complete the Travelling to or through remote communities entry pass via and retain a copy of the E-Pass and applicable identification whilst travelling. Residents visiting a Torres Strait Island Regional Council Community (other than their own community), must sign in at the local council office upon arrival. - : Non-Residents visiting from within the Declared Travel Zone do not have to quarantine on arrival (for example a person who normally resides in Cairns, visiting family within the Torres Strait region). Non-Residents visiting from outside the Declared Travel Zone have to quarantine for 14 days on arrival at a suitable place. Non-Resident travel for purposes such as tourism, leisure and recreation is not currently permitted. All travellers will need to complete the Travelling to or through remote communities entry pass via or if residents provide identification. Retain a copy of the E-Pass, details of resident(s) and residential address they are visiting, and applicable identification whilst travelling. If visiting a Torres Strait Island Regional Council Community, must also register their visit via and sign in at the local council office upon arrival. : Exemptions to enter the Designated Area(s)* are issued by approval of the Queensland Chief Health Officer and can be applied for via Exemptions also exist for those travelling for special purposes such as Pubic Health or Biosecurity Officers, Australian Defence Force personnel and persons fleeing imminent life-threatening circumstances. : A ban on cross-border travel for traditional purposes under the Torres Strait Treaty remains in place until further notice. : For more information visit: Or call: 134 COVID (134 26843) 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service Warren Entsch MP Cynthia Lui MP - Member for Cook Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES Radio '4 Meriba Wakai' (4MW) - 1260am AFL Cape York House AFL Cape York House - for Girls myPolice Torres Strait Islands Skytrans Nautilus Aviation Cape Air Transport Torres Strait Air Sea Swift Indigenous Knowledge Centres of Queensland ABC Far North
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