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Aislinn Yoga

Locality: Sydney, Australia


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24.01.2022 Yoga with my girl . Three months into Motherhood and feeling ready to move my body a bit more. . No one tells you that parenting turns you into a small hunchback; all the lifting and feeding really takes its toll. Plus before you know it youre lugging around almost 6 kilos of a wriggly love ball, and the last thing you think about is engaging the correct muscles at 3am!... . Making it to Mums & Bubs yoga is a great start to opening up my body a little more. Plus it means getting out of the house with Lily and hanging out with other new mamas. Win win win. . Heres to body health, mental health, and sweet Mama-Lily time . . . #yoga #mumsandbubsyoga #mentalhealth #bodyhealth #motherhood #newmum See more

24.01.2022 SO MUCH LOVE FOR MY @zamayoga FAMILY . In Brissy for less than 24 hours so of course @reneeloxley gently persuades me to cover her VinYin this morning . .... . #zamarama #zamifamily #yogalove See more

22.01.2022 Movement magic

22.01.2022 Start as you mean to go on; Calm, open hearted, gentle . . . #mondaymotivation

22.01.2022 The fancy brunch struggle is real . . . #parenting #brunch #motherhood #parenthood #mamalife #teamwork #tagteam

21.01.2022 M O N D A Y . . . Come at me. I am ready for you . #newadventures #mondaymotivation . by the one and only @sarmasmi on the trip of a lifetime

21.01.2022 SUP Yoga Nailed it

20.01.2022 Savasana. Day 1. . Even though the washing machine was noisy, the builders were hammering away next door, the clean laundry needed hanging out, it was SO HOT, the house needed cleaning, and I had a sudden passion for recycling. . I decided that Savasana would come first.... . . . #practice #savasana #savasanaintensive @lizzie.lasater See more

20.01.2022 Tree on the marina . . . #yogaontour #florida

19.01.2022 Some of you may recall the review of the Australian Government Rebate on Private Health Insurance for Natural Therapies. The National Health and Medical Researc...h Council (NHMRC), Australia, top medical research body assisted the Government with this review and found 17 natural therapies (including Yoga) to be ineffective. In response to this the Natural Medicine Associations have created two petitions to support the future of Natural Medicine. The petitions are: 1) An online petition calling for a Senate Inquiry into the probity of the NHMRC research process. Available at 2) A paper-based petition calling for a new Agency to be created to manage research methods and funding in natural therapies. Available at We would encourage all yoga professionals to actively participate in signing the petitions and creating awareness of these petitions amongst the yoga community. It is pleasing to see that despite the NHRMC finding, health funds continue to pay rebates for Yoga and other Natural Therapies.

19.01.2022 You can find me here

19.01.2022 Imagine if we spent our evenings watching (not really watching) and meditating!

18.01.2022 Mums & Bubs . To me the name can sound trivial but this class shouldnt be underestimated! . Theres no fancy asana but we get to move the bodies that created and birthed new life, and then watch those little lives grow.... . These women and their babies have been part of my village where there was none, and Im so grateful to have found them (and the delicious food). . Thank you @gabrielafearn for the yoga, the songs, and the photo . . . #mumsandbubs #selfcare #mumsandbubsyoga #village #connection #christmasbabies @eggoftheuniverse See more

17.01.2022 Time is precious as a new mum. But it is also when we most need some self care. What to do? . I have found that I can be all-or-nothing with my practice; If I dont have an hour then why bother at all? Hmm. . The answer is little and often!... . So, I have decided to share a few short practices that you can do in 1, 5, or 10 minutes, whenever you can, with whatever you have. I will focus specifically on common complaints that new mums have (body and mind), in simple, quick videos. . I will try and limit the chat and get straight to the point so that you can see what you need to do and get on with it (time is of the essence!) but will include some more details/hows/whys etc. in the text. . Lets go! . . . Disclaimer: I was going to wait until I knew how to make fancy videos but, just like that elusive hour, it probably wont come for a while. So instead of waiting, I thought rustic will do just fine. There might be mess and a loud Lily, but thats real life and thats why were here . . . #yoga #mumlife #thisisyoga #simpleliving See more

17.01.2022 ‘To understand the cause of pain is not enough; this understanding must be integrated into the whole of our being and become a lived experience.’

17.01.2022 Practicing yoga in prison is completely reshaping these inmates' lives

17.01.2022 Mums & Bubs . To me the name can sound trivial but this class shouldn’t be underestimated! . There’s no fancy asana but we get to move the bodies that created and birthed new life, and then watch those little lives grow.... . These women and their babies have been part of my village where there was none, and I’m so grateful to have found them (and the delicious food). . Thank you @gabrielafearn for the yoga, the songs, and the photo . . . #mumsandbubs #selfcare #mumsandbubsyoga #village #connection #christmasbabies @eggoftheuniverse See more

15.01.2022 P R E S E N C E . Learning to notice the little things with this one. She doesnt care about all the fancy things, she just wants my presence; eye contact, smiles, and cuddles . She also LOVES my loud singing and made-up songs. FINALLY someone appreciates my singing ... . . . #yoga #mumsandbubs #mamababy #love #presence #thisisyoga #yogalife #mum #mamalife #motherhood #sydneyyoga See more

15.01.2022 A great visual for anger

15.01.2022 B R E A S T F E E D I N G . Its taken me a year but Ive finally written about my early breastfeeding experience. . The full post is on my website (link in bio and here): . At my lowest point, I couldnt find anything online that resembled the problems I had, so I am purposely sharing this on my social media platforms to hopefully reach and help even one woman. . My plan is to write another post with more of the details and timeline of events but for now this is enough. . And if anyone is going through a similar situation and would like someone to chat to, please please reach out and contact me. No one should feel alone - especially a new Mama. . . . Photography by the amazing @lifeandlens_photography . #breastfeeding #galactocele #breastabscess #breastaspiration #support #breastfeedingawareness See more

14.01.2022 POSTPARTUM PRACTICE Hello! It’s been a while! I am 8-months postpartum and feel like I’m just about getting into the swing of a regular practice again. When I head to class I give the teacher a heads up that I’m taking it easy because I’ve just had a baby. Some seem surprised when I say 8 months (maybe they’re expecting me to say 6 weeks) but having a baby is a BIG DEAL on the body so slowly does it (more on that later).... It’s taken a lot of time to feel connected again. Simple things like getting up from the floor felt challenging; I remembered HOW to do it, but my body wasn’t responding how I expected it to. So I didn’t push. For a long time this was my practice. Lying supine. Breathing. Establishing a connection between my brain and my body. Nothing more. And gradually I’m getting stronger. Slowly, and with great respect for what my body has done and how it has changed. There is no bouncing back here, just evolving forward. . . . #postpartum #postpartumbody #yoga

12.01.2022 Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose) is an elusive creature that is directly related to the brightness of the mind; Clear mind = Steady posture (in yoga and in life)

11.01.2022 Downward facing dog for me & Peak-a-boo for her . Wrist circles for me & Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for her . .... . #mumsandbubs #mumsandbubsyoga #yoga #selfcare #connection #play See more

11.01.2022 P I G E O N S . I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be an authentic yogi if I didn't pose with these pigeons . .... #pigeon #pigeonpose #ekapadarajakapotasana #realyoga See more

10.01.2022 Softly softly down

09.01.2022 That feeling you get after the first 4-hour run of sleep . . . #motherhood #mumsandbubs #yoga #yogalife #sleep #mentalhealth #realparenting

07.01.2022 To understand the cause of pain is not enough; this understanding must be integrated into the whole of our being and become a lived experience.

07.01.2022 I usually watch tv or scroll through social media when Lily naps on me but this afternoon my eyes were tired. Tired from screens and pictures and information; tired from light and noise; tired from being hyper vigilant and engaged. So I switched everything off and took five minutes to meditate. . I used a guided meditation from @insighttimer on the simplicity of listening (I love that you can filter these guided meditations by time as short as 0-5 mins; Perfect for a quick . Just 5 minutes of mindful self-care makes a world of difference . . . #yoga #meditation #selfcare #mentalhealth See more

07.01.2022 I think we all know who the real teacher is . . . #babiesknow #tinyteacher #mumsandbubs #yoga

06.01.2022 L O V E . Hunching over in early motherhood isnt closing off the heart-space, its giving it completely to your baby so that they can grow in your love . .... . #mumsandbubs #allthelove #love #yoga #heart #heartfull #newmama #mushypost See more

06.01.2022 B R E A S T F E E D I N G . It’s taken me a year but I’ve finally written about my early breastfeeding experience. . The full post is on my website (link in bio and here): . At my lowest point, I couldn’t find anything online that resembled the problems I had, so I am purposely sharing this on my social media platforms to hopefully reach and help even one woman. . My plan is to write another post with more of the details and timeline of events but for now this is enough. . And if anyone is going through a similar situation and would like someone to chat to, please please reach out and contact me. No one should feel alone - especially a new Mama. . . . Photography by the amazing @lifeandlens_photography . #breastfeeding #galactocele #breastabscess #breastaspiration #support #breastfeedingawareness See more

05.01.2022 What a week! 6 days with these beautiful women training pre/postnatal yoga with @sallyparkespregnancyyoga . Ive learned so much but the main thing Ive taken away is WOMEN ARE THE MOST AMAZING BEINGS IN THE UNIVERSE . Our bodies shift and change and birth new life and recover and sustain. I am more in awe than ever before.... . Looking forward to sharing with mamas & mamas-to-be . . . #prenatalyoga #postnatalyoga #women #yoga See more

05.01.2022 Monday manifesting

03.01.2022 S U N D A Y S U N R I S E

03.01.2022 We know that all physical activity has benefits for mental health, but what we see here are specific positive effects of yoga that reduced the chance that someone will go on to engage in further criminal activity. We dont think yoga is a cure, but it makes inmates more open and able to benefit from other treatment programmes.

02.01.2022 Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby pose) straight from the source . . . #yogababy #mumsandbubs #mumsandbubsyoga #happybaby #yogateacher

02.01.2022 Firing up for a big week . This is core work without the aggression; Finding strength, agility, and lightness . Let's go Monday!

02.01.2022 Zero waste toddler snacks . I picked these up in bulk @nakedfoods and Miss L loves them. Great for busy hands and pretty mess free . .... . #zerowaste #plasticfree #itsalwayssnacktime . Ps this is definitely not an #ad : I’m not sure 200 followers qualifies me an an ‘influencer’ But aside from my yoga life, I also have a trying-to-reduce-waste life. So I’m sharing this too See more

01.01.2022 And that, dear daughter, is the meaning of life... . (Disclaimer: The meaning of life, in this case, was Incy Wincy Spider) . .... . #wisdom #themeaningoflife #youhadtobethere #mumsandbubsyoga #yoga #selfcare See more

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