Australia-Indonesia Youth Association in Sydney, Australia | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Australia-Indonesia Youth Association
Locality: Sydney, Australia
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23.01.2022 Happy NAIDOC Week folks!!! Join us in celebrating NAIDOC Week with an Aboriginal walking tour of Redfern, run by Tribal Warrior. Our tour guide, Aunty Donna Ingram, a Wiradjuri woman who identifies Redfern as her cultural home, will describe the significance of Redfern to the Aboriginal Community; how Redfern was and how it is now, through storytelling and shared experiences. Tickets are $5 for AIYA Members. Sign up as an AIYA member today! This event is strictly limited to 20 people so get in quick!! BUY TICKETS --->
23.01.2022 What a wild ride! Thank you to everyone who has been part of AIYA NSW this year Watch this vid to hear about our achievements this year and learn how to join our 2020/2021 committee
22.01.2022 Our friends from AIYA Vic have just dropped episode 2 of Martabak Vegemite!! Check it out whilst it's hot
21.01.2022 #Repost @aiya_national Minggu ini, AIYA National ngobrol dengan Maxine dari AIYA New South Wales tentang pengalamannya selama menjadi anggota AIYA. ‘Humans of AIYA’ menyoroti kisah-kisah unik anggota AIYA di Australia & Indonesia. ... Hubungi cabang AIYA terdekat jika kamu ingin ikut serta! __ This week AIYA National spoke with Maxine from AIYA New South Wales about her AIYA journey. Humans of AIYA shines a spotlight on the unique stories of the committee members of AIYA's Chapters across Australia & Indonesia. Contact your nearest AIYA Chapter to learn more about how you can get involved! #ausindoyouth #indonesiaaustralia #australiaindonesia #hubunganinternasional #asianstudies #indonesianstudies #indonesiamaju #kemlu #dfat #indopacific #asiapacific #inidiplomasi #taukahkamu #ausindo #ozindo #newcolomboplan #australianuniversity #universityofsydney #australiancapitalterritory #makassar #ntt #jawabarat
20.01.2022 Sampaikan pendapat Kamu >>> Have your say!
20.01.2022 Only 4 days left to apply! AIYA NSW is looking for passionate and enthusiastic volunteers to join our committee for 2020/21. If you have a keen interest in Australia-Indonesia relations and want to be part of a friendly community of like-minded young people, this could be for you! Applications close this Sunday 20th Sept. ... Apply now!
20.01.2022 JOIN THE AIYA NSW COMMITTEE FOR 2020-21!! Are you a student or young professional with a passion for Australia-Indonesia relations? Want to be part of a community of like-minded, friendly people? ... We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to fill the following positions: Treasurer Communications Officer Education Officer Socio-cultural Officer Communications Team Members Education Team Members Socio-cultural Team Members Sounds like you? Apply by filling out the following form by Sunday 20 September 2020! Positions description can be read here: Note: Prior experience is desired but not necessary for all roles.
19.01.2022 Free tonight? Join AIYA President Clarice Campbell and our friends at Australia Indonesia Youth Association Western Australia - AIYA WA for a chat about life in the pandemic in Australia and Indonesia. Kicks off at 8pm NSW time
18.01.2022 Only 1 day until our Redfern Walking Tour this Saturday! Come along and learn a bit about our First Nations peoples and history from Aunty Donna 5 tickets left!!! Buy tickets:
17.01.2022 REMINDER Our AGM is on this Monday 7th September at 8pm! Applications for all committee member positions close Sunday midnight. Ayo apply! You'll be joining a community of passionate young people and have the opportunity to develop valuable skills. ... Please RSVP to the Facebook event where you can submit an expression of interest for the 2020/21 AIYA NSW committee.
14.01.2022 Come along to our Online Quiz Night Tuesday 18th August! Join young people from both Australia and Indonesia in a fun online quiz by AIYA hosted by our NT... and Yogya chapters on Zoom! We might not be able to travel, but how great is it that we can still connect with each other online Challenge your knowledge on all things Australian and Indonesian, or learn some new things about our two neighbouring countries. Capacity is limited (100 pax), so make sure to register so you don’t miss out! Participants will be divided into teams after registering (you may nominate 1 friend that you wish to be in a team with). To register, you need to be a current AIYA member. To become a member and to register for the quiz night, click on the link See you there!! . . . Yuk ikut Online Quiz Night hari Selasa 18 Agustus! Bergabunglah sama anak-anak muda dari Australia dan Indonesia dalam kuis online yang diselenggarakan oleh AIYA cabang NT dan Yogya di Zoom! Kita memang belum bisa traveling bersama seperti dulu, tapi untungnya, kita masih bisa saling berhubungan secara online Uji pengetahuan kamu dalam semua hal tentang Australia dan Indonesia, atau pelajari beberapa hal baru tentang dua negara ini! Kapasitas terbatas (100 orang), jadi ayo daftar sekarang! Peserta akan dibagi menjadi beberapa tim (kamu dapat memilih 1 teman yang kamu inginkan untuk bergabung dalam satu tim). Untuk mendaftar, kamu harus menjadi anggota AIYA. Untuk menjadi anggota, cukup hanya membayar Rp. 50.000 (siswa) / Rp. 100.000 (umum). Untuk menjadi anggota dan mendaftar untuk malam kuis ini, silakan klik link ini Sampai ketemu!! #onlinequiznight #ausindoyouth
13.01.2022 Not to be missed! The SSEAC ASEAN Forum 2020 kicks off tomorrow with a keynote address from Dr Thushara Dibley on regional responses to COVID-19. Start time: Monday August 3 @ 5pm
12.01.2022 Cantik! Ganteng! It's our 2019/2020 committee yearbook shot It's been great to work alongside each other over the last 12 months, coordinating a range of events, facilitating cultural exchanges and building relationships. Whilst 2020 has challenged us all in many ways, we've enjoyed bringing our creativity and digital skills to the fore. We hope you've enjoyed connecting with the AIYA community through our online activities such as online language exchange and Netflix part...ies. With the 2019/2020 term drawing to a close, many of our current committee members will be stepping down from their positions and moving on to exciting things. We are looking for new enthusiastic committee members who want to continue AIYA's great work and gain valuable experience. More details to come! #cantik #ganteng #yearbook #commitee #ausindo #ayoikut
12.01.2022 Halo teman-teman! Alas, our 2020 Annual General Meeting is just hours away, where we'll bode farewell to our outgoing committee members, and say hello to the next era in our chapter's history! Join us as we recap what has happened at AIYA NSW for the past 12 months, and vote for our next executive. Also, don't forget to *zoom* into our meeting come 8pm AEST at * Please ensure that you have obtained AIYA membership in the last 12 months to be eligible to vote or to be elected. If you haven't done so, get your membership here -> Sampai bertemu!
10.01.2022 Are you Australian age 21-25 years old? Have an interest in learning more about Indonesia as well as your own culture? Want to access the biggest name in the Australia-Indonesia space and expand your professional network? How about build a long lasting friendship with people your age from both Indonesia and Australia? Then this is for you! Application is now open for AIYEP2020 until September 28, 2020! So, what are you waiting for? More information about the program as well a...s the application form can be found here: by Agahari Sianipar (Harry) - Australia Indonesia Youth Exchange Program #AIYEP #AIYEP2020 #AustraliaIndonesia #australiaindonesiayouthexchangeprogram #australiaindonesiainstitute
10.01.2022 Keen to deepen your involvement with AIYA? Got tech chops? Australia-Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA) are currently recruiting for three Digital roles to join their Operations team. Follow the link for more details. Also, stay tuned for some upcoming opportunities to join the NSW team
09.01.2022 This year we're excited to partner with UNSW ASEAN Conference (UAC)! UAC is a meeting of ideas, culture and people where students and professionals alike will be able to engage in conversation in a global forum about the future of ASEAN. The conference will take place from October 10-24, featuring keynote speeches from The Hon. Kevin Rudd AC, 26th Prime Minister of Australia; and The Hon. Prof. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, 6th President of Indonesia. This event is completely F...REE and open the general public (Australians and Indonesians). Register now!
08.01.2022 Anastasia Pavlovic is an AIYA NSW member and USYD Indonesian Studies Alumni . Catch her Instagram takeover @sydney_uni as she shares what she's been up to since graduating and why she chose to study Indonesian at Sydney University!
07.01.2022 #Repost @aiya_national This week AIYA National spoke with Peter from AIYA New South Wales (@aiya_nsw) about his AIYA journey. Humans of AIYA shines a spotlight on the unique stories of the committee members of AIYA's Chapters across Australia & Indonesia.... Contact your nearest AIYA Chapter to learn more about how you can get involved! Minggu ini, AIYA National ngobrol dengan Peter dari AIYA New South Wales (@aiya_nsw) tentang pengalamannya selama menjadi anggota AIYA. ‘Humans of AIYA’ menyoroti kisah-kisah unik anggota AIYA di Australia & Indonesia. Hubungi cabang AIYA terdekat jika kamu ingin ikut serta! #ausindoyouth #indonesiaaustralia #australiaindonesia #hubunganinternasional #asianstudies #indonesianstudies #indonesiamaju #kemlu #dfat #indopacific #asiapacific #inidiplomasi #taukahkamu #ausindo #ozindo #newcolomboplan #australianuniversity #melbourne #bandung #jawabarat #aiya
06.01.2022 Our good friends from AIYA Vic have just released the latest episode of Martabak Vegemite!! Tune in whilst it's still spicy
06.01.2022 To celebrate NAIDOC Week 2020, AIYA NSW joined an Aboriginal walking tour of Redfern, run by Tribal Warrior. Our tour guide, Aunty Donna Ingram, a Wiradjuri woman who identifies Redfern as her cultural home, shared the significance of Redfern to the Aboriginal Community; how Redfern was and how it is now and showed us many places of importance for the Aboriginal Community in Redfern.
04.01.2022 Last night we said goodbye to outgoing committee members at our Annual General Meeting via Zoom. It's been a roller-coaster of a year, but we took this opportunity to reflect upon on our achievements over the past 12 months and we are so grateful to our incredible group of young people passionate about promoting the Australia-Indonesia relationship. A huge thank you to all our members who supported us by attending the AGM! We also conducted elections for the 2020/21 committee... and are delighted to announce the successful candidates: President: Samantha Lim Vice-President: Matthew Hasjim Secretary: Charlotte Oliver Professional Programs Officer: Andaleeb Akhand We're so excited to bring you more online and in-person events over the next year! We are currently seeking nominations for Treasurer, Communications Officer, Socio-Cultural Officer, Education Officer and Team Member positions. If you're interested in applying for any of these positions, please e-mail us at [email protected] or drop us a message through our Facebook page. Terima kasih banyak!
03.01.2022 @aiya_national 5 days to go! The UNSW ASEAN Conference will start with keynote addresses from The Hon. Kevin Rudd AC 26th Prime Minister of Australia; President, Asia Society Policy Institute, and The Hon. Prof. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, 6th President of Indonesia. Key information for the remaining conference: Dates: 10th, 17th & 24th October 2020 Venue: Online Price: FREE!... Register NOW: ___ 5 hari lagi! Konferensi UNSW ASEAN akan mulai dengan pidato utama dari The Hon. Kevin Rudd AC Perdana Menteri ke-26 Australia; Presiden, Institut Kebijakan Masyarakat Asia, dan The Hon. Prof. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Presiden ke-6 Indonesia. Berikut informasi penting tentang acara ini: Tanggal: 10, 17 & 24 Oktober 2020 Tempat: Online Harga: GRATIS! Daftar SEKARANG:
02.01.2022 Indonesia's 2020 biking craze is a return to years gone by! Australia-Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA) blogger Fahry Slatter explains why cycling stores in Jakarta have all sold out and explores some of the nation's two wheel history. Follow the link in the comments to learn all about it
01.01.2022 Announcing our 2020 Annual General Meeting. Hear from the team and get involved! We hope you can join us
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