Akta-Vite in Truganina, Victoria, Australia | Food & drink
Locality: Truganina, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 1300 258 284
Address: 25 Distribution Drive 3029 Truganina, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.aktavite.com.au
Likes: 1577
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25.01.2022 Who likes to dunk? Which biscuit is your favourite? Last night we went with some delicious Aussie chocolate chip cookies. More than delicious #doublechoc #aktavite #chocolatechipcookies #dunking #biscuitdunk #sweettreat #hotchocolate #dessert #sogood #aussiemadeandowned
25.01.2022 Did you know that 1 serve of Aktavite with skim milk gives you 15% of your RDI of #vitamind ? Vitamin D is so important as it controls calcium levels in the blood which is needed for strong bones muscles and overall health . #nutritionmatters #calcium #healthylifestyle #australianproduct #strongbones #health #healthaustralia #forallgenerations #wellness #intergenerational #body #wellbeing #wellnessjourney #nutritionalpleasure #happyandhealthy
25.01.2022 Thanks for your support Sandra. Much appreciated.
24.01.2022 Happy hump day. Love this from @goodnessgraciousbne #wednesdayitis #happyhumpday #alwaysgive100percent
24.01.2022 We were never in doubt. Chocolate milk rules.
23.01.2022 Reminiscing- the old Nicholas factory on the corner of Warrigal and Waverley Roads where Akta-Vite was made for decades. Now the site of the Homemaker centre. Akta-Vite is still made locally in Dandenong. #madeinmelbourne #aussiesince1943 #keepingitlocal #australianmanufacturing #nicholasfactory #nicholashealth #australianhistory #australianproduct
23.01.2022 It’s true and it’s a good saying to get motivated. What are you going to do today? What are your goals? It may be work, home, family, friends, health or fitness related but sometimes you just need to start. We’re starting with some Aktavite in our coffee for some extra energy boost. #motivation #motivationalquotes #motivational #energyboost #jogging #exercise #goals #exercisemotivation #gogetit #worklifebalance #makeastart
22.01.2022 Perfect for a Saturday night of Netflix watching The haunting of Bly Manor. What are you watching? Great for a night of marshmallow creations especially with Akta-Vite . Photo credit @xo.marshmallow #saturdaynight #netflix #nightin #tvnight #tv #quietnight #hotchocolate #hotchocolateaustralia #marshmallow #enjoy
22.01.2022 It’s a wet Saturday. Time to relax and have some indoors time. Always nice with some hot choccie #hotcocoa #hotchocolate #hotchocolatetime
22.01.2022 Need we say more? Relax and enjoy the weekend. #hotchocolate #aktavite #keepwarm #fridayvibes #weekend #coldstill #aussiegoodness #madelocally #australianmadeandowned #milk
22.01.2022 For those of us in Victoria, we are hopefully coming to an end of home schooling. Although it will be nice to have the kids back at school, I will miss the family lunches and chats during the day. It’s been nice to have family time. But life goes on and adjust we shall. How about this family with the Principal in-house! Any school teachers out there been balancing life? Kudos to you for juggling this tricky time. Hopefully made better with a little home schooling serve of Akta-Vite #lifeduringcovid19 #backtoschool #homeschooling
21.01.2022 Thanks for the share Products made in Australia. WE love your page and posts. Keep it up! #australianmadeandowned #australianmade
20.01.2022 Follow @boobyballsau on Instagram or DM to order some great Aussie made Aktavite balls. Delicious, nutritious and #madeinmelbourne . #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #healthysnacks #mocha #localbusiness
19.01.2022 Isn’t iced chocolate just the best? Been gardening all morning and come in for some hydration and a pick me up. So thirst quenching and now feel ready for the second session. So easy. All you need is Akta-Vite, milk, ice and stir. Yum #hydrating #thirstquenching #health #icedchocolate #icedchocolatemilk #chocolatemilk #aktavite #milk
19.01.2022 Easy midweek treat with 3 ingredients - local strawberries, vanilla ice cream and of course Akta-Vite. So yum. All Aussie goodness. All Aussie made and owned companies @bullafamilydairy @bimbimbifarm #supportlocal
17.01.2022 Sometimes it’s nice to be inside. #enjoyingquiettime #quietmoments #raindrops #goodfortheplants #aktavitetime #aktavite #hotchocolate #weekendmood credit rebloggy.com
16.01.2022 Self explanatory - take some time to think about what you do and what you eat. It’s important. Here at Aktavite we call good eating and drinking, nutritional pleasure. Chose food and drink options that are delicious but also deliver you the nutrients you need to complete your daily life. Add a little exercise and you have the perfect combo. . credit: Nicole Jory #keepwell #keepfit #eatwell #aktavite #nutritionalpleasure #nutrition #wellness #eathealthy #balancedmeals #balancedlife #nutritionboost #nutritionboostforkids #elderlynutrition #pregnancy
16.01.2022 Keep warm everyone. It’s just a tad chilly. #coldandrainy #book #netflix #hotchocolate #saturday #grabablanket
16.01.2022 Has anyone tried Akta-Vite in their porridge? Thanks @crissys_kitchen for the idea. Looks delicious #porridge #breakfastideas #yum #nutritionalpleasure #aktavite
15.01.2022 We are hopefully on the home stretch now and while some of us may have been lucky enough to avoid catching a cold or flu or dreaded Covid, others may not have been so lucky. Of course "eating a healthy, balanced diet full of fresh vegetables and fruit, lean protein and healthy fats will provide a good basis for staying healthy. Ensuring adequate intake of iron, zinc and vitamins A, C, E, B6 and B12 will support your working immune cells". Along with eating a balanced diet, a ...glass of Akta-Vite will also provide you with RDI's ranging from 25% to 50% of many of these key vitamins to boost your immune system as well, so make sure you include a glass into your daily routine! So stay safe, eat well, enjoy an Akta-Vite and let’s give this Covid thing the boot !! Follow @elleshungry for some great food ideas like this photo. #aktavite #aktaviteaustralia #16vitaminsandminerals #vitaminc #zinc immuneboost #beatcoldsandflu #dailyroutine #aglassadaykeepsthedoctoraway
15.01.2022 Thanks for the shoutout @supportaustralianbrands Some great products to look out for. #supportinglocalbusiness #australianmadeandowned #aussiebrands #aussieshopping
12.01.2022 Sun is shining. Time for a walk? Research says just 30 mins a day helps overall fitness, cardiac health, mental health and improves mood. This beautiful tea towel is from Red Tractor Designs Another all Aussie made and owned company #australianmadeandowned #australianmadeandowned #teatowel #walking #walkingisgoodforthesoul
09.01.2022 Missed the kids today being back at school but was sure to give them special love afterwards . All Aussie Akta-Vite with special @gippslandjersey milk. Topped off with some some mini choc chip biscuits from Josephine’s on the Mornington Peninsula www.bakeries.com and a lamington from Bakers Oven IGA. #afternoontreats #backtoschool #aktavite #chocolatechipcookies #chocolatemilk #homeschoollife #localmilk #buyaussie #supportlocal #lamington #afterschool #afterschoolsnack #specialtreat
09.01.2022 Is their anything as iconic in our bush as our Aussie wattle? It even has its own National Day, celebrated annually on the first day of Spring since 1910. Wattle is said to signify unity and resilience. We hope it’s a good sign for good things to come. Wishing happy times ahead for all our Akta-Vite families and friends. #itsthelittlethings #itstimeforgood #springinspiration #spring #nationalwattleday #supportingaussies #wattle #australianflora #symbolsofaustralia #goodsign #yellow #yellowflowers #unity #resilience #australia
09.01.2022 What’s on your to do list this week? Are you enjoying some time off in the school holidays or are you working through? It’s always nice either way to have a weekly plan. It helps to keep you focused and remembering to do those odd jobs. Also better sipping an Aktavite whilst making your plan . Enjoy your week. #makeaplan #keepfocused #brainpower #motivation #dailyplanner #weeklyplanner #todolist #thingstodo #buyaktavite Photo credit: @lilmstudies
08.01.2022 Happy active kids need happy active nutrition. Check out @happyactivekidsaustralia for a great range of cubby houses and swing sets to add to your garden. Top it off with a glass of Aktavite chocolate milk and you’ve got the perfect combo #activekids #cubbyhouse #cubby #happykids #happykidshappylife #kidsnutrition #nutritionalpleasure #homegarden
08.01.2022 It’s nice to be able to share some footage on Family business day about us. This interview is done by our daughter Jessie. We are so proud to be involved with Aktavite, a historical family brand providing nutritional goodness since 1943. #proudlyaussie #australianmadeandowned
08.01.2022 Just because you are lactose/dairy intolerant doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy Chocolate milk. Akta-Vite is a dairy free chocolate flavouring (with added nutrients) that you can add to your favourite non dairy milk, like Soy, Almond or Oat. You can serve hot or cold and can pop in some marshmallows for a little extra treat . Good for people of all ages. Available in @colessupermarkets #aussiemade #aussiemadeandowned #goodforkids #goodforadults #dairyfree #lactosefree #lactoseintolerant #oatmilk #marshmallows #aktavite #australianproducts #australianmade #icedchocolatemilk #chocolatemilk #milkforkids #icedchocolate #nutritionforkids #nutritionforlife #madeinmelbourne
07.01.2022 We agree. Perfect for morning, noon or night. What do you prefer? credit: @thehotchoccy #hotchocolate #hotchocolateaustralia #hotchocolatetime #soothing #soothsthesoul #warming #delicious
07.01.2022 Is it time to start getting excited about Christmas? 115 days to go. We love some of the Christmas insta pages that we follow. It gives us such inspiration and happy feelings. Check out @xmascountdownnn Its our favourite #christmas #inspiration #christmascountdown #hotchocolate #hopetobeoutoflockdown
07.01.2022 Anyone game to try this with a glass of Akta-Vite on their head? US Olympian swimmer @katieledecky can do a whole lap with a chocolate milk on her head. Any of our Aussie swimmers up for the challenge? #swimmingchallenge #teamusavsteamaustralia #chocolatemilkchallenge
06.01.2022 We feel the same at Akta-Vite #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #localmanufacturing #manufacturing #manufacturingaustralia #smallbusiness #jobs #localjobs #localjobsforlocalpeople #aussiemade
05.01.2022 A bit of advertising nostalgia from Nicholas products. In the 70s, Akta-Vite was just one of the many pharmaceutical products in their range including Aspro, Radox, Kwells, Vincent’s powders and Ungvita. You can view more of the history at www.nicholashealth.com.au/heritage #aspro #aktavite #australianmadeproducts #ungvita #radox #nicholasproducts #nicholashealth #algesal #kwells #vincentspowders
04.01.2022 These pods just make the best breakfast or lunch. Delicious, nutritious and super easy to make. Ingredients: 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1 tbsp black chia seeds, 2 tbsp Aktavite, 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 3/4 a cup of the milk of your choice. We used Soy. Mix together and leave in fridge overnight. Serve with your choice of fruit. The oats really fill you up. A great meal. #dairyfree #oats #chiaseeds #chia #blackchia #aktavite #banana #chiapod #cinnamon #nutritiousanddelicious #nutritious #delicious #australianmade #australianmadeandowned #breakfast #lunch #breakfastideas #lunchideas #sogood #soy #recipe
03.01.2022 Who can’t wait to get back to visiting grand parents and grand children? We miss normal life #familyforever #moments #grandparents #grandparentslove #grandchildren #family #familytime #familyiseverything #chocolatemilk #milk #sharing #sharingiscaring
03.01.2022 Now this is a nice set for your cocoa. Who wants this one? We do ! Check out @tonofraedunn #socute #homewears #kitcheninspo
02.01.2022 2020 has been a super challenging year. Normal life as we knew it has possibly altered forever. Simple daily living with social gestures and hugs, coffee catchups, visiting friends and family, holidays and work routines have gone. Many elderly people are too scared to go outside. It’s been tough. Today and everyday, we must support each other, be kind and check-in with family and friends to see if they and you are ok. Stay safe all. There will be light at the end of this tunnel. #ruok #ruokday #ruokday2020 #ruokeveryday #besafe #grouphugs #virtualhugs
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