Alannah Rose Archer | Sportsperson
Alannah Rose Archer
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25.01.2022 Hi guys! Archery X-tra Magazines 10th issue just came out! Be sure to read my article on tips to shoot barebow!
25.01.2022 Had a great night at archery tonight. After some malfunctioning gear (that was two years old at least) I was able to get my hands on an amazing finger sling and new string both made by one amazing person. Thankyou so much Wangaratta Archers for all your help in getting me where I am today. I am so lucky to have so many people wanting to mentor me. Today was actually a pretty good night. I ended with a 197 and a 170, adding to a total of 367... so close and yet so far! I think Im going to look forward to what this year brings if I keep shooting the way I am Archery X-tra Magazine
24.01.2022 A couple of articles in a local newspaper and online North East newsletter about our achievements in the national indoor championships. Congratulations to my fellow archers from the North East who brought home medals and scored very respectful placings!
24.01.2022 Well, I had a very exciting week last week. On my usual Thursday night training, I smashed my personal best by 11 points, ending with a 410 in a double Australian round. Talk about a very happy archer . Then, to add to things, thanks to Wangaratta Archers, I managed to take out a first place for the Associate Member category in the Howell Gray Cup and am very pleased to say that it is my first ever trophy. Thanks also to Archery X-tra Magazine for giving me a chance to rep...resent such an awesome magazine and making me look professional in my fancy shirt . As for the nationals, Ill let you know the results when the medals arrive . (P.S. If you were wondering about my funky hairdo, it was because the wind was atrocious on Sunday . Gotta love long hair) See more
23.01.2022 Here's a video that I'm doing for my technology class at school. We have to make a website and (surprise surprise) I chose archery! Hope you like it Wangaratta Archers! Please tell me what you think!
23.01.2022 So the first part of a major weekend is over and even though it was only state today, I'm pretty happy with what I achieved. With a final of 392, I beat the best I made on Thursday as well as doing 92 points better than I did last year! Had an AMAZING day even without the shooting side of it - I made a friend of an absolutely BRILLIANT barebow recurver who holds the national record for male barebow recurve and even though he shot WAY better than me, it wasn't a great day for... him... I can tell you I was in awe with how much he was hitting the gold with the same set up as me... Like I said, absolute awe. Made some cool friends too so it really was an amazing day. Now for tomorrow... Thanks to my sponsor Archery X-tra Magazine (formerly ATA hence the shirt) See more
22.01.2022 Okay. So. Last week, I tried this thing called string walking. For those of you who don't know, string walking is when you move your hand up and down the string based on how far away from the target you are. So, if you're shooting a large distance, you move your hand up the string, and if you're shooting a small distance, you move your hand down from where you usually shoot. So, for 18m's, all my fingers are just below the arrow which allows me to aim at the target rather a meter below like I was before string walking. Last week was tough because it was the first time I'd tried it, and I ended up in the 170's for the 2 rounds I shot. But THIS week was pretty dang amazing. It took me a while to warm up with a 190 the first round, but then the 2nd last round, I was one arrow off getting an all gold (which is where you get 6 arrows in a row in the gold) So me thinks I'll be sticking with this string walking. Next step is hopefully wearing the green and gold for barebow recurve Fingers crossed! See more
22.01.2022 Early days at Archers Aim indoor range at Beechworth.
22.01.2022 Birthday time for me at the range! and a present from Chris of a "mini-me" bow!
21.01.2022 So after a couple of months not doing archery, I finally had a good shoot of 90 arrows today at Wangaratta Archery Club and had a lot of fun shooting at 40 meters. Pretty happy with what I scored; especially the last round which was over 200. So happy. Anyway, lets hope Ill be able to do some more without having to wait a month this time Looking forward to indoor season!
21.01.2022 Merry Christmas everyone! Thankyou for being so supportive this year. Its been wonderful. A special thankyou to the Archery X-tra Magazine for being my sponsor this year and giving me so many opportunities! Heres to another awesome year of archery!
21.01.2022 Guys I did it! I got over 400! For those of you who dont know, Ive only ever done this once before and that was at State/nationals last year which ended up being my PB and the new state record for Victoria. Recently Ive had a bit of a drop in my scores but I am so happy that Im back to my best. Really looking forward to nationals Archery X-tra Magazine
21.01.2022 Today I competed in a spooky Halloween (oooohhhh) themed fun shoot at Wangaratta Archers. It was made all the more interesting as everyone had to shoot with club bows, with a few "interesting" shooting techniques. We all had a fun morning and the scary rain held off until lunch time. Thank you to the club and organisers for a fun & spooky event.
21.01.2022 Putting together some nice groupings now! The SuperCoach will be happy!
20.01.2022 On the road with the Supercoach and Dad to nationals at Morwel and I have to say I'm pretty pumped - after an awesome score (for me at least) of a 380 after two rounds in my last minute training last night. Nationals are finally here and there is excitement in the air
20.01.2022 So, after a very long, too long, a break, I'm finally starting to get back into the swing of things. Feeling good about this year's nationals! EXCITEMENT!
20.01.2022 On the road with the Supercoach and Dad to nationals at Morwel and I have to say Im pretty pumped - after an awesome score (for me at least) of a 380 after two rounds in my last minute training last night. Nationals are finally here and there is excitement in the air
19.01.2022 The start of the dynamic duo, with Chris the SuperCoach
17.01.2022 When you dont have the will power to get out of bed early to do archery but its too hot to do it at any other time of the day. This afternoon I was lucky enough to actually have quite a pleasant shoot while the sun went down. I hope all those other archers out there are also managing to get in a couple of shots in this ridiculous weather. Have fun and stay cool! Archery X-tra Magazine
16.01.2022 Okay. So. Last week, I tried this thing called string walking. For those of you who dont know, string walking is when you move your hand up and down the string based on how far away from the target you are. So, if youre shooting a large distance, you move your hand up the string, and if youre shooting a small distance, you move your hand down from where you usually shoot. So, for 18ms, all my fingers are just below the arrow which allows me to aim at the target rather a meter below like I was before string walking. Last week was tough because it was the first time Id tried it, and I ended up in the 170s for the 2 rounds I shot. But THIS week was pretty dang amazing. It took me a while to warm up with a 190 the first round, but then the 2nd last round, I was one arrow off getting an all gold (which is where you get 6 arrows in a row in the gold) So me thinks Ill be sticking with this string walking. Next step is hopefully wearing the green and gold for barebow recurve Fingers crossed! See more
16.01.2022 When you don't have the will power to get out of bed early to do archery but it's too hot to do it at any other time of the day. This afternoon I was lucky enough to actually have quite a pleasant shoot while the sun went down. I hope all those other archers out there are also managing to get in a couple of shots in this ridiculous weather. Have fun and stay cool! Archery X-tra Magazine
16.01.2022 Yay!! My medals from the national indoor championships finally arrived! They must be my new good luck charms as I smashed my average at Thursday night training (with a bit of incentive from the SuperCoach ....)
15.01.2022 My first competition! (nervous much? )
15.01.2022 Competition time again and another second place award! Yay!
14.01.2022 Wow! I am now a staff shooter for ATA Magazine! Dave and I with our new shirts
14.01.2022 Merry Christmas everyone! Thankyou for being so supportive this year. It's been wonderful. A special thankyou to the Archery X-tra Magazine for being my sponsor this year and giving me so many opportunities! Here's to another awesome year of archery!
14.01.2022 I had a really good shoot at North East Archers in Benalla today, along side fellow ATA Magazine staff shooter Dave McGinn, competing in the Presidents Cup. I shot above my average for the whole day and I am very happy with that considering that was only my second 40m outdoor comp!
14.01.2022 Shooting at the indoor nationals, I got national silver and state gold! Very happy archer
14.01.2022 Training shenanigans with the SuperCoach
13.01.2022 School holiday outdoor practice at nanny and Poppys "outdoor range"
13.01.2022 Yay! Medal time!!
12.01.2022 Had a good start to the nationals today, but it was off to a bit of a rough start. My groupings in the practice rounds were tight, the first round went to poo after I kept getting 1s and 2s every end; which ended up in a score in the 170s. But after a Coke, some much needed chocolate, a hug and some encouraging words, I was able to pull myself together and get a 191 in the second round. Everyone thought that it was pretty good considering I was in a completely different club... that Id never shot at before. Thank you so much to the cheer squad that showed up today. It helped so much Will keep you guys updated about tomorrow. Archery X-tra Magazine
12.01.2022 So with the lead up to nationals underway, the super coach decided to get me doing outdoor 30 meters and 18 meters. Happy to say that we were able to fix some form issues and by the end my groups were tight - even with fatigue settling in. Feeling good with progress, and you know that youve pushed yourself when youre sore and tired and falling asleep on the couch.
12.01.2022 So, after a very long, too long, a break, Im finally starting to get back into the swing of things. Feeling good about this years nationals! EXCITEMENT!
11.01.2022 Had a great night tonight at Wangaratta Archers. The first round I scored a 221 the first round of 30 arrows, a PB for that amount of arrows. Unfortunately though, I got tired the second round and dropped to a 176. Im hoping that if I keep this up, I may be able to do even better at nationals this year! So glad the indoor season has started back at Wang. Now to work on consistency and stamina...
10.01.2022 Heres a video that Im doing for my technology class at school. We have to make a website and (surprise surprise) I chose archery! Hope you like it Wangaratta Archers! Please tell me what you think!
10.01.2022 Well, after a rough couple of weeks, on the last practice before nationals come up, I had an excellent night of shooting, ending up with a score of 406. It should be interesting to see how these scores go in the 20 and under age group. Good luck to all those competing this weekend, and if you happen to be at Twin City Archers, look out for the Archery X-tra Magazine staff shooters shirt and come say hi
09.01.2022 Here at Diamond Valley Archers just before the state competition starts. Had a practice earlier, so lets hope I do well today
09.01.2022 While scores today were a bit below my average, the actual groupings were some of the best Ive ever done... just all to the left. The first round was 174, and the second round was looking to be about the same, when in the last end of the day, I got X, 10, 9; which resurrected my score and ended up with 188. Not too far off my average in the scope of things, but since (as far as we know) Im the one in my class, it was more of a mind game of trying to beat myself. At least I ...was consistent Congratulations to all of those who got medals and broke records or PBs. Due to the uncertainty of the future in this stage of my life (universities and such) I dont know if I will be competing in the nationals next year, but I certainly hope Ill be seeing you all next year. Keep practicing, and as an old friend once said, "be the arrow, shoot yourself!" See more
09.01.2022 Had a great night of training on Thursday and Im pretty proud of what I ended up achieving. The first round was an average 163 but that would be expected being a warm up round. However, my next round according to archers diary, was a master bowman round as I ended with a 205. Lets just hope this continues for nationals!
08.01.2022 Serious shooting time!!
08.01.2022 Had a great day over at Wangaratta Archers today in their shield competition that is held on the first of every month. Due to being an associate member, my score didnt really count but happy to have a shot non the less... even if it was a little cold In the end, shoot better at thirty meters on a 60cm target face than I usually do at 18 meters on a 40cm target face. So a good day in all.
07.01.2022 School holiday outdoor practice at nanny and Poppy's "outdoor range"
07.01.2022 My first outdoor Comp at North East Archers in Benalla I ended up with a second placing on handicap!
06.01.2022 Had a great night of training on Thursday and I'm pretty proud of what I ended up achieving. The first round was an average 163 but that would be expected being a warm up round. However, my next round according to archers diary, was a master bowman round as I ended with a 205. Let's just hope this continues for nationals!
05.01.2022 So the first part of a major weekend is over and even though it was only state today, Im pretty happy with what I achieved. With a final of 392, I beat the best I made on Thursday as well as doing 92 points better than I did last year! Had an AMAZING day even without the shooting side of it - I made a friend of an absolutely BRILLIANT barebow recurver who holds the national record for male barebow recurve and even though he shot WAY better than me, it wasnt a great day for... him... I can tell you I was in awe with how much he was hitting the gold with the same set up as me... Like I said, absolute awe. Made some cool friends too so it really was an amazing day. Now for tomorrow... Thanks to my sponsor Archery X-tra Magazine (formerly ATA hence the shirt) See more
05.01.2022 I had an absolutely amazing day yesterday at Wangaratta Archers outdoor range. I was shooting 30 meters with 90 arrows. I am exceptionally happy with what I managed to achieve, given that I havent been able to practice with that many arrows for a couple of months. I ended up with a grand total of 684 out of 900 and managed to get an all gold round in the first 30 arrows. My first award! Honestly, Im so glad that everything worked out so well. My new arrows that I assembled... myself worked really well, my new shirt fits perfectly, thanks to Archery X-tra Magazine, and my new case fits everything in and everything has its place, unlike my old case . Such an amazing day. And at the end, I looked at what I had achieved and how perfect everything seemed to work out, and said to myself, this is what its like to really live. Of course, I know I could do better if I had some stamina, but its just something to work for! See more
05.01.2022 Guys I did it! I got over 400! For those of you who don't know, I've only ever done this once before and that was at State/nationals last year which ended up being my PB and the new state record for Victoria. Recently I've had a bit of a drop in my scores but I am so happy that I'm back to my best. Really looking forward to nationals Archery X-tra Magazine
05.01.2022 While scores today were a bit below my average, the actual groupings were some of the best I've ever done... just all to the left. The first round was 174, and the second round was looking to be about the same, when in the last end of the day, I got X, 10, 9; which resurrected my score and ended up with 188. Not too far off my average in the scope of things, but since (as far as we know) I'm the one in my class, it was more of a mind game of trying to beat myself. At least I ...was consistent Congratulations to all of those who got medals and broke records or PB's. Due to the uncertainty of the future in this stage of my life (universities and such) I don't know if I will be competing in the nationals next year, but I certainly hope I'll be seeing you all next year. Keep practicing, and as an old friend once said, "be the arrow, shoot yourself!" See more
05.01.2022 Hi guys! Archery X-tra Magazine's 10th issue just came out! Be sure to read my article on tips to shoot barebow!
03.01.2022 Back where it all started, with my new bow
02.01.2022 What an amazing night of indoor archery tonight. I was lucky enough to be able to try a different set of arrows today which were stiffer, heavier and shorter than my usual ones (red and black arrows). As it turns out, these ones are WAY better for my shorting than the ones I have been using . Thanks Avi! Then, to make the night even better, my friend Byron (normal but still really awesome recurve archer) from Wangaratta Archers managed to beat his personal best not once, but... twice! Both over 500. We were all very impressed and I must say: congratulations!!! Here is a picture of an awesome round that Byron shot. (His arrows are blue, red and black) #Archery X-tra Magazine
02.01.2022 QRE indoor shoot at Wangaratta Archers I had a fun shoot!
02.01.2022 Good news everyone! I was the only person to shoot in 20 and under female barebow recurve and therefore I took out state and national gold. Im hoping that next time I shoot at nationals, Ill shoot the open age group and have a bit more competition
01.01.2022 The student and Chris the coach (a great team )