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Albany Healing Centre in Albany, Western Australia | Medical and health

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Albany Healing Centre

Locality: Albany, Western Australia

Phone: +61 457 213 067


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24.01.2022 Charlie Chaplin lived 88 years. He left us 4 statements: (1) Nothing is forever in this world, not even our problems. (2) I love walking in the rain because no can see my tears. (3) The most lost day in life is the day we don't laugh. (4) Six best doctors in the world...: 1. The sun, 2. Rest, 3. Exercise, 4. Diet, 5. Self-respect 6. Friends. Stick to them at all stages of your life and enjoy a healthy life... Life is just a journey! Therefore, live today! Tomorrow may not be. See more

21.01.2022 Mars retrograde ends on Friday 13th November... Today! Thank God "As Mars begins to move forward, we will start to feel unstuck and able to make decisions abo...ut relationships, situations and stand our ground on matters. We'll want to fight the good fight, instead of running away in a temper tantrum and hiding our emotions, as the planet of action turns direct. We won't be afraid to be seen, heard, or assert our opinions. This is a time when our confidence and power will shine through - and we won't feel guilty for it." (Astrologer Lisa Stardust) See more

20.01.2022 Hi everyone, just letting you know that we now have a new healing modality at the centre. Kevin will be offering this ancient Japanese Healing Art every Friday from 10 am till 2 pm Please call in or phone for an appointment.

18.01.2022 Isn't time in nature just the best? #AnitaMoorjani #Healing #LoveYourself #Nature #TreeHugger #SelfLove

12.01.2022 Frequency and vibration

12.01.2022 The Original Prophecy Foretelling the Change of Everything "This has been an evolving process that began nearly three years ago. Elders and Keepers of Lore have... approached us with an almost identical word for word description of soon to come days of complete transformation. Such has been the number and consistency of narrative, if other Elders approach us on unrelated archaeology or history that involves Old Way protocol and knowledge, we always introduce the topic of the oncoming change to see how they react and whether they knew of this renaissance. If they do not, then the radar is on and suspicion aroused. Fortunately, that has never happened, because on each occasion when the subject was raised it became immediately obvious that they were genuine and knowledgeable in such profound matters. We first heard talk of this seminal transformation close to three years ago. The sources vary, some are very close to those orchestrating these ceremonies, with others there were degrees of separation, but what remained constant was the general processes, location and outcomes. To begin with, we were told that a Pleiadean spaceship carrying a special device was on its way to Earth. Since that earlier description it has become obvious that this had already happened, a long time before. From an Original perspective, time is circular in nature and progression, so being off by close to a million years is not an issue as it did happen, when, is such an insignificant part of this equation. What doesn’t change, is that it was delivered by Pleiadeans, and the ‘machinery’ is ready and waiting. This device, which the Elders refer to as a Magic Box, is beyond the comprehension of mere mortals, but there is one drawback in this gift from the stars. If unassisted by humans, it will do nothing beyond await instructions. Even when the ‘switch’ is sung and turned on, the best it can independently do is get ready. Aliens of good intentions are banned from directly influencing human affairs, they can hint, suggest and wave a big white flag, but never initiate or supplement. This Magic Box will feed off pure positive human energy. If there are indeed the minimum numbers still present (which runs into six figures) and unaffected by pandemics, economic chaos, warfare and terrorism and are totally focused on the positive, this box will absorb that powerful reservoir of pure energy then amplify and distribute throughout all the ley lines and Dreaming tracks on this the planet. The planet itself is aware of this oncoming acceleration where its resonance will ascend. It is for that reason that the Schumann Resonance, which measures the planets inner pulse, has been of recent times peaking and receding like the tides of the ocean. It is readying itself for this ceremony, for once the final ritual is completed the Earth will continually vibrate at a much higher level, forever. However, if the current fear and negativity prevails and the number of people who are unaffected is too low, the box will remain idling and soon after the Earth’s axis will tilt and the oceans will clean the planet and virtually everything will be literally washed away. Either way, the earth is rising and will be cleansed. Now if the numbers are sufficient and the energy flows, the Elders have told us that the Earth will literally split into two ‘pulses.’ One being close to 200 on the Schuman chart and the other will remain at the present base level of about 8. Each soul will automatically gravitate to the frequency that reflects their current stage of spiritual development. Those obsessed by greed, gossip, power, backbiting and turmoil will be drawn to the lower vibration while those seeking wisdom, introspection and Old Ways will be called to the higher resonance. Such a bi-vibrational construct is an imbalanced physical equation, as you cannot have two realities co-existing on the same material plane. Over the months, possibly even a few years, past the dividing line the lower base, to which many will be called, will slowly fade then finally vanish. And so too will its entire esoteric cargo leave this planet. This separation is not meant as either a judgment or penalty, as the souls who do not straddle the hurdle will still incarnate, but not here as the higher ascended frequency would literally kill any less developed soul. So, it is back to Kindergarten elsewhere for a lot of the present-day inhabitants of this planet, and on to Earth University for those who made the grade. (* Since hearing this explanation of where these souls went next, another destination has been presented to us, which will be expanded upon in another article further down the line.) And when will the final examination for each soul take place? The answer, which is down to the exact second, we first heard from Original Victorian Elder, Brendan Murray, and I remember stating at the time of first disclosure I was very hesitant to vouch for such precision in timing. Time means nothing on the other side of the curtain, it is a mortal construction, and too many self-proclaimed prophets have staked their authenticity on a number and date, and we are still here none the better. Despite these justifiable reasons not to declare any date, because of events and information given that cannot be fully revealed at present, we are now 99.999% convinced that on December 21, 9.04 pm at Uluru, the box will be opened and switch turned on." One Two and Three Whether the audience is Cherokee, Hopi, Original, Mayan, Bruce or someone who is aware, it makes no difference as it is the same story about Moon People and why they came, irrespective of geography or tribal membership. They live below and have big eyes and care greatly about the Earth and the sapien magicians who lost their way. The Earth’s magic is coming back, but so many people, institutions, cabals and leaders see things differently. What they fail to appreciate is that finally Old Ways will prevail, because past the date of December 21, 2020, new rules apply which means Old Way always conquers No Way. The Moon People, the Pleiadeans, those from Sirius, Andromeda and all other off-world locations, know what is coming yet are unable to do much more than passively spectate and can offer nothing to assist, except for one special previously agreed to escape clause in the form of a Magic Box. They are all watching and hoping that we can turn on the switch and power up the crystals inside the Magic Box, knowing it is all down to us. This is the event so often predicted, it is a time for all incarnated souls to make a final choice in deciding whether to be heroes or villains. The best part is that no other spirit or being gets to choose, it all comes down to the consequences of your own actions and thoughts. It is your karma that picks a side in this final showdown. So, it does all come down to what comes next. Steve Strong - Forgotten Origins - July 31st 2020

10.01.2022 All you need to know about essential oils, call in and have a talk to Jenn. A great gift for Xmas????

01.01.2022 From the Healing Center Today Myself and Rayma Will be doing Tarot Readings 10am to 1pmFrom the Healing Center Today Myself and Rayma Will be doing Tarot Readings 10am to 1pm

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