Jade Mason in Sunshine Coast, Queensland | Organisation
Jade Mason
Locality: Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 474 593 520
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25.01.2022 Lean into the sacred masculine container within... Our inner masculine is the observer, who rests as awareness knowing that these emotions are the wild, moving, sacred feminine yearning for change... She moves the earth, the earth holds her flow... Be both the water and the river bank... Clear container of conscious witnessing xxxx moment by moment
23.01.2022 Sacred Global Family Sending you love and sunshine from Australia... 2 weeks till solstice... May the light in your heart guide you home xxx
21.01.2022 Happy international women's day Today I'm reflecting on how much love women give to those they love. To the guts it takes to fight for the bigger picture, to leave the next generation better than the one before. To forge forward with the wounds of witches they tried to burn and still be enchanted with the very magic that creates life itself. ... As we walk with the wisdom of the grandmother's behind us and the courage of the mothers love we are a force for change in the planet... Women are the valcro of community, we are the answer to a world in chaos.. We bring warmth and hearth and home... So please ladies... nurture yourselves... Do something to celebrate your womanhood, today and every day... Every day is women's day.. Coz being enchanted with our womanhood is a beautiful way to live... Not from ego, but from love xxx coz the Mothers love will change a world torn apart by greed
19.01.2022 Coyote Medicine// Trickster . What stories are you telling yourself about your limitations? Where are you allowing yourself to be defined by invisible chains that bind your heart/mind/soul? . Pehaps your story has been so hard that you do feel bound up and pained by it. Patterns keep repeating and you just cant seem to break free.... . Coyote medicine shows up to show us our freedom. This little jester is the breaker of illusion, if we are ready and willing to allow the breakdown. . Its the dark moon, scorpio, we are being invited into death, letting go and new birth as the moon enters her new cycle in a couple of days. . For new life to occur we must walk through the passage of death. Like our beautiful moon does each month in this dark phase. Like woman walks each month in the days before her bleed. Like earth walks in the depths of her winter phase. . All of mankind is asked to let go of the illusions that bind us, to be courageous in the let go. . New life and freedom are on the other side!!!! . Coyote is playful in the breaking of illusions. Take some time to watch crow today, being a little rascal, societies upstarters. They carry this medicine. The jester who shakes shit up and keeps things real. . New moon readings now available... For the past 2 years I've been doing personal medicine wheel readings on the new moon. It has kept me focused and supported in the energies of my soul path and given me an anchor when times get swirly or tough. Lets face it life is not all unicorns and rainbow farts. But we are supremely supported with wisdom to navigate the rainbows and the depth of our personal winters xxx Inbox me to book your reading . P.S. This card has been showing up in my readings for the past few years. Along with 3 foxes showing up in public places, looking me in the eye and then running off hahhaaaa!! I'm going through a MASSIVE soul cycle ending... And these guys keep reminding me to laugh, to take life and myself less seriously... Bless ups family!! See more
18.01.2022 Solstice// Here we are in the window of the solstice... The time of the year where we celebrate the sun... In the Northern Hemisphere the wheel of the year turns and the return of the suns presence is celebrated, in the deep womb of the darkness of winters dreaming new life is born... Dreams for the expansion consciousness of humanity planted in the hearts and minds of earths children... Perhaps you have something your yearning to share with the world? Maybe your ready to bir...th something new? Rebirth yourself? Now as the wheel turns we are in a cosmic portal of connectedness where the veil is thin... You are fucking powerful, you ARE the essence of the bright shining sun of consciousness... The dreams in your heart are there to be expressed ad shared beloved sister/brother/keeper In the souther hemisphere, we do all the same as above except with mango's and icy cold beverage and surf and sun and absolute gratitude for all the is growing and fourishing in our lives... I'm in so so much gratitude today, as we enter the real christmas... Christ consciousness is not about celebrating what the church has sold us about a baby that was born to save the world... Its about celebrating the light that resides within us all... Enjoy the kindness of strangers, give thanks for the little things and the big ones... Celebrate love experienced and love blossoming... And try really hard to say no to plastic plates and cups just sayin... Happy solstice family... So much love from the Sunshine Coast Australia xxxx #solstice #wintersolstice #summersolstice #sacredwomen #iam #sovereignty #christconsiousness #sacredwomenmysteryschool #iamwoman #consciousness
18.01.2022 Are you enchanted with feminine energy? I am absolutely awed by HER SHE who resides within all beings, holding the keys to the living library in her womb SHE who loves her children unconditionally even tho we are a bunch of unconscious cunts most of the time who have forgotten so many things. But she knows we have forgotten so she holds us in compassion and unfailing love... SHE who pulls the tides and cracks open the seeds, who weaves webs of new tomorrows Divine SHE who expresses herself with freedom and liberation and is not shy to let us eat her orgasm. That juicy fruit on the tree, yes that's her in her fullest expression, doesn't she taste so sweet? SHE who feels fiercely wildly wholeheaftedly I am you and you are She and together we shall be... The feminine rising is for all beings under the sun, on this full moon... In the last lunation of the year... It is my deepest prayer that we remember HER... Thank u for reading xxx
15.01.2022 Sisterhood// every female identifying individual is a supreme reflection of the sacred feminine... We are one woman many faces, yet we are often raised to compete, to bitch about each other and find fault... When you feel threatened, send love... When you feel jealous, emit love, embrace your unique expression of the feminine... When you feel on top of the world, look strangers in the eye and be kind, we are all equal... We are all unique frequencies that make up the fractal of sacred feminine consciousness... Love thy sister, let your love open the door for her to rise to all that she is xxx
14.01.2022 I injured myself badly this week... My face is pretty badly damaged...I literally smacked myself face first on the concrete!! And had to see a plastic surgeon.. It was traumatic, and a massive bruise to my ego... But here's the thing.... I am not my physical beauty, my gift to share with this world lyes in the way I allow my soul to sing its song without being limited by preconceived definition... !!... The scars internal and external have taken me to the core of my humanity, to embrace all that I am in my shadows and light and sometimes falling flat on my face to wake me the fuck up... What am I awake to? The fact that I am here now, I have a story to tell, I have songs to sing, gifts to share and moments of absolute soul pain and heart break overcome.... This is human experience... Yes I am a broad spectrum of other archetypes but I am human and there's something so simply powerful about being wonderfully connected to the gift of being here in this form, now... Sharing dancing crying licking our wounds and rising again... On the wings of stories told and challenges over come No matter where u are in your journey family, your scars will be your wings... Don't give up hope, the sun is shining for you and the wind kisses your face So much love xxxxx
13.01.2022 Wisdom of woman is undeniable. In you, the origin of butterflies. Transformation cauldron. Mountain of mystery. Your uterus a universe for songs and stars.... Give me the moon and I give you my true story. I am a season of change. I am a poem. A dance. A painted canvass Nature embodied I am birthing Myself newly imagined Deeper than the abyss Higher than Venus I am becoming inside and out Songline of creation. Rose of living love. Words: the wild matryoshka stasha ginsburg Image: Liz Darling
11.01.2022 A gift from my beloved to me & to you who are blessed to read the heart of this man who deeply 'gets it' this sacred union we share Priestess walkes and the earth shudders as bliss saturates her footfall Her talk is fused with the soul of the moon and her smile carries the warmth of the sun's heart. ... Her radient being is felt and witnessed by all, splendid and glorious in its service Her stride ancient in conception gives life to every new path she follows. Everything around her is touched by the stirred air as she passes flourishing, nourishing, nutured and blessed. Blossoms bud, spring blooms and summer on the horizon hints of a new light to day precluding soulfull winters cold embrace. Her being is of devine life honouring everything it was, is and yet to be. Who can stand before her and not feel spiritess work in and through her? Who can gaze on the manifestations of her willing servitude to great mother and say they see her not? Who amoungst men can voice they feel not the devine Yoni at work in her? Certainly not I, as my heart is bound in loyalty to the most delicious and cherished love ever bestowed on me. @the_wood_alchemist thank you for seeing me my love, I am so humble before these words that acknowledge a path that is deep and so personal for me... As u know I feel uncomfortable about flashing the label Priestess around but you capture the essence of it what this path feels like for me so well I just wanted to share... Anthony Grace I love u Xx
10.01.2022 Having a wtf moment and need some guidance? Book in for a quickie baby... 3 cards, 30 mins, online... Reply to make a time... Jadee xxxx #tarot #darkmoon #luna #wildunknowntarot
09.01.2022 Last night's gathering at the Pussy Talks Film and circle at the Secrets From the Honey Tree in Eumundi... She does talk, in sooooo many ways... Are you listening?
07.01.2022 6 senses, all pathways for us to dive into sacred romance with life. Can u taste the kiss left by consciousness as it tantilises your tongue with food created by the Mothers love? Can u hear the seduction in the wind? ... Do u allow your heart to open as you witness love in the eyes of strangers as they pass by? Are you listening to the conversations that happen between words and actions? Do u smell the new beginnings and sacred endings in the morning air? Life is constantly inviting us to enter the sacred romance... Its meant to be juicy and inspired and delicious... Open hearts, open minds, open.............. choose your narrative Just keep following that which fills your body with spaciousness, openness, playfulness it is there u will remember freedom
06.01.2022 Sensitivity//Empathy//Too many feels//The too much human... Yesterday in our circle we discussed the subject of being 'too much' for some people... Each participant in the circle was asked 'what parts of your character do you feel are 'too much' for those that you love, 'what are you holding back because you judge it as too much?'... We started with a meditation to enquiry into the places in our body that feel stuck/heavy/in judgement of ourselves. ... And we opened a container of prayer and consciousness expansion for each person to put into the centre what they judge so they can expand into a sense of freedom of being. Everyone present shared their feelings about being labelled 'hypersensitive' because of their level of feeling. The shares were so deeply healing, as I witnessed each heart share I was simply awed by the beauty in vulnerability and transparency. Together we gathered and we opened up pathways to fully own our free/wild/open/gifted nature. The truth is that NOT feeling lead our feels is the thing that creates anxiety, depression, dissatisfaction... It takes courage to allow the heart to process our feelings, but we literally live in a society that judges emotion as weak. This needs to stop. Which is why I love holding space in sacred circle. Because it gives us the opportunity to expand a little more through the shares of like-minded tribe. I'm holding circle weekly, it's online... I'm open to it growing in time, across different time zones as we grow. Reply to enquire. If you would like to deepen into this wisdom question click the link in my bio. I invite you to read this as 'the too much human'. This is all about allowing all beings to have a healthy relationship with their feminine Self. We are all both, expecting not to be emotional is disconnecting for our feminine essence and my friends, we all desperately NEED to connect to the Divine Mother beneath our feet, in our hearts, in our minds and in our society. SHE is our sustenance HE is our consciousness. Together THEY ARE. And so are we. We cannot be one or the other, we are both, we are all things. And right now I am loving the shit out of you. Thank you for reading xx
04.01.2022 2 weeks ago I fell on my face and split my nose open to the bone, ended up in emergency, then saw a plastic surgeon to stitch me back together... I was told it would take months to heal and to prepare myself when I take the bandaging off... I took the bandage off and laughed... Seriously no one would even believe me if I told them I had a head injury and saw a surgeon 2 weeks ago...... The power of prayer, of having a beautiful family of brothers and sisters who hold me up in the light when I'm in need... Walking through life is not always easy, and falling on our face is guaranteed!!!! But here's the thing, life is magical, and everything EVERYTHING is happening for a weird unseen reason.... When life gives u lemons, squeeze them in your hair or your tequila or what ever... The sacred is what dwells in the very fabric of our being, we are that!! So for me, the wake up call was to shine my light and not allow my own limitations to keep me limited from sharing my story.... I did not fail, because I didn't fail to try... Now its time to get back on the horse and ride...
03.01.2022 Hi lovelies I wanted to share an event I'm holding tomorrow at the Honey Tree in Eumundi... After a hectic week politically I think its fair to say a massive light is being shone on our need to stand together in our sovereignty as women and gather in community to ensure we are supported with adequate sexual education and self care practises... So tomorrow eve we are doing just that... It feels like perfect timing to gather in sisterhood after the full moon, to drop into our ...bodies and soften into the gift that we hold in these glorious temples we live and move in... I felt to share in here in case it resonates with anyone... If your wanting more pleasure and more connection to your sexual, sensual self please feel welcome Jadee Xx
03.01.2022 Needing guidance?? Its Tarot Tuesday.. Choose a card, 1,2 or 3? I'll post medicine woman wisdom in the comments tomorrow... This is for the brothers too!!... #tarot #divination #medicinewomantarot #readingswithjade #sacredwomen #sacredman #empoweredrelationships See more
03.01.2022 Moon Wisdom Monday// Full Moon in Virgo the sign of the Priestess. She calls us to find our centre by anchoring into the pillars of our temple within. To create strong support structures so we can dance in divine union with the sun, the moon, the stars & the sky. She calls us to own our uniqueness & the knowledge that, we who walk in union with lifes natural cycles, are aligned with a life of plenty & enchantment. Do you believe that who you are is your greatest contribution... to consciousness? Did you know that your worth and your value is in who you be, not what you do? Do you allow yourself to believe that what you are contributing right now is of value and that alone is enough to qualify you as worthy of respect, value, expression, provision, kindness & freedom? We each have a gift to offer the world, to be of service for the collective growth and evolution of this beautiful planet we call home. She who provides all of our needs and loves us with wild abandon. Last week in circle we talked about the things that we judge as 'too much’. Around the sacred woman fire of transformation we burnt our judgements of being 'too sensitive' and claimed back our freedom of expression. Here's the thing sisters, your gifts & your challenges are your superpower. Theres a good chance that the thing that you judge as 'too much' is the very thing your soul is asking you to own in order to serve. As lunar is in her fullness she mirrors the archetype of the Mother... Amplify and draw towards you what you want to amplify... I want to invite you to amplify a sense of worthiness, to cultivate enchantment with life's simplicity and to know that you are valuable beyond measure
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