Alcoholics Anonymous News Australia | Books & magazines
Alcoholics Anonymous News Australia
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24.01.2022 Septembers "Mouse in the Lighthouse" Ninety Years of Sobriety Many years ago on the occasion of my fourth AA birthday celebration, a friend who shares the same sobriety date as mine dropped by our house and gave me a box of chocolate candy. My mother, who was eighty-five at the time, found the candy the next day and ate over half of the box. When l got home from work and discovered that seven of the twelve pieces were gone, my mother spoke up and said, I ate it. I said, M...other, dont you know that l received that as a gift for my anniversary of staying sober for four years? She replied, Well, Ive been sober for eighty-five years and no one has ever bought me a box of candy. Mother always had a sweet tooth. This event took place back in 1979. I now have eighteen years of continuous sobriety. My mother lived until she was ninety-eight years, eight months, and eleven days old l guess she had almost ninety-nine years of sobriety. Ken J. DeKalb, Illinois (from Dear Grapevine) August 1998 See more
24.01.2022 June Edition of The News now available.
24.01.2022 March Issue selling now. Only $3. Or subscribe for a year for $35 and receive monthly copies delivered to your door.
23.01.2022 Tuesday 1st August - Welsh Church - 320 La Trobe Street Wednesday 2nd August - Meeting closed (Sorry) Thursday 3rd August - Welsh Church - 320 La Trobe Street Friday 4th August - Welsh Church - 320 La Trobe Street #AA #alcoholicsanonymous #friendsofbill #victoria #australia #melbourne #AAVictoria #addiction #livingsober #sober #12steps #recovery... #friendsofbill Monday 7th August onwards The Greek Community Centre, Mezzanine Floor, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. This is a temporary move possibly for 4 months. We will keep you posted All meetings will continue to run from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.
22.01.2022 Regular Feature Mouse in The Lighthouse (December 2014) My Name is Santa C. and The wonderful thing I remember most about our Fourth Annual Holiday Alkathon in San Mateo County is that Santa showed up. He had his Christmas uniform on. He was smoking a cigar which seemed out of character for Santa, but Id seen many characters (from both Yale and jail) at AA meetings, so I didnt think too much of it. When the secretary asked if there were any new people who cared to introd...uce themselves, Santa said nothing. But when the secretary asked if there were any visitors from outside the area, Santa stood up and said, My name is Santa C. and Im from the North Pole. The secretary then asked, Are you an alcoholic? Santa replied, You bet your bippy I am. We laughed and laughed. It made me feel good that even Santa was one of us. Our AA Fellowship has grown in leaps and bounds in San Mateo County, and the Alkathon has been a wonderful attraction during a holiday season that is difficult for a lot of lonely, still practicing alcoholics and for sober ones, too. Extracts from Happy, Joyous and Free The Lighter Side of Sobriety. Reprinted with permission AA Grapevine. Pages 111-112 L.I. El Granada, California. See more
22.01.2022 August Issue now available. With Lillian Roth on the cover.
22.01.2022 Coming up... Dec 1 GREENSBOROUGH 35TH ANNIVERSARY Thursday 8:00pm All Saints Anglican Church Hall 14 Church St, Greensborough **NOT the usual venue** opposite Target Multi-level carpark; enter from Grimshaw St. Bring a plate, a friend and yourself. Dec 2 ARMADALE MEETING LAST NIGHT Friday 8 pm @ Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall, 611 High Street, Armadale (between Williams and Orrong Roads). After 26 years this meeting will be the last. Please come along, especially if you are ...a past member of the group. Dec 5 XMAS BBQ BLACKBURN SOUTH MONDAY BBQ starts 6.30pm until 8pm. Meeting starts at 8pm & finishes 9pm. Monday 8pm @ Uniting Church, corner Blackburn Road & The Avenue (enter via The Avenue), Blackburn. Dec 6 BLACKBURN SOUTH TUESDAY - 23RD ANNIVERSARY Tuesday, 1 pm @ St Lukes Catholic School Hall, 46 Orchard Grove Blackburn South (right hand side of the building). Dec 7 ASHBURTON 40TH ANNIVERSARY Wednesday 8 pm @ St. Michael's School, High Street, Ashburton (thru carpark off Victory Boulevard). Please bring a plate. Dec 13 TEMPLESTOWE'S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY Tuesday. Lou's famous feast. Baptist Church Hall, cnr Marcus & Thompsons See more
21.01.2022 November Issue now available.
20.01.2022 July 25 ALBERT PARK WOMENS 19TH ANNIVERSARY ON SATURDAY Saturday 10.30 am @ Mary Keogh Centre, 224 Danks Street, Albert Park. #aavictoria #recovery #friendsofbill #AA
20.01.2022 Have you had a flip through this month's edition of 'The News?'...
20.01.2022 Warrnambool Friday Night and Warrnambool Tuesday Lunchtime will move on August 7 to Christ Church, Church of England, Corner Koroit and Henna Streets, Warrnambool Contact: 55 612 500 Also from August 7 Warrnambool Tuesday Lunchtime will have a new start time Of 1pm (till 2.30pm).
18.01.2022 From the Archive - An Old Cover of the News 1958.
17.01.2022 Coming up in June Edition. More about the beginnings of AA in Australia. With Founders Day being June 11. The AA Victoria Celebration at the Langham is June 17th. We are showing some historical Victorian images from our archives. See the first AA News Printing Block below.
17.01.2022 Squeak preview. The June Mouse in the Lighthouse. On the official day of forming Alcoholics Anonymous Co-founder of AA, Dr Bob was coming off a bender and was withdrawing from the effects of a recent binge. He had an important surgical operation to perform this day he took his last drink to steady his hands. #aavictoria
17.01.2022 August 2 RESHOWING OF FOUNDERS DAY ARCHIVAL PRESENTATION @ FRANKSTON TWILIGHT RECOVERY GROUP Rare pictures of AA history in Melbourne. Shown at the Langham on Founders Day this year. 5.15pm for Soup & Crusty Bread 6pm presentation (15mins) followed by meeting. Community Room@ Frankston Library, 60 Playne Street, Frankston. Gold Coin donation, fundraiser for CSO.
17.01.2022 In Mays news we have article by Gordon Powell, The member of the clergy who met the Hollywood actress Lillian Roth by chance and together they helped forge the beginnings of AA in Melbourne. Rev Gordon Powell lent his own office to the early AAs for the meetings in Collins Street.
17.01.2022 August AA News Quirky Corner . . . . Sign seen in a bar: Those drinking to forget please pay in advance. You know its time to sober up when: Those fluttering things that keep scaring you are your hands.
17.01.2022 Mouse in the Lighthouse :- Excerpt from the AA News April Edition 2015 You Take Him It was a Sunday night just before the start of the 7:30 meeting, a podium discussion meeting, which I attended on a regular basis. I was standing outside when a car pulled up and a woman got out who appeared to be in her middle thirties, nicely dressed and with a stern look. She went over to the passengers side and opened the car door. She reached inside, grabbed a wet drunk, and pulled him o...ut. He could hardly walk. All she said was, I dont want him anymore. You take him. Well, I went into the meeting and got a friend of mine to help me with this drunk inside. The man was really bombed, slurring his words, reeking of booze, and was dirty and unkempt. We got him into my friends truck and took him to my friends home. We sat in the living room, wondering what to do with this guy. The drunk seemed to want to go to a hospital and be admitted to its alcoholic ward. We both agreed that he had probably done this many times before. So off to the hospital we went, about an hours drive, and on the way this guy kept wanting to kiss us. His breath was terrible. An active drunk is not a pretty sight or smell. We got to the hospital and waited a long time to get him admitted. It was a county hospital in a large city with so many people in the waiting room we thought we would never get in. But he did. While the doctor was reviewing his case, we went outside for some fresh night air. Actually it was almost midnight. About twenty minutes went by and we went back in to find out what the doctor was going to do with him. We couldnt find the guy. He wasnt in the observation room and the nurse didnt know his whereabouts. We asked around and a fellow patient said hed taken off out the exit door real fast. Our twelfth-step candidate was gone, gone, gone, gone. So we headed home and stopped for some breakfast. It was a long night, but we had enjoyed ourselves. We finished our meal and went home into bed around about three a.m. Neither of us heard from this drunk, nor did we see him at any meetings. I ran into the woman who had dropped him off, and she told me that he had moved to the East Coast and was really drinking there. He had been her boyfriend and had moved back to her hometown on the East Coast where her folks knew him. About five years passed. One day I got a message on my answering machine thanking me for my help that night. This fellow had been sober in AA for two years. I got the message on Christmas Day-what a present! Ron N. Oakhurst California. Extracts form Happy, Joyous and Free, The Lighter Side of Sobriety. Page 74-75. AA Grapevine.
14.01.2022 May News Out Now! Heres a peak at May issue's Quirky Corner.. With founders day coming next month there a great article on the History of AA in Melbourne. June issue will have more local AA History..
14.01.2022 Subscribing to the News helps the sick and suffering alcoholic. Many copies are sent The News ends up in the hands of those incarcerated, patients in hospitals, professionals in the health care industry... Print this subscriptions form.
13.01.2022 Here is the latest News for September. The theme is acceptance.
13.01.2022 May News is a great read with the theme of Grace. Yearly Subscription is $35 including postage.
13.01.2022 April News is a great read. The theme of most stories is gratitude. Only $3.
11.01.2022 September Issue's Quirky Corner . . . . Alcoholics are the only people in the world who want a Pulitzer prize for writing a cheque. Reprinted with permission from the Grapevine Publication Happy, Joyous & Free The Lighter Side of Sobriety.
11.01.2022 September Issue now available. Jam packed with great stories written by members for members. $3 per copy or you can subscribe and get 12 copies home delivered for $35 (incl postage).
09.01.2022 July News available now.
08.01.2022 October Issue now available.
07.01.2022 Inside the front cover of every news magazine is a light hearted short story called Quirky Corner. Most quotes are taken from The Rabbit walks into a Bar - reprinted with permission from the AA Grapevine.This is Aprils Quirky Corner.
07.01.2022 Film Night - Relapse Prevention AA Group. Every Friday 6.30 pm @ Maroondah Social Health Centre (Log Cabin) 75 Patterson Street, East Ringwood #AA #alcoholicsanonymous #friendsofbill #addiction #aavictoria #events
06.01.2022 November Issue's Quirky Corner . . . . "The trouble with immediate gratification is - that it isnt fast enough."... Rick W. New York, 2009. Reprinted with permission from the Grapevine Publication Happy, Joyous & Free The Lighter Side of Sobriety
06.01.2022 Did you know the News ends up in the hands of incarcerated newcomers and members, patients in hospitals, professionals in the health care industry and more every month? Have you ever thought about writing your recovery story for the News? People love reading local recovery stories. Your story helps alcoholics, your subscription helps the office to help alcoholics. Subscribe now or call the office and subscribe over the phone. Just ensure you have your credit card details handy. $35.00 (Australian Dollars) will entitle you to an annual subscription of 12 monthly copies of the magazine. If members have any local stories for the News please contact Central Office. (03) 9429 1833
05.01.2022 February Issue Now Available. Only $3.
04.01.2022 January Issue Now Available. Only $3.
04.01.2022 December Issue Now Available. Only $3.
02.01.2022 October Issues Quirky Corner... There are just two things an alcoholic doesnt like - The way things are, and change. Anonymous, March 2008. Reprinted with permission from the Grapevine Publication Happy, Joyous & Free The Lighter Side of Sobriety.
01.01.2022 June Issue of the News now available. Theme is Freedom. Get your copy soon. Available at meetings or call (03) 9429 1833.
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