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Alexandra Middleton Nutritionist in Paddington, New South Wales | Naturopath

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Alexandra Middleton Nutritionist

Locality: Paddington, New South Wales


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24.01.2022 The Australian government is proposing to deregulate how genetically modified foods are monitored in this country. Which means Genetically Modified (GM) products such as ryegrass, sugar, potatoes, rice, soybeans, maize, mushrooms, fish, pigs and a host of other crops, animals and microbes will be released into our environment with no safety assessment or traceability. The changes would also make Australia the first country in the world to deregulate the use of these techniques in livestock. Even the US which is notorious for its failure to regulate genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is proposing to regulate these techniques in animals. The MP Chris Bowens details are at the bottom of this article, do what I am going to do and write him a letter in protest.

24.01.2022 Could the standard Vitamin D test also be the perfect test for magnesium? The answer is probably yes. Magnesium is required for all 3 metabolic stages of Vitamin D activation. Without enough of it, your blood 25-OH levels are always going to look low (>100nmol/L) but might not actually BE low. So to ensure you get an accurate result, wait for a few months and optimise your magnesium status first - by:... Taking 600mg of magnesium glycinate a day (in split doses) Working on your digestion Eating a magnesium-rich diet that includes nuts, seeds, avocados , legumes and dark chocolate Taking epsom salt baths Reducing your stress levels, as stress causes magnesium to get dumped by the kidneys into the urine (along with sodium) NB: Too much Vitamin D can actually push you into magnesium deficiency! Want to learn more about how to naturally optimise your Vitamin D and how your status might be influencing your reproductive health? See my blog post: #vitaminddeficiency #magnesiumdeficiency #naturalmedicine #functionalmedicine #biochemistry

24.01.2022 This is an extremely interesting new theory on the underlying mechanism of COVID-19. If the proposed involvement of the RAS system is correct, vitamin D and soy isoflavones could be helpful for preventing the virus... and high fat, high fructose diets could leave people more vulnerable to it.

24.01.2022 The Endometriosis Foundation of Australia is putting on a free online conference which might be of interest to any women looking to learn more about the disease and what you can do about it.

24.01.2022 Iron supplements are not always the answer if you are anaemic, especially if you have an inflammatory disease such as Inflammatory bowel/joint/cardiovascular disease or Endometriosis. By nature, iron is an ‘oxidant’, which means it causes oxidative damage that can worsen inflammation. This is why so many women experience flare ups, pain and fatigue after taking iron supplements (and especially after having infusions). Supplementing iron has also been shown to feed bad gut ba...cteria and to possibly increase ones susceptibility to infection. Interestingly iron deposits are also typically found in endometrial lesions and in the pelvic cavity of women with Endo. This can create further toxicity and contribute to the development of the disease, making iron supplements a bad idea for these women. If you have any inflammation going on and you’re anaemic, there are many other natural, less harmful ways to boost your iron status. If you would like to know more please tap the blog post link in my bio #nutrition #naturopathy #naturopathicmedicine #functionalmedicine #endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #womenshealth #hormones #periodproblems #guthealth #endowarrior #naturalmedicine #naturaliron #anaemia #ibd #ibdawareness #heavyperiods #menorrhagia #ironinfusion

22.01.2022 Recently I posted on concerns over Australia's current 5G implementation and possible its possible effects of peoples health. I have been encouraged by the number of Australians who have taken the information so seriously. Your voices have been heard - Telstra has now received a warning from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) for failing to consult the community prior to deploying small cell base stations. Here's hoping it makes a difference:

22.01.2022 Hi all, if online is anything to go by everyone is now aware of of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and its potential risk factors. Outside of that and practising safe hygiene principles, your energy is best spent on things that strengthen your immune system and constitution. Things you can do to help this and protect yourself include: * Stay calm and relaxed - Stress and anxiety lower your immunity.... * Keep your hydration up - always keep your mouth & throat are moist, never dry. Take a few sips of water every 15 minutes at least. Why? Even if the virus gets into your mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through your throat and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water regularly, the virus can enter your windpipe and then the lungs which is where the danger starts. Stick to warm water. * Consider taking some immune stimulating natural medicines. My go to’s are medicinal mushrooms, probiotics, herbal mixes using herbs such as echinacea, Andrographis or olive leaf (like Armaforce), Liposomal Vitamin C, Vitamin D and zinc. Contact me if you would like to order some of these for you or your family. * Get lots of sun - his new virus is not heat-resistant and could be killed by a temperature of just 26/27C. Viruses generally hate the Sun. * Wash your clothes regularly. On fabric the viruses can survive for 6-12 hours but normal laundry detergent will kill it. * Gargle every night before bed. I recommend a few drops of tea tree oil with warm water and some sea salt. * Take a break from sugar/booze/limit caffeine and other stimulants. They only put more stress on your system and will lower your immunity. * Get enough sleep. Getting less than 7 hours a night can also lower your immune system. * Practise Qi building exercises like Qi gong and tai chi. You can search on Youtube for short ones specifically for lungs and the immune system. NB; Avoid acupuncture if you are at all symptomatic. Many acupuncturists I know say Acupuncture can increase active symptoms by increasing the circulation of the energy around the body, leaving you feeling worse. * If you work in an office environment ask your boss if they will consider buying a professional HEPA air filtration system. It filters for flu like viruses and can help mitigate transmission risk. A good one for an office environment is the WINIX 5 stage air filter from * If you love your coffee like I do it is worth knowing most Sydney cafes as a precaution are now banning reusable cups. Stay well everyone, Alex :)

22.01.2022 It is possible to become unwell or to flare symptoms of chronic disease by swimming in Sydney Harbour. The chemicals referenced in this article are super harmful to everyone but especially those with chronic disease. They include dioxins (carcinogens that can cause birth defects & flare diseases like Endometriosis), hydrocarbons, tributylin, polychlorinated biphenyls, pesticides, heavy metals and per- and poly-fluoroalkyl chemicals (PFAS). It is also possible to pick up par...asitic infections from Sydney harbour water (like Blastocystis Hominis and Dientamoeba Fragilis). Ocean beaches are a better option to swim at but they aren't a great deal better. Instead swim in fresh water creeks or a salt water pool when you can.

20.01.2022 Nice to see mainstream media reporting on this. The combined female contraceptive pill could be the most damaging medication of our time. Many women come to see me in clinic struggling to get their cycles back on track post pill (medical practitioners widely recognise this as 'post-contraceptive pill syndrome'). Another thing many women aren't aware of is the fact the Pill is a carcinogen. This is recognised by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the Health O...rganisation (WHO) that both have classified it as a category 1 carcinogen to humans (other category 1 carcinogens include cigarettes and asbestos). This is particularly in regard to breast and cervical cancers (NB: menopausal hormonal therapy has been classified the same too). A pill bleed is not a period. How can it be when the whole purpose of the pill is to prevent ovulation. Ovulation is what keeps you fertile and what keeps you young. If you are taking or have taken the pill, this article is really worth the read:

19.01.2022 Good news at last for women with Endometriosis

15.01.2022 Another great reason to replace nonstick pans and waterproof products with those made from cast iron or stainless steel (which are much safer options):

15.01.2022 What you eat affects how you feel... welcome to the world of 'nutritional psychiatry':

15.01.2022 Despite what your doctor might tell you, AMH (Anti-Müllerian hormone) is not a great marker for fertility. AMH is often used as the primary fertility screening marker for women as it indicates ovarian reserve - which is a fancy term for 'egg count'. Conceiving is so much more than how many eggs you might have. The quality of your eggs and the level of your overall physical and emotional health is much more important. Yes, you have to have this marker assessed if you are into IVF - but I otherwise encourage my clients NOT to have it checked (or at least not to look at the result). Low level results just stress women out (and stress itself is far more likely to stop you from getting pregnant). If the levels come back as high yes, it can mean high ovarian reserve - but it might also may indicate things like ovarian endometriomas or PCOS. Instead of worrying about some blood marker, focus instead on actively improving your egg quality. Did you know there is a 90 day pre-ovulation window that gives you the opportunity to potentially influence the health of your eggs? You can do this by: Taking supplements such as CoQ10 (Ubiquinol), Liposomal Glutathione, Melatonin and antioxidants complexes. Drink green tea, which is rich in polyphenols shown to improve egg viability Eat an organic healthy diet, free of alcohol, sugar and chemicals/toxins generally. Address and eliminate any potential toxic exposures, like cigarettes, mould in the home or BPA (from plastics - which modern day seafood is rich in) Work on raising your vital energy with things like acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Qi Gong, meditation, and anything that relaxes you and gives you joy! #nutrition #naturopathy #naturopathicmedicine #endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #womenshealth #periodproblems #endowarrior #AMH #fertility #eggquality #eggqualityforpregnancy #eggretrieval #endometrioma See more

15.01.2022 IVF clinics are one of the medical sectors left that are privately owned where shareholders stand to make a profit from your cycles. It is time for IVF to become nationalised under the current Medicare scheme to prevent stories like these ones:

14.01.2022 An easy thing to do at home to help with autoimmune disease NB: Please don't try this if you also suffer from GERD or acid reflux

12.01.2022 An article on some research showing that women who underwent hysterectomy (but maintained their ovaries) had an increased risk for dementia if the surgery occurred before natural menopause.

12.01.2022 Stress and anxiety is certainly going around at the moment. They are also the worst thing for your immune system. So if you are feeling a bit strung out, try out some of these tips (from an old blog post of mine) to calm your mind and body down.

09.01.2022 *** ENDO RESEARCH *** Call for participants: Chinese Herbal Medicine for Endometriosis Clinical trial Researchers from Western Sydney University and the UNSW,... led by #DrMikeArmour, are currently running a clinical trial on the effectiveness of a modification of a traditional Chinese medicine formula (Gynoclear) on the symptoms of #endometriosis. This trial is open to women #Australia wide and will involve having two blood tests, one at the start and one at the end of the trial, filling in online pain and symptom diaries, and taking six capsules per day for three months. This is a placebo-controlled trial so there is a 50% chance you will get a placebo or the active treatment, however, all women in the placebo group will receive three months’ supply of Gynoclear at the end of the trial. To find out more and to take part in our screening checklist go to . #endoresearch #endometriosisaustralia #endo #1in10 #NICM #health #womenshealth #TCM #complementarymedicine #chineseherbs #herbs

09.01.2022 You are your best medicine and the true creator of your genetic destiny. Meditating, getting clear and focussing on good health is best thing you can do to be well. Dr Joe Dispenza once again giving wisdom at its best.

07.01.2022 IVF is a bad idea for women with pre-existing endometriosis. The same oestrogenic drugs used in the egg retrieval process can potentially feed pre-existing endometrial tissue, making symptoms and complications of the disease worse. If you are having a hard time getting pregnant, make sure you have a reputable gynaecologist examine you for possible Endometriosis before going down this road. This story is more common than you think.

07.01.2022 The government can no longer ignore the scientific evidence that glycophosphate ("RoundUp" - a weed killer) can cause cancer. And yet still, it is being used widely across the country and in our local areas. With so much new evidence (and many lawsuits) emerging, Sydney councils are finally getting concerned and are now reviewing Roundup use in parks, playgrounds and on roadsides. If you are keen to know more about what your local area is doing, read this article and refer to... the map it includes. It is also worth noting that in Australia, Roundup is regularly sprayed on crops like wheat and pulses (just before harvest to 'dry' them). It is absolutely legal for it to be sprayed on produce such as wheat, canola, chickpeas, faba beans, lentils, mung beans, field peas, adzuki beans, cow peas, lupins, pigeon peas, vetch and soybeans. Which has to make you stop and wonder - why is a substance too poisonous to spray in parks allowed to be sprayed on the food we eat every day? What can you do in light of this new information? 1. If your council doesn't seem to be actioning any change, write them a letter or start a local petition.If not for your own health, for your children, your pets and local wildlife. 2. Eat organic whenever possible. Happy to see the media reporting on some progression. Fingers crossed a review on 5G is next.

04.01.2022 For years now Sydney hospitals (like St George and Westmead) have been trialling natural medicines like Curcumin and medicinal mushrooms.... here's to more of them being used in the medical system:

04.01.2022 Hi guys, there is good scientific evidence showing the air quality in Sydney is as bad as smoking between 10-30 cigarettes a day (depending on where you are). Today is certainly the worst I have seen it. Stay in doors as much as you can. And consider buying one of these air masks. They have a filtration system built in that will actually protect you and your family. Also please check out Aus Climate for home air purifiers. They make all the difference when you are stuck inside at home or work:

03.01.2022 For a cancer patient, the direct implication of our findings is that long term, pre-existing exposure to nanoparticlesfor instance, through everyday products or environmental pollutants (sunscreens, food additives, etc)may accelerate cancer progression, even when nanomedicine is not administered,

02.01.2022 The ongoing use of commonly prescribed pain meds can fuel chronic pain syndromes by damaging the gut lining that creates more inflammation that can ultimately lead to even more pain! When you experience an intense pain flare, it is a really hard not to choose just taking a pill. Sometimes you do need drugs. But most often - if you can listen to your body in time - you can catch the pain before it escalates and ward it off naturally instead. Next time this happens to you, why ...not give it a try: ICE PACKS for injury, nerve pain and migraines. HEAT PACKS for muscular pain, sprains, strains, spasms and cramping. CASTOR OIL HEAT PACKS for period and joint pain. MAGNESIUM, GINGER, FISH OIL AND CURCUMIN supplements - all together! This is especially useful before bed. An extra dose of PEA (a prescribed natural medicine) or your MEDICALLY-PRESCRIBED CBD oil. Using a TENS machine, which reduces pain signal transmission via the spinal cord and brain. ESSENTIAL OILS with jojoba oil including Clary sage, Rose, Lavender and Peppermint oil for menstrual pain. Seeing an OSTEOPATH, ROLFER or PELVIC FLOOR PHYSIO for vaginal, pelvic, muscular and prostate pain. Using a THERAWAND for pelvic, vaginal and prostate pain at home. See an ACUPUNCTURIST. DISTRACTING YOURSELF with some deep breaths, meditation, yoga, walking, an epsom salt bath, stretching, music - whatever works for you! LIMBIC RETRAINING TECHNIQUES, such as those taught by the DRNS and GUPTA programs. Have any of these techniques worked for you before? If you have any questions or comments please feel free to chime in and ask in the comments section below. author unknown #nutrition #naturopathy #naturopathicmedicine #functionalmedicine #endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #womenshealth #hormones #periodproblems #guthealth #endowarrior #naturalmedicine #naturalpainrelief #period pain #chronicpain #acutepainmanagement #endopain #menstrualcramps #painmanagement #cramps #painremedy #therawand #limbicretraining #pelvicfloorphysio #castoroilpack #ttensmachine #essentialoilsforpain #naturalpainrelief

02.01.2022 The rollout of 5G could be the biggest health disaster humans have seen in this lifetime. Your internet will be faster but there is a substantial amount of evidence-based research demonstrating the harmful effects of low-intensity, extremely high electromagnetic radiation. Commonly reported symptoms to EMF exposure include fatigue, stress, anxiety, insomnia, headaches and cancer. It is also worth noting some people are more sensitive to it than others. I found this website o...n the weekend and was shocked at how quickly the rollout is occurring in Sydney. You can use this site to check for your area and then click on it to get further details (unfortunately a move to the country won't cover you - it is going up everywhere). It is possible to protect yourself. Turn off your Wifi as often as you can (especially at night while you sleep). Live in a house and not an apartment building. Consider investing in some Tesla EMF shield technology also increases your vitality and quality of sleep (see comments for link). And lastly, never use standard headphones to talk on your phone as the radiation travels up the wire. Same goes for putting the phone next to your ear or in your pocket. Speaker is always best.

02.01.2022 This article talks about a study that shows humans ingest a heaped teaspoon of microplastics every week. Last year there was a study suggesting humans ingest as many as 11,000 tiny pieces of plastic a year. In the body microplastics can cause inflammation, an overloaded immune system and ultimately disease. They are also carriers for other toxins that enter the body, such as toxic metals (e.g. mercury), organic pollutants (e.g. pesticides) and dioxins which is a well known ...cause of cancer. There is quite a bit you can do though in your daily life to avoid microplastic ingestion. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Use a water filter. Your best bet is to invest in a reverse osmosis filter that will filter down to to 0.001 micron thus will remove all known microplastics. Other portable filters like Brita only removes microplastics 3.00 microns in size and bigger. 2. Stop drinking out of plastic water bottles. Invest in a good stainless steel bottle and refill it before you leave the house. You will also save money this way. 3. Limit or avoid altogether canned fish and seafood generally. Good for you and good for the environment. If/when you do buy seafood, always try and source wild produce. 3. Never heat food in plastic packaging in the microwave. 4. Opt for rock salt vs sea salt. Sea salt has been shown in a few studies now to be loaded in microplastics and most manufacturers are not testing for them. Local rock salt is always the healthiest option. 5. Do you research with supplements from the sea. The benefits of fish oil and other oils like Sea Buckthorn are totally negated if they haven't thru the correct filtration process. If you opt for practitioner only supplements you are most likely to avoid this risk. 6. Other non-organic food sources have also been shown to be high in microplastics. These include most animal meat products, with a special mention to non-organic chicken. If you like eating meat/poultry just swap it for organic produce instead.

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