Miss World Australia NSW Finalist 2020 / Alexia Alana | Public figure
Miss World Australia NSW Finalist 2020 / Alexia Alana
Phone: +61 476 174 274
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22.01.2022 The final set of 10 winners have been selected for The Santa Pub Crawl. CONGRATULATIONS to: - Milica Mijakovac - Cristina Velez - Holly McDonald ... - Madelyn Groeller - Hannah Bryant - Mikayla Stef - Tiaan Sereno - Sam Bostock Plus the 2 last people have been messaged privately. Message me to organise how you will claim your tickets Alexia
21.01.2022 HO Ho HO Make sure you get you GREEN wristband tickets before the 2nd release prices start on Nov 2 You don't want to miss all the fun of SantaFest Pub Cra...wl 2019 Get tickets at either: www.santafest.com.au or www.thesantaclauspubcrawl.com #santafest #santafestpubcrawl #santapubcrawl #santaclauspubcrawl #santa #dontbedick #doingitforthekids #charity #fun #donation #planb #getagreenwristie #massive
19.01.2022 I am overly excited that I have been selected as the New South Wales Finalist for Miss World Australia 2020. Miss World aims to promote ‘Beauty with a Purpose’ to encourage women to live a compassionate and humanitarian life. Miss World Australia is a proud and passionate partner of Variety - The Children’s Charity. I aim to raise over 30K to reach my goal and to raise awareness for children across our nation who are sick, disadvantaged and disabled. I hope you will all join... me on my ‘Beauty with a Purpose’ journey with Miss World Australia. Your commitment to a fantastic cause will make a life changing impact in many children’s lives within our community and across our state. Welcome to my journey MWA 2020 Alexia Alana https://miss-world-australia-2020.raisely.com/alexiaalanazo
18.01.2022 Santa Pub Crawl 2020
17.01.2022 Today is the day ~ Makeup Free Day ~ can’t wait to see everyone tonight and supporting an amazing cause and campaign #varietychildrenscharity #missworldaustralia #beautywithapurpose #makeupfreeday
17.01.2022 I would like to invite you all to celebrate My First Fundraising Event for .... MISS WORLD AUSTRALIA 2020 Beauty With a Purpose The Charity is Variety - The Children’s Charity ... It will be an awesome night out with lots of food , dancing , prizes , free Entry to Night club and Champers on Arrival .. DETAILS ARE BELOW..... Purchase your Entry thru ME Just inbox me and I will send you Account details for the Charity. Thank you to Lu Ristov for putting on this Event for me and also for his team for creating this beautiful Flyer We are forever Grateful #7thDec#fundraising#beautywithapurpose#varietythechildrenschariety#mrcrown
17.01.2022 One more week to go!!! Get excited Tickets are still available!!
17.01.2022 Today I had a great productive meeting with Neil Webster - Stone Real Estate Illawarra. Proud be associated with SantaFest Pub Crawl and their fundraising for various children’s charities - whilst also raising awareness for my charity Variety - The Children’s Charity and Miss World Australia too. There are lots of big things to come, watch this space! Please like and share this page ... Alexia Alana
15.01.2022 Santa Pub Crawl launch was a success last night!! #beautywithapurpose #santapubcrawl #missworldaustralia
14.01.2022 Omg so this just happened, met these two beautiful girls from i98 fm. Also looking forward to collaborating with the i98 team for my up coming leading events!! i98 FM #missworldaustralianswfinalist2020
13.01.2022 So happy to announce that my second fundraising event will be a fashion show that will be featuring new exclusive collections from Portia and Scarlet, Jadore Fashion Boutique from Jam Women Clothing and Oxford Men. Fashion with a view will be located at Panorama House. This night will consist of 3 course meals, drinks, fashion show and dj. There will be raffle prizes on the night as well. Each ticket will cost $110 and for a table of 10 will be $1000. 100% of funds goes tow...ards Variety- The Children’s Charity. Variety supports children that are disadvantaged, sick and that have special needs. Variety helps children gain mobility, get out and about in the community and to gain independence. So come along and help a worthwhile charity!! Any further questions please feel free to message me on Facebook or Instagram: alexiaalana_ Alexia
13.01.2022 The first set of 10 winners have been selected for The Santa Pub Crawl. CONGRATULATIONS to: - Caeli Nikolovski - Helen Panovski - Bailey Angeloski... - Mariam Fofana - Brent Corneteg - Lana Micevska Sereno - Marija Kneževi - Rachel Ayanami - John Sereno - Chloe Nikolovski Message me to organise how you will claim your tickets Alexia
12.01.2022 There is still a chance to win Santa Pub Crawl tickets!! All you have to do is: - Like and share my page ... The winners of the last set of 10 tickets will be announced on the 7th of December. NOTE: The person entering this little giveaway can only get one ticket for themselves. Goodluck and hope to see you’s there!! Alexia
09.01.2022 So happy to announce that I will be hosting another charity event for Variety - The Children’s Charity. This event is supporting a new campaign called Makeup Free Day. I have decided to join this campaign to be able to empower and promote inner beauty as within Miss World Australia this will be apart of #beautywithapurpose. Not only will this campaign be promoting an amazing cause but will help donate to children that are in need, disadvantaged or have special needs. This ch...arity event will be a girls get together and supporting the makeup free day campaign. It will consist of a grazing table, drinks, raffle prizes and of cause a good excuse to get out of the house for the night There are limited spots for this event as I am only allowed a certain amount of people due to the restrictions. To be able to save your spot make sure you message me asap as spots are running out. #beautywithapurpose #missworldaustralia #makeupfreeday #varietythechildrenscharity Alexia
08.01.2022 One of my gorgeous models coming down from Batemans Bay!! Forever grateful for her support. 6 more weeks to go!!!
07.01.2022 There are only 3 days to go till my Beauty With A Purpose Fundraising Event!!! There is still time to pay for tickets and if you are wanting to pay at the door please let me know so I can secure your spot.. It will be a great night filled with food, drinks and raffle prizes to be won!!!
06.01.2022 My first ever fundraising event was a big success now time to plan my big fundraising in February!!! Stay tuned!! Alexia
06.01.2022 As most of you’s know Santa Pub Crawl is coming up and I am honoured to announce that I am giving everyone a chance to win these tickets. All you would have to do is like and share my page and you have a chance to win a free ticket for yourself!! There are 20 free tickets that I am giving out and the first 10 tickets will be announced on the 30th of November and the second lot of the 10 tickets will be announced on the 7th of December. ... NOTE: The person entering this little giveaway can only get one ticket for themselves. Goodluck and hope to see you’s there!! Alexia
05.01.2022 Exciting times ahead!!! Fundraising event planning #beautywithapurpose Stay tuned
02.01.2022 After a beautiful weekend away, formal and HSC done and dusted it is time to now focus and raise money for this amazing charity for children in need. If you don’t know already I am holding an fundraising event at Mr Crown. I have posted the flyer with more information on this page so make sure you go and check it out. Thumbs up if you are coming to this event so I can send you the account details for your entry fee for Mr Crown. ... Alexia