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Sandra Addy in Paddington | Nutritionist

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Sandra Addy

Locality: Paddington


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14.01.2022 This time of year you want to be getting real with yourself. What do you actually want to achieve? Ask yourself the BIG questions, not just I want to lose weight. That isn’t going to help you.... Getting the results you are wanting is much deeper than that. Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to get fitter? Look at the bigger picture rather than on the surface. A part of the process in my program is finding out the answers to these questions. Private message me to book in a call to talk about how I can help you.

12.01.2022 I'm currently conducting a survey on weight loss and your input would be greatly appreciated. This information will help me to improve my current service to my clients, help me to provide more relevant content and build my business by helping more people. It will also give me a better understanding of what people actually need help with and what they're struggling with, so I can better help them. Click the button below to start the survey. Feel free to share to friends as... well. Thank so much! See more

10.01.2022 WEIGHT LOSS & FAT LOSS - THERE IS A DIFFERENCE Just because you are losing weight doesn't mean you are losing body fat. AND, if you lose body fat, it doesn't mean you are losing weight.... When you just lose weight, you are losing mostly water, muscle tissue and some fat. When you lose body fat, you are losing primarily body fat. How does this happen? Well, for someone who does resistance training, they will be increasing and maintaining their lean muscle tissue. This is really important as we want to be able to keep as much muscle tissue as possible while dieting. And because muscle is more metabolically active you will be burning more stored body fat rather than the actual muscle tissue. If you don't resistance train while you are dieting, you will then lose primarily water, lean muscle tissue plus some body fat. This is why people who diet while resistance training will have better tone and shape over someone who doesn't train. Now resistance training isn't just any old workout. It is planned training with progressive overload at least 3 times per week with moderate to high intensity, which over time will help build lean muscle tissue giving you better tone and shape. This cannot be done by just doing any random workout or cardio. A planned training program is built into my 12 week Mind Body Blueprint, and is catered to your level of fitness and experience. If you would to have a chat about how I can help you reach your fat loss goals, just send a private message to book in a call. Or, head to for more details and to book a call.

10.01.2022 I get it. You think, I don't want to start yet another diet. Well there's your first problem. Stop thinking short term quick fix. You want life time change and sustainable results. When you have changed that mindset then start.... Don't think a diet is a means to an end. It's about changing habits and your current lifestyle. And if you are consistent with those habits and changes and are patient, you WILL see results. It's not about being perfect. Allowing yourself to be flexible will help to see those results. The biggest mistake made by people who continually diet over and over again is being too impatient. Wanting quick results will only keep you in that yo-yo cycle. Adding restrictions to your diet and cutting out foods you normally enjoy can easily lead to bingeing and overconsumption and back to where you started. If you go off plan for a day it's not the end of the world. If you have a "oh f*#k it" attitude whenever something goes wrong, it is only going to make reaching your goals that much harder and take even longer. Keep going and don't stop. PM me to book in a chat to see how I can help you.

04.01.2022 The biggest and most important factor of weight loss. You've been there. You go on a diet with the expectation that you will lose a ton of weight and then go back to normal after. But it doesn't happen that way, and you end up putting all the weight back on again.... Without an exit plan you are really going to struggle. It's not all about losing weight and you should have a plan in place where you know how long you are going to diet for and what you plan to do once dieting is over. Dieting isn't forever. You need to know how to manage your diet so that you can maintain your new body weight for the long term. If you need help with knowing what to do, my program can help. I give you all the tools you need to know what to do. Private message me to book in a call to chat about how I can help you.

04.01.2022 3 NUTRITION TRUTHS - MYTHS BUSTED Watch this short video to find out 3 nutrition truths to 3 popular nutrition myths. Especially number 3!

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