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Alicia Gowans


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10.01.2022 Are you eating enough calories? Let's be real if you are not eating enough food to sustain your training - you could be putting yourself at risk. It's simple; your body needs energy to perform all its necessary functions. Without that energy, your body can not achieve optimal health.... And that energy comes from the foods we eat and drink. So if you are not eating enough food, you are doing yourself a disservice. So often, I see female (and male) athletes cutting back on their calories to lose weight because society and social media have decided they need to look a certain way. But remember, your calorie intake must be able to sustain the energy you are expending. But by not giving your body the energy it needs to perform basic and necessary functions, you could be creating health problems for yourself. This can even affect your performance and could possibly cause: Decreased training response. Impaired judgment. Decreased coordination and concentration. Feelings of irritability. Decreased endurance performance. So it’s important to take care of your body and give your body the fuel it needs to function - even if you are not an athlete. . Healthy and balanced meals are crucial to maintaining your health and helping you perform your best. . So go out there and be the best version of yourself AND make sure you are keeping your body healthy. . Leave a comment down below if you learned something new. See more

08.01.2022 Client Spotlight I am so proud of this amazing woman, super mum and now a good friend @carryndenny_wbffpro . I contacted Alicia three years ago when I was eager to experience the WBFF stage to see whether it was for me and I knew I needed to have the guidance from my idol! . Over the years Alicia has guided me postpartum and during pregnancies in alignment with both my health and physical goals. Especially this last pregnancy (my third) in which we kept my calories ab...ove Maintenance and continued strength training in order to retain as much lean muscle mass as possible. Although our main priority was to properly fuel my body for both mine and babies optimal overall health and safety. . During my prep postpartum, Alicia and myself set some big goals to obtain my Pro Status and to be able to compete at a Pro level. . We had a lot of obstacles to overcome not only aesthetically but also mentally. Being in lockdown, no gyms, home workouts etc Alicia was on top of my programming and ensured it was altered when needed. She was always there for support and motivation. . We worked together striving towards stepping into the WBFF Stage in October 2020 to then have the event cancelled. The light at the end of the tunnel was the WBFF Virtual show of the year. . After submission I had doubts but I knew we had done everything we could and it was all in the judges hands. All I remembered was receiving a phone call from Alicia screaming WE DID IT I couldn’t believe it and cried with happiness. . Alicia not only invested her time in every check In but she was also there mentally as a friend and role model. We have gone from strength to strength together. . Not only have I transformed my body composition, I have also transformed my mind with balance and overall knowledge. . Alicia has believed in me from the start! Next stop WBFF Worlds 2020 Las Vegas See more

05.01.2022 TRUTH BOMB: Sunshine, not food, is where most of your vitamin D comes from . So even a healthy, well-balanced diet, that provides all the other vitamins and goodness you need, is unlikely to provide enough vitamin D. . Depending on your most recent blood work, vitamin D can also be recommended by a medical professional to ensure you are not deficient. ... . Help your body get more vitamin D by eating plenty of vitamin D rich foods, including: . Oily fish such as salmon, sardines, pilchards, trout and herring contain reasonable amounts of vitamin D . Cod liver oil contains a lot of vitamin D, but don’t take this if you are pregnant . Egg yolk, meat, offal and milk contain small amounts but this varies during the seasons . Margarine, some breakfast cereals, infant formula milk and some yoghurts have added vitamin D . TIP: Mushrooms retain vitamin D when they’re exposed to the sun so leave them on your windowsill in direct sunlight. . The known benefits of balanced vitamin D levels are: . Contributes to weight management: Research suggests that there may be a connection between obesity and vitamin D deficiency, with some studies showing that getting enough of this key nutrient could support weight loss. . Supports cognitive health: Vitamin D status may also influence depression, anxiety, insomnia and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It’s essential to ensure your levels are balanced by having your blood work checked. . Significantly strengthens bones: Vitamin D has been linked to osteoporosis, decreased bone mineral density and higher risk of fractures in older adults. Your chances of this occurring are hugely reduced if vitamin D is balanced in the body. . Improves immune function: Vitamin D is essential in protecting against the common cold and the development of autoimmune conditions. While antioxidants and vitamin C also improve immune function, vitamin D is a key player. . When was the last time you had your vitamin D levels checked? See more

03.01.2022 The Perfect Plate . I know that nutrition can be very overwhelming, with so much information online these days, it‘a hard to determine what’s true and what’s nonsense. . Should you be cutting out foods with added sugar?... Are fats healthy? What about carbs? Are they the enemy or not? . And it doesn't help that fad diets have left a bad taste in your mouth and have left you confused and feeling cheated. . So, I wanted to put together something that is simple and can be adjusted to fit your needs. . It's a general plate guideline that covers all the requirements for a filling meal. . 40% of your plate should be fruits and vegetables. These foods will contain the least calories but the most nutrients. . Your fiber, vitamin, and minerals will mostly come from this group, so it's good to have a hearty amount on your plate. . Fill up on these to maintain healthy digestion, immune and metabolic health. . 25% you can dedicate to healthy lean proteins. Also known as the foundation for building muscle! . Lean protein helps repair and grow your muscles, so don't leave it out! Because protein takes longer to digest, it means you feel satisfied for longer. . Another 25% should be non-refined carbohydrates. They are great for aiding in digestion and bloating from all their fiber. Complex carbs are also crucial for slow-release energy to keep you full until your next meal. . Finally, 10% of your plate should be healthy fats. The most efficient energy storage system in our bodies is fat. Fat is not the enemy! It protects your organs and supports cellular, heart, and brain health. . But, try to stay away from saturated fats and stick to unsaturated fat sources. Think whole food like nuts and seeds or even avocado. . What does your plate look like? Let me know below! See more

03.01.2022 What's your go-to drink? So many of us grab a cup of coffee in the morning before we head out to take on the day's challenges. . But caffeine has more purpose than just getting you prepared for the daily hustle. It can impact your athletic performance too:. ... . Here are 3 ways caffeine can actually hinder your performance: Caffeine impacts your central nervous system by increasing your feelings of alertness. This means that you could improve your concentration and form. It may even make those boring workouts more fun. By reducing the idea of fatigue, you can work out that extra bit longer. Helping you squeeze in that extra rep or lifting that little bit more weight. Caffeine makes things seem easier as it creates a perceived reduction in effort. So that workout you thought was killer last time might be a breeze today. . It's also important to keep in mind that you can easily become desensitized to coffee, and its benefits can wear off if you don't use it in moderation. . Ideally, try to consume between 1 - 3mg of caffeine per kg of your bodyweight around 30 minutes before your workout to see the best results. . Do you use caffeine to enhance your workout? Let me know below! See more

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