Aliens Australia | Other
Aliens Australia
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24.01.2022 Only four and a half hour before the magic hour hits Moscow. Make a wish!
24.01.2022 Six weeks on this wonderful island and seeing next to nothing so far. But everything we see is glorious! Big hug from faraway #hobart #covid19isolation #paradise #sandybay #tasmania #instatasmania #local
23.01.2022 Our new candles arrived today! Such joy to get them in all the way from QLD:) #alittlebittarty #alittlebittarty.candleco #candles #soycandles #lycheeandpeony
23.01.2022 Greetings from the top of the world (er... a small hill behind our house:)!!! I’m so pleased I climbed the hill before breakfast . #walkbeforebreakfast #climbersofinstagram #russiangirlintasmania #gayandaway #soberlife #sober #lovelife #hobartandbeyond #southerntasmania #natonehill
22.01.2022 Inspired by locals and following the footsteps of @redparka_roams, we are exploring our new home and its backyards. South Arm near Opossum Bay is absolutely beautiful. Lizzy got spooked by a snake , but I’d say the snake got the real spooks, it’s her home after all:) We’ve found a mussel nursery and heaps of other water crawlies in the crystal clear bay. When you come for a visit - we’re taking you there:) It’s a perfect beach. #opossumbaytasmania #tasmania #newhome #exploreorelse #russiangirlintasmania #gayandaway #hobartandbeyond
22.01.2022 From the last adventure in Mt Wellington park. This is a bus stop #busstop #tasmania #instatasmania #hobart #hobartandbeyond #gayandaway #russiangirlinaustralia
22.01.2022 How wonderful to know where your home is. The moment I saw her lanky figure at the airport last night, I knew that I am home. I don’t care where we are, my darling, as long as we are together. Although our beach house is heaven. Thanks for the watermelon and soft cuddles! #homesweethome #homeatlast #aussiesofinstagram #loveislove #russiangirlinaustralia #pacificocean #homeiswheresheis
21.01.2022 Thanks for all the.. peach !! Stay peachy, Shepparton, till we meet again xoxo the cows say mooove, Melbourne is that way #australianshepherd #crosscountry #roadtrip #roadtripaustralia #mooovingart #shepparton #kidstownshepparton #happy #happyplace
20.01.2022 And just like that, one day at the time, here you have me at twelve years sober! I’m grateful for all of you, my cheerleaders , my family, my friends. How wonderful to live this life unbounded, happy, joyous and absolutely free! Hugs and kisses xoxo #sober #soberlife #seedlip #aussiesofinstagram #happylife
18.01.2022 Fantastic adventure up in the alpine altitude of Mt Field. The weather turned in a blink of an eye and before we knew it we we trudging through the snowy blizzard a few minutes after a sunny spell. I can’t wait to go back but must be prepared for any weather. #mtfieldnationalpark #instatasmania #hobartandbeyond #tasmania #lovetassie #gayandaway #lovelife #bestkeptsecret @ Mt Feilds National Park
18.01.2022 Bushwalking and camping near Little Swanport . Still and peaceful. @ Little Swanport, Tasmania, Australia
16.01.2022 Women’s rights:) I am so grateful for the ones who paved the way to my freedoms. Cultural crawl @ngvmelbourne #art #womensrights #dontstop #melbournecrawl
15.01.2022 What a blast to be 46 inside and out! Huge hug to everyone I love Thanks for all the fish:)
14.01.2022 Perfect start to the cultural crawl:) #lunecroissant #melbourne #melbournecrawl #smellslikeheaven
13.01.2022 I’m in the centre of the earth:) Shepparton is lovely xoxo top of the morning to you!!!
13.01.2022 Thanks to @luckysunshine1994 and @goldendisgrace I am currently hiding out in the lower level of the house plagued by the immersive theatre acting out Ghosts: A Family Drama in Three Acts by Henrik Ibsen. Thanks for all the fish , but I am going to catch my breath, fish my heart out of my stomach and have a lemonade away from the action. #immersiveart #thanksbutnothanks #scarredbyart #moscowart #undergroundart #loveclassics #whysoserious #whatswrongwithchairs #goosebumps #thereturned
12.01.2022 This is the Separate Prison at Port Arthur historic site. Hardened criminals, second-offenders and unruly convicts were placed here after the transportation in the 1830-60s. They were kept in isolation, in sensory and social deprivation for months and sometimes years on end. One very good looking chap was in here for sodomy from the age 15 till his death at 24. He was in isolation all this time. How grateful I am to be living in a different society today. Sad to think there are plenty of people who’d lock us all up again. #loveislove #knowyourhistory #gayandaway #outandproud #
10.01.2022 A little loving from my honey. Found these in my lunchbox today. Thank you for the chilli pepper hedgehog . #shelovesme #hobart #hobartandbeyond #ccamlr #chocolate #bestlunch
08.01.2022 What an amazing idea! I’m now a proud owner of a self-made lampshade! Thank you @shades_of_distinction for a wonderful workshop and patience:) @till_designs showed off her vibrant tassie-themed fabrics, I want to learn from you:) hugs and kisses xoxo from Hobart #recycling #shades_of_distinction #shadesofdistinction #lampshadeworkshop #lovelife #russiangirlinaustralia
08.01.2022 What a treat to be out of isolation and into the most exquisite gardens! Hobart is turning red and gold, the ground is a carpet of soft yellow leaves , and the skies are blue. One may think we’re in Moscow, but the kiwis are fruiting, the Antarctic winds are fresh, and we’re definitely in Tasmania. Much love #hobart #gayandaway #aussiesofinstagram #russiangirlinaustralia #goldenautumn @ Hobart, Tasmania
06.01.2022 This island’s history is absolutely brutal in parts. Settled by convicts and the masters in the name of the king . Thank goddess we don’t live like that anymore. #portarthur #tasmania #eastcoasttasmania #instatasmania #tasmanianhistory #gayandaway #freedom #loveaustralia
06.01.2022 Thanks @clued_upp for a fun day adventuring and solving a mystery of @witchcraftandwizardryhobart #cluedupp. Team Mischief Managed managed to a) finish the game and b) didn’t die #mischiefmanaged #withardsandwitches
05.01.2022 After a mad week we’re finally together:) Lizzy just made it here on the last ferry to Tasmania. Welcome to our new home, baby bird:) Are we Hobartines or Taswedish? #hobart #tasmania #livingmybestlife #ccamlr #antarcticair #freshair #freshstart #lovewins #loveislove #together #lesbian
05.01.2022 Discovered a new spot, Carlton Beach. Literally 30 minutes from the city this quaint 80s village sporting an amazing surf , a dog beach and very friendly locals. Tasmania, we are going to explore the crap out of you! #lovetasmania #tasmania #eastcoasttasmania #instatasmania #aussiesofinstagram #russiangirlinaustralia #gayandaway #hobartandbeyond #tourismtasmania @ Hobart, Tasmania
03.01.2022 Vitamins from our lemon tree . Viva #tasmania #hobart #lemonsarelife #liveandletlive #quarantinelife #workfromhome #aussiesofinstagram
01.01.2022 This little buddy held me tight while the weather was raging in Woy Woy:) Thanks, buddy.