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Aliesha Bannister | Public figure

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Aliesha Bannister

Phone: +61 414 335 108


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25.01.2022 Truuuuth. #EnergeticIntelligence... #WhereYouGettingYourInfoFrom See more

25.01.2022 Transport yourself forward to the 10th of October... How do you want to feel on that day? Fresh?... Proud? Liberated? Full of life, with a feeling of accomplishment and renewed vigor? (I'm seeing mojo vibes a-plenty!) #maximummojo That's what the peeps who are in The Vessel are in for. It's a month in the high-vibe energy I bring. It's a month of me guiding and inspiring you to go within and make choices which raise your vibration. It's a month of true self love and the benefits it brings, on a cellular level. Taking the time to do a cleanse is a valuable part of the self-mastery + deep inner healing journey, as it gives your body the space to clear out the debris. That's why I offer this at least once a year. It's how you elevate your frequency and increase your bandwidth. The more high-vibe your physical, the more room your energetic body has to expand. They rely on each other in that way. Otherwise your physical body is like an anvil to your energetic body... #denseandweighty Talk to me if you're feeling the call to join us... I have four spots left! Doors close this Thursday. $888 is the exchange for the program and all its magnificent parts. Your plant medicine care package will be sent to you immediately upon sign up. We officially kick off on 10th September - and be warned - my passion for this is a whole situation. Message me for the access portal. AB ox P.s. #yourchoicessetyourtrajectory

25.01.2022 I help you find your power when life gets sticky, overwhelming or confusing. Could be you’ve been thrown a curve ball, or are feeling compressed from an inner or outer experience. Could be navigating what your gifts are. ... Could be you’re in a growth and expansion cycle. There’s always a most aligned energy state, you’ll know it when you feel it. My skillset is knowing what this is. Making choices from that place changes everything! The energetic state of valor (aka courage under fire) is a sight to behold. My greatest awe lies in seeing a human navigate difficult life moments - in their power. And then, soaring. Reach out when it’s time to journey together, there are several portals. AB #IlluminateWithAB #SupernovaWithAB #MirageWithAB #SoulFireWithAB

24.01.2022 The Vessel crew are making their final plans tonight for starting the cleanse tomorrow. Wish them well!The Vessel crew are making their final plans tonight for starting the cleanse tomorrow. Wish them well!

24.01.2022 I'm currently in a void between the old and the new. It's like I'm in the depth of nothingness... but knowing at the very same time it's also the precipice of newness. I fuzzily know what the next version of Self looks like, but more than anything I know what it FEELS like. ...Continue reading

24.01.2022 What do I do when I feel shit, overwhelmed, lost or fed up? Sometimes I wallow. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I get mad. ... Sometimes I meditate. Sometimes I workout. Sometimes I drink. Sometimes I journal. Sometimes I book a healing session. Sometimes I get a beauty treatment. Sometimes it can take an hour. Sometimes it can take a couple of days. It used to take weeks... But, eventually I always CHOOSE to know more. What can I do with this feeling? What does it want me to know? What would make me feel better? Sometimes the answer is surrender. Sometimes the answer is change. Sometimes the answer is rest. Learning all the juicy layers of what makes me tick is the greatest gift I've given myself. It helps me recognize, see, feel, know or seek the ways to move out of density and contraction into expansion and growth. Every time. My energy is the most important thing in my life, without it... who am I? Who am I to the people I love? Who am I to my clients? Who am I to myself? The self-mastery journey isn't about 'happy happy joy joy' all the time, let me bust that illusion bubble right now! Someone said to me last week "Do you even have bad days, you don't seem to?" Hell yes I have bad days... because I'm still evolving. The 'shit' is a powerful catalyst. And I usually end up grateful for it once I've moved through and beyond. I move through and beyond because I choose to. I seek it. I live for it. There is no other option in my mind. Your energy is your life force. Contracted, it's stuck. Expanded... well, it's anything you want it to be. To me it's a non-negotiable to cultivate it's frequency at all costs. If I keep sharing this, it may imprint into your mind, and be able to be called upon at a time when you need it. I love you. I see your beauty. AB

24.01.2022 I’m deep in sparkle mode, I can feel the love for humans pouring through my heart. With this love, I want to imprint into your mind how perfect you are,... How your natural ways of being ARE your superpower. The world has made you feel otherwise, but the illusions which created this disconnect are coming down. As you unplug, you’ll feel the expansive freedom grow with each breath. Let’s amplify it. We need you re-activated in your natural state. Let what isn’t your truth melt away, like warmed candle wax, or melting ice. In my energy, it melts with ease. That’s what I bring to you. You have gifts for us, and it’s time to step into the truth that you bring. Bare your soul. Know your role. Live your truth. And then, set the world alight with your fire. Leave scorched earth in your wake. AB #SupernovaWithAB 4 weeks in my energy $1111AUD SUPERNOVA is a 1:1 portal, of deep effect. 1:1 sessions as needed + No limits audio/messaging access All the AB vibes. Message me if this was born for you. 3 spots available now.

23.01.2022 I’m legit feeling SO excited as I start to put together the plant medicine care packages to mail to ma peeps in The Vessel! Even down to buying the postage boxes today - grinned like a Cheshire Cat as I battled out the post office door balancing boxes #joyous I adore creating special high vibe packs which I know help elevate people’s frequency and connection to Self. ... It’s a whole vibe. If you want to receive one of these from me, and give your body some love, it’s not too late to join. The access portal to this years cleanse is but one comment or message away! Drop #mysoulridesinstyle and it’ll be on it’s way to you, stat. $888 gets you all the remedies, access to the FB group, all the info you’ll need, and my deep energetic container of goodness. Spring is energetically the perfect time for a cleanse. We start to come back up from the underground, and start anew. We start Sept 10th, for four weeks, but doors shut Thursday 3rd to ensure your remedies arrive in time. (Mail taking a week minimum atm!) I’ve got four spots left. Ask me any questions you have ASAP! Big love. AB ox #thevessel #annualcleanse #weareVIBING

23.01.2022 Clear the channels. That’s what The Vessel is ultimately for. Yes, I believe in giving the body a break. Yes, I believe in the supportive goodness of herbal medicine. Yes, I believe in ensuring adequate rest.... All those things are amazing. But the channels folks, it’s all about the channels. Clear insight. Clear mind. Clear knowing. That’s the real gift. Move on the funk from the physical and your access to the energetic expands. To me, that’s why we do this. Doors for this years cleanse close Thursday. Highly recommend getting in now for your care package to get posted tomorrow. #maildelaysmessingwithmyplans 4 weeks. Starts 10th Sept I guide you the whole way. There’s nothing to be nervous about. $888 gets you the whole sha-bang. You won’t be the same the other side. Let’s do this, who needs the access portal?

23.01.2022 Your energetic state is what creates your life. How you heal, how you grow, how you relate to others, how you manifest is all via energy, so to understand and harness the frequency of who you are holds deep value in the human journey. You can be limited or expanded within your own energy field, and what you do, say, feel, think and how you eat, drink, act, sleep all impacts the energy field.... I am Aliesha Bannister, and I work with you and your energy field. If you want to know more about yourself, make shifts within your life and perhaps even work in the realm of helping others heal and grow - follow along with my works. It's only going to get more exciting as we go on! The vibrational frequency of you is where it's at. AB

22.01.2022 From today’s Soul Stream group call: A ‘quantum leap’ isn’t a leap at all, it’s actually a collapsing Ohhhhh. Can’t wait to explore that more in the depths of my underworld! ... Time. Space. Continuum. Totally where I saw myself going #SoulStreamWithAB

22.01.2022 If you’re a leader, I want to help you shine. I want those who are teaching us, guiding us, and paving the way to be so deeply aligned with their authentic energetic truth. It’s what the world needs. Stat. This is why I created the ‘STARSHIP’ Magnetic Mentorship container. ... We need leaders who are lit up by their own essence. Anything less than that is unacceptable. STARSHIP - Light Up and Lead. $555 for your first month, $333 ongoing after that. No contracts, you stay only as long as it feels good. (3 spots available at this introductory price) I’m in your corner for the journey. Aligning, inspiring, expanding, guiding. If you’re feeling the tingle, message me and we can see if it’s a fit for you. AB

22.01.2022 There are big energies coming into our world, are you ready to receive them? Energy is a funny thing - it’s everything, but unless we’re energetically attuned we can’t always access or utilise the higher vibrations. This is where working with others can help. ... There are peeps among us who have big energies coded into their being to help activate that very frequency within you. I’m one of them. Being in my energy field shines a light in the dark, to help you see what already exists in you. It’s all already there, and always has been. The magic. The potency. The unlimited potential. I’m here to work with the leaders of our time - the people who work with others to create change and those who will be shifting the very fabric of society as we currently know it. Are you one of these people? Do you feel there’s big things inside you? I am here for you when your energy or thoughts feel stuck, foggy, uncertain or far away. I am here for you when you doubt your innate perfection of existence. I am here for you when it’s time to step more into who you’re here to Be. #ditchlimitingstories I am here for you when you feel drawn to it, even when you don’t consciously know why. We’re moving into a new way of being, where healing, choices, manifestation and creation occur in a whole different way. How we have been living does not serve us moving forward. So much needs to change. Working with me helps you step more into your purpose and passions, to live a desired fueled life. Any other way will fast become a non-negotiable. We collapse timelines. And it’s fecking beautiful. This life is messy + wild + perfect. Get amongst its folds. #jumponin #igotyou #unfoldyourpurpose Finding Purpose sessions prices are going up! If you want to get in at the current price of $280 reach out. (Will be $444 soon). It’s 2 hours, 1:1, seeking what wants to be known to you at this time. Insight into the next steps of your purpose work; the direction moving forward. Heart led knowing. It’s an energetic experience with oddly tangible clarity and results. Message me!

21.01.2022 The Facebook group for The Vessel is open and welcoming it’s people. We’ve started by sharing what you’re most excited about, and being the nature of a cleanse, what you’re most nervous for! For something like a cleanse, being prepared is key - so although we don’t officially start til Thursday I’ve armed everyone with the info they need for the first week.... I am SO excited to guide everyone through the program and to see where it takes them! If the timing of this journey suits you, I have one spot left. The only condition being it has to be someone within the Croydon area to pick up the remedy care pack! #notimetopost (Some ability to get the remedy pack to a couple of other areas, message me). Hit me up with a message if you are our lucky last high vibe Cleanser. To all the peeps on the journey: MAY YOUR SOUL RIDE IN STYLE.

19.01.2022 First, you land in the Vessel. Your remedies in stage one of this years cleanse are to help nourish the nervous system, and centre yourself. Grounding.... Presence. Centering. We do this intentionally to drop into rest and digest. To allow your nervous system to slowwwww down. To find that still centre within. And begin the cleansing aspect by avoiding the major stimulants and dietary sluggish foods. #thisisthebeginning This herbal tonic is something special... made using high vibration, fresh plant extracts which are organic and Aussie grown. #drool The feels I get in my body when I use these particular herbs are next level. FYI, there are two spots left for The Vessel, doors close tomorrow. Access portal below Message me with any questions!

18.01.2022 What’s in your heart? How do you dare to see your life when you close your eyes? I can help you call it in. #starship #energeticmentorWhat’s in your heart? How do you dare to see your life when you close your eyes? I can help you call it in. #starship #energeticmentor

18.01.2022 Your energetic state shifts when you're in my presence. You drop deeper into trust within yourself. You step more into your power. You understand yourself on a deeper level.... You become lit up from the inside out. All these things are the energetic traits we must cultivate to be the change maker the world needs. Energetically aligned humans are our future. Are you one of them? #starship #lightseeker #summoningthegoddess

18.01.2022 It's difficult to expand on your own. Change, expansion, shifts and growth can't really be done whilst in your 'survival' mind, and unless one has danced the self-growth and expansion dance many times, your survival self will most likely be too strong. In that state it’s main directive is to keep you in the ‘known’, a place where change is not on the menu.... Because of this, it’s deeply valuable to engage the services of someone whose skill-set can read what is no longer serving you, or give insight and guidance on what wants to be known. I highly recommend a team approach. Through my own growth + remembrance journey I’ve seen a plethora of humans, too many to count really (an increased count due to early ones moving away, unrelated to me and my tangled energetics I'm sure). #whereyougo #yoohoo Some of my healers I see only once, while some are my primary peeps and are an on-going situation. I've learnt that no one person has the answers for you. Well, except yourself. This means the people you work with are really only giving energetic access to what already exists in you. As a healer myself, I have people who come see me on-going for years. I also have people who come see me once. I have people who do a deep-dive stint and I never see them again. And I have people who do a deep-dive stint, take a break, then return for another journey ‘round the mountain when it's time. All of which is perfect. You'll need to work out what your healing and expansion journey looks like for you along the way. The key for action is to follow the clues: What is your body telling you? What is your intuition telling you? What are your desires and dreams telling you? All those aspects are communications from your Soul. #followtheclues #innergrowth #selfmasteryjourney Check out the ways to work with me, link below

17.01.2022 I help reveal the purity of the vision you hold. Ask about the ways.

17.01.2022 This is a statement piece from my delivery to the members of The Inner Realm Collective earlier this week. We chatted about the idea of living unapologetically, something which doesn’t always come easily - hence the spotlight on it! I’m on a mission to help you call back this state of inner freedom.... I am certain. I am firm. Because it’s your birth right. Anything getting in the way of this is just conditioning, and it’s ready to go! The doors are open for more peeps to come join us in the group. It’s a monthly membership, with no contracts, so you can leave when needed. It’s $66 per month to join. There’s weekly transmission drops, group healing sessions, and the support of like minded humans. If you seek to know more of what makes you tick, this is the place to be. Together we thrive. Who needs the access portal?

17.01.2022 Today’s musing: reached a point of moving through feeling I know everything, to realizing (with peace) I in fact know nothing at all. A new level of universal understanding?Today’s musing: reached a point of moving through feeling I know everything, to realizing (with peace) I in fact know nothing at all. A new level of universal understanding?

16.01.2022 Step aside human, Soul will take it from here.Step aside human, Soul will take it from here.

16.01.2022 Deep support. 4 weeks. #SupernovaWithABDeep support. 4 weeks. #SupernovaWithAB

16.01.2022 When you do a cleanse with me, you know we’re not going to just focus on the physical. The energetic and emotional natures are also addressed. We look at what comes up when we start dropping the density of the physical. ... This is the true meeting of my Naturopath nature with my energetic expansion understandings. This is why you cleanse with AB. Doors close Thursday (due to postage delays for plant remedies). Message me if you need the access portal or to ask any questions. I’d love to have you on this journey. #thevessel #annualcleanse Why? Because your Soul should ride in style

15.01.2022 We can’t always control what happens in our external world. But when disruptions to our normal patterns make their way in, therein lies an opportunity to re-write how you want things to be moving forward. #patterndisruptor It’s a time when you can review:... What from ‘before’ no longer works for me? What patterns or habits perhaps don’t suit me anymore? Did I like how [aspect of your life] made me feel? Is that how I desire my days to feel? As humans we are so programmed to keep doing the same things, year after year after year. In fact, they’re praised... Loyalty. Tradition. History. I encourage you to look at things from a renewed perspective. These are lovely qualities, sure, but they can also be part of a play to keep yourself small. To stay in the known makes you feel comfortable. You shouldn’t stay somewhere because you’re ‘loyal’. You should stay because you DESIRE to. Because it makes you feel good. Because it brings the best out in you. Anything less than that isn’t in anyone’s best interest. The times of tradition and loyalty are changing. The new loyalty has to be to energetic alignment, aka your authentic truth. That is how we create heaven on Earth (hence, my image choice... which is also the card which I pulled for my Inner Realm Collective folks this week). There is so much going on right now, no-one is comfortable. Almost every single person on earth is experiencing their own version of pattern disruption. This is not a drill, This is a moment in time. We all get to choose how we want our lives to look and feel moving forward. To get clear on that is of deep value right now. Check your fears. Check your judgements. Check your old stories. You don’t have to take them with you. They get to go. #liveexpansively #connectthroughthriving Want to go deeper into your energy field and layers of self-mastery? 1:1 Sessions are available next week, $180 for 90 minutes. Message me These are the types of things we explore in The Inner Realm Collective, my membership group. If this tickles your fancy, there’s a link in comments which transports you to more deets.

14.01.2022 At its core, my philosophy is quite simple. (Don’t be fooled by the long romantic posts!) It’s all about you and your energy. It doesn’t have to be anything more than that. #TheNoFrillsApproach... This journey is simply the return to your right, aligned energy flow. AB #EnergeticIntelligence #ThisIsSpiritualEvolution . ID: image reads I define spirituality as the return to Self, and ones right, true energetic state. . P.s. I love having you here. Thank you for spending this time with me. Connection is everything. Ox

14.01.2022 Who is in control of your experience of life? Have you given that over to others? Or have you claimed it, by getting crystal clear on what you desire, and doing the inner work to ensure that's what comes to you?... This is what we're working on in The Inner Realm Collective this week. Unapologetic living is the hot topic... and I can't seem to let it go! I have taken the red pill and there's no going back. You get to live how you want to. It just takes believing it, believing in yourself, your worth and your own wants. You get to live your desires... they're actually the key to living a purpose-filled life. First, you listen to the whispers. Then, you DECIDE it to be so. Then you clear what's blocking it. This is the work. Doors are open for you to come join us on the journey into your Inner Realm. Potent transmissions, and a group of like minded peeps. $66 per month, no contracts. Drop #iamworthy in the comments for the access portal. #unapologeticliving #theinnerrealmcollective #evolvingwithAB

13.01.2022 The flower essences for the cleanse have me vibing HARD for this experience. It’s so much more than ‘a cleanse’ It’s the Liberation of your Vessel, creating expansive space for your authentic energetic expression of Self to step forward.... The truest version of who you’re here to be. We need your magic, now. #letsgetpotent #thevessel #annualcleanse Three spots left. We start Sept 10th. 4 weeks in the container. Plant based eating, to get out of your body’s way. Let it do its thang. Plant medicine goodness, to support your bodies natural healing wisdom. Me, to support and expand your magnetic energy field, and provide the inspo and lols. #nodoubt Your inner desires will be guiding you. The plan for who you’re here to be in this timeline is the map* Drop #mysoulridesinstyle and I’ll message you with more info. Or, the access portal is in the comments if this is go time for you! *you don’t need to consciously know what any of these things are... that’s what we cleanse for. The clarity.

12.01.2022 Early bird payment link will be de-activated upon my waking... so if you’re a night owl and you’re also down to jump in and liberate your Vessel Sept 10 - Oct 10, you’ve reached last chance stakes to jump in at $666. (Full price is $888) As a bonus, you’ll get the vibes of me being so joyful when I see your name in the mix when I wake! ... There’s more of you to join us, I know it. I look forward to seeing who you Be! #thevessel #annualcleanse #mysoulridesinstyle #magnetic

12.01.2022 . I don’t really see ‘the shadow’ - I just see it as old stories which aren’t your truth. I see the dark as having power only when it’s kept in the dark.... It’s like a room: what’s lurking in the dark corners seems scary until you turn the lights on. When you see the stuff, some of your power instantly returns. It helps if you do this while standing next to someone who is totally un-afraid, as it shows you what’s possible. In the case of working with me, I bathe you in my light until you reclaim your own. When you see what’s been tucked away in the dark you get to choose what stays or goes. What have you outgrown? What’s ready to go? What was never really true to begin with? This is you curating your inner realm. It’s all energy. It’s all energy. You’re the boss. Come stand with me and turn the light on. #reclaimyourinnerpower #theresmagicinthere #reclaimedandunafraid

12.01.2022 After 11 years I’ve finally learnt to share...! I’m opening up my clinic room (for the first time ever!) for likeminded peeps to rent on a daily, half-daily or sessional basis. Hit me up if you‘re in need of a sacred space to do your purpose work from.... Ideal for a naturopath/healer/therapist/guide just starting up (as no lock-in contract and super flexible commitment) or someone looking to branch out in another location. The room is cute and comfortable, with deep intention infused into the space. Location is Croydon South, above @soulpodfoods and next to @eastfieldnatural #dreamlocale (I’ll post pics for a visual vibe later) Tag your friends too if this may be what they’re seeking. AB ox #purposework #sacredspaces #croydonsouth

11.01.2022 I’ll work with you deeply, quietly, powerfully yet ever so simply, to draw out the raw and pure magick from your core. For you, this will partially feel subtle, like a fairy or gentle wind graced past your ear and lightened the energy around you. But at the very same time, waves are created deep within your centre, which lead to a profound cell-tingling effect. ... More clarity. Less fog. More flow. Less fear. That is the AB way. #AceUpYourSleeve #HereForYou #SupernovaWithAB

11.01.2022 A valuable learning and growth point for us as humans (especially those who live with privilege) is to learn to be ok in our sadness. Our white-governed and patriarchal based society has tried to hide as much of that as possible, basically because emotion doesn’t have a place of value in those frameworks. It’s not built to handle emotion.... As our most recent society has been so masculine-energy dominant, it literally doesn’t know what to do with the big feels. Masculine energy wants blissful nothingness, not the (in its eyes) ‘messiness’ of emotions. So unless we actively do work in this area, many of us have a hard time with it. We’re not taught how to be sad, it’s not been supported or encouraged, and therefore it’s very uncomfortable. We shy away from it, with perhaps even stories of worth and shame woven in. It may feel wrong, less than, weak, embarrassing to express your emotions. It’s particularly hard to feel our sadness (or even just the lower energy of bear mode) when we have those active stories in our aura of I’m not good enough, I’m worthless - all which mean we’re not in our personal core power. It’s so important to reclaim this part of ourselves. To reclaim our sense of self, and connection to all the parts of us, means we are in our power, even in times of sadness. Maybe even especially in those times. Oh, it’s a wonderful feeling. And an honour to witness in another, lemme tell you. It’s quite alluring. To feel held by our own inner connection is invaluable. And, even further, to cultivate a connection and trust in the earth brings an increased ability to be with the deeper feels. She will hold you. Let her have your big feels. An inner growth or ‘spiritual’ journey isn’t a love and light, zen and calm, feeling of nothingness most of what it actually is is a raw, messy, playing in the mud-of-Self type experience. It’s deep. Dark. Shadowy. Stormy. Dirty. This is where the value lies. Once we strip back the conditioning, we see these parts through a very different lens. Pure. Dark. Raw. Beauty. To be in touch with all of you, in no shame, in no fear, and only in love, trust and liberation IS spiritual evolution. It’s your conditioning, born from the frameworks of our society, which hasn’t allowed you the skillset to accept and navigate the deeper feels of this human life. Unplug from the conditioning. Land back in your truth. You are most powerful when you do. AB #TheSuperHeroSeries #EnergeticIntelligence #ThatAlieshaBannisterVibe There is so much to discover and reclaim. Reach out if it’s time to activate a journey with me. #IlluminateWithAB #SupernovaWithAB

11.01.2022 Why did my heart drop as one after the other, each of the Matilda’s players ‘team statement’ posts scrolled up yesterday? (This statement was in response to their former teammate Lisa De Vanna speaking about abuse and bullying she experienced in her early playing days.) I’ve played soccer for 20+ years, and anyone who’s been in a team with me would tell you I’m obsessively, annoyingly, incessantly devoted to team unity. ... It’s my number one thing. So you’d think I’d be frothing over seeing a team speak so uniformly to their unity. But this was off. This - the team statement and ‘individual’ messages the Aussie players wrote - it isn’t it. It’s not necessarily the unity I question, I hope (and do believe) the current playing group feel unified, and most, if not all, are likely supremely happy and are being treated well. As they stated. But ladies, do you see what’s happening with this big, bold, unified statement? You’ve shunted the experience and story of someone speaking up to the side. You overrode her. You’ve isolated her and all those who have had trauma and difficulty. That’s the opposite of being inclusive. I’d say it dances dangerously close to gaslighting territory. This should have been a chance to do better, to demonstrate how teams/clubs/humans rally AROUND those who bravely speak up. Whether you enjoyed playing with that person or not. Whether they were different, difficult, outspoken, bitter or not. We are in a time when what lurks in the dark corners and under rugs is coming to the light. This is an opportunity for leading the way in how we can do better. There have been many things happen in our (wider) society which are not ok, and believe me, it will all be rising to be seen. How you RESPOND to it matters. In my thoughts, and my gut response from seeing all the posts, my beloved Aussie Soccer Team well missed the mark. Authentic, brave responses are what we need, not PR stunts. It’s energetic authenticity 101. For those who aren’t at the centre of the pain story to say hey, over here, just letting you know we’re doing GREAT! reeks of privilege, with a dash of patriarchal-programmed saving face. Hence, it came across as an orchestrated and co-ordinated brand saving exercise, not a powerful statement of unity as i imagine was intended. Back in the day that was what was expected, and yep, it would have worked to sweep the mess to the side. But times are different now, and my goodness, we are SO done with the old ways. Time to shake the management tree Matilda’s, and update these outdated approaches. The number one rule now is to rally around those who speak up: No matter what. That’s how your brand expands it’s integrity. AB ox #IStandWithDeVanna #IStandWithAnyoneWhoSpeaksUp #GetANewPRAgentMatildas Commonwealth Bank Matildas Lisa De Vanna

10.01.2022 Take a deep breath, and slow down. Only then will you see what needs to be seen. #ThatAlieshaBannisterVibe

10.01.2022 I’m posting the #plantmedicine packs for our cleanse tomorrow to try and overcome the extensive mail delays If you know you want in, sign up today for best chances of your goodies arriving in time!I’m posting the #plantmedicine packs for our cleanse tomorrow to try and overcome the extensive mail delays If you know you want in, sign up today for best chances of your goodies arriving in time!

10.01.2022 As Melbourne heads toward re-opening, there’s a thread I wish to speak to. If (despite what your mind thinks you want), you’re not vibing launching yourself into the world yet, that’s ok. It’s ok to have hated the lockdowns AND also wanna ease yourself into more moving and social world again.... If you’re anxiety ridden, I for sure suggest seeing a healer of your choice, because we don’t want anxiety itself to rule your choices. Anxiety will hold you hostage, and it doesn’t need to feel like that. Come back to your power. But outside of full blown anxiety, I see value in not rushing back to do #AllTheThings. There is much we don’t want to rush back to; so many unconscious patterns we’ve stepped back from (one of the gifts of this shitty time), so to go slowly as we re-enter wider society is warranted and valid. Our previous society wasn’t set-up well for everyone, so the break has given many cause for reflection and observation. We don’t want it to be ‘the same.’ We want it to be better, more inclusive, more thoughtful, peaceful, pleasurable, with greater awareness of the differences each of us have. We want it to be governed by inner empowerment, not outside conditioning. To rush in means we may pick up these old ways without realising, and we don’t want that. If you’re not drawn to rush back into ‘normal’ life - trust it. Perhaps ask yourself why, Explore what’s behind that feeling for you. You may uncover a gem you didn’t know was there. This is a time of reclaiming inner, energetic freedom. It’s not like it was before, major parts of your inner landscape will have changed. Go easy. Move slowly. Ask yourself questions. Listen to your intuition. Fun matters, social movement and engagement matters, but you doing those things WHILST connected to your inner knowing is what matters most. Remember that true freedom is an inside job. AB ox #TheseAreWildTimes #EnergeticIntelligence #EnergeticLiberation

09.01.2022 Your energetic frequency is your code, the key which unlocks your dreams and desires - AB #codexofSelfYour energetic frequency is your code, the key which unlocks your dreams and desires - AB #codexofSelf

09.01.2022 You have seeds of greatness coded in you... and I help activate them. Being in my field activates your purpose and brings you into your own magnificent light. You get to shine your light all over the place. ...Continue reading

08.01.2022 Restoring your energy gives you more access to your bandwidth. Your bandwidth is your magic. It’s how you impart your influence on the world around you. ... Working with me does just that. We stop the energy leaks. We work on your energetic boundaries. We call back your energy. We align you to your energetic truth. We clean up your physical space. For the physical vibes - my annual cleanse is the deepest I go with that. Doors for this years cleanse close Thursday, message me if you’re keen, I’ve got three spots left. Link to the access portal for cleanse, aptly named The Vessel, in comments. It’s $888, and a whole experience. You’ll be different the other side of this 4 weeks. Plant remedies, clean eating, group vibes, AB insights. If the cleanse isn’t your vibe right now, my 1:1 sessions might be for you. Check out the Illuminate Healing Sessions, link to more info also in comments. I love to work with you. #callme AB ox

07.01.2022 When I talk about this, sometimes I wonder if peeps think I’m a bit of a sadistic sicko. With how I view life, the inner growth and the inner healing cycle - I sort of love it when someone hits a point of cracking open. When you hit a point of that’s enough or I can’t live like this anymore you are deeply primed for change. ... It’s in those times you seek help, or you cry out for guidance from the unseen realm, or you are so done with a particular aspect of Self or life, that you are able to see other ways of being. The times you hit a point of it being a non-negotiable for change are such an opportunity. There’s an energetic authenticity to it which creates ripple effects in your field, which opens up a portal. For growth. For healing. For expanding. For becoming more of your true Self. This is when you are more open to seeking the deep energetic truth of who you are, beyond the distorted beliefs about Self and the conditioning storylines you picked up along the way. The greatest healing can be found in, through and from your darkest moments. Never give up. Surrender to the fact you’ve had enough, and be willing (just by saying it to yourself over and over again) to see things differently. I am willing and open to see how things can be different for me Receive what comes. AB ox

07.01.2022 Why do you want me as a mentor? Well, because I'm awesome, for starters! I'm funny, and I laugh at your jokes, which makes you feel good. And because your energetic state shifts when you're in my presence.... You drop deeper into trust within yourself. You step more into your power. You understand yourself on a deeper level. You become lit up from the inside out. It is my intention that by engaging me as your mentor, you become more magnetic, which is like a beacon of light calling your people to you. We fast track your growth. And this is just the baseline. Even without the frequency I bring, I have so much WISDOM around working with others and becoming aligned in your role. My clinical gems alone are worth the payment. Even so, I am stepping more into my expanded energy, so when you're in the container, you get to go where I go. How do you choose if this is for you? YOU FEEL IT. I'm not for everyone, but the ones I am, know it. The feeling can be excitement + scared vibes The feeling can be a full body #fuckyes The feeling can be tingles There are no lock ins - I charge more for the first month as it's more intensive for me to drop into and learn to read your energy field, so after that you can stay on at the subsequent monthly rate, or gracefully jump out of the container. This is for you. This is your time. If you are here to create waves of change in our world, I am here for you. Has it become a non-negotiable yet?! Let's take this circus to the next level. STARSHIP - Magnetic Mentorship With me as your Energetic Mentor, you call in more of your Light. I know humans I know healing I know growth I know change I see light in the dark. I see what's over the other side for you. I feel whats ready to be unfolded in your energy field so you can gain access to it. I'm offering 3 spots only at this introductory rate - $555 for your first month, then $333 a month after that. Stay for as long as you need. When those spots are filled, the price goes up. When those spots are filled, the price goes up. We have a weekly check-in, and you have access to my inbox (written + audio) anytime for questions, downloads, off-loads, integration. You know if it's for you. Message me. #starshipwithAB #magneticmentoring #thenewleadershipparadigm

06.01.2022 One of the most valuable questions you can ask yourself is: How does this make me feel? It’s of deep value right now (time/energy wise... not necessarily what’s-happening-in-the-world-wise, although the timing is quite aligned) to check in with that, and to then express how you feel. ... To acknowledge and express how you feel allows you to move the energy, should that be useful. All emotions are welcome. There are no ‘wrong’ emotions. It’s not a thing. The key to self-aligned expression is to not blame others for how you feel. In that case you’ve gone outside yourself, and therefore given your power away. When you blame others for how you feel, or for why you feel the way you do, you are actually de-valuing how much your own feelings matter. They matter because they exist, no validation needed. This approach isn’t wrong, but it’s not useful for the greater good; it’s using your precious energy for no real gain. And I’m all about the usefulness of the energy. #itsyourlifeforce There doesn’t even necessarily need to be a ‘because’ for your emotions - your feelings are valid because they exist. (Side note, in my healing setting, the more ‘irrational’ the emotional response the better it is for us to see what it wants from you.) Things which happen outside of your self are not in your control, but the effect they have on you can be. To feel into, explore, and be aware of what those effects are is so deeply powerful in the journey of living a thriving life. Across the world shit things are happening on mass. You can’t control that any other way than to go within, find what it is YOU are feeling, honour it, be with it, express it... and eventually you can decide what you’re gonna do with that feeling. Your emotions are powerful. To take ownership over your emotions and feelings + let them guide you into change and expansion is even more powerful. I see your pain, and at the very same time I see your beauty. Express how you feel - write, sing, talk, dance, chant. I love you. AB ox

06.01.2022 The dark. The unseen. The hidden. It is in these spaces of our energy field we hold the stories and beliefs which keep us small. They fold up our energy field, and within these folds lives more of you, once accessed. More power.... More purpose. More light. More self love. More knowing. This is the Inner Realm work. #theunfolding

05.01.2022 The time for ‘tolerating’ is OVER. What have you been tolerating that’s now ready to go? #nonnegotiable #thanksforcoming #showyourselfoutThe time for ‘tolerating’ is OVER. What have you been tolerating that’s now ready to go? #nonnegotiable #thanksforcoming #showyourselfout

04.01.2022 All things YOU! SUPERNOVA is a month of diving into, revealing, stripping back, envisioning, uncovering, healing and remembering. We go wherever we need to. ... My skillset is sensing your energetic truth, and how to follow the threads to access it. It’s pretty amazing. This has to feel right, because we are collapsing time - bringing more of the truth you are and the vision you see into the now. If you feel it, this is for you. Reveal, Expand, Explode. Bare your core. 1:1 sessions + Unlimited audio messaging access The exchange: $1111AUD (split payment option available). Reach out to chat! #SupernovaWithAB

03.01.2022 It’s so damn tasty.

03.01.2022 How good do these look?! Sexy, sexy plant medicine vibes. Some of the packs for The Vessel peeps have already reached their destination... and the vibe is HOT. It’s so damn exciting!! ... I have two spots left, your remedies are already made up, waiting for you. Just send word, and they’re on their way. The creation of the remedies took the program to an elevated place already... I can’t wait to see how this unfolds for everyone. You will be different the other side. Let it be so. Link to get on board the cleanse below

02.01.2022 This transmission came through upon thinking about the state of the world... what’s the answer? What’s the truth? Where are our expansive options? I don’t think they exist yet, we have to call them in. .... . I’m calling in the higher truth. I’m calling in my light to show us the way. It’s not as clear as who or what is right and wrong; it’s a whole new way of looking at and approaching things. I’m calling to shine light into our awareness of what needs to be, let us see. Let us be the light. So it shall be. . . Shine on. Shine bright. Shine true. . . AB ox #downloadswithAB #callinthelight #becometheenergeticstateyouwishtosee

01.01.2022 2021 AB = THE QUEEN OF REVELATION My clarity is dropping in baby! And it’s a whole vibe. My work/offerings situ has been fuzzy for months - I knew what I’ve been doing wasn’t really to stay, but couldn’t see what the evolution was to be, or what it would look like.... Not the comfiest of spaces for me lol. After this (lengthy) time underground, the vision is starting to emerge... This is the place in the timeline where I shift from taking individual people through their own inner realm, and start revealing the divine truths about this human existence which I’m here to land. To help us all see what I see. Liberation. Freedom. Peace. Unity. It’s all been working up to this. All the clients, all the inner work, all the millions of people I’ve had on my team! #thanksyall There is a world I see, and communicating it to the masses is my next level of purpose. We were all were born for this time. I have a purpose. You have a purpose. We are NEEDED. The divine truths of what it means to be human are ready to land, and the veils of illusion which have kept us small and disconnected from our light are ready to dissolve. This will be a journey which changes the landscape of our realities, and you want it to. To live unbound is your divine right. Aaaah, what a mixed bag feeling of equal parts terror and exhilaration! To be guided by the heart whispers and those inner knowings are a non-negotiable. Game on moles, we got this. AB #queenofrevelation #shineyourlight #wecameforthis

01.01.2022 Coming out of the ‘spiritual closet’ can be tough, and there’s some legitimate (to your survival self) reasons why. For example: The imprint of trauma in your cellular DNA for being killed for such things previously.... #thatlldoit But this is not the case anymore (may still be in some corners of the globe, but not in the spaces you’re in if you’re reading this). Gee whiz it takes us to the places doesn’t it! I’ve lived that too, I get it. But the timelines are collapsing, so not everyone needs to take as long to reconnect to this innate part of themselves as I did! It doesn’t have to be hard anymore. What would it mean to you if being spiritual or woowoo meant becoming more YOU? What if being spiritual meant you were living your purpose? What if being spiritual is the norm and any other way is just an illusion and pretense? If we hadn’t suppressed so many indigenous cultures we’d know this already, or have not forgotten it. Indigenous cultures live by these energies and knowings. #letthemleadus (as a side note) ‘Spiritual’ is the connection to universal energy. ‘Spiritual’ is creating your own reality, consciously and with intention. You dream it, you create it. Fact. ‘Spiritual’ is listening to your heart, rather than your mind. ‘Spiritual’ is understanding and working with the energy of our Earth. ‘Spiritual’ is knowing what makes you tick, and discovering your purpose. Reading that list, I ask you: ’ ? Living in survival rather than thrive? Feeling like life just happens to you and you have no control? Not living to your fullness? Spiritual doesn’t mean being a yurt living, vegan, hippy. There’s plenty of people who fit that description who are in total denial of who they truly are. (Of course there’s many who are aligned also, just trying to break stereotypes.) ‘Spiritual’ is following the breadcrumbs your Soul leaves for you. These are your desires. ‘Spiritual’ is living in the flow of your life, and creating ripples of change across the globe just by being you. Get your freak on biatch, we need you. AB See more

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