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Alisha Weston in Toowoomba, Queensland | Medical and health

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Alisha Weston

Locality: Toowoomba, Queensland

Phone: +61 408 385 441


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25.01.2022 Emotional addiction is so common, most of us are unaware that were in this cycle. I know I was. And often still am. Our emotions are valid, important messenger...s. Most of us were not taught how to regulate our emotions. Most of us were conditioned in homes where chaos was present + adults existed within a daily emotional roller coaster. Meaning, all decisions + behaviors were run by emotional states. This will manifest as impulsive decision making, anger, constant distraction, + daily exhaustion where sleep doesnt feel rejuvenating. Emotions are a mind + body experience. Our primal survival brain is activated. Cortisol + adrenaline are released. Emotional states become memorized by the body + we unconsciously seek them. Understanding why we seek certain situations can allow us to relieve shame. Becoming aware of how we do this allows us to teach our mind + body new emotional states of wellness like peace, safety, + connection. Im bored was my favorite saying in childhood. What I would come to understand as an adult, was that heightened emotional states of fear had become exciting to me. I learned that in these states, my family was connected. With the hormonal response happening within me, I felt like myself. I began healing through asking myself why. Why did I want to reach out to that person? Why do I want to watch this news story? Why do I seek relationships where I feel love within a cycle of emotional abandonment? Why do my friendships mostly exist as mutual complaining? Why does venting feel so good? Notice. Without judgment. Start asking why. Peace is a practice. Peace is a consistent choice of self care #selfhealers

24.01.2022 Beautiful to see so many donating time and resources to support people! I can highly recommend this app! Please share... Thanks Dr Russ Harris and team.

23.01.2022 Conscious coupling is the result of viewing relationships as mutual spaces of evolution. Its viewing triggers as a pathway to healing. Its understanding that ...conflict can create deeper communication. When we view partnership as a responsibility to seek our own happiness + fulfillment, we create freedom in our relationships. Were conscious and no longer looking to what our partners can give us something, or save us, or to magically erase our past attachment trauma. This was never their job. We begin a conscious journey with another person where we are a student, learning from + with another. Trauma bonds are reflection of our past conditioning. Conscious coupling is choosing a new future #selfhealers

23.01.2022 Allow yourself the space to sit with your emotions so that they can move through you and be released. When we numb our emotions or try to push them away, they increase in intensity over time and become trapped within the body. Join me as I take you through a short Body Scan exercise where you can consciously tune into your body and notice what it is trying to tell you

22.01.2022 Why small steps to change can lead to less overwhelment and more success.


20.01.2022 The more inner work I do, the more powerful I become as a psychologist. I have learnt to listen to my intuition and follow it even when it doesnt seem to make sense. My intuition guides me to connect puzzle pieces that dont always seem to fit according to the conscious mind. ... My intuition guides me as to how far I nudge or push a certain topic with clients. It allows me to trust the process, without attachment. It helps me to see the bigger picture and the unravelling that needs to happen first. I feel the experiences and pain of others deeply which has been a guiding light for me in my clinical work I have needed the evidence based research, knowledge and clinical awareness that my six years at university has taught me. I have needed the practical experience of training in different therapies and working hours upon hours over the last 16 years with a vast array of clinical presentations. But I have also needed my own self development, tools in holistic health therapies, and the drive and dedication to develop a kick ass intuition. Today is one of those days where I am so grateful for all that got me here. To be able to help people shift and process lifetimes of trauma is profound and an immense privilege. To see people break free of their own cages, for their dark clouds to lift and for them to expand, transform and find peace and freedom is incredible. Today is one of those days that I am glad that I never quit when this work was tough or I got tired Yes I am writing this so when I get tired again, I remember to never quit

20.01.2022 Safety and connection in the therapeutic relationship is fundamental in trauma work and can be the foundation to assist transformation and healing. It is a privilege and so incredibly rewarding helping clients process and reframe their trauma so that they can move towards post traumatic growth.

18.01.2022 The cost of disconnection on our life, parenting and relationship. Learning to become more present and conscious in our relationships.

18.01.2022 When it feels as if life has been pulled out from beneath you And you dont know how you will ever get through Please know you will see the light of day again There will come a time when you can start to process and heal your pain... This thing called life wont always be fair, So please allow yourself to be held by those who care When your world feels dark and heavy Allow yourself the time and space until you are ready The darkness, the fears and the pain are all real You try to suppress them because it is too hard to truly feel You are scared that feeling your pain will break you You push through and deny what is true Rather than pushing through, allow yourself the space And know that you do not always have to put on a happy face Surround yourself with beautiful, healing green light And let your power and strength from within ignite You are so much stronger than you will ever know Live for this present moment and not for tomorrow It is through our darkest times that we grow the most Use gratitude and compassion as your lifes guidepost Connect with your heart and allow yourself to feel Nurture and love yourself so that you can heal Let the tears flow and then wipe them from your eyes It is through this darkness that you will rise

17.01.2022 This weekend I escaped for 2 night yoga retreat and the power of this little break away has been epic. I dont really have the words but this is what comes to mind: Stillness Embodiment Feminine... Connection Healing Rejuvenating Expansive Intuitive Nourishing Joyful Ceremonial Grounding Peaceful Aligned Transformational It is so important that we all take time away to recharge, reconnect and find inner stillness. It is so easy in the chaos of everyday life to lose yourself in the busyness and mundaneness of life. If you dont find the time to reconnect though you run the risk of living your life disconnected from your body, intuition and power. The cost of this is far, far greater than discomfort of asking for what you desire and taking time for yourself

16.01.2022 For all who need it today (and me) just a reminder from an old journal...

15.01.2022 Hello fabulous Toowoomba people... Im looking for short stories about overcoming adversity - written by people from the Toowoomba region, to be distributed as ...anonymous (unless you want to put your name to it!) for a World Mental Health Day campaign (October 10) The theme for this year is Do You See What I See. If you are interested, please DM See more

15.01.2022 Oh boy we feel this! Why is mess so triggering? Happy as a Mother has listed some incredibly accurate reasons here! ... Which ones can you relate to?

14.01.2022 A nice reminder for us all during these challenging times

14.01.2022 One aspect of my work that I love is Mens Mental Health. I love seeing the transformation that occurs in men when they start therapy. On the outside you would never know anything was wrong. He walks in with a mask on covering his face and.his soul. He walks in with a hard, protective shell surrounding his entire being. How long it takes to crack the shell is different for everyone.... One man may walk in and burst into tears as soon as he has sat on the lounge. He has carried this pain around with him for so long hiding it from every single person around him. He is exhausted. The mask is not holding up like it used to and so he breaks. Tears rolling down his face. I cant do this anymore. I have hit rock bottom. For someone else, it may take longer. You have to shift through the defensiveness. You have to build rapport and trust. You have to let him know that this is a safe place. Together you start to explore negative beliefs patterns, detrimental behaviours, family history and societal expectations. Gently the cracking happens, and they let you in that little bit more. They are ready to start removing their mask. There are differences with men and women. Our bodies. Our brains. Our make-up. How we learn, communicate, lead and express our ourselves. In order to be in our natural flow, we all need both masculine and feminine energy. Part of the work that I do with men, is helping them to soften (although I dont always use that word with the men!) When you break through the hard, protective shell you find a softness. This softening though challenges our perception of males. Boys are raised hearing Dont be soft Dont be a girl Boys dont cry Man up Times are changing though. Our society is starting to shift this perception. More parents are aware now of the determinantal impact these phrases have long term. We have more men speaking out now about mens mental health, suicide prevention and domestic violence. When a man learns to soften beautiful things start to happen. He can express himself more through both actions and words. He can label his emotions and learn to sit with them. He becomes an emotionally intelligent leader. His relationships improve. A weight lifts off his shoulders as he realises, he doesnt need to carry it all on his own. His priorities change. He becomes a more hands-on father. Conversations change from surface level to deeper, more meaningful connections. He becomes a positive role model and inspiration to others. Times are changing. How can you contribute to this change? It may be at the personal level or it may be at the collective level. We need men to step up and be the change. Lets reduce these awful statistics of mental illness, suicide and domestic violence.

14.01.2022 Today was the first time my 3 boys have all been back to school and my first usual work day in 8 weeks!!!! I have been seeing some clients in clinic on Saturdays but all other appointments have been via Telehealth at home. The past 8 weeks has been a very steep learning curve in my business and a massive juggling act between my family and my clients. Today, it felt SO good to be back in my beautiful clinic space, talking to my colleagues and seeing clients face to face.... What I noticed the most though was my presence - I was at work and fully at work. I had no where else I needed to be. I had separation between work and home. I was no longer rushing from trauma work to year 2 maths. My role between Psychologist and mum was no longer blurred. I breathed a sigh of relief .... Knowing that my work in the clinic space will soon be returning to what it was prior to isolation. Over this time, there has also been many things that I have loved and appreciated whilst being at home. Beautiful moments that we will continue to bring with us after isolation ends. How are you and your family travelling during this time?

14.01.2022 As of next week, Monday 30th March, I will be moving all over my appointments over to Telehealth (either phone or videoconferencing). As your next appointment approaches, I will get in touch with you to make sure you are informed of what this looks like for you. I understand that this change may take a little while to adjust to but I will try to make this transition as smooth as possible for you. Keeping us all safe during this difficult time is my biggest priority. I ...thank you all for your flexibility and understanding. Sending you all love See more

13.01.2022 Give yourself permission to take a break.

13.01.2022 What if people werent disordered + were actually just resilient survivors? #selfhealers

12.01.2022 It is okay to not be okay. When we are having a hard time, our inner critic can be deafening. * You shouldnt feel this way... * You are over reacting * You should be able to pull it together * You are the only one who feels like this * You are failing * You are not good enough Blah, blah, blah Our kind and compassionate inner voice can be hard to find during hard times so I want to remind you that - * It is okay to not be okay * Many people are experiencing hard times at the moment * You are not alone * You will get through this * You will grow from your hardships * You are always worthy During hard times it can be normal to want to shut down, disconnect and bypass the suffering. In order to grow and transform from the hard times, you need to be able to sit with the discomfort of the challenges and allow yourself to process all of the different ranges of the emotions. You feel to heal. It is okay to not be okay.

11.01.2022 We are all experiencing the chaos and uncertainty of the world at present. We have all experienced some stress or anxiety through this global pandemic. We have lessons / awakenings that we will hopefully learn at the collective level.... We also have lessons / awakenings to experience at the individual level. What are you currently being forced to face? What can you no longer hide from or avoid? Will you use this time to face what you have previously avoided so you can expand and grow? Or will you cling on so tightly to the old that you miss the opportunity? We would never want this to occur if we had a choice, but right now that is out of our control. What we can control though is how we show up during this challenging time. I have desperately needed this reframe and for me it has only come through today after helping my clients through it. Some times its easier to help others than it is to help ourselves. Be kind to yourself during this time. Draw on the support of those around you. We are all experiencing this together

10.01.2022 Will you allow your authentic self to be seen today?

09.01.2022 Ive been seeing so many friends seriously beating themselves up because they arent maximizing their time in quarantine by organizing their closets,, developing a side hustle, becoming a piano virtuoso, exercising themselves into a lucrative career as a swimsuit model, etc. Everybody! Seriously. Stop. And breathe. If youre feeling adrift, theres a reason. Im about to drop some first semester nursing school on yall. Its Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Humans have basic requirements (the bottom of the pyramid) like food, water, air, shelter, sleep, etc. The biological basics. If those are met, then the next rung of the ladder is Safety and Security. If we feel safe and secure, then we can climb up and start on our Love and Belonging needs and on up the ladder we go until finally at the very tippy-top is SELF-ACTUALIZATION which would entail all of the cool aforementioned activities. The catch is, you cannot level up until the needs at the current level are fulfilled. If the needs remain unfulfilled, we remain stuck on our current level until the situation changes. Friends, in the midst of a pandemic, we are dwelling in the basement of Maslows pyramid. How in the heck do you think youre going to kick butt at the highest levels when we cant even find toilet paper for Petes sake. You physiologically and psychologically arent built to live your best life right now. Your only job is to live a life right now. A luxury that is being denied many which increases the pressure to really make every day count. But listen. Every day you are here counts. Every breath you take counts. Are you eating, drinking water, and sleeping at all these days? If so, that is a triumph right now. Cut yourself ALL THE SLACK. Focus on the bottom level. Are you showering? Eating a vegetable once in a while? Getting some sunshine and fresh air? Keeping some semblance of a sleep schedule? Start there. And be extra gentle and abundantly gracious with yourself. Well get through this. And right now, getting through is absolutely enough. I love you all. Hang in there. XXOO, Rachel TL;DR: Be kind to yourself.

08.01.2022 I stumbled across this quote recently and I love it. It reminded me of the therapy process. At times, therapy can be confronting. It is like shining a mirror back at yourself to help you to discover what you have been missing. That can involve having challenging conversations and being shown things you don’t always want to see. It is a process of gently peeling back the layers to rediscover who you are. Who you are without the labels, negative self-beliefs, and conditioning. While the process can be challenging and confronting, it should always be respectful and non-judgemental. Facing the mirror and rediscovering yourself in a safe environment can be hugely transformational.

08.01.2022 Have you been feeling disconnected, shut down, numb or withdrawn lately? If you have, you are not alone. After prolonged periods of stress and/or trauma, it can be normal to feel disconnected and withdrawn. ... If this disconnected and numb state does not ease over time, it becomes problematic for your mental health and your relationships. In this short, educational video I explain the continuum of dissociation and mindfulness and how you can start to bring yourself back online after feeling disconnected.

07.01.2022 The biggest issues parents are telling me about

05.01.2022 Mind Body Green cites our EFT Tapping research

04.01.2022 A brilliant story of recovery using somatic skills - have at look at Lucias book and her story here

04.01.2022 Don’t be so focused on how far you have to go that you forget how far you have come.

04.01.2022 What you focus on grows! What are you focusing on?

03.01.2022 Your trauma is valid. Your pain matters. Your experiences matter. ... And your healing matters. Daniell Koepke

02.01.2022 *Insecure* attachment styles (words by Dr. Tracey Hunter) Its worthwhile to remind ourselves that only 50% of the population have a secure attachment style (one where the person generally feels safe and secure in their close relationships, even in the face of conflict). That means 50% of the population have an insecure attachment style: one that is either anxious/preoccupied, avoidant/dismissive, or fearful/disorganised.... So, at best, only a quarter of all intimate relationships will have 2 people who both bring with them a secure attachment style at the beginning of the partnership. The other 75% of couples will have some *work* to do, as they make some conscious adjustments to how they approach conflict and moments of uncertainty. The *work* is not on curing your attachment style. Theres nothing there to cure: your attachment style is not a disorder, disability, or illness. Its just the way your brain organises information about your relationship. If you have an insecure attachment style, the first step is to recognise it, label it, and OWN it. Can you OWN the fact that you are wired in a way that has you seeking more REASSURANCE in times of stress (for anxious attachment), or more SPACE in times of stress (for avoidant attachment)? Can you then share these needs with your partner in a way that they will be inspired to support you and make adjustments so that your attachment system is not continually being activated by them? Thriving relationships between two people who do not bring a secure attachment style with them from the outset is totally possible if you are both willing to bring consciousness, empathy and tenderness to your conversations about how to approach conflict in a way that feels safe to both partners.

02.01.2022 Self-kinesiology and reiki to start my weekend Next stop, kid’s cricket My energy, alignment and how I show up in the world is 100% my responsibility.

01.01.2022 This time last year, I was in the Maldives with my husband. It was one of the best weeks of my life and a truly unforgettable holiday. I can remember so clearly the day we booked our tickets. It was my birthday. It had been a challenging week in clinic helping beautiful clients through grief, terminal illnesses and trauma. Over that week, Chris and I had many deep discussions. What are we doing all of this for?. We were both working incredibly hard and had just achieved a m...ajor milestone. In the past, we had been guilty of skipping over achievements and moving on to the next big thing to accomplish. I am so glad this time we didn’t. That week put so much into perspective for me. A lengthy time on this earth is never guaranteed. One day we will be faced with death, illness, grief and hardship. Life is to be lived, cherished and celebrated. I don’t want to look back on my life in 30 - 40 years with regrets. Regrets that I wasn’t present enough, that my priorities were out of alignment, or that I was too afraid to dream, create and take risks. These are conversations Chris and I have all of the time. We are an anchor for each other to help remind each other of our priorities and values. Take the holidays. Prioritise connection. Look after your mental, physical and emotional health. Be PRESENT. Make an positive impact in the world. Create memories. Be a role model for our children. Always make time for what is most important - family and friends

01.01.2022 What you focus on grows. What are you focusing on right now?

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