Alison Arnold Studio Pottery and Textiles | Artist
Alison Arnold Studio Pottery and Textiles
Phone: +61 403 905 768
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25.01.2022 Tiles fixed and we're all ready for this weekends OPEN STUDIO for SALA. I'll have some new work as well as lots of SALE items and we'll still be serving the mulled wine even though it's set to be 22 tomorrow! 10.30 4pm Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th. 6 Deneland Drive, Hawthorndene (South Australia) #salafestival #openstudio #pottery #potterysale #spring #localartist #ceramicstudio #ceramics #australianpottery #australianceramics #southaustralia #adelaidehills #art #craft #whatsoninadelaide #redbirdstudio #thelittlestpotteryshop #potteryshop #minigallery
24.01.2022 Large Lyre bird salad bowl #1 I'm pretty happy with the inside but unfortunately it has a fault underneath #2 is in the kiln now, fingers crossed for a better result! #potterychallenges #lyrebird #pottery #australianpottery #adelaidehills #ceramics #southaustralia #clay #bowls #southaustralia #studiopottery #pottersofinstagram #redbirdstudio
24.01.2022 I am missing my classes and workshops but at least I'm getting time to catch up on some very practical projects for the house and garden. These are worm cylinders for my raised veggie beds. They will be buried in the ground, worms added and lids on the exposed tops. Then filled with food scraps and organics for the worms to feed on and turn to compost. Happy days! #practicalpottery #wheelthrowing #clay #wormcomposting #gardensolutions #stayhome #studiotime #adelaidehills #ceramics #pottery #pottersofinstagram
23.01.2022 Adelaide Potters club first exhibition of the year, it's looking good!
23.01.2022 The supervisor came to check up on my kiln loading technique this morning - very loudly! #dropbear #koala #australianlife #inmybackyard #australianwildlife
23.01.2022 Some new pieces out of the kiln today, different forms in black porcelain and love whats happening with this glaze! And the corks fit too!! Thanks @barry_julie ! #pottery #ceramic #blackclay #jug #vase #handmade #southaustralia #adelaidehills #redbirdstudio @ Hawthorndene
23.01.2022 What do you do when the (thin but expensive) glass jug of your coffee machine keeps getting broken? Make one (or 2) replacements from clay of course! And they both fit! Huzzah!! #handmade #coffeejug #pottery #ceramic #potterysolutions #fixedit #studiopottery #adelaidehills #southaustralia #redbirdstudio #coffeesbackon @ Hawthorndene
22.01.2022 Another lockdown project completed. A collage/painting of our gorgeous Otto has been on my to do list for a long time. Like most vizslas he believes he is a proud and fearless hunter, in reality hes more like a needy toddler but may have been a king in a previous life! #dogportrait #painting #collage #vizslasofinstagram
22.01.2022 Shop local at The Littlest Pottery Shop! Friday 4th December 11am - 6pm Friday 11th December 11am - 6pm or by appointment, send me a message if you would like to arrange another time 0403905768
22.01.2022 Oh happy day!! As well as the good news from 'over the pond' these came out of the kiln after their final lustre firing this morning and I'm delighted with them! I would love to spend some more time with them but they're heading to @art_images_gallery tomorrow for their Christmas show. #ceramicbirds #clay #pottery #studiodays #ceramics #goldlustre #happypotter #handmade #handmadechristmas #buylocal #art #craft #southaustralia #adelaide #redbirdstudio #adelaidehills
21.01.2022 As well as catching up on some very functional projects Ive had time to indulge in something decorative. These hare tiles are ready to be glazed and fired, they will be attached to a retaining wall to brighten up a new area in front of the studio #wallart #walltiles #decorative #pottery #ceramic #handmade #studiotime #stayhome #southaustralia #adelaidehills #homestudio
20.01.2022 The wildlife week continues! I came in from the studio to find a young magpie in the lounge!! #howdidyougetin #australianlife #magpie #backyardbirds #redbirdstudio
19.01.2022 Such a beautiful day for shed building! Something exciting is afoot! #newshed #potterystudio
19.01.2022 This week....this year had left these guys feeling a little unravelled and disjointed but with a little help they soon pulled themselves together! (Scroll left) #ceramicstudio #bells #pottery #colour #ceramics #handmadechristmas #handpainted #studiopottery #adelaidehills #birds #pottersofinstagram #potterylove #southaustralia #redbirdstudio
18.01.2022 I've got one spot left in this workshop. Suitable for beginners and beyond, we'll make sculptures based on animal forms using strong and forgiving paperclay. Just like normal clay they will be fired ready to display in the garden or home.
18.01.2022 Ive just spent (lost!) a couple of hours trying to send a new schedule of workshops to my mailing list only to have most of them bounce back! I have no idea why but if you havent received it or got it twice I apologise. Here is a list of up coming workshops, there are more details and booking links on the workshop page of the website 2020 Workshops 7th March - Monthly Workshops - Saturday Afternoons - Surface Decoration Resist Techniques... 4th April - Monthly Workshops - Saturday Afternoons - Surface Decoration Inlay and Mishima 2nd May - Monthly Workshops - Saturday Afternoons - Handbuild a Planter Sunday 22nd March - One Day Workshops - Wheel Throwing Intensive with Alison Arnold & Rose Maguire Sunday 17th May One Day Workshops - Moon Gazing Hare - Sculpture Workshop
17.01.2022 Having a good HARE day! Working on a demonstration for the Moon Gazing Hare sculpture workshop in May using Feeneys Red Raku clay for texture and fast construction. What shall I call him? #sculpture #clay #ceramic #pottery #handbuilding #hare #adelaidehills #southaustralia #art #craft #
17.01.2022 Its time to show off my new little showroom/gallery/shop shed. The Littlest Pottery Shop ! Ive had so much fun creating this space, its been like creating a Wendy house shop! It will be open on days when Im in the studio or by appointment, message me for details #minigallery #minishop #pottery #ceramics #shoplocal #adelaidehills #handmade #art #craft #southaustralia #madeinadelaide #alternativeretail #redbirdstudio @ Hawthorndene
17.01.2022 So many lush surfaces on these pots from the recent Kirinuki workshop! It's hard to choose which side to photograph, well done everyone, each one is just awesome! #kurinuki #potteryclasses #pottery #workshop #clay #ceramics #adelaidehills #potterylessons #potterystudio #art #craft #adelaide #redbirdstudio
17.01.2022 Slip casting in this episode, recommend watching for those who have been or are coming to the workshop on Sunday! Sarah-Jane Natalie Cook Lis Prosser Hopefully we wont make as much mess!
17.01.2022 @art_images_gallery Christmas exhibition opens this Friday 6pm #christmasgift #exhibition #adelaide #norwood #art #somanybeautifulthings #redbirdstudio
14.01.2022 The last Moon Gazing Hare workshops were a huge success so Im running another one at Adelaide Hills Ceramics Association in Macclesfield
14.01.2022 This tiny Spotted Pardelote was convinced he had a friend on the inside of my shed. He was very persistent so I think he deserves to be illustrated on a pot... #southaustralia #birds #gardenbirds #spottedpardalote #adelaidehills
13.01.2022 I've just spent (lost!) a couple of hours trying to send a new schedule of workshops to my mailing list only to have most of them bounce back! I have no idea why but if you haven't received it or got it twice I apologise. Here is a list of up coming workshops, there are more details and booking links on the workshop page of the website 2020 Workshops 7th March - Monthly Workshops - Saturday Afternoons - Surface Decoration Resist Techniques... 4th April - Monthly Workshops - Saturday Afternoons - Surface Decoration Inlay and Mishima 2nd May - Monthly Workshops - Saturday Afternoons - Handbuild a Planter Sunday 22nd March - One Day Workshops - Wheel Throwing Intensive with Alison Arnold & Rose Maguire Sunday 17th May One Day Workshops - Moon Gazing Hare - Sculpture Workshop
13.01.2022 As well as catching up on some very functional projects I've had time to indulge in something decorative. These hare tiles are ready to be glazed and fired, they will be attached to a retaining wall to brighten up a new area in front of the studio #wallart #walltiles #decorative #pottery #ceramic #handmade #studiotime #stayhome #southaustralia #adelaidehills #homestudio
13.01.2022 It's time to show off my new little showroom/gallery/shop shed. 'The Littlest Pottery Shop' ! I've had so much fun creating this space, it's been like creating a Wendy house shop! It will be open on days when I'm in the studio or by appointment, message me for details #minigallery #minishop #pottery #ceramics #shoplocal #adelaidehills #handmade #art #craft #southaustralia #madeinadelaide #alternativeretail #redbirdstudio @ Hawthorndene
13.01.2022 More practical pottery! These will be trays for growing microgreens. #practicalpottery #stayhome #makesomething #makesomethingtoday
12.01.2022 Some new pieces fresh from the kiln. I had lots of fun trying a Japanese technique called Kurinuki which involves carving the clay to create a sculptural form. I think I might be hooked! These will be available for sale at mt OPEN STUDIO for SALA this weekend as well as lots of SALE items. We'll still be serving the mulled wine even though it's set to be 22 tomorrow! 10.30 4pm Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th. 6 Deneland Drive, Hawthorndene (South Australia) #kurinuki #salafestival #openstudio #pottery #potterysale #spring #localartist #ceramicstudio #ceramics #australianpottery #australianceramics #southaustralia #adelaidehills #art #craft #whatsoninadelaide #redbirdstudio #thelittlestpotteryshop #potteryshop #minigallery @ Hawthorndene
12.01.2022 I am missing my classes and workshops but at least Im getting time to catch up on some very practical projects for the house and garden. These are worm cylinders for my raised veggie beds. They will be buried in the ground, worms added and lids on the exposed tops. Then filled with food scraps and organics for the worms to feed on and turn to compost. Happy days! #practicalpottery #wheelthrowing #clay #wormcomposting #gardensolutions #stayhome #studiotime #adelaidehills #ceramics #pottery #pottersofinstagram
10.01.2022 The little Spotted Pardelote has been coming back every day trying to make friends with his reflection so I've made him a plate, heart shaped because he seems to be looking for love #ceramicstudio #pottery #potterylife #ceramics #inspiration #birdsofinstagram #spottedpardalote #australianceramics #adelaidehills #potterylove #handpainted #platter
10.01.2022 Only 3 spots left!
09.01.2022 This has been evolving over the last few weeks as a response to the current situation. I love collage because I can keep editing and adding until I decide to stop #collage #instacollage #stayathome #visualdiary #wherestrump
07.01.2022 The last Moon Gazing Hare workshops were a huge success so I'm running another one at Adelaide Hills Ceramics Association in Macclesfield
07.01.2022 One more place has become available if you missed out on the last one!
07.01.2022 Some new pieces out of the kiln today, different forms in black porcelain and love what's happening with this glaze! And the corks fit too!! Thanks @barry_julie ! #pottery #ceramic #blackclay #jug #vase #handmade #southaustralia #adelaidehills #redbirdstudio @ Hawthorndene
05.01.2022 Animal sculpture workshop today, such a fun and the most gorgeous critters created! #clayworkshop #potteryclasses #clay #sculpture #paperclay #animals #pottery #ceramicstudio #ceramics #southaustralia #adelaidehills #redbirdstudio
05.01.2022 Its back to school week! Which means back to pottery class. The studio has been cleaned from top to bottom, clay wedged, pencils sharpened and shelves cleared all ready for a creative new year. Welcome back students, I cant wait to see what you make! #potteryclasses #studiodays #ceramics #studiosofinstagram #pottery #ceramics #clay #creativelife #adelaidehills #summerterm #2020
05.01.2022 Large Lyre bird salad bowl #1 Im pretty happy with the inside but unfortunately it has a fault underneath #2 is in the kiln now, fingers crossed for a better result! #potterychallenges #lyrebird #pottery #australianpottery #adelaidehills #ceramics #southaustralia #clay #bowls #southaustralia #studiopottery #pottersofinstagram #redbirdstudio
05.01.2022 Spring has sprung! Would you like to make some garden art? Maybe some quirky garden stakes to plant amongst your summer veggies or borders? Due to a cancellation I have one spot available at Sundays workshop. We will be making small clay sculptures of birds, chooks and ducks that will be attached to stake ready for planting in pots or around the garden . Here's a direct booking link
05.01.2022 Have you started creating your handmade Christmas yet? I've got 3 spots left in this workshop so you could bring a friend!
05.01.2022 rare chance.. next month..
04.01.2022 Another lockdown project completed. A collage/painting of our gorgeous Otto has been on my 'to do' list for a long time. Like most vizslas he believes he is a proud and fearless hunter, in reality he's more like a needy toddler but may have been a king in a previous life! #dogportrait #painting #collage #vizslasofinstagram
02.01.2022 Adelaide Potters club first exhibition of the year, its looking good!
02.01.2022 Tiles fixed and were all ready for this weekends OPEN STUDIO for SALA. Ill have some new work as well as lots of SALE items and well still be serving the mulled wine even though its set to be 22 tomorrow! 10.30 4pm Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th. 6 Deneland Drive, Hawthorndene (South Australia) #salafestival #openstudio #pottery #potterysale #spring #localartist #ceramicstudio #ceramics #australianpottery #australianceramics #southaustralia #adelaidehills #art #craft #whatsoninadelaide #redbirdstudio #thelittlestpotteryshop #potteryshop #minigallery
02.01.2022 We had such a beautiful afternoon yesterday for our Christmas Tree Tea Light workshop. Sitting under the trees, listening to busy parrots, making pottery, it doesn't get much better! #potteryworkshop #handbuilding #handmadechristmas #ceramcs #makesomething #christmasgift #classes #workshop #sunshinyday #adelaidehills #southaustralia #redbirdstudio #potterystudio #potterylove #potterylife
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