A Little Psychology in Sydney, Australia | Doctor
A Little Psychology
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 413 412 904
Address: 1/151 Woolooware Road Cronulla, Burraneer 2230 2230 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.alittlepsychology.com.au/
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25.01.2022 CHOOSE YOUR HARD Maintaining a regular exercise habit is hard. Not exercising at all, and feeling stiff and weak is also hard. Choose your hard. Putting up your hand for help with your mental health is hard. The consequences of not dealing with your psychological issues can be hard on you and your loved ones. Choose your hard.... Limiting your child’s screen time can be hard. The effects of allowing your child limitless access to their device can be hard to deal with. Choose your hard. Setting boundaries can be hard. Allowing people to push you around or place excessive demands on you can be hard. Choose your hard. Being disciplined with your bedtime routine can be hard. Staying up watching Netflix and not getting sufficient quality sleep can be hard. Choose your hard. I could go on, but I’m sure you get the gist. Ultimately the choice is always YOURS
25.01.2022 Now, more than ever, people are struggling with their mental health. Homie is a 5-week online program that covers practical tips, podcasts, videos, meditations, workouts and more, aimed at helping you manage your stress. Check it out!
25.01.2022 Some nature therapy to unplug, reset and re-energise
24.01.2022 For the start of a new week ... #mondayinspo #newweek #gratitude #mentalhealth #breath #selfcompassion #forgive #practicaltipsforproductiveliving #psychology #psychologist #alittlewellness #sydneypsychologist #sutherlandshirebusiness #alittlepsychology See more
23.01.2022 ‘You cannot open a book without learning something’ ~ Confucius. Received these two books yesterday, and I can’t wait to start reading them . What are you reading right now? ... #attachmentdisturbances #gabormate #psychology #health #psychologist #psychologistlife #psychologistsofinstagram #booklovers #alittlepsychology See more
22.01.2022 As I left my office yesterday evening, I took a moment to take a breath, admire this view, and express deep gratitude. I thought of those who were courageous enough to come to therapy, those who were willing to be vulnerable and share their story, and those who went home to apply the strategies we developed. I am humbled and grateful for allowing me to hold the space for you to work through your pain and challenges .
22.01.2022 Yesterday I had an unproductive day trying to write up reports (my least favourite task of my life as a psychologist ). My focus and concentration were justoff, gone, not available . I think most of you would agree that feeling unproductive generates feelings of guilt and worry . Because of the value placed on achievement and productivity in our society, we feel pressure to constantly be accomplishing things and feel guilty when doing ‘nothing’. So much so, that... we seem to have become addicted to busyness. Remember, having an unproductive day/week does not define your identity, nor does it determine your worth. We are human beings, not human doings. #unproductivelyproductive #busynessaddiction #dealingwithguilt #identity #psychology #manageyourmind #psychologistsofinstagram #psychologistlife #reportssuck #mentalhealth #itsoktonotbebusy #itsoktojustbe #humanbeingsnothumandoings #dealingwithsocietalpressure #sydneypsychologist #sutherlandshirepsychologist #alittlepsychology
22.01.2022 ‘Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom’ ~ Viktor Frankl. This is one of my all-time favourite quotes because it reminds me that I can disconnect from a reactive auto-pilot mode, and instead choose how to respond. One way to do this is to:... become consciously aware of your thoughts and notice what stories your mind has created. check whether these thoughts are in line with your values. if not, do not allow the thought to hook you. think about what other response options are available to you, and then choose how to respond. Like any new habit, this will take some practise, however it’ll be worth it #viktorfrankl #mindfulness #lessreactivemoreresponsive #acttherapy #psychologist #mentalhealth #newhabits #cbt #selfempowerment #sutherlandshirebusiness #alittlepsychology
20.01.2022 ‘Twinkle lights are the perfect metaphor for joy. Joy is not a constant. It comes to us in moments- often ordinary moments. Sometimes we miss out on the bursts of joy because we are too busy chasing down extraordinary moments’ ~ Brené Brown ... #findjoyinthelittlethings #findjoyintheordinary #brenebrown #brenebrownquotes #mentalhealth #mindfulness #happinessmyths #psychology #psychologistsofinstagram #sydneypsychologist #sutherlandshirebusiness #alittlepsychology See more
20.01.2022 YES 100% #takeabreak #setboundaries #feellost #notbeok #uncertainty #mentalhealth #psychologytips #life #challenges #psychology #sydneypsychologist #sutherlandshirebusiness #alittlepsychology
19.01.2022 If Monday did not start the way you’d hoped, here are some reminders to hopefully get you back on track ... #dailyreminders #forgiveyourmistakes #setboundaries #tomorrowisanewday #mondaymotivation #motivation #keepgoing #wellness #mentalhealth #strength #beautycomesfromwithin #alittlewellness #empowerment #psychology #alittlepsychology See more
18.01.2022 Information Vacation. If you are a big fan of watching the daily news, I would like to invite you to conduct a little experiment on yourself. Next time you sit down to watch the news, check-in with your body and mind BEFORE, and then again AFTER the news have finished.... What do you notice? With openness and curiosity, check in on your mental and emotional state. If nothing has changed, continue with your day. However, if you notice that your mind, emotional, or energetic state have been adversely affected, perhaps it is time for you to take an Information Vacation. This might mean, no news at all or limiting your news exposure. Your choice. Do what works for you. #lockdownsurvival #lockdownsurvivalstrategies #informationvacation #mentalhealthtips #mentalhealth #psychologytips #mindfulness #mindfulnesstips #psychology #sydneypsychologist #takecareofyourmentalhealth #covidlife #2021 #nswlockdown2021 #throwbacktoholidays #alittlepsychology
18.01.2022 Forgiveness is the catalyst for your greatest change...for a fresh start and a new beginning ... #forgiveness #forgive #peaceinyourlife #newbeginnings #oprahwinfrey #psychology #moveonwithyourlife #youoweittoyourself #alittlepsychology See more
17.01.2022 What is mindfulness? What can you use it for? How can you apply it to your everyday life? Grab a cuppa and have a listen. https://youtu.be/HsyZuDT5hg0
17.01.2022 Water and brain function. Researchers who studied low water consumption and its impact on cognition, found that feelings of thirst (or dehydration measured by a loss of less than 1% body mass) were associated with poorer memory and attention, decreased energy, and increased feelings of anxiety and low mood. The opposite was found in the non-dehydrated subjects, supporting the growing body of evidence correlating dehydration with decreased brain function.... Water is required by every cell in the body and is important for all bodily functions. It helps transport oxygen and nutrients critical to the brain for optimal function, whilst providing cushioning and lubrication to the brain tissue. If you’ve made it this far in the caption and had to re-read parts of it, perhaps you should have a glass of water ...jokes...it’s hot, so drink some water regardless
16.01.2022 If you were to wake up in the morning, and a miracle had happened overnight, how would you know? Where would you be waking up? What would you be looking forward to doing? Who would you be looking forward to seeing? Tomorrow is not promised. Not a single minute is.... So, create the life you want TODAY. Take action on the things you desire and need. Remind those who matter to you that they are loved, and that you are grateful for them. Give more than you take. Take care of your health. Let the small shit go. Breathe and show up for what you value in life
15.01.2022 A little reminder ... #somedaysarehard #lifereminders #itsokaynottobeokay #2020 #stuckinmyhead #mentalhealth #psychology #alittlepsychology See more
15.01.2022 Exercise and brain chemistry. Any type of exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on your mood. Research has found that exercise can improve depression, anxiety, stress, and ADHD through the release of the following:... Endorphins- known to relieve pain and stress, endorphins help you feel calm and relaxed. Dopamine and serotonin- these feel-good molecules play a role in regulating mood. They can lift your mood and make you feel happier. Norepinephrine- this hormone plays a crucial role in your fight/flight/freeze response. Exercise helps balance your body’s level of this stress hormone, and therefore helps with stress and anxiety relief. Drop me a if you also enjoy learning about all things related to your brain, or if you’ve found this helpful.
14.01.2022 Deep breaths are like little love notes to your body
14.01.2022 ATTN all parents If you haven’t read this book yet, I suggest you get your hands on a copy ASAP. Understanding your child/tween/teen’s brain development and chemistry will help you (and them) so much.
14.01.2022 A Buddhist monk pointed to a large boulder and asked his disciple, ‘See that large rock over there? Do you think it’s heavy?’. ‘Yes, it is very heavy’, answered the student. ‘Well...it’s not heavy if you don’t pick it up’, answered the monk.... The boulder is a metaphor for the burdens of life that you choose to carry around with you. Notice if you’re unnecessarily carrying this weight, drop it, let go of it, and let it be. It’ll free you to actively pursue the life you want, without the unnecessary baggage, and with a weight off your shoulders #ajahnchah #buddhist #buddhiststories #weightoffyourshoulders #valuedrivenlife #weightless #youdeservegreatness #yesterdayisheavy #acttherapy #psychologytips #mentalhealthtips #psychology #psychologistsofinstagram #wellness #alittlewellness #alittlepsychology #sydneypsychologist
13.01.2022 If you talked to your friends the way you talk to yourself, would you have any friends left? Most of the time, the things we say to ourselves are not very positive. Our minds are plagued with the ‘I’m not good/smart/tall/blah blah enough’ mind stories. For most of us, this way of thinking has become second nature to us; our negative self-talk feels normal, natural. ... To change this, you need to be mindful of the thoughts and stories your mind creates. Something that can help is observing your thoughts and feelings, without judgement. By stepping out of your thinking process and directing your attention to the present moment, you acknowledge that those self-criticising thoughts, are just that- thoughts. Give it a go and see what happens. #selftalk #selftalkmatters #mindfulness #mindfulnesstips #meangirlvoice #shutupkaren #acttherapy #psychology #psychologist #mentalhealth #thoughtsarenotfacts #selfreflection #alittlepsychology #alittlewellness
13.01.2022 Mindfulness and your dog. One of the many psychological benefits of interacting with a dog is the opportunity to be more mindful. Petting a dog can be one of the most mindful and peaceful moments you can have.... Next time you touch your dog, feel how soft their fur is under your fingertips. Notice the tiny details that make up their unique facial features; their eyelashes, whiskers, colour of their eyes, special markings. Listen to their breath. Being together, and spending time in the moment can bring a sense of calm awareness into your life
13.01.2022 Recently, I have heard many stories related to low self-confidence, insecurities, loneliness, and poor body image from my adolescent clients. It can be heartbreaking to hear their stories, because they have not yet realised how perfectly unique and special they are. Thinking back to your younger self, what bit of advice would you give yourself?... #adolescence #resilientchildren #growingupin2020 #genz #selfesteemissues #selfconfidence #bodyimageissues #mentalhealth #healthychildren #teens #teensuicideprevention #aussiekids #mumsintheshire #shirefamilies #psychology #alittlepsychology See more
12.01.2022 How do you begin to manage your focus? By identifying your PRIORITIES. As Stephen Covey (author of ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’) puts it: ‘The key is not to prioritise what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities’.
12.01.2022 On this day, 17 years ago, I got my registration as a psychologist. As I think about the many turns my career has taken, I feel so incredibly grateful for my little practice, my tribe of colleagues at My Wellness Studio, and of course my clients (and ex-clients). Nothing makes my heart happier than when a new client tells me that I’ve been recommended to them. That tells me I’ve been blessed to touch someone’s life, and for that I am so, so grateful.... #grateful #anniversary #lovewhatyouhave #ihaveeverythingineed #tribe #psychology #psychologistsofinstagram #psychologistslife #mentalhealth #blessings #privatepractice #smallbusinessowners #sutherlandshirebusiness #alittlepsychology #sydneypsychologist See more
12.01.2022 Sometimes you have to look at life with a new lens, a different perspective, to help you find your way. This is what we do as psychologists. We help you change the way you look at things so that you can change your life (and no...getting into ‘wheel pose’ is not required )
11.01.2022 Mindset is everything. The mindsets we choose have a profound effect on how we experience life. Scientific research has revealed that the physiological (bodily) reaction to stress and excitement are identical- that means that your body cannot tell a stressful experience apart from an exciting one. What differentiates this experience is our mind, or more specifically, our mindset.... An easy way to apply this finding to your life is to swap ‘I have to’ with ‘I get to’. For example, instead of telling yourself ‘I have to get up to settle my toddler at night’, shift your mindset to ‘I get to provide my toddler with reassurance and safety at night’. You could also swap ‘I should do some exercise’ with ‘I could do some exercise’, as ‘shoulds’ usually come laden with guilt. Give it a go and see what happens . #mindset #mindsetiseverything #healthymindset #copingmechanisms #getridofshoulds #dealingwithstress #lockdownlife #psychology #alittlepsychology
10.01.2022 I think I may have found a uniform for A Little Psychology . A Little more kindness. A Little less judgement. Great message, don’t you think? ... #morekindness #lessjudgement #psychology #psychologistsofinstagram #alittlepsychology #sydneypsychologist See more
09.01.2022 CHECK YOUR COMPASS When life feels out of balance, we inevitably feel stressed out or overwhelmed. Feeling out of balance means that somewhere along the way, we have moved away from living a values-driven life. Values act as a compass to give you direction and guidance, motivation and inspiration in life.... If you are feeling overwhelmed, dissatisfied, or stuck, check in with your inner compass. Are your decisions about how you show up as a mum/partner/friend in line with your values? When we connect with our values, we are able to move our lives in meaningful directions, even in the face of difficult or painful experiences. #valuesdriven #valuesdrivelife #feelingoverwhelmed #feelingstuck #feelingstuckinlife #acttherapist #psychologist #psychologistsofinstagram #sutherlandshirebusiness #burraneer #sydneypsychologist #alittlepsychology
08.01.2022 ‘Before every session, I take a moment to remember my humanity. There is no experience that this person has that I cannot share with them, no fear that I cannot understand, no suffering that I cannot care about, because I too am human. No matter how deep their wound, they do not need to be ashamed in front of me. I too am vulnerable. And because of this, I am enough. Whatever their story, they no longer need to be alone with it. This is what will allow their healing to begin....’ ~ Carl Rogers (psychologist and founder of the humanistic approach) expressing what goes through a psychologist’s mind before a client enters our therapy room. #carlrogers #humanisticapproach #clientcenteredtherapy #psychologistsarehumantoo #psychologistsofinstagram #psychologistmind #vulnerability #iamenough #therapy #healing #therapist #sutherlandshirepsychologist #cronullabeach #alittlepsychology
08.01.2022 Gratitude makes sense of your past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow~ Melody Beattie
07.01.2022 Hey there! It has been a while since I introduced myself, so I thought I would drop a line or two to say hello . Some of you may know that I’m Andrea- Psychologist and Founder of A Little Psychology.... I won’t bore you with details about my education and experience because you can read about this on my website (link in bio). What I would like to let you know though, is that I have always aimed to ensure my clients feel welcomed, safe, and supported in my practice, and this will not change. That means that, during these challenging times, A Little Psychology will remain inclusive, and clients will continue to be treated with acceptance and compassion, no matter what the status of their personal medical information is. I will also continue to provide Telehealth, walk-and-talk, and face-to-face sessions. Please, let’s be kind to one another. And as always, thank you to those of you who have trusted me, and have allowed me to support you on your journeys. Much love, Andrea. #psychology #psychologist #sutherlandshirebusiness #psychologistsofinstagram #letsbekindtooneanother #sydneypsychologist #alittlepsychology
07.01.2022 Hey there! I’m Andrea. It’s been a while since I introduced myself, so this time I thought I would share a little about what you can expect when you have a session with me. during our sessions, I believe in building a connection with you, so I will mindfully focus on you and leave my note-taking for once our session is over.... my favourite therapy modalities are Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), CBT, and Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Therapy. I don’t like unnecessarily destroying trees, so I will not bombard you with paperwork or questionnaires. I believe in facilitating a natural flow of conversation, so I won’t throw structured questions your way just to tick boxes. I sometimes swear . I will always seek your permission to address something that seems sensitive to you. I love meditating and will gladly guide you through a meditation to wrap up our session. I will ask you about your treatment goals because I want to ensure we are focusing on what your needs are. I can only work with what you’re willing to share with me. Drop me a line if you have any questions. #psychology #psychologicaltherapy #acttherapist #psychologists #psychologistsofinstagram #therapy #counselling #sydneypsychologist #sutherlandshire #mumsoftheshire #sutherlandshirebusiness #alittlepsychology
05.01.2022 A few reminders regarding THOUGHTS: * Thoughts are not facts. * Do not believe everything you think. * Thoughts are temporary. Let them come and go.... * For most of us, the majority of our thoughts are negative (not just yours ). * Your mind can be your best friend but your worst enemy. * Notice if your mind is taking you down a rabbit hole. * Remember that you are so much more than your thoughts. #thoughts #rumination #copingwithnegativethoughts #overthinking #mentalhealth #mentalhealthtips #psychology #psychologistsofinstagram #sydneypsychologist #acttherapist #sutherlandshirebusiness #burraneer #alittlepsychology See more
05.01.2022 In the midst of great pain we find great passion. A crisis often brings out the best in us. It prompts us to search within and discover what we are made of. But why wait until that happens? Why not get in touch with our hearts right now and get clear about what we want to stand for in life, so that we can align our behaviours to a chosen purpose? ... #purposedrivenlife #valuesdriven #valuesdrivenlife #dealingwithadversity #passion #pain #challengesinlife #acttherapy #psychologist #psychologistsofinstagram #sydneypsychologist #sutherlandshirebusiness #burraneer #cronullapsychologist #alittlepsychology See more
04.01.2022 We often take for granted the power of feeling listened to. On RUOK day, ask the question and then mindfully listen. You don’t have to solve the person’s problem. You just have to open the communication, and lend an ear and heart to the person ... #ruok #ruokday #ruokday2020 #2020 #mentalhealth #checkinonyourfriends #listen #poweroflistening #lendanear #lendaheart #humanneeds #psychology #psychologist #psychologistsofinstagram #alittlepsychology #sydneypsychologist See more
03.01.2022 ‘Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace’ ~ Dalai Lama. Remember, you are the gatekeeper of your thoughts and your inner peace. YOU have the final say as to who enters your inner world. Notice that the defining factor in your day is not what is happening ‘out there’, but who you are allowing to enter your gates
02.01.2022 We like to feel good, but perhaps we need to become good at feeling. And by feeling, I don’t just mean the pleasant emotions, but also the difficult, unpleasant and uncomfortable ones. Learning to sit mindfully in discomfort is one of the most helpful life skills you can learn.... #gettinggoodatfeeling #sitmindfully #mindfulness #unpleasantemotions #emotionalregulation #notice #useyourbreath #psychology #mentalhealthtips #psychologytips #lifeskills #sitwithpainandheal #heal #psychologistsofinstagram #psychologists #sydneypsychologist #sutherlandshirebusiness #burraneer #burraneerbusiness #alittlepsychology See more
01.01.2022 Star Wars fans I recently came across an article called ‘Positive mental health advice in Star Wars’, and as a huge fan of the series , I had to share one of Yoda’s famous quotes and its relevance to psychological well-being. A little crazy, I know but we are living in crazy times . The quote Always with you what cannot be doneYou must unlearn what you have learnedTry not. Do. Or Do not. There is no try. - Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back.... Let’s break it down: * ‘Always with you cannot be done’- Yoda speaks to Luke’s negative mindset and the fact he dismisses the possibility before even trying. If we shift our mindset to a more positive one when we are facing challenges, and look at what we can change or what is within our control, we improve our chances of making a difference. * ‘You must unlearn what you have learned’- to make changes in our life, we have to let go of old beliefs and unhelpful mind stories, in order to gain a different perspective that lead to change. * ‘Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try’- this statement encourages us to believe in ourselves. Even failure can carry big lessons for us, and great opportunities to make long-term positive changes in our lives. For the full article, check out Mensline Australia. #starwarsfans #mentalhealthtips #starwarsadvice #yodaquotes #psychologytips #shiftyourmindset #psychology #sydneypsychologist #alittlepsychology
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