Alive Crusade in Berwick, Victoria | Non-profit organisation
Alive Crusade
Locality: Berwick, Victoria
Address: PO BOX 178 3806 Berwick, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 ALIVE TEAM XMAS SURVIVAL GUIDE- Des I look forward to Christmas all year long! No seriously, I can go a little Christmas crazy.. .. The lead up starts ridiculously early with the use of lists. They are in a notebook, on my phone, in my emails and on pieces of paper floating throughout my handbag. I start by writing down the people I want to buy gifts for and write down ideas months in advance. Slowly throughout the year I purchase things and then cross the name off my list.... Ive got a cabinet in my room which gets filled with gifts so when it gets to December I open it to see what I actually have and there is a good chance one or two people already have extra gifts that I couldnt resist buying.. Lucky theres more than one Christmas or birthday! Theres also a list of what needs to be done for the lead up to Christmas food to be bought, gifts to be bought, gifts to be finished, events that are happening, what needs to be taken, outfits to be worn, etc, etc. My phone goes into overtime as Im always checking dates or updating what needs to happen. My poor boyfriend gets endless messages when I forget things or need help to do things. Lucky hes brave enough to put up with it or hed be staying far away during November and December! The best bit about it all is knowing no matter how much stress or worry happens, I get to see all my family and show appreciation to those I care about. Christmas is that extra special time where extra thought goes into little gifts to say thanks for being awesome to me. Its not about receiving, its about giving and seeing peoples reactions to gifts that have taken months of planning to put together thats what makes all the late night, stress, meltdowns and planning worthwhile. One more thing to those reading remember to stop, step back and enjoy this crazy time of year. Remember to live your life while taking too many photos with loved ones, because thats what this time is all about. No matter what you think or worry about, the only thing that matters is this day were currently living and not that you forgot to pick up the strawberries for the fruit platter. Desiree Kane, Committee Member
25.01.2022 Be strong. Be bold. Be happy. Be yourself. But mostly, BE KIND. . A simple act of kindness, a kind word or the display of a kind heart can do more to lift anothers soul than ointment and band aids combined.
25.01.2022 Wishing all the best to Ambassador Joseph Coverdale for his Muay Thai fight tonight! We know you’ll be amazing
24.01.2022 Sometimes it takes time to work out who are the best ones to help you your journey. Tag those who are good for your mental health #friendships #alivecentre #crusader #support #mentalhealth #thankyou #itsokaytosayimnotokay
24.01.2022 ALIVE TEAM XMAS SURVIVAL GUIDE -Jess Christmas is the best time of year for me! I love it all (well most of it) and I engage in all things Christmas- think the perfect tree with matching ornaments (but I alone can decorate it, my boys dont even care for it so its a joy for me), baking the ham, going to Santas magical kingdom, finding all the best house lights, present shopping! You name it, I love it! Even the carols! Come on who doesnt love belting out Mariah at Christ...mas! The Christmas movies are also a must! Both adult and children- think love actually, the family stone mixed in with the santa clause and the polar express! Christmas to me screams fun, love and family! But that doesnt mean its stress free! Oh no, I mean it is probably even more stressful for someone like me who is an absolute perfectionist! I try to make a effort to practice mindfulness during this busy period as well as staying active! My anxiety is actually quite good over this period as I look forward to the time with my family and time when we go away. However it is very busy and tiring, both my husband and I came from split families so its a full on jam packed festive season with Christmas parties, family functions, kids concerts, work break up ect! Its important to not loose yourself and everything else during this period we call the silly season! The day comes and goes so fast and we are all left with massive amounts of wrapping paper and cardboard that doesnt fit in the bin. I sometimes need to remind myself to slow it down and allow it to be more relaxed if not for my own sanity but for those around me. Christmas is the best time for me but i realise it is not this way for everyone so I am very fortunate. During this period I volunteer a lot with different groups and am always conscious of others and reaching out to those who might need to hear "itsokaytosayimnotokay" Jess White, Founder and CEO
23.01.2022 Sometimes you find something worth re-sharing for others to read And this blog is one of them. It talks about you treat others who dealing with their mental health illnesses and were sure youll pick up a tip or two to help loved ones on their journeys #endthestigmabehindmentalhealth #itsokaytosayimnotokay
23.01.2022 I cant believe i got a Crusader hat in my stocking this year. BEST, Thanks Santa!!!! #stockingstuffer #readyforsummer #hinthint Head to to order online
22.01.2022 Wishing all the best to Ambassador Joseph Coverdale for his Muay Thai fight tonight! We know youll be amazing
20.01.2022 Its been a pretty amazing year for Alive Crusade. Thank you to everyone who has been along for the ride with us, so many amazing people. Bring on 2018 and taking over the world! #alivecrusade #treatmentcentrefordepressionandanxiety #suicideprevention
20.01.2022 There is still time to register your place for the next ASIST course! Follow the link and secure your spot to gain invaluable skills to helps someone in a mental health crisis.
19.01.2022 Be Your Valentine
18.01.2022 It’s the last days to secure your place for our amazing community ASIST Workshop this weekend, with the final few spots waiting to be filled. Join us to learn valuable skills and meet some great people including the inspiring co-facilitator Bron who has some incredibly moving stories and a wealth of knowledge to share #ASISTtraining #mentalhealth
18.01.2022 Tommorrow marks the the official commencement of the silly season! Stay tuned for our ALIVE TEAM SURVIVAL GUIDE TO CHRISTMAS throughout December. Including some super cute....or possibly embarrassing childhood christmas photos of the team.
17.01.2022 Sometimes we see someone share something that we cant help but to #Repost Thanks @_amestagram for letting us share a perfect quote End of the week musings. ... @alivecrusade #itsokaytosayimnotokay #positivity #proud #journey #advice #affirmations Affirmation cards by @kikki.k See more
17.01.2022 Those eyes, that smile.... its taken me a few days to try and put into words how I feel about having seen this heartbreaking story about beautiful Dolly. My heart hurts hearing her story, my heart hurts seeing the posts #doingitfordolly as the pain and heartache I know it has caused her family and friends is beyond comprehension. I feel physically ill and so very sad inside to see another family having to cope with this loss. Long after the media stops reporting the story... and after all the cards,flowers and even offers of hot food, support and words of love from strangers dwindle this family will still be hurting, as someone once said it me, its a life sentence that you will have live with. And with every death by suicide the family will be left with the what ifs, why didnt I, why didnt she tell us, ect What is so very positive from this tragic story is the actual reporting of the issue and seeing how much and love and kindness there is out! Its absolutely a brutal loss one that will take a lifetime to comprehend. A young life gone too soon, and from such a sad reality, simple words probably said off the cuff, without much thought and without realisation of their affect. It is even more at the forefront of my mind this year as my first child starts his schooling years, bullying, its brutal and as we can see it has dangerous and devastating consequences. Its important we as adults lead by example, be kind, stand up for other and teach our children the affects of this awful awful practice. We at ALIVE send our love to everyone who knows Amy and her family and encourage you all to donate to Dollys Dream to help educate others on the effect of bullying. And as always we encourage you if you need support or even an ear to listen please reach out. Help is available. Sending love and kindness to you all! Be kind to one another! #itsokaytobeokay #speakevenifyourvoiceshakes
16.01.2022 Its the last days to secure your place for our amazing community ASIST Workshop this weekend, with the final few spots waiting to be filled. Join us to learn valuable skills and meet some great people including the inspiring co-facilitator Bron who has some incredibly moving stories and a wealth of knowledge to share #ASISTtraining #mentalhealth
16.01.2022 Time to take a deep breath and get ready for a New Year. Shake it off, throw it out, let it go. You are the music maker, what tune are you playing to march into the new year? #jumponin #the2018vibeisfine
15.01.2022 Were officially half way through the first month of 2018.. So its time for an important question - what are YOU going to do this year?! Let us know and tag a friend who will help you accomplish this! #setyourgoal #workhard #onedayatatime #accomplish #itsyouryear #makeithappen #crusaders #crusadetogether
15.01.2022 #Repost @smokinjoecoverdale Everybody falls at one time or another, its what you do after that defines you. #alivecrusadeambassador... #imacrusader #itsokaytosayimnotokay #alivecrusade #muaythai #fight #melbourne See more
13.01.2022 Sending a huge good luck from all of us here at Alive Crusade to Ambassador Lucas O'Brien as he competes in the Reebok CrossFit Games Open over the next few weeks! We know you’ll smash all the workouts - you’ve got this
13.01.2022 #BreakTheStigma Previously weve shared #ImNotOkay stories from some of our Crusaders who wanted to share their journey and to let others know #itsokaytosayimnotokay These stories were so powerful that weve decided its time to share again for you to either re-read or to read for the first time.
12.01.2022 #Repost @leighapritchard94 If you get the chance, will you take the opportunity to make someone else smile today? If you dont get the chance, will you MAKE the opportunity? @alivecrusade #itsokaytosayimnotokay #alivecrusadeambassador #alivecentre
12.01.2022 I would like to thank you for having to field my overthinking mind. I am aware of my need to be still a while before engaging in what ever torrent is running through it, Its not always an easy thing to do. I fear that too often i take you on the rollercoaster with me, neither of us really understanding or knowing when it will be that you or we can get off. But you always seem to sit so patiently beside me whilst i ride the waves. My expectations flow from too much to none at... all. My moods swing in all directions. My heart aches. My soul wanders. My mind is kaos. And all the while you sit through the confussion never openly hating the storm i throw you into. Thank you for being my person when i dont know how to person alone. Thank you.....for just being. Tag your person so they know how much you appreciate them.... #anxietydisorder @julesywillms
11.01.2022 A LITTLE FESTIVE SEASON PERSPRECTIVE FROM SUPER HUMBLE VOLUNTEER MICHELLE "Look up from your own reality for a moment and smile at a stranger" I love this time of year, always have, recently someone bought to my attention that for some this is a not so happy time, that it evokes stress and anxiety, peoples worries about actually not being able to afford gifts for their children or food for Christmas day or feelings of loneliness. They said their memories of Christmas are thei...r mum stressed about how to afford all their gifts, this made me feel great sadness. Whilst shopping recently I witnessed this stress, it was over their faces, it was in the way they carried themselves, the lack of manners and lack of general cheerfulness. They were all like hamsters on a wheel. Why? Why has the fundamental ideals around celebration, giving, the meaning of family and friends been lost in a society of superficial and material things. Lets get back to what its all about, I dont just mean at Christmas time, I mean in life in general. Your time is the best gift you can give, it doesnt cost you a damn thing, to make another person feel special that is for free. There is no money, big screen TV or any other material things that reach out and give you a hug when you are down, when we leave this earth all we take is our memories, not our possessions. For those feeling stressed, just remember what you can give, you can give a smile, you can give your time, your compassion, your sense of fun and adventure, you can make Christmas special in your own way, you never walk alone. I am thankful for my memories of Christmas but I now have a different perspective on it, thankyou to the person that taught me this lesson. Be aware of those around you, the ones that think theyre forgotten, its simple, be respectful, be kind, look up from your own sense of reality for a moment to smile at a stranger. That is all, peace and love to you all
11.01.2022 Did you know? That more than 2500 people suicide a year in Australia. Or that over 65,000 will make a suicide attempt this year. And that every year around 400,000 Australians experience suicidal thoughts.... Someone having suicidal thoughts may be too scared to talk about it because of the stigma around suicide; but you dont have to be and as a result YOU could ASIST in saving a life.
10.01.2022 #BreakTheStigma Previously we’ve shared #ImNotOkay stories from some of our Crusaders who wanted to share their journey and to let others know #itsokaytosayimnotokay These stories were so powerful that we’ve decided it’s time to share again for you to either re-read or to read for the first time.
10.01.2022 Sometimes we see someone share something that we can’t help but to #Repost Thanks @_amestagram for letting us share a perfect quote End of the week musings. ... @alivecrusade #itsokaytosayimnotokay #positivity #proud #journey #advice #affirmations Affirmation cards by @kikki.k See more
09.01.2022 To the incredible minds at The Project - We say thank you for sharing and discussing a much needed topic on TV. Its time to continue breaking the stigma. Its time to talk! We need to say it loud so people hear! As Dolly has sketched and these incredible people have said, speak even if your voice shakes! Because here at Alive Crusade we also know its okay to say Im not okay
09.01.2022 WE NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE The distribution of funds. You helped raise it, whether it was volunteering, donating, advocating, sharing or buying merch. You, our followers have been a part of the team.... So we now ask our loyal Crusaders to suggest some very worthy registered charities that are in need of financial support so we can pay forward funds raised to a space where they can do good. All charities must be registered, mental health focused and ideally Melbourne based. We would prefer a smaller organisation where the Alive Crusade Donation can make a real difference, as it was intended. Please comment your suggestions or tag us on there pages. Let us know why or how they help out and why you think they should recieve the donation. Closing down Alive Crusade has been an extremely hard decision to make, the distribution of monies raised will be our legacy. We want to provide support to another charity who can genuinely use it to do great things, who will appreciate the blood, sweat, tears and joy that went in to raising it.
09.01.2022 ALIVE TEAM XMAS SURVIVAL GUIDE - Leigh For me, December and January are some of the longest months. While everyone else is on holiday, I am busy every day practicing and beginning the golf tournament season. Missing out on festivals and days relaxing at the beach theyre just part of the social life that most athletes have to sacrifice at some point or another. It can be quite a mental burden, seeing your friends having fun while youre working away on your own.... To help stay motivated and keep my mental health in check, I have developed a few habits that lift my spirits over the Christmas period: I get a summer playlist of music, with a few classic Christmas carols to get in the festive spirit I try to go to the beach at least once a week, even if its only a short visit at sunset after training. I find its one of the best places to do some mindfulness and let my mind slow down and refresh itself. On Christmas Day, I allow myself to eat whatever I want, do whatever I want, and enjoy my familys company, without any guilt. It always feels strange taking a day off in the middle of the busiest period, however its so important to take this day off to reflect on all the good things I have in my life. I like to use it as a reward for the work I put into December, and to energise me for the month ahead. Throughout the Christmas period in my spare time, I love to let the big kid inside of me get carried away with the fun and games from my childhood. Whether its pulling out the old Gameboys, spending some time doing puzzles they remind me of all the joy I used to feel during Christmas as a kid, and it still brings a smile to my face now. Leigh Pritchard , Alive Crusade Ambassador
08.01.2022 Hey Paul, stop trying to rain on Kevins Parade!! Just for laughs FriYAY! #embraceyourace
08.01.2022 Our dream. Your Centre. #thealivecentre
08.01.2022 In 2018 im learning to love myself.
08.01.2022 Anxiety be all like....whats a rhetorical question?
07.01.2022 It is with deep sadness that I need to inform all of our supporters, volunteers and wonderful crusaders that ALIVE Crusade will be winding up as a registered charity at the end of this year. I have sat with this decision a very long time and it has taken a considerable amount of strength to choose to take this path. Ultimately with such a small team we just cannot continue to manage this charity, to build and progress it the way we would like. The way that is needed. Over th...e past five years we have experienced such an amazing journey, met some wonderful people and experienced some life altering events. I truly believe in everything ALIVE stands for and what we wanted to achieve. I will continue to be an advocate for mental health and if in time we can reignite the ALIVE centre dream we will. In the mean time I will continue to sprook the concept in the ears of anyone who will listen, in hopes that it might fall upon the right ones. Personally I have always and will always champion for those we have lost, with a special acknowledgement to the beautiful man I started this for, KANE. Mental health is I believe, finally starting to get on the state and national agenda which is a move in the right direction. However, more is needed and while the charity winds up my advocacy for mental health improvements will continue, always. As we start to finalise things our team will be looking for other registered mental health charities to benefit from what we have managed to achieve with fundraising. I understand many of our supporters will be sad about this news, as we all are. But sometimes the dream takes more than a handful. Sometimes the burnout is real. And sometimes being a mental health advocate means stepping back to realise that you need to advocate for yourself and yours too. I want to thank everyone who has ever been involved in this journey with us, you have all played such an amazing part and have helped so many people. We sincerely cannot thank you enough. I would personally like to thank Mr Anthony Byrne MP who helped to support us from the outset. To my team, in particular Jules my General Manager and my gal Des who have stood by me with passion and huge unwavering support. I honestly cannot say how appreciative I am of your loyalty, support and dedication. To Bron, Jay and Denee who have all been a part of the journey in more recent times, thank you. To my number one supporter Brendan and my family who have allowed me to chase dreams, i love you. It hasnt been an easy journey and sacrifices have been made by all but Wow you have done so much to help me achieve with this charity and I cannot thank you all enough! So, for now I say goodbye and thank you for what has been a wonderful 5 years changing and challenging the status quo in mental health and suicide prevention Jess xxx
07.01.2022 Sending a huge good luck from all of us here at Alive Crusade to Ambassador Lucas OBrien as he competes in the Reebok CrossFit Games Open over the next few weeks! We know youll smash all the workouts - youve got this
05.01.2022 ALIVE TEAM XMAS SURVIVAL GUIDE - Joe For me, I guess christmas is a crazy time where we spend all of our time with others. Every weekend is filled going to relatives or friends places which is always great but it often means we leave ourselves with no time to do the things that help us stay on the level. I myself dont suffer with mental health issues but I do use training to unwind and give myself some me time. And thats definetly important for everyone.... I go for long runs or train on the bag and always feel better for it. So, my advice to anyone who finds Christmas daunting in regards to their mental wellbeing is to make sure you keep doing things for you, try and stay as close to your normal routine as you can, whether its through gym, walking your dog or catching a movie on a Friday night. Try to keep life as normal as you can by keeping to at least some of your routine. And when you cant, let go and enjoy yourself. @Smokin Joe, Alive Crusade Ambassador REP DISCLAIMER- Joe couldnt provide me with a festive snap as no such thing i turned up at the gym with some gear....he loved it #xmasgrinch #finallygotasmile -jules
04.01.2022 In ASIST, people learn to apply a suicide intervention model. It helps caregivers recognise when someone may be at risk of suicide. It then explores how to connect with them in ways that understand and clarify that risk, increase their immediate safety and link them with further help. ( ANYONE can attend the ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshop! Whether youre a nurse, a teacher, a youth worker, a school support staff, a or the person who is reading this. ASIST teaches vital skills so that everyone can make a difference in preventing suicide. The more people in the community who are trained will have the skills provided to help identify someone at risk and intervene to keep others safe. ALIVE Crusades next community workshop is coming up in less than two weeks on Saturday 10th February and Sunday 11th February. Please follow the link below to book the final spots and for more information.
04.01.2022 ALIVE TEAM XMAS SURVIVAL GUIDE -Jules Whatever it takes right? Christmas is easily one of my very favourite times of year. Im a complete sucker for it. But i would be lying if i said it was an easy time. Hosting christmas lunches, present shopping and preparing for the big man and his reindeer can all be a little overwhelming and my anxiety is definetly at its peak. A highly frustrating factor for me because imagine just how jolly i could be if i wasnt bent over gasping for ...Continue reading
03.01.2022 ALIVE TEAM XMAS SURVIVAL GUIDE- Lucas How I survive Christmas Season Leading up to Christmas I generally find myself quite stressed all the way up until Christmas Eve. Today, yay!! For a few reasons:... One of them being SHOPPING I always leave things to the last minute and then stress about Christmas presents which is never fun! BUT This year is different, this year I did all my Christmas shopping in November! And Ive found my lead up to Christmas this year has been pretty stress free so im pretty sure im on to something here. My little holiday survival guide is as follows: get it done early, Dont leave it to the last minute. exercise Keep your body and mind healthy throughout the festive season And Dont forget all the food and drinks youll be having Use this as a time to train hard and work for all the naughty things youll do over the Christmas break! Lucas OBrien, Ambassador
03.01.2022 New Week .. New Thoughts .. What are YOU getting done today? (There are still spots available for our upcoming ASIST course on the 10th & 11th of February! See our previous post for details and sign up today)
03.01.2022 Have a wonderful Christmas Day. From our family to you and yours. Love, Laugh and be Safe this Festive Season
03.01.2022 Repost @dennagrace ---- "I am learning to build a home in my soul, where I am able to take myself to a place where I am safe, comfortable, loved & free to be..... no matter where I am in the world. To me, I want home to be the beating of my heart & the depth of my breath, not just a physical place I occupy. I want these both simultaneously, I want the feeling of home with me where ever I go..." . .... . . @alivecrusade #iamhome #betterthananewsyearsresolution #selflove #ourvolunteersarebetterthanyours See more
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