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25.01.2022 Anyone relate right now?! If you’re having the post Iso or Iso 2.0 bulge feels, know that you’re not alone. I couldn’t tell you how many times I have heard this complaint from friends and clients, and I’m feelin’ it too. Know that this is just where you are at this point in time. It will pass. You will get back to your normal routine and healthy eating habits, and you will get back to feeling great again. In the meantime, show yourself some kindness and start by taking s...ome small actionable steps each day towards moving back to where you want to be. It’s cool to be kind! #kindness #compassion #gratitude #mindfulness #selfcare #wellness #wellnesscoach #wellnessconsultant #lifecoach #positivepsychology #alively #yourlifeyourway
24.01.2022 Consider yourself a good multitasker in these increasingly more demanding and hectic times? Mastered the art of juggling 2, 3, 4 things at once to try and fit more in? Well unfortunately, you’ve been been misled. It’s actually impossible! Our brains can only process information serially, or one thing after another. So if our attention is on one thing, it’s not on the other. Studies have actually shown that switching between tasks can cost up to 40% of someone’s productive tim...e. What’s even scarier is that every time we switch our attention from one thing to another, something happens called an attentional blink. It’s about half a second where we aren’t actually focused on anything at all. And the more stressed we’re feeling, the longer this attentional blink lasts. Next time you’re trying to squeeze everything in, try mindfulness instead. When you bring your attention to the present moment, you’ll be able to focus on the task at hand, gain clarify on what needs to be prioritised, and make quality decisions around what’s important. Take it one step further and try the Pomodoro technique. Set a timer for 25 minutes to focus on priority tasks you need to get done, and then take a 5 minute break. Repeat this four times and then take a longer 15-20 minute break. The timer helps to instil a sense of urgency and avoid distractions, and the break ensures you stay fresh and free from overwhelm and burnout. Do one thing at a time and do it well! #timehacks #productivityhacks #mindfulness #invisibleload #multitasking #wellnessconsulting #lifecoach #stressmanagement #wellness #alively #yourlifeyourway
23.01.2022 I have moments where I feel like I wasted a good 10+ years on courses and careers that didn’t truly bring me happiness and fulfilment. Have you had that feeling? Where you’ve wound up doing something and deep down you know it’s not where you’re meant to be but you think to yourself, I’ve come too far now to quit or I’ve invested too much money to stop now. It’s called a sunk cost bias. We get so invested that we can’t let go and start to move in the direction we know we s...hould be heading. I chose a uni degree because I liked sport, I moved to Melbourne because my boyfriend at the time was going there, and I transferred to Physio because my housemate did and it sounded cool! I didn’t like Physio two years into my course but felt like I had to finish something. Funnily enough I didn’t like working as a Physio so started another course that lasted 6 months. To top it off, I saw a Life Coach about my career direction, sat there the whole time thinking I actually want to do what she does but couldn’t bring myself to say it because of fear of judgement from everyone after all the time I had already invested. It took another 3 years in a job I didn’t love, as well as a huge life upheaval, to just stop. Tune in. And listen. If I could talk to my 17 year old self, I’d say Go see a Life Coach, girl! Uncover your values and strengths, discover your passions, and learn how to get in touch with your intuition to help guide your decisions and set you on the right path. The Alively Unearth sessions are perfect for those who feel unsettled and know they’re not where they’re meant to be, or just have no idea what they want to do. We’ll get to the heart of it, and get you living the life you’re meant to be. If you know someone who needs this right now, please share or tag them. They’ll be high-fiving you . #careerdirection #careergoals #passion #purpose #careerpath #lifegoals #wellbeing #manifesting #mindfulness #positivevibes #lifecoach #alively #yourlifeyourway
22.01.2022 This about sums up my day today. Coffee , exercise and sunshine . Definitely not the worst day by a long shot but when you’re told that’s all you’re allowed to do, it’s hard. My mental strength has really been challenged this lockdown. It’s hard to stay motivated to keep moving from your lounge room, eat healthy when the pantry is within reach all day, stay upbeat for my kids when I have this never ending tiredness, and maintain social connections through a screen w...hen I just need a hug. If you’re doing it tough also, just do what feels right for you to get through it and try to maintain some optimism - it will all end soon. I promise. For me it’s just slowing right down, not having expectations around chores or home schooling, listening to my body, talking to people that are going through it too and can relate, and finding some sort of acceptance of the situation. For those of you outside of Melbourne but with friends and loved ones going through it, we know you can’t help or offer solutions. Just be there to listen. And whatever you do, don’t ask what’s on for your weekend! #iso #lockdownlife #melbourne #selfcare #mentalhealth #wellbeing #move #nature #sunshine #wellness #lifecoach #alively
22.01.2022 It’s been just over a week since a state of disaster was declared in Melbourne and we were locked down under stage four restrictions. When I stop and think about masks, curfews, home schooling and social isolation for at least another five weeks, the worry starts to become overwhelming. My chest starts to tighten, my shoulders tense up, my breathing becomes shallow, my heart rate quickens and my stomach churns. This is the brains stress and fear centre activating and trigge...ring a release of chemicals and physiological changes in response to our thoughts and stories we’re telling ourselves. The best thing you can do in that moment? Breathe deeply. Bring your full attention to three conscious, slow, deep breaths. Controlled breathing is the quickest, most effective tool for triggering the parasympathetic nervous system and activating the relaxation response to keep our stress in check. We’ll get through this, Melbourne! Be kind to yourself and others during this time, and take some deep mindful breaths . #lockdown #melbourne #stressrelief #deepbreaths #mindfulbreathing #mindfulness #wellness #bekind #compassion #lifecoach #alively #yourlifeyourway
21.01.2022 FACT: The average Internet user spends approximately 2 hours 20 minutes on social media per day. This equates to anywhere between 2-5 years over a lifetime ! Pretty scary, hey. Of course social media can have its benefits - a tool for business, connecting with friends, and educating us . Mindless scrolling however, disconnects us from our high-level brains and we lose the ability to be thoughtful, focused and present. Our brains may as well be hibernating ! Does your use... of social media add meaning to your life? Is it helpful, or simply filling a void? Consider trying this simple exercise: next time you go on social media, set a timer for 5 minutes (yes, only 5 minutes!) and when the buzzer goes off, ask yourself what you’re wanting to gain by staying on there. Is it the best use of your time? If not, get outta there! #reconnect #disconnect #socialmedia #productivity #timemanagement #structure #clarity #mindfulness #lifecoach #alively #yourlifeyourway
18.01.2022 It’s a puppy snuggles on furry cushions kinda day! Making the most of a rainy lockdown by doing not much at all. And I’m going to have zero guilt about it! And neither should you. Happy weekend everyone . #selfcaresaturday #lifeinlockdown #rainyday #wellness #mindset #positivepsychology #bordercolliesofinstagram #alively #yourlifeyourway
17.01.2022 Changing your attitude when you feel something is out of your control, is about acceptance and letting go. With acceptance, comes the ability to let unpleasant experiences pass by without being reactive to them. Learn to be comfortable with the discomfort. #lettinggo #leanin #acceptance #controlthecontrollables #mindset #wellness #attitude #lifecoach #alively #yourlifeyourway
17.01.2022 Inattention and a wandering mind lead us down the path of worry, rumination and anxiety. Our brains kick into this ‘Default Mode’ or auto-pilot if we’re not actively paying attention to what we’re doing in the present moment. We can’t stop our mind from thinking, but we can learn not to be so reactive to it. We give power to whatever we pay attention to, so it’s vital to be able to let go and non-attach from negative thoughts and feelings. Try and notice these thoughts as the...y arise throughout the day, and without being reactive or judgemental, gently let them go again and bring your attention back to the present moment . #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulliving #lettinggo #anxiety #wellness #wellnesscoach #lifecoach #positivemindset #alively #yourlifeyourway
16.01.2022 I’m no Marie Kondo or Minimalist but I can’t stand clutter! As soon as it starts to build up, it can really have a negative effect on my mood and I find it hard to relax or feel motivated. Overcrowding our lives and our homes can really leave us feeling stuck, stagnant and overwhelmed. It stops our flow and creativity and can feel like a heavy burden. Things that we can declutter:... 1. Our home 2. Our time 3. Finances 4. Relationships 5. Health and wellbeing When we declutter and simplify, we create space (both physically and mentally) and time to focus on the things that really matter to us, helping us to feel energised and motivated rather than stressed and overwhelmed. #mariekondo #minimalism #declutter #stressrelief #successmindset #wellness #wellbeing #lifehacks #lifecoach #alively #yourlifeyourway
14.01.2022 I think there’s only been twice in my life where I haven’t felt enough, and one of those times was quite recent. Holy heck it really rocked me and had me questioning my self worth and self confidence like never before. Self worth can be defined as a favourable estimate or opinion of oneself. Basically how we view our worthiness and value as humans. Just as I did, we can find ourselves comparing our self worth to the worth of others on things such as appearance, money, so...cial circles, career and achievements. Here’s the truth of it. None of that sh@t matters. You’ll never be happy if you’re trying to meet others expectations. It’s easy to get caught up in those things when others seem to place high importance on them, but what truly matters when defining people’s worth is their kindness, compassion, empathy, respect for others, and how well they treat those around them. And you know what? I’ve got all that in spades. And I bet you do too - consider this your little reminder. #youareenough #selfworth #selfvalue #selfesteem #selflove #wellbeing #happiness #mindset #lifecoach #alively #yourlifeyourway
12.01.2022 When was the last time you truly paid attention and savoured the experience of what you were eating? Many of us are guilty of chowing down in front of the tv or a device, eating on the run, or polishing off a block of chocolate during those 3pm munchies. Everyone’s relationship with food is different. Some see food as a reward or punishment, some comfort eat, overeat or undereat. Mindful Eating helps us to observe our emotions that fuel our eating habits, and stop to notice o...ur behaviour around food. We can then start to make decisions around nutritional requirements and what’s good for our body, rather than being guided by our thoughts. Some of the ways to practice Mindful Eating: 1. Have a plan when you do your food shopping 2. Eat your meals (including snacks) sitting down and not multi-tasking 3. Take a break through your meal to check in with your body and see how full you feel 4. Take bites with your eyes closed - notice the texture, sound, smell and flavour 5. Have a trigger like something around your wrist or a prompt on the table to remind yourself to eat mindfully 6. If you’re short on time or forget to eat mindfully, just be kind to yourself - it’s OK! And if you really want to eat that delicious treat, just do it! But really savour the experience and enjoy it fully and you’re less likely to feel the need to reach for another one. #mindfuleating #mindfulliving #mindfulness #foodporn #foodlover #wellness #wellnessjourney #wellnesscoach #lifecoach #alively #yourlifeyourway
11.01.2022 To celebrate the launch of Alively, any sessions purchased in the month of July* will receive an amazing 30% off ! If you’ve been feeling: ~ stuck in old unhelpful or unhealthy habits;... ~ lacking clarity on your direction; ~ looking to find more meaning in your life or career; ~ stressed and overwhelmed; ~ have been ‘umming and aahing’ about seeing a life or mindset coach. Then maybe this is the sign you needed to take that next wonderful step. Nothing is more important than investing in the business of YOU. Link to website in bio or you can also send a DM to find out more (*sessions can be held post July) #lifecoach #mindset #sale #happy #healthylifestyle #selfhelp #mindfulness #life #stress #stressrelief #wellbeing #habits #motivation #alively #yourlifeyourway
09.01.2022 Natural and artificial blue light can boost your alertness and mental sharpness, but too much of it at night can keep you awake. It messes with your circadian rhythm by blocking a hormone called melatonin that makes you sleepy. Blue light sources at night, are of course electronic devices. The easiest way to lower your exposure is to turn off the gadgets well before bedtime - cutting back at least 2-3 hours beforehand. If you’re like me however, and rely on that time when the... kids have gone to bed to actually get some work done, then blue light-blocking glasses might be your new best friend . #oscarwylee #oscarwyleeeyewear #bluelightglasses #sleep #sleepscience #wellness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #wellbeing #wellnesscoach #wellnessconsultant #alively #yourlifeyourway
07.01.2022 Did you know that the way you think and feel can be directly linked to the health of your gut? True story. A healthy gut containing the right types of bacteria, act as a barrier against inflammation (which is strongly associated with depression and reduced executive functioning of the brain). Gut bacteria helps us produce serotonin (the happy hormone), of which 90% of our body’s supply can be found in the lining of the stomach and intestines. It’s manufactured by the essentia...l amino acid Tryptophan, which we can only get from food. Ways that you can improve your gut health, and ultimately your mood, include: ~ reducing or eliminating foods that harm beneficial gut bacteria (sugar and processed foods). ~ taking a good prebiotic and probiotic supplement. ~ include fermented food in your diet (yoghurt, kimchi, kombucha). Try swapping your evening wine with my all time fave Kombucha from @twoboysbrewkombucha - it’s delish. #guthealth #mood #positivity #wellness #wellbeing #kombucha #healthylifestyle #lifecoach #mindfulness #alively #yourlifeyourway
06.01.2022 It’s R U OK Day. And it couldn’t be more timely. Yes, we should be asking those around us if they’re doing ok, and not just today. If you have a feeling that someone is a bit out of sorts, or a little withdrawn or agitated, lean into those instincts and reach out.... Ask R U Ok. But more importantly, know what to say or do if they’re not OK. Dig a bit deeper, try and find out what’s been happening for them, ask them how long they’ve been feeling that way, and make sure they know that you’re ready to listen if they need to talk about it. Ask them how you can help, and whether they’ve thought about seeking some support from their Doctor, and don’t leave it at that - check in and follow up with them again. Meaningful connection and a sense of belonging is so important for our health, happiness and wellbeing. Let’s get around each other . #ruokday #ruokday2020 #meaningful #connection #support #wellbeing #communication #happiness #lifecoach #alively
03.01.2022 In need of a cute workout top? We got you. These gorgeous cotton tanks featuring our gold Alively logo are lightweight and perfect for that run or gym session (or just brunch in your activewear). If you’d like to have your very own, and help spread the Alively message, we’re taking pre-orders now.... They’re $34.95 each, and available in sizes XS to XLG (I’m wearing a Medium). Sparkles not included! Hope you’re having a beautiful weekend. #activewear #wellness #athleisure #wellbeing #fitnesslifestyle #lifestyle #fitnessinspo #lifecoach #alively #yourlifeyourway
02.01.2022 CHANGE. It’s inevitable at some point in our lives. And often the changes that pack the biggest punch are those that come out of nowhere and blindside us. Whether it’s losing a job, separating or divorcing, losing a loved one, moving house or moving interstate, or heck even going through a global pandemic, change can have us feeling overwhelmed, stressed, out of control and unable to cope. So how can we prepare ourselves to tackle change head on and come out on top on the oth...er side? Firstly, be ok with change - when we can accept that change is a part of life, and that often we develop growth and skills because of it, we can look at it a little more positively. Work out what you can control, and let those things go that you can’t. Reach out to your support network - the support of others is often what gets us through difficult times. Practice self care - try relaxation techniques such as meditation, mindfulness and deep breathing. And seek help when you need it. Set small goals for yourself to get through it. Looking too far ahead can get overwhelming so break it down into small manageable steps. And then reward yourself for being so damn amazing and coming out the other side stronger and more resilient than before . #resilience #change #mindset #growth #selfcare #personaldevelopment #support #friends #lifecoach #lifecoachforwomen #wellness #wellbeing #alively
02.01.2022 Getting some rare Melbourne sunshine vitamin Vitamin D is produced in our skin in response to sunlight. It regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and helps with our immune system function, and is so important for development of healthy bones and teeth. To top it off, Vitamin D has been shown to play a mega role in regulating our mood and warding off Depression.... More than enough reasons to get outside today! Just don’t forget to slip, slop, slap . #vitamind #sunshine #happydays #moodbooster #wellness #lockdownlife #melbournelockdown #selfcare #selfcaresundays #wellnesscoach #lifecoach #alively
01.01.2022 We’re making choices all the time. Even when we think we’re not. Know that when you’re not moving forward towards your goals, or making the changes you need to improve areas in your life that don’t bring you happiness, you’re actually making the choice to stay stuck right where you are. The first step is awareness - actually understanding what aspects of your life you may be unknowingly making those choices that might not be so good for you.... The good news is, we can make a different choice - any time we damn well want to! And I’d love to be the one to help guide you through that process . #healthychoices #wellbeing #goalsetting #awareness #positivity #lifecoach #mindset #mindsetmatters #mindsetshift #mindfulness #alively #yourlifeyourway