Courage with Counselling for Women in Morisset, New South Wales, Australia | Medical and health
Courage with Counselling for Women
Locality: Morisset, New South Wales, Australia
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24.01.2022 Something to 'think about' before judging what you may know nothing about ... J.H.
22.01.2022 Best way to be .. is just yourself! We see to many trying hard to be something or someone, they are not. If people can't accept you for who you are, they are not worth being called your friend. J.H.
22.01.2022 In the middle of hardships, it can be really hard to see out the other side. We are currently facing a global pandemic with COVID19, and it can be easy to becom...e filled with fear, anxiety and feel that it wont end. Whilst this season may be incredibly challenging, we can rest assured that God is with us and aware, and He is using this hardship for something extraordinary. #helpeachotherthrough See more
19.01.2022 I'm sure there are 'many' Women that can associate with what is written....
19.01.2022 It's ... RU OK Day? Are YOU OK? It's been a difficult time 'again' for all, during this most recent Lockdown in Australia - especially for Melbourne, followed by NSW & ACT. ... My thoughts are with you all .. Know there are a few from Overseas, on my Business site. Australians have you in their thoughts as well. I would love to hear some Positives from some of you, that will brighten our day.
18.01.2022 SMILE!!!! When we feel happy, endorphins are released and neural signals are transmitted to your facial muscles to produce a smile. In turn, when we smil...e, a signal is sent back to the brain, stimulating our reward system, and further increasing our level of endorphins in addition to our feel good’ hormones: dopamine and serotonin. Thanks to the positive feedback loop of smiling, we can alter our brain's emotional processing pathway to feel happier with a simple smile. A Swedish study also found that smiling is contagious! Seeing people smile stimulates our mirror neurons to trigger a smile in return. So get smiling #kindness #love #bekind #peace #happiness #compassion #life #motivation #kindnessmatters #inspiration #positivity #selflove #gratitude #positivevibes #hope #quotes #mentalhealth #faith #believe #smile #qotd #quotestoliveby #happy #selfcare #kind #mindfulness #instagood
18.01.2022 If I/you could do something for someone without them ever knowing it was me/you, but then find out later, this person is so sure it's another person, you actually know! I/you personally know they sure wouldn't think of doing anything slightly nice, at the best of times .. How do you think this would make me/yourself feel? Before you even answer .. Think carefully about the above. We ALL will come up with something a little different and also handling the situation. For some..., not the best choice of their decision, in letting the 'cat out of the bag' .. for others, they are happy for that person not to know the identity of who sent the 'lovely gesture' .... Life has sure shown the 'good and not so good' with behaviour, these last lot of weeks. We are still coming to terms with the changes in our lives, since Coronavirus hit our Australian shores. Toilet paper, sanitizer etc etc .. still is rather hard to come by, but what I've heard and seen, is there are so many gorgeous people in our Communities, wanting to stay 'unidentified' ... leaving lovely food packages & other goodies, at the front doors of families, friends in need, elderly neighbours ... and at doors where they have heard people need an 'extra' hand with food items... As we hear through Media and I believe it's true ... We will get through this. When .. not sure, but to get to the end .. we All need to do our part, looking after ourselves, washing hands, keeping our distance from others, looking out for our neighbours and staying in touch with family and friends. J.H. See more
17.01.2022 Life isn't how we may like it at the moment ... But we all need to know, we are in this together. Please remember to do what's needed, so we don't pass on Coronavirus ... J.H.
17.01.2022 UPDATE - For many, you already know, but for those that don't, my husband is facing a few health issues ahead. I'll be honest, for a while now, I've felt I have needed to take time out and have a break from Counselling, to re-charge my batteries. Not realizing at that time, my husband's health would take the turn that it has. Since he's two visits into Hospital, especially the last one, I feel the time is right to make this decision. As from todays date - 7th June, 2021, M...y business - Courage with Counselling for Women, will cease for 12months from the above date. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those that have encouraged me throughout the Years and to Doctors & Counsellors who have referred Women to my rooms. Thank you for your thoughts and understanding. Kind regards, Jenny Howard See more
17.01.2022 This is one Year, that I'm sure we will all be thankful to see the end of. Don't think we will get to Celebrate NYE as one would normally do, but you know what .. For me, just getting through the next lot of Months, with no health issues with myself, our gorgeous families & those that are part of our lives, will definitely be something to celebrate at the end of the Year. For many, Mental Health issues have become more heightened. Needing that extra support has seen the Menta...l Health Sector, pushed to an extent that hasn't been seen, with more phone support than ever. Covid-19, until recently, had been seen as more an elderly situation and the deaths have sorn in this age group. Yesterday, the death of a 30+ young man, brought the reality, that it doesn't just target the older generation or those in Nursing Homes .. We need to do, what is required, to keep ourselves as safe as possible. Domestic Violence, is another .. Since Covid-19, when loss of jobs, or unable to go out like the perpetrator would do, they are more so, under the roof of a woman or man, that is now more vulnerable than ever ... There are many 'Support Helplines' for those needing to talk, to have that 'someone' listen ... Also Counsellors, in your local area. Lifeline - 13 11 14 - 24hrs 7days a week Sexual assault, Domestic & Family Violence Counselling Service - 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) Domestic Violence Line - 1800 656 463 - 24hrs 7days a week Mensline Australia - 1300 78 99 78 (24hrs) Family Drug Support - 1300 36 81 86 (24hr helpline)
13.01.2022 Important to remember during these especially anxious times.
11.01.2022 It's been a while since I've put my fingers on the keyboard to write something from the heart ... I haven't felt like typing anything of significance, although I could have a number of times? Yes, I had a most memorable Christmas. I'll tell you about that soon. Yes, I .. with many others, can only hope, that 2021 is a far better Year than the one we left behind. So far, it's not feeling that way. But I'm staying positive! Last year, not only had Covid caused a few concerns... for my Mum, she was also looking after a husband around that time that wasn't well. In June 2020 saw my Mum's husband admitted to Hospital, not with Covid, but other medical issues, he's been battling for a number of years. He passed away - 30th June. My daughter and I were fortunate to be there for the Funeral in Qld (we live in NSW), spend some time with Mum and headed home, before the Qld Boarders closed. Mum and I had spoken about Christmas 2020 and she indicated if the Boarders were open, she really wanted to spend Christmas & New Year with her family. I feel very blessed that Mum was feeling rather well in herself, to come down to Newcastle NSW by Plane. As many of you may remember, I wrote about my Mum's journey with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma Stage 4, almost 2yrs ago. For me, having my Mum stay with us, here in our home, was a true blessing. There were times I felt .. 'would my mum ever be well enough to come down to stay with family again?'. I should never doubt the human spirit of determination and positivity. Mum returned to her Retirement Village in Qld last week and within a few days, the Qld Boarder has once again become a strict State to enter. We, her family, had a very unique time with 'Mum .. Nan .. & Great-Gran-Nan'. Many lovely memories, family photos taken and lots of talking! So many of us take life for granted. Many of you don't have your treasured parent/s or a family member with you any more, to celebrate occasions you once would have done. Appreciate those that are in your life .. If you find it's been a difficult time over the Holiday break, don't forget there are many wonderful 'help lines' and Counsellors, to help you through your journey. J.H. See more
11.01.2022 Important to remember during these especially anxious times.
08.01.2022 Christmas can be a difficult time. There are several organisations available 24/7 to support anyone dealing with a mental health problem, including families and carers. More services:
07.01.2022 Easter is here with us once again .. This time last year, we were in 'lockdown' due to Covid, here in Australia. This Year there is a little more freedom, families are able to get out, enjoy the gorgeous weather and celebrate what the meaning of Easter is .. to each one. .. This last Year has seen many changes for families. Some have been good/bad/unusual changes and other's are navigating life without a loved one by their side, to celebrate this Year's Easter & ...other special occasions. The book On Grief and Grieving - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, looks at times of the Year, that can be difficult for those, that have had a love one pass away and how to navigate their way through. On page 137 - she says .... "Holidays are time spent with loved ones" was imprinted on our psyche from a young age. Every family has it's own traditions and unique ways of celebrating Holidays. When we grow up, we usually update them and make them our own, but original imprints of how Holidays are spent usually transcend generations. Holidays mark the passage of time in our lives. They are part of the milestones we share with each other and they generally represent time spent with family. They bring meaning to certain days and we bring much meaning back to them. Bus since Holidays are for being with those we love the most, how on earth can anyone be expected to cope with them when a loved one has died? For many people, this is the hardest part of grieving, when we miss our loved ones even more than usual. Do you know someone that may be alone this Easter? Give them a call or pop around to where they live ... Invite them over for morning or afternoon tea .. Cook extra and invite them over for lunch or tea. By reaching out and acknowledging you care, will mean a lot to that someone you know. Doesn't mean we only should do this on special occasions .. Inviting someone that's living on their own to share a cuppa or a meal, will mean more than you know. J.H.
07.01.2022 Last Tuesday, my Mum's Oncologist gave her the results of her current PET Scan, of her lungs. Unfortunately it's showing an area of cancer still remains. Mum's been feeling so well lately, she was so sure she was cured .. ! Many of us have either a family member, dear friend or possibly self, that are dealing with 'something' we wish we weren't ... Since finding out Mum's latest result, I've wanted to be with her and attend the appointment she has next week. She'll be atte...nding the same Cancer Unit, where her treatments were done last year, so I know she'll be well cared for, but that doesn't make me feel any easier in myself. The Oncologist has already explained, over the phone, the next line of Chemo treatment, won't be as strong. As those here in Australia know, the Border's are still closed between Qld & NSW .. I understand why the Borders are closed. There have been a number of heartbreaking news stories, of love ones that can't be with dying family members, or attend their funeral. I hear this and 'wonder' how I would feel, if things were a little different at the moment, with my Mum. My Mum is now living permanently in Queensland. This only happened at the beginning of this Year. That in itself, was something else I had to accept. Last year, her Husband went through her Cancer journey with her, as at that they had gone back to Queensland, where Neville's home was, when Mum's health deteriorated. She was taken to the local Hospital, before Mum was transferred to where her final diagnosis and treatments would begin ... This Year is a lot different. Mum's husband of nearly six years, past away in June. This time, her journey will be mainly her positive attitude and support of those that live around her in the Retirement Village. We, her family in NSW, continue to send and ring, with words of positives her way. I'm hoping before too long, to be able to go up North and be with her. I'm not alone in this situation .. You may be reading this with similar circumstances happening in your life. Could be with a love one, or yourself in a State, where family aren't close. Covid-19, not only has put all of us in a whirlwind .. but it's times like these, we need to stay as positive as we can. That can be so, so difficult when we are trying to rise above what's happening in our personal lives .. I've been in a few situations throughout my 61yrs of life .. Eventually, there is light at the end of the Tunnel. May your week ahead send some 'light' your way. J.H. See more
07.01.2022 Mother's Day is just around the corner ... This is one Mother's Day date in 2020, we definitely won't forget. Our lives have changed in so many ways, these last few months since Covid-19 arrived at our shores. Get-togethers for special occasions has been one, with just those within our home .. Isolation has been quite difficult for many. ... For quite a few, Mother's Day is a time of mixed emotions .. sad times when you've been rejected of a Mother's love and support. Infertility is another 'hidden' empiness, for women. The wanting .. to becoming a Mum. They soldier on and put on their brace faces... There are families, that their Mum, has passed away. This has left an emptiness, that on dates like this, it's a reminder they are not there to give a hug, or a phone call on Mother's Day. For others, it's a time of feeling grateful for the love, warmth & support, a Mother or someone that's 'just like a Mum', brings to their heart. If your a Mum, no matter what your circumstances are right now, I'm wishing you a Mother's Day, filled with courage and strength. Best wishes to each one! See more
05.01.2022 Due the Coronavirus .. the room I've been renting for almost 8 yrs in Morisset (15mins South of Toronto NSW), the Owner of the Business, has closed her doors, due to Government requirements. I've had time to 'reflect' .. I realize this is one of many, many 'privately owned business' & also businesses that have operated throughout their owners lifetime, have close their doors. Difficult times for so many. I have made the decision .. to now offer 'Phone Consults' (please conta...ct - 0409 459 673 - payment details) for my clients & for any new clients, needing Counselling. Times are difficult & the need for Counselling, will be a life-line for many, as time goes on. If you or a family member, need to talk, to have someone outside of their family and friends to download, what is happening within their life .. Could be a loss of job, that financial security, death of a love one, just dealing with day to day stresses .. I'll be re-arranging details on my site within the next few days, with regards to 'Phone Consults', availability of days and times. Thank you for your understanding ... Stay safe, calm & reassured, Yes .. We are all in this together. J.H. See more
05.01.2022 Really read these words ... We ALL need to know them ...
03.01.2022 With almost the whole world confronting losses large and small, how can people cope with grief? For starters, mental health providers can help patients name it and claim it, Dr Rober Neimeyer says.
02.01.2022 Postcard prints, 8x10s, and Signed 11x17 prints: Canvas, framed prints, and posters :
02.01.2022 We are almost at the end of January 2021. Most School's have returned after the Holiday break. For most Mum's, this is a time when you may have the 'baby' of your family, begin School for the very first time, Or your Teenager begins High School. Maybe your eldest has been accepted at a University in another State! Stressful and sometimes uncertainties ahead .. can make many of us feel the butterflies in our stomachs, feeling a little lost and sad .. Or just not why we are 'loosing control' of life's situations. 2020 brought us enough of that. For 2021, we want a more positive beginning for our families. Mum's, if you feel a little like this, or you would like to talk to someone outside of family or friends, look up my details on this site. I'm still at Lift, Shop 13-14 Dora Street, Morisset NSW 2264. Mobile - 0409 459 673 between Mon - Fri 9am-4.30pm. I offer reasonable rates for Private clients & those on a Pension or a Health Care Card. Unfortunately, I'm unable to Bulk Bill. This maybe available through a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist, with a Mental Health Plan. May this Year, be a better one for all. Jenny. See more
02.01.2022 Aging parents .. For many of us, we have or had, parents in our lives that lead us through life's young journey .. For others, parents that avoided those difficult times in our lives. Regardless of our parent's good or bad points, their lives interwoven into our own, by occasions they were proud of .. or not so much. We've watched as their once youthful faces looked into ours, now there are wrinkles that show signs of maturity, that we somehow think we really know better tha...n themselves, but we don't .. Life's a journey. For many of us, we are still on that windy road. There are times that we're not sure if walking a little faster, or possibly .. a little slower, will even things out. Some of our parents are talking about selling, moving into a Retirement Home. Other's are in a Nursing Home, not a choice they would have chosen, but due to ill health and complications, now see them residing in a place, they didn't want to go. It's not easy ... There are parents that were taken too young .. The 'kids' don't get to catch up on their Birthdays, special occasions .. They envy those that still have those precious times with both parents or one. That's not easy either. Things we can do .. Live each day, do the best you can, with what you've got. Smile .. we don't do enough of that! Encourage others on their journey, as you may just have the 'key' to words, to help someone see a brighter path and to lead them to a door of brighter tomorrows. J.H. See more
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