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25.01.2022 September- Foundation: Now that the planet Jupiter has gone forward, bring in your highest intention today! "I am an irresistible magnet, With the power to attract everything that I divinely desire, ... according to the thoughts, feelings and mental pictures I constantly radiate. I have the power to create whatever I wish. I attract whatever I radiate. I begin choosing and mentally accepting the highest and best in life. I now choose and accept health, success and happiness. I now choose lavish abundance for myself and for all humankind. I now openly receive at a higher level I haven’t had a capacity for until now. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
24.01.2022 September- Foundation: Today we are shifting and riding the wave of momentum with the Equinox, create the foundation to reach your desires, with deeper commitment, discipline, and taking the daily action steps to create success. Notice, where are you not taking responsibility by walking your talk? Where are other’s opinions blocking your flow?... What step can you take to get out of your own way? Take the moment to break the old cycles, focus your thoughts and decisions from a place of your highest soul potential. Release childhood wounds, and self-imposed limitations that keep you from achieving your goals. You can locate the true seed of manifesting inside, Nurture and cultivate it so that it grows into a potent source of inspiration. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
24.01.2022 September- Foundation: In the post-equinox energy, focus on recalibrating deeper into the earth, more grounded and connected. Notice how you choose to find the balance between honouring your own needs and wants and taking into consideration others. It is a time to find harmony and equilibrium with all areas of your life. We are moving out of the pattern of feeling obligated to please others, notice where you may be suppressing yourself and staying silent. This time is crucial... as it sets the tone for the next 6 months. Where are you compromising your balance with health, fitness, diet, relationships- friends & family, work, business, self-care and fun? Are there any places I am still letting lack and scarcity choose for me? Do I choose out of fear there's not enough? Or that I'M not enough? Do I decide from an attachment to security? Do I decide from fear of failing or being judged? I know you are committed to a better life, I know you are ready to refresh, restore, and renew Let harmony, balance, truth, and trust begin to flow through Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
23.01.2022 September- Foundation: Try this Spring rebirth ritual for the Equinox. Rituals have been performed for centuries, and it signifies the coming of the light, of warmth, of the return of life itself, the new beginning, and the seasonal rebirth. By practicing a ceremony, to awaken the dormant energies of nature, it restores balance as we come out of the darkness and into the light. To support the transition, it an important time to gather in a circle and create a rebirth altar.... It is a sacred tradition to awaken spring through enacting sacred rites. What do you want to revive in your life? Hope? Passion? Health? Following your heart? Work to business? To help the new rise up, fuel the creative growth and shake off the sluggishness of winter becomes it’s important to reactivate your core energy. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
22.01.2022 Next level powerhouse of connections, inspiration & prosperity
20.01.2022 March- Manifest: We are in the dark phase of the moon, this a great time to go within, and investigate the shadow parts of you. Your intuition will be heightened to discern and accept what needs to be cleared away, what binds you to the past, what has become obsolete? Consider doing some decluttering, here's what clearing is: * Clearing is an opportunity to bring compassionate awareness to the places in your home and life that are out of balance. ... * Clearing is a journey that can be a meandering journey that doesn’t make sense, or go in a straight line. * Clearing is a daily practice that starts where you are. As you declutter, stuff will come up: your attachments, fears, overwhelm, and stagnation As your judgments surface, remember: This is the "clutter part" of your mind talking, not the real you! Awareness changes everything. The simple act of clearing one little thing with intention, every day, is more powerful and sustainable than binge-clearing a whole lot of things on the fly. By consistently clearing something small like a purse, a wallet, or even one paper clip off your chronically messy desk, you can bypass your brain's fight-or-flight wiring system, and create a ripple effect of global proportions! Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
19.01.2022 November Connections: We are moving into a powerful Lunar Gemini eclipse on the 30th, which will affect us for the next 6 months. As we lead into this it is not wise to act on impulses or make decisions or ultimatums, especially during these times, in order to avoid things backfiring or not working out as you planned. Our nature will be more reactive, as your shadow self is asking you to move beyond the fears and break the chains.... Our emotions are more amplified, dramas from the past may rear up. The chains of denial where you’re not willing to see the truth will come to the surface. It is wiser to use this period to reflect on and consider your thoughts and ideas, or the input of others, and bide your time. Plus, things might keep changing even while you wait, so patience is warranted. Do not make any major decisions or take major actions until things settle down a bit more, and you get a bit more information, so wait until at least a few weeks later. Also check facts before you make any assumptions, act out or proceed. Keep in mind that you will be more emotionally charged during this time, which will have impact on your thinking, moods and behaviour. Your thoughts and judgement will likely be askew and impaired. On top of this, things will most likely make more sense later or get better. We can become overwhelmed and scattered during this time, and grounding, focus on the present and don’t project fear into the future, will support us to keep our positive focus. If you are a healer and feeling drained by this transit and need support to discover where you are leaking your precious energy, I would love you to join my Cosmic Catalysts & Creatives Community Live on PurposeChange the world!
19.01.2022 March- Manifest: International Women’s Day (8 March) is a day for us to join our voices to celebrate all women, in all their diversities. We embrace their facets and intersections of faith, race, ethnicity, gender or sexual identity, or disability. We celebrate those who came before us, those who stand beside us now, and those who will come after It’s a time to celebrate the achievements of women I celebrate you, as you read my page... I celebrate you for choosing to connect to your gifts I celebrate you for choosing to reach out to others in need I celebrate you for having the courage to stretch, become and live your truth YOU are an unbridled reservoir of unimaginable potential Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
19.01.2022 Women supporting women! The doors to #InspiredLivingGiveway are open! Over 75+ resources to help you create a success mindset health & wellness transform your relationships tap into your creativity elevate your mindset ... create a nurturing self-care practice tap into nature to manifest your deepest desires nourish your body grow your heart-centered business hone your intuition and so much more. The doors close soon so join us here
18.01.2022 November Connections: In this new moon phase we as we connect to the moving into greater joy and happiness. We are dissolving the pattern of blaming others and external circumstances. We are cleansing the layers of worry and anxiety, which can prevent us from feeling a deep satisfaction, joy and peace. ... It causes us to withdraw from life. We can make a choice to uncover the origins that we have inherited from our parents, knowing that we can change our behaviour. We have a choice to CHANGE our reactions to triggers in our life. YES, happiness is a choice! You can turn it all around, consider doing the things that lift your mood what makes you happy? During these times it is important to reach out to those trusted and precious people who care about us the most. Being with friends, dancing, singing, being in nature, what is it for you? Reach out to a trusted mentor that knows how to guide your next greatest joy I am here to take your hand and shine the light for you, book your time with me before Christmas. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
18.01.2022 September- Foundation: Mars 9 September Aries 14 November (Re-evaluate) When Mars goes retrograde vitality is depleted, so that it is never a time to initiate. Mars rules energy, passion, action, initiative and asserting yourself out in the world. Whoever initiates loses a new project, a great love, or an argument. With a new project, it will fizzle out and never really go anywhere. Matters commenced while Mars is retrograde will be frustrated and plagued with disrupt...ions. At this time, people become irritated when activities do not run smoothly. The anger may disrupt indirectly and inappropriately like getting a traffic ticket when annoyed with your job. During this cycle, never buy anything mechanical, as they will easily break down. Activities supported are troubleshooting, re-evaluating previously commenced projects, making cuts with ineffective parts of projects, personnel cut-backs and possibly re-hiring individuals who may know how to make the project succeed. Never start anything new! Work with what has been previously commenced and make necessary improvements. Mars Retrograde is similar to Mercury Retrograde in many respects but Mars is associated with action, projects and the energy required to make something succeed. Only when Mars turns direct can they move the energy forward. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
18.01.2022 November Connections: Ignite your brilliant spirit Light a single candle and spend a few minutes softly gazing at the flame. Breathe deeply. Close your eyes and picture the flame that is burning brightly in your heart. Continue to breathe deeply. Meditate on your innate brilliance, goodness, and wholeness. ... Let your heart open wide and embrace your inner light. There is a new wave of empaths and healers waking up You are needed, others are searching for your gifts But at times you may feel drained and take on too many negative energies from others? Let me guide you with the strategies and techniques to keep your high vibe and inspirational energy tapped in at all times If you are a healer or creative wanting to make a difference I would love to guide you Into my new Facebook group Cosmic Catalysts & Creatives Renew and Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
17.01.2022 September- Foundation: Spring is a natural time for growth, renewal and regeneration. Just as in nature, spring is a time renew and restore your Qi and vitality after the cold winter. It is a time for us to reach outward, develop deeper roots and expand. It essential to work with the natural cycles to understand the key focus for each season. It is a healthy time to rid your system of the toxins that were stored in your body over the winter months. When the weather changes, ...our bodies begin to metabolize more efficiently, making it a safer time to shed yourself of this toxic load. In Chinese Medicine, spring is a time to support our liver and gallbladder. It is not only a time to release physical toxins, but also a time to release toxic emotions such as anger and frustration. Find out how Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
15.01.2022 September- Foundation: As we leave behind September and move closer to the Aries fire moon on Friday, we are being encouraged to leave the old stories behind, the empty words, and thoughts that kept you stuck in to past. Find your new balance on your purpose path. The scattered thoughts kept you connected to an outdated path that attracted drama, lack and scarcity.... Your interactions were from a place of being less than others You have broken though the outer shell of your smallness. Your self-worth and value have grown You know you are meant for something greater Tell a new story, speak your vision from a place of fully embracing your true essence Your true nature is bigger than the limits you've been taught to live within. You have great power, your trust sets it free. Set your intention to honour who you are NOW, the upgraded version. Let that guide your thoughts, dreams and inspirations. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
15.01.2022 November Connections: We have moved through the watery, powerful new Scorpio moon yesterday, and this coincides with Diwali- a Hindu celebration, the first new moon which falls between October and November. Diwali, meaning ‘the Festival of Lights’ signifies the triumph of light over darkness. It is a time to turn inward and light the lamps of knowledge and truth in our hearts and minds so that we can dispel our shadows and allow our innate brilliance and radiance to shine. ... Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, guides this festival. Call on her for assistance in cultivating and accumulating physical prosperity And spiritual wealth, such as compassion, forgiveness, and loving-kindness, and physical prosperity. As we focus on this for the next 5 days, it is important to create an altar for Lakshmi and focus on bringing your light to the surface. Take time to journal and understand your prejudices, negative behaviours, and limiting habits that dull your light, so that you can transform them. These limiting patterns are suppressing your brilliance, joy and your freedom. If you would like to go deeper and ignite your awesome gifts, feel vital and laser focused discernment to guide your path and aim for success If you are a healer or creative wanting to make a difference I would love to guide you In my new Facebook group Cosmic Catalysts & Creatives Renew and Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
14.01.2022 September- Foundation: It’s time to release old limitations prior to Saturn (restrictions) moving forward tomorrow, focusing on our inner ability to accept and receive love. Here are three heart-opening possibilities, to include in your journaling, and intention setting, set up your ritual to support the transformation. #1: When you are in the flow, you no longer need the things your ego wants. A cycle is coming to its completion, so release the past so what you have creat...ed can become something new. It is time to let go and give it away. #2: It’s time to let go, so you are free to receive what comes next. Your core purpose is to connect to self-love, you are in service to be LOVE, and opening up to receive LOVE from others. Love is trying to find you, but let go of what you think love should look like. #3: Let go of how you think things should be so ‘support- abundance’ can find you. Be kind to yourself. Open your heart through gratitude, forgiveness, patience, and acceptance. Allow yourself to be present so you can offer your support and kindness to others who need it even more than you do. Support (close friendships, intimate relationships, connections and aligned clients) will find you in unexpected ways and open your heart to the bigger truth of who you are and why you are here. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
14.01.2022 This is a time of transitions, with insights guiding you in the right direction. Set your intention to receive the clarity so that your heart can take the lead. Relationships and connections are being transformed, shift any frustration and your nervous system using the Phoenix to help leave the drama behind. Hidden memories will surface to help release past lives where you were harmed for your knowledge, so that you can reclaim your power. . Free 5 -day guided video series... to find balance, alignment and trust your right choices Inner GPS : . . . #sacredmedicine #seasonsandcycles #firemoon #firemedicine #firedupreadytogo #listentothespirit #listentoyourintuition #listentotheheart #heartandmind #healthestory #healingfromtheinside #relationshiphealing See more
13.01.2022 September- Foundation: At times our mind limits our vision ... holds us in blindness and closes our perceptions. When our mind wavers into limitation, uncertainty and worry, we shut off support and opportunity and close down. Our perspective will be that life is against us. When we give our heart permission to expand, we become limitless. ... Our perception expands and our world increases and life is FOR us. The way we perceive the world depends on our focus. When we open our heart and mind, we begin to see differently. Focus on the wonders around you, this brings us back to centre, and restores our faith, peace and trust. Drop down from the mind and into the heart, anchor to the strength and courage within. Focus your intention to re-ignite the heart, and aim your thoughts towards success. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
13.01.2022 January- opportunities: Know that there is something bigger calling you this year, and to step into more, an old part must be released. Your body will be showing you, where things are out of balance Have you been noticing repeating issues, working harder, proving, pushing, comparing, feeling drained, being emotional with the pressure of demands?... These irritations are encouraging you to break out of the old mould, and no longer fit into other’s expectations. As you birth into this new phase, this is a key time to re-code your old patterns, re-calibrate, re-align and re-set and move you into a higher flow state. The doors are open for you to take the practical steps, pivot and shed what has been dimming your light. Perhaps you have been hiding behind a mask, saying everything is fine, but underneath you don’t ask for what you truly want. Perhaps your boundaries are weak, And you are too flexible for others, and this suppresses your visibility, and constricts your ability to flourish. You hide behind a mask, and holding back, because you are not leaning into your sacred gifts and power. Reconnecting to your spotlight’, matters You’ll emanate a quality that draws people in, knowing they can trust you. Owning your brilliant light, activates your sovereignty, comfortably living outside of the box, and stand out in your uniqueness. Harnessing your inner fire, you will rise up to your full potential. I'm right here for you - excited and ready to support you, Own Your Spotlight starts January 31st Join me and say yes to you and owning your LIGHT! Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
13.01.2022 September- Foundation: Jupiter goes forward after 4 months on 13th September, we will feel a renewed sense of expansion, freedom, wisdom, abundance and good luck. It will infuse us with joy, happiness, and renewing our drive to take new leaps. After all the holdups, this is a welcome relief to re-ignite our courage, assertiveness, dynamic and passionate energy... Re-align to the support, so it can flow back into our lives: Your enthusiasm naturally attracts positive outcomes. You feel more charismatic and confident. You seek and can easily access higher wisdom. Financial gains increase and personal growth deepens. Your outlook on the future is more expansive. Abundance is attracted to you when you FEEL ABUNDANT. Fulfillment expands and wealth grows when you first get nourished, feel inspired, connected to your mission and uplifted. Jupiter’s current intensification magnifies fortunate outcomes so you can expect to manifest rapid results. It is a perfect time to leap forward and to take all of the new information you have learned to create the life you desire. Go for it, the stars are now aligned! Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
11.01.2022 New moon Virgo 17th 9pm, (Earth) Organised, practical, diligent, cautious, sensible, exacting, skillful The Virgo New moon is a great time to get out and roll up the sleeves and get down to business. It is time to move forward with your dreams, and the Virgo energy will give you the practical means to do this. What is your vision for the future? Sometimes our ego wants the dream to happen a certain way, but this Virgo Moon is one of allowing the dream to be made manifest perfect divine order and timing for the highest good of all. Let go of how YOU think it should be done and follow the whisperings of spirit. Details matter and dealing with a small issue can lead to big changes. With the practical and systematic sign of Virgo, you will appreciative structure, organisation and detail. You will find your life works better with well-established systems in your personal and professional life. Virgo is an Earth sign, helping to ground- anchor your relationship. Virgo teaches you to be humble in the face of what you have to learn so you can create a true masterpiece. Image building a cathedral brick by brick or weaving a tapestry one thread at a time. Sometimes thousands of tedious steps involving seemingly insignificant (yet essential) small components are necessary in order for the bigger whole to emerge in its full beauty. Think of your intentions as the bricks. Each time you return to and state your positive intentions, you add one more brick to the monument you are building. This Virgo Moon will help you see the individual steps you need to take more clearly. It helps break down the intangible realm of dreams and imagination into individual steps you can take that will help the dream crystallize. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
11.01.2022 September- Foundation: Our focus today is on noticing how we can become pulled into others drama, being scattered, and attracting distractions. The changes will be shifting you, ask to glimpse who you are becoming, so that you can see the radiant You, and give yourself permission to embrace the change I’ve been going through lots of shifting, how about you? ... What have you noticed? Do I choose out of habits of growth? Do I choose out of a commitment to self-care? Do I decide from the truth of support? Do I decide from self-love? Once you become more tuned into the beliefs, feelings and vibrations that influence your choices, you will have a new quality of life. As you become conscious, taking aligned steps towards manifesting your goals, becomes easier and easier. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
10.01.2022 January opportunities: Today we are being asked to look for a new perspective, you've been concentrating, focusing, looking closely ... and sometimes when you do that, you lose the gift of a new viewpoint from where you've been standing. Take a fresh look, that new vantage point can give you renewed energy and new insights. Choose to renew and from a place of joy, dive in and find excitement again.... What tickles your fancy? Look with fresh eyes and find new choices, new opportunities ... new freedoms. You have the ability to reinvent yourself -- and your entire life. By awakening your unique gift. What is deep within you, which you have not yet expressed? Open your heart, unfold your spirit. As your best self ... your highest gifts are there, waiting. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
10.01.2022 November Connections: Today recommit and notice your thoughts, words and actions. Bring in a new focus and implement a new step. I have a choice to CHANGE my reactions to the triggers in my life.... Energy follows energy Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
09.01.2022 November Connections: Ignite the Light within you What is your purpose that will pull you forward? Invoke Goddess Lakshmi to help you honour the light within ... Just as the flame of a lamp always points upward Renew your sense of purpose and passion In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "Be the change you want to see in the world!" Renew and Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
08.01.2022 January- opportunities: The doors are open now, notice where life is beginning to create a new momentum. Life is waking you up to new opportunities, which is so exciting, but become aware of any resistance holding you back. You are being called to step higher and wider, but are you judging yourself that perhaps you are not enough or in doubt? As life is changing now, you are being asked to stretch into a new comfort zone.... What are you tolerating and accepting that no longer feels right, you may be triggered, because it no longer feels aligned anymore? You can’t ignore the call anymore, as life is supporting you, so let go of the worries that pull you back into the past. Listen to the inner, higher presence that guides you to your next aligned step. The call is supporting you to learn, grow and evolve moving you out of the old energy no longer serving us. The call is asking you to go deep into the next phase of contentment, freedom and passion What are you being asked to do? Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
07.01.2022 September- Foundation: Saturn has been in its retrograde cycle, since May, and from the 29th September the restrictions from the past will be shed, we have experienced new learning opportunities 3.5 months about placing boundaries and others imposing their restrictions on us. Now we will begin to have that pressure lifted and a renewed sense of freedom being activated. Many of us have deep wounds when it comes to friendships and family relationships. ... When we carry this hurt, it can become deeply seated in our body creating harm. Try this ritual today: Choose to write down the issues that still linger, and how you feel. Then burn it, releasing that past pain. If there are still some hooks within, repeat the process, until you feel you have released the past struggle. This will help you to move passed the pain and forgive the person and the situation. With some friendships, notice when you are being emotionally sapped by another person. Take action steps to help you protect yourself and rid yourself of people that are not good for you. Stop feeling powerless to the situation and become a Creator begin by choosing to live in the present moment (not in the past drama). I know you are committed to a better life in whatever that looks like to you. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
06.01.2022 March- Manifest: You were born with special gifts, so you can do your part to make this world a better place. Your unique talents and abilities may be hidden within like a buried golden treasure. Often, we spend so much time dazzled by the talents of others that we can overlook our own gifts.... It’s important for you to connect with your special gifts and discover how you can best express them. As you explore your overlooked talents, the riches that are yours to express, will help you to manifest your dreams and destiny. Your unique gifts are like golden rays of expression that can encircle you and others with light. If you are unsure how to unlock your next level gifts, And have felt uncertain and frustrated with no clear direction? Perhaps your usual clarity has been elusive and you’re unsure about the next step? Let me guide you to discover your missing piece I wanted to share it with you, because you are important to me. I have designed this for you, to it will restore your clarity, and increase your 3rd eye vision, telepathy, psychic perception, and creativity, to guide your life path. Upgrade to the comic Medicine Woman, the Seer, the Mystic and Sage, the Priestess and Shaman, the Wild Woman, the Wise One ... They are all within YOU. Book now, it you are unable to attend live, it will be recorded, and you can access it at your convenience. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
05.01.2022 September- Foundation: Today we are in the dark phase of the moon and its important to cleanse anything before the new moon tomorrow, and as we prepare for the Equinox next week, to bring balance for the next phase of the Spring season. It is important to shed the old layers that limited parts of ourselves, that have restricted living to our highest purpose and experience success for the last 3 months of this year. These layers are peeling away, and I encourage you to do a ...detox and cleans your body, and cleanse your home. The environment you live in has to shift as well, releasing the stagnant imprinting. The limiting energy fragments are locked into the house, walls, ceiling and floors, which may be hampering your success. You may light to burn incense, smudge stick or Palo Santo, to clear your space, home or room. Your path is opening more and more over this week. Are you ready? To open up to your next level supportive future? If you are, claim it now and type READY Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
05.01.2022 September- Foundation: Tap into your inner Libra traits for the next 4 weeks during Libra season to strengthen your air mind qualities and harness the best outcome. Libra is represented by the scales. The Greek goddess, Themis is often associated with Libra as she holds the scales of justice. In Egyptian Astrology, Libra is commonly associated with Ma’at. Libra is all about fairness, justice, equality for all, and the Divine law. Keywords for Libra Season are:, love, balance, sharing, equality, romance, creativity, beauty, art, pleasure, harmony, and communication. During this time, you’ll be much more charming, diplomatic and gorgeous which supports your focus on relationships, love and connections. It is about equality, balance, and finding harmony, whether it’s in your health, relationships, work or finances. Look for creativity, beauty, pleasure, style, and improve our health, home or office and garden. As you make a decision, weighing up the options, do your research and make a pros and cons list. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
04.01.2022 September- Foundation: We can often create barriers to protect ourselves, but these barriers stop the flow of support into our lives. Prior to Mars going retrograde tomorrow, we will be experiencing squeeze. Notice where you are feeling restrictions, control and resistance from others in the different areas of your life. Just when I think things are flowing and then ‘bam’ ... I’ve had to notice my reactions and revisit my old limiting stories, my shadow side of fear and anxiety. I had no choice but to let go By choosing to surrender to trust, that we are safe in this moment, we can lower those barriers. This opens up allowance Allowance is a creative energy, that allows you to change anything. If you have no allowance you cannot receive, if you cannot receive you cannot have success. Is it time to come move out of judgment of yourself and others? And achieve a level of success that you’ve been asking for, but haven’t been able to create? Are you willing to view the world differently? Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
04.01.2022 September- Foundation: We are preparing for our spring equinox, in the south, and in the north- autumn equinox, September 22nd Equinox marks the Sun’s move into Libra. For us in Australia, daylight increases, its illuminating, and represents new light and life, new beginnings, seeds and paths. In ancient times, rituals were performed at the moment of alignment and people would cleanse old energy out as well as in their homes, and temples. Libra is all about finding balance ...and harmony and learning to collaborate with others. It is an air sign that helps us to see the world, ourselves and others from a more compassionate point of view. It also represents healing, harvest, and fertility. Just as the length of day and night is equal, this time represents our own need for balance of the yin/yang and male/female energies. It is a time of renewal, new beginnings of life and growth blooming gloriously and ushering in a renewed sense of energy to help you focus and move forward in new, fresh, positive ways. Consider creating an altar to mark this auspicious time, to support your inner balance of the divine feminine and masculine polarities, to express your passion. Affirmation: I connect with my joy, and let it shine. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
03.01.2022 Tap into your next level powerhouse of connections, inspiration & prosperity. Find out how Everything that is no longer viable, all that is not contributing to your vitality, you are being encouraged to let it go. This is a time when negative patterns are falling away, those of struggle, and striving, of being out of alignment with the Divine. ... Up-level your trust the universe with your life. The benevolent universe is fully on board with your purpose and destiny. The support is everywhere to reboot of your life! Now is the time to align the outer dream, with inner purpose and fulfillment. Walk in the Light of your True Be-Ing! If you are ready to shed the old stories, claim your intention for this new moon cycle. Live on Purpose ... Change the World! Free 5 -day guided video series to find balance, alignment and trust your right choices Inner GPS : . . . #newdaynewbeginning #seasonsandcycles #moonceremony #mooncycles #moonhealing #equinoxblessings #awakenyourintuition #ignitethedream #ownyourpower #powerthoughts #nurturingbodyandmind
03.01.2022 March- Manifest: Are you feeling the lethargic, sensitive, and heavy? We are preparing for this amazing and potent New moon in Pisces on the 13th As we go within to rest, find peace, deep wisdom, divination, contacting your inner guidance, letting things wither and die away. This is a time to break bad habits, patterns or addictions, and to end bad relationships. ... It is important to make space to lay down the baggage of old thoughts, old hurts old limitations. What do you need to shed? It is a perfect time to concentrate on removing yourself from situations, relationships and environments. Take time to meditate and focus on what wants to dissolve so you can be ready for rebirth with the New moon intuitive energies. For now, rest and rejuvenate. What can you let go of before the rebirth of the new moon tomorrow? As you tune into your guidance, what can you bring to a close or culmination? Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
02.01.2022 January- opportunities: Having a vision for your future that differs from the present can be inspiring and exciting. Until the little niggling voice inside your head starts to doubt. You can often drop back into some of the old limiting dialogue, which can slow down any progress, and you can be at risk of never fully blossoming. What if I fail?... What if I don’t have the support I need? What if I don’t have enough skills? What if I don’t have enough money to make it happen? As you become aware that that little voice, notice your thoughts projecting fear into an uncertain future. Come back to the breath Come back to the present moment as it gives you the ground connection to take root and open your heart to trust. Trust just the next step, as it will reveal a whole new set of opportunities. Trust your next step, and embrace this moment, you are exactly where you need to be right now. By taking the next consistent step, it creates the changes you desire and takes to closer to your destiny. Don’t hesitate if the conditions are not perfect, Taking imperfect action is essential Now is the time for you to bloom Say YES, to your next brave step. Live on Purposechange the world!
01.01.2022 March- Manifest: We are living in a phenomenally transformational time, I know you can feel it. There's a swelling of energy rising. There's a new shift taking place, one that is releasing the restrictions of the past Making it possible to access all your Divine expression.... We have fragmented because of past rules and systems, we have parts of our uniqueness in compartments, We are being encouraged to release the restrictions of feeling trapped Instead of feeling worn down by the constraints of "trying to fit in" We can access more of ourselves, more gifts, more opportunities, more possibility to bring through our authentic soul power, Know this is available now, By reconnecting to the ancient Lemurians healing codes, symbols, and ascension frequencies, it will increase your 3rd eye vision, telepathy, psychic perception, and creativity, to guide your life path. Awaken your star seed origins from other planets and realms, access your secret spiritual knowledge and psychic communication, that dates back thousands of years, held in your DNA and receive the gift from the stars. Are you ready for the next upgrade to your medicine and magic? Connect to the healing codes and wisdom of Ancient Lemuria, activate portals, energy grids and doorways to star seed gateways and dimensions. I will midwife your next evolutionary stage, to assist you to remember who you are and what you came here to express. Teaching others to transcend limits and live the path of joy and freedom makes my heart sing, especially during this portal of opportunities on the powerful Equinox gateway. I'm so excited about the upcoming Lemurian Star Path: March 21st
01.01.2022 September- Foundation: Everything that is no longer viable, all that is not contributing to your vitality, you are being encouraged to let it go. This is a time when negative patterns are falling away, those of struggle, and striving, of being out of alignment with the Divine. Up-level your trust the universe with your life. The benevolent universe is fully on board with your purpose and destiny. ... The support is everywhere to reboot of your life! Now is the time to align the outer dream, with inner purpose and fulfillment. Walk in the Light of your True Be-Ing! If you are ready to shed the old stories, claim your intention for this new moon cycle. Live on Purpose ... Change the World!
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