All about that mum life. | Personal blog
All about that mum life.
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24.01.2022 What is life like as a mum? Or in my case a single mum? I bleed for my child every day. I bleed for my child emotionally, every single need, every single necessity of hers is always at the top of my priorities, as it should be in my personal opinion. I make sacrifices on letting go toxic friendships and weighing up who deserves to be around my child and who will love her and appreciate her in all the right ways. I bleed to know that she is inspired, she is growing and develo...Continue reading
23.01.2022 Dear first time mums, Cherish every moment. Every cry, every giggle, every bottle and or breast feed. Cherish the late nights, early mornings, broken sleep, full bladders, half eaten dinner and cold coffee. Cherish the first time you meet your baby and then keep cherishing meeting your new and growing baby every day. Cherish that first cry and every cry after, the first smile and the first giggle. Watch everything and anything your baby does and let it warm your heart and fi...ll you with a joy that overwhelms you. Don't let time strain your position or alter the time you get to spend with your baby. The dishes can wait and so too can the laundry. Don't be in a hurry to go back to work unless you absolutely have to. Cherish every cuddle, kiss, coo and every time your little baby holds your finger or curls their hand in your hair or holds your face as they fall asleep. Spend the days soaking in the sun and playing Peek a boo with your baby for hours. Spend the evenings reading books and cleaning the spit up from your little ones feeds. Sundays with the family and your partner curled up with you on the sofa enjoying the serenity and perfection that is your family. Let every moment be a moment you cherish and thank. Don't let stress and anxiety get the better if you and take away that time with your baby or partner. Don't let post partum alter your character or the way you see yourself. Don't let your new mum bod scare you into feeling ugly or no longer beautiful. And don't let people make the decisions you deserve to make, for you. Surround yourself with positivity, good supportive people, joy and all things that remind you of who you are. And don't settle for anything less. You're in charge and you decide what goes. Take care of yourself. Make a spa day, a solo coffee date, get your nails done, buy a new outfit or spend time with gal pals. But take time for you. Let every moment you spend with your baby be a saving grace, a moment to cherish and thank. You grew that human, you changed your body to gain a family and it's only made you MORE beautiful and more incredible. And there is no better gift than that. Enjoy motherhood as much as you can especially when your baby is shiny and new because one day they'll grow up and no longer need you as much as those early days. They will hug you a little less, let go too soon and become an independent person who is capable and able to do things on their own without you. Enjoy every moment like it will be your first and last. Because for some of us it really is. Sincerely, A mumma who's baby is a little more grown and a mumma who wishes she spent more time cherishing and less time working. #dearnewmums #alettertoyou #newmums #cherish #enjoyeverymoment #motherhood #baby #kids
21.01.2022 With mother's Day looming close I wanted to offer some suggestions for people to gift the mother's in their life or most importantly the single dad's. Here are some wonderful gift ideas; -Time, write up coupons on cardboard and decorate them. Offer a coupon to wash dishes, do laundry etc. This is precious to parents. ... -Jewellery, I will post some meaningful ideas in the comments of some sites etc. -Photo canvas, Meaningful moments capture and displayed on a canvas -Movie passes/voucher -spa day or men's grooming voucher -massage voucher -home made items such as bath bombs, cards, pasta necklaces and paintings with hand or foot prints. -home cooked meal -baby sitting voucher to redeem at any time -apps, tv shows or E books to keep parents occupied and happy during Alon time -voucher for peace and quiet redeemable upon request -short film or home movie -photo collage hand decorated by the kiddies or partner/friends -handmade blanket or quilt made of t-shirts of places visited by the family -weighted blanket or build a reading corner -breakfast in bed At the end of the day the best thing to remember not only for mother's Day but for every day, is to be thoughtful and meaningful from the heart because that is the greatest gift anyone could ever wish for. Good luck and keep on keeping on my lovelies *There are some photos of ideas and places to order things online in the comment section* #mothersday2020 #appreciatesingledadstoo #creativeideas #family #familymoments #love #appreciation #care #fromtheheart #thoughtfulandkind #biglovetoyourmumma #biglovetoyouronlyparent #singleparents #family #moments #memories
20.01.2022 These photos have become my life line. I'm a mum who is obsessed and madly in love with her child and I don't want to sacrifice any of the time I have with her before she begins school and I no longer have a choice. But right now I do have a choice and the best thing I could do is follow my passion of creativity, dedication, self love and wellness. Apply it to my life and how I raise my daughter and grow a business. ... I took the plunge a month ago and joined up with Young Living Essential oils and became a distributor and self acclaimed business owner. I work from home, I connect to other mums and amazing women throughout the oily community. My daughter meets and interacts with other children and we all remain positive and passionate about our work and the blood, sweat and Tears we put into everything! This bizz is the best thing to happen to myself and my daughter so far and i can't tell you how incredibly excited I am to do this journey and have my daughter be so involved and apart of this amazing World! We use our oils so much, we use them daily for emotional wellness, relaxation, mindfulness and a plethora of other amazing things and my favourite part of this business is sharing it with people that I love and shares journey of growth with. I love, LOVE spending more time with my daughter, and she loves it so much too! #business #businesswoan #lifegoals #raisingasassygirl #toddler #youngliving #distributor #oilytribe #essentialoils
19.01.2022 So today we went to the park Just by our home, as we do every day. My daughter is two, and we have been visiting the parks a long time. The sweetest thing happened today. A lovely little girl who must have been at least 6-7 PLAYED with my daughter. She pushed her on the swings, the little merrigo round and park swing and flying fox. Ayanna was so happy. She chatted and took turns and communicated so well. ... Ayanna even saying "it's your turn" and "you're beautiful" and "thank you" and the other little girl was just as kind and generous. We have never experienced that ever, I never really know why but it's never happened. But today it did. And I can't tell you how full my heart is at seeing my little girl with a grin ear to ear and a never ending giggle from someone other than her mummy at the park! So beautiful. #parenting #park #westbeach #sweetie #kids #bless #wonderful #biglittlemoments
19.01.2022 Stay tuned guys some amazing things are coming! Ayanna and I are about to embark on our low tox journey and can't wait to share it with all of you
18.01.2022 The reality of life hits home some times and gets a little overwhelming. Through my journey as a young woman and mum I have had to endure a lot of decision making that wasn't easy and a whole lot of personal and mental growth. In turn my daughter and I have simply outgrown friends or no longer fit with some. ... It really is hard to acknowledge that some people are labelled a friend but don't act in such a way. I've spent my life giving too much and putting myself last. Now that I am putting my life centre and front im finding out who is here through all the ups and downs, the ugly and beautiful and the good and bad. And it surprises me to see that a majority of those people are new found friends over the last couple years and of course a couple long term friends. But its not the people I grew up with, endured high school with or the family I've always known etc. Life changes people and in my case it's a positive journey of growth and my biggest supporters who love me and check in on me are really great people. Who love me for me and in turn extend their love to my daughter. And therefore I extend an enormous amount of effort and love, care and support back to them x2000 It's okay to move on in your life and say goodbye to people who no longer serve a purpose in your life or friendships. Take care of yourself and appreciate those that both earn and deserve it and rid those who are just along for drama and gossip or to lower you to make them selves feel better. Life is a little rough at times but it's through these challenges you find yourself and grow. Life isn't easy but it's certainly worth it. #growing #changing #life #upsanddowns #personalgrowth #support #friendships #guidance #love
17.01.2022 The Easter bunny did a wonderful little Easter egg hunt for Ayanna rose this year. (; (; Ayanna had a wonderful time collecting the Easter eggs around the yard. Ayanna was only allowed a very minimal amount of chocolate she collected as she is lactose free and also doesn't handle sugar in large doses that great either. ... Ayanna's Easter egg hunt not only allowed problem solving, but the ability to search and understand things, she practiced sharing and communication and also utelised some great Hand eye co-ordination with balancing the eggs on the basket and her hands. All in all an amazing Easter and great activity.
16.01.2022 Let me know below!
14.01.2022 These two photos represent two different suburbs in SA, as well as two different kinds of change. Our whole life, my daughter and I have lived in Christie downs an surrounding suburbs. (Photo with all the houses) .We have been in and out of homes every 3 months. Unsafe neighbourhood, lease ends, lost my job due to my daughter's breathing disorder and my being a single parent. We have been in and out of homelessness and through women's shelters and junction houses. We haven't... been stable or consistent, we haven't been settled or comfortable. But THINGS ARE CHANGING! Through immense challenge, hope, faith and beloved trust in those that have supported me, guided me and allowed me to be my whole real person. Ayanna and I will be making a huge leap of change and POSITIVITY. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OUR LIVES. Ayanna and I are moving out of our comfort zone to West beach (picture with the sea). We will be closer to endless possibilities. Positive change, a family neighbourhood as well as being central to friends that live in the north and south. Oh and did I mention the ocean is literally a 2 minute walk from my drive way THIS is our first rental through an agent and our lease is for 12 months. I know this is such a small victory to some but for us it is the beginning of a positive, settled and happy life full of love, adventure and hope. I came from a very poor family, most of my family didn't finish school only my younger sister and I graduated high school. I have lived in low income areas my whole 21 years of life. The last 2 years as a single parent I have struggled with finances, paying debt off and just trying to provide for my child. And now we are breaking free of poverty. Breaking free of a life style that wasn't full of happiness for us and embracing the world with everything we have and a huge smile on our faces. Our life begins because of this sea of change and I am ever so full of love for all the support and love we recieve. Thank you to my friends who really are our family We love you. #2020 #adventurestocome #breakingfree #newchange #positivechange #positivity #lifeisgood #wegotthis *There are some great neighbourhoods down south, I'm in no way saying it's a bad thing for others to live in these areas. Just hasn't been good for us!*
12.01.2022 Terribly sorry I haven't posted in a while! I wanted to share what I planned for my daughter's second birthday in Isolation with my partner and our two friends (who we isolated with for 2 weeks prior). We spent the day before baking cakes, a vanilla cake decorated by all of us in am Easter theme. Lime and coconut cakes, and mini lemon cheesecakes. (All lactose free and gluten free). ... Her birthday consisted of opening her presents from aunty kally, who kindly dropped the present off a few days before. She also got a new little trike to ride from me. (Friends have loads to gift her but it's hard in isolation). Ayanna played with the sprinkler and had a big brekkie then we surprised her with filling up a room with balloons we blew up the night before and all her cakes laid out. She had a really good day and it was focused on her and her beautiful development and the magical, amazing connection we share as mother and daughter! Not the cool awesome birthday party we had planned for with all her little tots but it was still an awesome time.
11.01.2022 Anyone else have a two year old that will not just be quiet and stop speaking for one minute haha! Or is it totally just me? Gosh Its absolutely adorable and so lovely but by God it is just the most annoying thing! She talks 24/7 when she's awake, playing, going potty, watching tv, even when she's sleeping ... It's so good she has such healthy communication skills but my god I can not wait until she is old enough to just be quiet for 5 minutes Her uncle and my closest friends all think the same and we laugh because it's truly adorable but so irritating too #mumlife #twoyearolds #toddler #noisepollution #chatterbox XD
11.01.2022 I cant edit or upload videos due to us recently moving house So I'm going to share my go to for home made natural bath bombs right here in stead. These will cost you roughly $30-$40 if you have to buy everything brand new or under $10 if you've mostly got everything! ... *This is a safe recipe to make with the kids mums and dads, (just maybe let adults do the food colouring with little tots)* What you'll need; -1-2 cup Epsom salts -1 teaspoon Coconut oil -1/2 teaspoon Bicarb soda -3_7 drops Food colouring (of choice) Baking moulds -8-10 drops Essential oils of choice (remember to search up which ones are best for stress relief etc). -Clear gift wrap or foil -Ribbon -Card -Pen Method; 1. Place your cup of Epsom salts and bicarb soda in to a bowl, combine and set aside. 2. Melt your coconut oil in the microwave (10 second intervals). 3. Mix in your essential oils and food colouring into your coconut oil, combine and adjust smell or colour accordingly. 4. Really quickly mix your wet I gradients into your dry ingredients and continue mixing until you have achieved a cottage cheese texture. 5. Line you baking moulds with 2 drops of essential oil and a little bit of coconut oil. 6. Press mixture firmly into the baking moulds (can get these from Kmart in shapes of unicorns, pineapples etc etc, or target for under $5). 7. Place in the freezer over night or leave out to set for 48 hours. 8. Place in clear gift wrap, tie a bow and add a personalised message to mum, your partner, best friend or colleague. Happy bath bomb making! Keep on keeping on my lovelies! Stay tuned for some more fun and natural recipes for the special "mum role" in your life. Thank you
10.01.2022 Life is such an overwhelming adventure for our little ones. They are learning masses of information, starting to experience feelings and emotions that are new and heightened, have an enormous hunger and curiosity to know the world and what’s around them. To be loved but treated independently and respected as an equal to adults. Life is a whirl wind for our tiny tots but as long as we show love, provide love and show intention and dedication to learning our little ones and th...e language they speak. Everything’s okay. We aren’t supposed to be perfect but we are supposed to be real and make every ounce of effort we can. Because to our babies US being PRESENT is more important than us being perfect.
08.01.2022 Sorry I havent posted in a while. My daughter turns 2 tomorrow and its been a week of craxy challenges and development. I'm gonna show you what it is we've been doing to plan for her "isolation party" with some ideas and tips to keep connected to those who matter and throw a brilliant party in isolation!
08.01.2022 I wrote this journal when I found out I was becoming a mum... I was crippled with a lot of emotions, I was scared, unsure what I could possibly give to my little bum in the oven and felt that motherhood would be impossible to achieve alone and frightened as I was. Of course I was also excited, shocked and undeniably shaken to my core that life had presented me with this path to mother hood that I had thought would be so impossible in my life.... My crazy and strange feelings toward the baby I carried didn’t outweigh the love and absolute wonder I held for the growing baby inside me. Boy or girl I had no idea. Worried for the resemblance of my partner now lost in the wind never to be seen again troubled my mind for sure. Then it occurred to me that it didn’t matter, that I could love my tiny little jelly bean with every ounce of my being and nothing would ever change that. Nothing else mattered except the love that I held for my little baby who ruthlessly kicked the shit out of my kidney and bladder daily. It was a testament to the strength, stubbornness and sheer boldness that my baby would become. I scrawled every thought on those pages, every insignificant detail of my days and every emotion I felt as it came. I wanted my little baby to know that she would be loved, adored and taken care of. I wanted my love for my child now to always be held in the greatest of lights. When time changes my little baby to an adult, I wanted to make sure that my child would never doubt the love and sacrifice. To know that my heart has been imprinted time and time again and will never beat on it’s own for the rest of my life. That my heart now no longer belongs to me, but is wrapped up safely in paper and glitter held so tightly in the arms of my gorgeous child held captive and whole till the day I die and long after. This journal is my heart scrawled messily on the fibres and pages of a place my daughter can call home when I leave this world. A place her heart can look to for guidance, reassurance and endless love. A place she will always know great love and abundance lived. I wanted to share this with all of you to entice you to make the same connections to your children, to hold the good days and bad days close to your heart and leave memories for your children to adore and reminisce when you’re no longer in this world to show them your undying love. With love and a whole shit ton of spirit, -tamekka xx
07.01.2022 Newest "All about that mum life" battles have been; -Finding activities to keep little tots occupied in ISo. -Sourcing a toddlers bike with training wheels and a handle for adults to steer in ISO with the shops having none in stock. -Organising a 2nd birthday party in Isolation. ... -Applying for rentals in lockdown And our little challenge yet to come. -MOVING into our new rental amid the corona pandemic. I have to say it's been challenging all around for a majority of us and the small and easy things in life have become challenging and hard to source. God bless my amazing support people who helped me achieve the impossible and dedicated their time and efforts to helping me shape our life for a happier future. HANG ON TIGHT and watch out for our next little journey in the next "episode" of "All about that mum life". Keep on, keeping on my lovelies
07.01.2022 Yesterday Monday 15th of June. Ayanna Rose had the biggest adventure of her life (thus far) and hopped on a big ol airplane with her mumma. We travelled from Adelaide our home town to Brisbane. Ayanna was very well behaved and did so well with all the changes and scary moments. Truly blessed beyond words. ... Unfortunately my foster dad (who I just call dad) has fallen incredibly unwell after a quadruple bypass surgery. I made the decision to come because my foster parents (parents ) raised me and nurtured me as a young woman from a broken disaster to a respectable, sensible and dedicated young lady with so much hope, vibrancy and love inside my heart. They have been through every moment of my life with me even when moving away to Brisbane to excel and further their careers and lives. Can honestly say they saved my whole life in more ways then one. And I feel I owe this life I have now to them completely. And this is why I just needed to be here with my family to show my love and support and give as much as I could to help everyone through this xo. So if you could all send a thought, a prayer and a whole lot of love to us to help him get through this and hopefully give him strength to return to his normal self through recovery. We would all deeply appreciate that! ,
06.01.2022 As a majority of you know I signed up to Young Living a few weeks ago and decided to join the business. A lot of you are probably thinking what the heck, didn’t even know she liked oils and stuff. Truth is I always have but i just was very uneducated about them. My fav cheapy brands contained so many hidden chemicals I wasn’t aware of until I joined this business. ...Continue reading
06.01.2022 I'm working super hard to bring you guys some awesome content! I'll be posting videos up soon and having live chats and a cuppa for all to join in! Exciting things are coming! Thanks for all the support and love so far. ... Stay tuned and keep on keeping on my lovelies.
04.01.2022 This is our take on the home made arts and crafts animal/people using paper plates, paper machae, glue sticks and googlie eyes. Ayanna played apart in everyones arts and crafts and truly took lead and enjoyed herself. Had to stop the craft party when ayanna started eating the glue and googlie eyes but other than that it was a good moment ... Enjoy and please post all your creations too!
03.01.2022 I have to apologise for being so absent and inconsistent with my posting but I’m in full fledge mummy mode and trying to run a business too so it’s a little on the crazy side at the moment! I wanted to come back with a little bang and show you guys just some of our daily routine (with the exception of the laundromat I tend to do bulk loads in the middle of the week and take them to get dried.) Enjoy and I hope you can all feel a little closer to knowing us and how I operate... as a single mummy! #raisingasassygal #wellness #daytodaylife #singlemum #mummyblogger #oilygal #essentialoils #raisingatoddler #twoyearolds #rugrat #dailyroutine #cleaning #washing #drying #folding #errands #stayathomemum #mumlife #lifeofparents #naturalliving #ourroutine #home #apartment #seasideliving #adelaide #southaustralia #westbeach
03.01.2022 Mum Feels Lately I have had some time to reflect upon my life and my parenting and I have come to some Realizations. I wanted to share these with you. Parent to parent. Woman to woman. Person to person. Today I addressed the restlessness that has been keeping me up in the night and weighing on my soul so heavy. ...Continue reading