All Creatures Pulse Therapy PEMF | Pet service
All Creatures Pulse Therapy PEMF
Phone: +61 476 797 962
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24.01.2022 All Creatures PEMF will be in the Rockhampton area this weekend. PH or msg for bookings. 0476797962
24.01.2022 Mondays done right.
23.01.2022 Alligator Blood
23.01.2022 TICK TOCK This is your last chance!!!! **** There will be no late entries, entries on the day or changes after midnight tonight ****... ABHA Memberships must have CLEARED into the ABHA bank account no later than Tuesday next week. CLASSIC COMPETITORS - please note that you must notify us by midnight tonight (as per approved QOH Rules) if you are wanting to roll your time into the Opens.
23.01.2022 Anyone wanting their horses chiro'd this week in Biloela,please call John and let him know.
22.01.2022 EOI Proposing the 28th of November Wandoan Showgrounds ... One day ( possibly 2) Saddle Bronc and Bareback school With Dave Worsfold Cam Webster Sarah Webster Thinking about having a buck out that night. Was wondering who would be keen? Tom Webster Smiley Hay Dallas Hay if you could please tag young fellas that might be interested?. The possibility of a bar and food as well as evening entertainment. Can anybody that’s keen please message me 0429933896
22.01.2022 Workin Away, aka Bizi. 8yr old mare, By SLR Mojos Workin, out of Win D Holme n Away. Broke, then bred. Going to waste. 4ooo ono Can be rebred to Ambassadors Jet
16.01.2022 We even Pulse Coytoees!!
16.01.2022 I may not have the most clients, but I think I have the best! Thankyou all So much for your support, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.
16.01.2022 "There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse." Robert Smith Surtees Horses have always had a huge role in my entire life, they've helped... mold who I am and taught me many lessons. I feel it's a blessing to just be a part of a horse's life, and I would encourage you to never take for granted what you can learn from these magnificent animals. It's a very special feeling to love, and be loved in return, by a horse. #NationalLoveYourHorseDay
15.01.2022 All Creatures Pulse Therapy, will be heading through from Monto to Fernvale, QOH, and everywhere between including Kingaroy. Msg or call for bookings.
15.01.2022 Riddle me this... if you're right I will delete your answer and you have to repost saying that you won against me. "Sara saw seven sharks while swimming. Now how many S's are in this sentence?" Please don’t play if you’re not going to post! I won against Lee Chappell
14.01.2022 Want to try PEMF for the first time? PEMF therapy enhances the bodies natural ability to heal itself on the cellular level and can be used for: + increased energy, improved performance + enhanced muscle function, endurance, strength & recovery + improved blood circulation and oxygenation... + faster recovery from exercise or injury + decreasing inflammation & increasing range of movement + pain relief without the use of medication, often with immediate but lasting response + relaxation & deep tissue massage trough pulsating muscle stimulation + support for soreness of the back, joints, neck, hips, shoulders and hooves + injury management i.e. bruised or torn muscles, tendons and ligaments including bone mending & wound healing PH 0476797962 #AllCreaturesPEMF #rodeo #cuttinghorse #showjumping #barrelracing #horses #dogs#people #pemftherapy
14.01.2022 NATURAL FEEDING SIMPLIFIED. Feeding horses has become complex due to scientific developments, reduced grazing pastures resulting in depleted nutrition, vitamins... and minerals and a plethora of premixed and processed feeds. It becomes very confusing when trying to decide what to feed and what is best for your horse. The very best you can do for your horse is to try and mimic their natural lifestyle and environment. This exercise can prove to be extremely challenging due to individual requirements of each horse, different environmental factors, various metabolisms and biochemical individuality. There are horses with good feed conversions and horses with poor feed conversions. (good doers and bad doers) Other contributing factors include, illnesses, diseases, endocrine disorders, unbalanced nervous systems, digestive disorders and immune weakness. These inbalances are created in the body when an excess of toxins, chemicals and unnatural substances are consumed regularly, leading to minor to major illnesses and disease when not rectified. The same can be said for humans. It is an enormous and difficult task these days to return our horses back to the clean, healthy grazing animal that they are born to be. A good way to start to bring back the metabolic balance to a healthy state is to introduce whole foods and grains and supplements that contain natural vitamins and minerals. Horses are well equipped to absorb nutrients in their whole and natural form. They are, like humans, not well equipped to digest and absorb processed foods laden with fillers, chemicals, excess salt and sugars, preservatives, emulsifying agents colouring and flavour enhancers, all of which can be damaging to the metabolism. Below is a list of foods that you can formulate for a basic clean diet. Taking into consideration, your horses individual requirements, I will try to simplify the feeds, ratios and nutritional composition. ROUGHAGE AND HAY Roughage are types of grasses, pasture and various types of hay and chaff. Horses and ponies need to consume approximately 1% of their bodyweight in dry forage per day if grazing pasture is moderate. If pasture is non existent then 2% of their bodyweight is required to maintain a healthy digestive tract and to avoid gastric ulcers as well as insulin spikes. Horses and ponies prone to Laminitis should recieve plain soaked grass hay. Lucerne, has recently been discussed as a low sugar hay that is safe to feed to Laminitc horses and ponies. In my opinion, yes it is low in sugar than most hays, depending on the region and when its cut, but it is high in protein and also heating which metabolically is not suitable for Laminitics. This is a very debatable topic and more research is needed on the effect of rich green feeds for insulin resistant horses and ponies. Oaten, wheaten barley and millet hay are also good hays to feed but not suitable for Laminitics. Clover hay, especially red clover, can be high in oestrogenic compounds and should be avoided for broodmares when breeding. If choosing Lucerne, it is important to choose the right cut for the right season. Lucerne is excellent when pasture dries out in the summer where horses have minimal to no grazing. In the winter, where pasture has more water and moisture, it is advisable to feed grass hay for bulk filling. Lucerne Hay can be used to supplement protein, calcium and fibre when its needed. Its also an excellent hay to feed to horses grazing oxalate pastures, which deplete calcium metabolism causing big head. 1st cut Lucerne is the richest in protein and Calcium. 2nd and 3rd cuts are much better in providing more fibre as the hay is usually more stalky and fibrous. Some horses can become "hot" when fed Lucerne, or can have allergic reactions to it. If horses have access to good pasture then obviously, their hay consumption is reduced if not eliminated all together. Course Wheat Bran can also be included as a small percentage of roughage component partially or completely depending on circumstances and nutritional requirements. Bran also has other benefits. OATEN CHAFF AND WHEATEN CHAFF A good base to use for mixing feeds. In dry conditions of limited pasture, Lucerne chaff can be substituted if you are feeding white hays. OATS Oats have always had a bad reputation for making horses hot and highly strung. And this can be true when fed in excess with little exercise. All horses are very different metabollically therefore, there are some horses that cannot tolerate oats at all. Oats are very high in silica which is excellent for building muscle and good for strengthening bones. It is also high in phosporous. Its great for breeding, peformance and growing horses.Oats are highly digestible in its whole form and horses digest this grain better than the other 2 grains. When feeding oats, you must feed Calcium as it has a poor Calcium/Phosphorous ratio. Lucerne hay is substantial as a natural calcium form. 500gms to 2 kgs depending on individual requirements. BARLEY Barley is a fattening feed because of the higher energy value for a similar weight. It should be fed boiled (until the husk is broken) or freshly crushed in grain mill. Barley puts on body condition and fat, unlike oats which increases muscle tone and bulk. Horses grazing pastures 24/7 do not need any grains. Some horses require one or the other or both depending on their condition. Barley is an excellent feed for treating scours, and building condition or for horses recovering from illnesses and surgeries when condition is lost. You can feed micronised barley to horses that have a healthy digestive tract with no ulcers present, otherwise boiled fresh barley is needed. 500gms to 1 1/2 kgs per day depending on individual requirements CORN Corn is the highest in energy of all the 3 grains. It is usually only comsumed by horses in very demanding sports such as racing, barrel racing and endurance. It can be boiled, crushed in a grain mill or micronised. A very small amount of corn can be given the night before a rigorous event or where extra energy is required. If feeding all 3 grains, only half a cup to 2 cups (metric) per day depending on individual requirements and exercise. WHEAT BRAN The best wheat bran to feed is the course type sometimes called racehorse bran or flakey bran. Wheat bran contains fibre, potassium, magnesium iron and lignans. It has anti bac, anti fungal, anti viral and anti cancer properties. Wheat bran contains pytates which can cause big head when fed in excessive amounts as it inhibits calcium absorbtion. The ratio is 1:10 bran to chaff. I feed 200gms to a pony that is around 300kg bodyweight. Its enough to benefit nutritionally without risk of causing big head. WHEATGERM Raw unprocessed Wheatgerm is an excellent supplement containing Vitamin E, Folic acid and Zinc.It is also a source of phosphorous. The one that is sold in the supermarket is not ideal as this is stabilised wheatgerm and more refined and processed and nutritionally insufficient. You can purchase this in 20kg bags ordered through your stock feed supplier. The only problem with this, is that it turns rancid very quickly due to its oil content. Therefore it is recommend to buy it in smaller quantities through health stores. Refrigerate after opening. 70 gms for an average 450kg horse. This supplement is very fattening and should be fed in moderation for horses and ponies that are good doers. PROTEIN AND OIL FEEDS LINSEEDS Linseeds are the highest source of alpha-linolenic acid, Omega 3 EFA, which is vital for strength, brain function, motor co-ordination, growth and behaviour. Linseeds contain protein and can be used as part of your horses protein ration. High in lignans which have anti bacterial, anti inflammatory, anti viral, anti fungal and anti cancer properties. Omega 3 assists the function of omega 6 and both are required in the diet to work together. Linseeds are mildly laxative and shouldn't be fed to horses that have loose manure or scouring as this can make it worse. Excellent feed for building condition, topline and producing healthy shiny coats. Linseeds should be cooked or crushed to release cyanogenic glycoside toxins from the seed which is toxic to horses. It is usually fed in conjunction with French white millet to make a porridge. The ratio is 2:1 millet to linseeds. For an average size horse of 450 kg, 1 cup of dry millet is ample. Cook in a slow cooker, or drop the seeds in rapid boiling water and turn down heat. It will release a slimy gel like substance which is the oil that is the beneficial property of the seed. Do not place seeds in cold water as this releases the toxins into the water. There has been new evidence to suggest that you can feed linseeds whole to horses rather than cooking, but im not 100% convinced that this is safe. I strongly suggest to cook it or grind it. Alternatively, you can feed cold pressed Linseed oil instead. Make sure its the brand you find in the refrigerated section of retailers and health stores. The oil that you see on supermarket shelves or stock feed stores is not cold pressed. FRENCH WHITE MILLET. Very high in Silica and important for building and strengthening bones and hooves. Aids in treating and preventing joint disease and laminitis. A great feed for horses that cannot tolerate oats or cannot have grains for metabolic reasons. Millet should be cooked together with linseeds to make a porridge. Or crushed /grinded and fed fresh. 1 cup for an average size horse 450kg. Ponies 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup. This feed can also be fattening. A great feed for Laminitics and cushinoid horses. BOSS (BLACK OIL SUNFLOWER SEEDS) A high calorie feed and good for horses needing weight. High in linoleic acid omega 6 which activates immune cells, improves skin, coat and hooves, prevents liver and kidney damage, helps with circulation and promotes a healthy heart, helps with wound healing and may prevent arthritis. They are high in Vitamin E, zinc, phosphorous and potassium. Horses that a HYPP positive should not be fed BOSS as they contain potassium, which you would be trying to reduce in these horses. Also horses with arthritic conditions. Omega 6 is slightly more inflammatory than omega 3 and horse owners worry that feeding too much omega 6, will promote inflammation in their horses. When fed at levels no higher than 600gms per day, it should not cause a problem for the average horse. I also want to point out that there is not research to prove what the ideal ratios for omegas 3 and 6 are for horses. What we do know is that horses obtain omega 3 from fresh green grass, Omega 6 causes inflammation but it is still necessary for a healthy immune system and also to help the horses own body to fight inflammation naturally. There is also no research to show how much omega 6 is too much for horses and without knowing, we cant say if it has a negative effect or not. Based on that, there is no reason not to include BOSS in your horses diet for the many other benefits they have to offer. I have been feeding BOSS for 25 years without any problems. Ponies up to 14h 200-250 gms per day. Galloways and hacks 300-350 gms per day. Large breeds and heavy breeds350-500gms per day. CHICK PEAS High in protein, high in lysine but low in methionine, cysteine and tryptophan. Around 19-25% protein and 6-7% lysine. Chick peas are richer in fat than other leguminous grains or pulses. It contains assimilable calcium and phosphorous and makes it suitable for diet improvement. The nutritive value increases by cooking it. Horses develop a brighter coat and softer skin when fed chick peas. All pulses grains and legumes contain anti-nutritional factors. The anti nutrients in chick peas are 30-40% less than soybeans. Cooking, toasting and extruding improve the nutritional value. Some companies include chick peas in their pre mixed pellets. Chick peas can form part of your horses protein and fat rations. Ponies 1/2 cup. medium to large breeds 1 cup. Heavy breeds 1 1/2 cups. RAW PUMPKIN SEEDS Pumpkin seeds are a source of nitrous oxide which is a powerful healing agent that has anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties. They are rich in vitamins and minerals including magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, manganese and vitamin K. Soaking seeds is the best way to feed them. 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup soaked in warm water just covering the seeds for 8 hours or overnight. This awakens the seeds like sprouting and becomes live raw food which horses digest incredibly well as they are designed to do. Excellent for horses suffering colitis and gastric ulcers. I have used 3 methods of feeding these. Soaked, whole and also ground. Either way is ok but sprouting them is far better nutritionally. PUMPKIN Pumpkin has a low glycaemic index and will not cause a rapid increase in blood glucose, making it an ideal food choice for horses with metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance, cushings and conditions such as polysaccharide storage myopathy. Pumpkin has a relatively high level of potassium, about 0,4 grams per cup which is a sensible amount when feeding small portions. If you have horses with HYPP (hyperkalemic periodic paralysis) then pumpkin is not an ideal food choice due to the potassium levels. Pumpkin contains vitamins A, C, folate and choline in moderate levels. Calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. Small amounts of omega 3 and 6 on a 1:1 ratio so its pretty balanced. Its not a complete omega supplement but can form a part of your horse diet when including efa's if that's what you are feeding it for. A good winter feed for horses and ponies for weight management and gastric upsets. Fed as mash or can be fed raw cut into small portions for easy chewing. Up to 2 cups per day or a small pumpkin. 1 cup for ponies. FENUGREEK (Please click on notes on the page to read all about fenugreek and its nutritional value for horses). HEMP SEED MEAL My favourite! 33% protein, 8% fat and 40% fibre making this superfood an excellent choice for weight gain, building muscle and building top line and condition. Contains L-Glutamine which is brilliant for healing gastric ulcers. A source of 20 essential amino acids, dietary fibre and rich in vitamins and minerals. Free from trypsin inhibitors which block protein absorption and free from oligosaccharides which is found in soy and can cause stomach and gastric disturbances. Fed as part of your horses protein, fibre and fat rations. PLEASE CLICK ON THE PAGE AND FIND THE ARTICLE ON HEMP SEED MEAL FOR A FULL NUTRITION ANALYSIS. SUPPLEMENTS APPLE CIDER VINEGAR Apple cider vinegar is high in potassium so again, not good for horses with HYPP. It is a natural electrolyte replacer and also beneficial in the prevention and treatment of arthritis. It contains boron and helps maintain the acid/alkaline balance in the gut. Beneficial in reducing phytates found in grains and legumes. Make sure you buy the unfiltered vinegar that contains the mother at the bottom of the container. 15 ml per 100kg of bodyweight diluted in water and added to feeds. RAW UNPROCESSED HONEY OR MANUKA HONEY Raw honey that is pure, contains a plethora of vitamins, minerals and health benefits to numerous to mention. It is anti-arthritic and preserves calcium metabolism. With the exception of metabolic horses, you can feed this daily and should be included in all horses diets. Real honey also maintains a healthy immune system or included to boost poor immunity when added with other herbs and supplements. 1 tablespoon per day for an average size horse 450kg. Diluted in warm water and added to feeds. HIMALAYAN PINK SALT AND SEA SALT, Himalayan rock salt contains over 80 trace elements. It is another electrolyte replacer containing natural sodium, If you can have a pink salt block to hang in your paddock, this is an ideal way of horses taking what they need. Otherwise you add 1 teaspoon of pink salt to feeds per day and 1 teaspoon of sea salt to feeds per day which contains an array of nano minerals.Both help maintain water intake as well as balance electrolytes. Feeding table salt is not recommended because it is synthetic sodium chloride and is processed and refined. This salt does not contain any minerals. DOLOMITE There is conflicting theories that magnesium carbonate is poorly absorbed by the horse compared with other forms of magnesium such as oxide, aspartate, chloride and sulphate. There has been trials to suggest this finding, however, its not clear whether the horses were fed magnesium carbonate on its own or high grade dolomite. Dolomite contains,63% calcium carbonste, 35% magnesium carbonate and 2% silica. Horses are designed to absorb vitamins and minerals in their natural state and high grade dolomite is a natural mineral. If feeding for calcium supplementation only, then you can also feed limestone instead. If you are feeding for magnesium then dolomite can form part of your horses diet for mag supplementation. Dolomite is also excellent to give to horses who are grazing oxalate grasses which can cause big head. In these cases, you double the dose. Minis 2.5gms. Small ponies 5 gms, Large ponies 7 gms, Galloways, stock horses, QH, and small hacks 10 gms. T/breds 15 gms. Large breeds and heavy breeds,20gms, Performance and race horses 25 gms. Double the dose for horses grazing oxalate pastures. SEAWEED MEAL (KELP) Seaweed meal is a good sourse of bioavailable iodine and should be fed cautiously. Too much is bad and too little is pointless, There are 46 minerals present in seaweed including potassium, iodine, sodium, selenium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, copper and iron, It is a rich source of vitamin B12. Its biological functions include anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-tumour anti-inflammatory. It contains 7 out of 10 essential amino acids - isoleucine, leucine, alanine, arginine, methionine, lysine and threonine. There are some contra-indications for seaweed meal. Some horses cannot tolerate seaweed meal as it can cause excess energy, erratic behaviour and weight loss. Hyperthyroid horses should not be given seaweed meal at all. Horses that are hypothyroid (fat) do very well when being fed seaweed meal as this can aid stimulating the thyroid and aid in weight management. DOSES ARE THE SAME AS DOLOMITE. BREWERS YEAST Brewers yeast contains all the B group vitamins except B12 which is good to combine with seaweed meal in adding complete vitamin B supplements. It is also a source of selenium and chromium, Brewers yeast improves glucose tolerance and may reduce blood sugar levels, making it an excellent supplement for Laminitic horses and EMS horses. B group vitamins also are essential in maintaining health to the nervous system and can sometimes produce a calming effect for some horses. Make sure you buy human tablet grade yeast and not the ones sold in supermarkets as these do not contain any B group vitamins. Minis 4.5 gms. Small to large ponies 7.5 gms. Galloways and medium build breeds 10 gms. QH, stock horses and cross breeds 15 gms. T/breds 25 gms. Large breeds, warmbloods, heavy breeds, race and performance 30 gms. ROSEHIPS High in vitamin C, vitamins and minerals and copper. Anti inflammatory and excellent for circulatory problems such as Laminitis. High in flavonoids, anti-oxidants, omegas 3 and 6, iron and cobalt. Helps with arthritic conditions and respiratory problems. Natural immune protector and booster. FOR FURTHER NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS, PLEASE CLICK ON THE PAGE AND FIND THE ARTICLE ON ROSEHIP GRANULES. All ponies up to Galloway size 10 gms. Galloways 15 gms. Medium build horses, QH, stock horses, cross breeds and small hacks 20 gms. T/breds 30 gms. Large breeds, heavy breeds, race and performance 40 gms. Double the dose when illness occurs or when horses are convalescing. GARLIC PLEASE CLICK ON THE PAGE AND FIND THE ARTICLE ON THE BENEFITS OF GARLIC. So as you can see, you can achieve optimum health and vitality with all the vitamins and minerals through whole feeds and organic supplements. There is no need to feed anything else including synthetic vitamins and minerals. It is all obtained through natural sources. Horses are biologically engineered to eat, absorb and function as nature intended. Unfortunately, not all sources are available naturally for horses anymore so we have found a number of highly nutritive foods to substitute what is missing from our pastures. If there is anything I have forgotten, I will edit to add. The references I have used are The complete horse herbal Victoria Ferguson. Julliete De Bairacli Levy Hilary Page Self
14.01.2022 PEMF wins over this sceptic. Lol
14.01.2022 First PEMF session for Roy. Once again I seem to attract the dogs who want to get in on the action. Not to worry, I came prepared with the Pet Pad so the dogs c...ould have a little trial of their own. PEMF can assist the body’s overall wellness and function. Regular use of PEMF will help maintain general wellness which is currently one of the only ways to fight this virus. PEMF has been shown to: * Increase oxygenation, which will help keep cells healthy and functioning optimally * Stimulates the mitochondria to produce more ATP, the energy molecule of the body -like gas for a car, which will help fuel the body systems to continue normal cell function * Decreases inflammation which is one of the side effects of infection, helping the cells recover faster and potentially remain healthy, thereby limiting the spread of the infection from cell to cell. All three of these PEMF benefits are essential to a healthy functioning immune system, and are vital to routine healthy body function. There is some research on PEMF and viral infections, which is promising in that PEMF can: * Decrease inflammation and therefore decrease the cytokines that cause inflammation * Combat the virus itself, not by affecting the growth or ability of the virus to live, but by altering some of the parts of the virus as it is replicating (making copies) itself. This creates a weakness in the virus, changing the levels of infection, which can allow the body to have time to heal. * Improve cell resistance to infection, leading to suppression of the infection. We recommend supporting the body with PEMF, which will help maintain a naturally healthy environment with normally functioning cells. By using PEMF wellness sessions, general health can be supported. It is important to note, just like in supplement use, that as COVID19 is a new virus no studies on its behaviour in relationship to PEMF have been completed. We would recommend frequent if not daily full body and specifically chest wellness sessions to facilitate the healthiest state possible and therefore limit illness. #pemf #pemftherapy #equinetherapy #pettherapy #wellness #healing #sportinjury #sportrecovery #equinerehab #equinerehabilitation #showjumping #dressagehorse #painrelief
13.01.2022 PEMF Therapy To Build Immunity for Coronavirus (COVID-19)March 24, 2020By livingsmile
10.01.2022 So today was an emotional day! I said goodbye to Poppy! Thank you Poppy for being the best that you could for me. You have a huge heart and has brought me so joy. I hope that you bring the same joy to your new human as you did for me. He is headed to Victoria. Left on the truck this Afternoon. But before he left I gave him a treat to help him have a good trip with a treatment from All Creatures Pulse Therapy PEMF Thank you Lisa Jayne See more
08.01.2022 Nominations are now open for our first two rounds Thank you for sponsoring us in 2020 We can’t wait to see you at our events
07.01.2022 I'd like to wish all my clients and there Pulsed ponies best of luck at the big show today! Ride safe and have fun!.
07.01.2022 Great results, Little miracles, Happy horses,Happy humans.. Winning!!!
06.01.2022 Nothing like a post Pulse snooze.
06.01.2022 ACPT will be in Gin Gin, Childers,Appletree and Bundaberg, on Tuesday and Wednesday. PM or txt for an appointment.
04.01.2022 LET'S TALK TLC: with Teneille Angland 1. How important is it to you to give your horses some TLC? I am a huge believer in loving on horses in general. I believe all of the horses I’ve had over the years try so hard for me and have become successful because they know how much I love them! 2. What therapies do you use on your horses and why? I try to get Bruce Marsh to work on my horses whenever I cross his path; he is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the equine body. I recently purchased Back on Track boots and really love them! I also have an old Dick Wicks magnetic rug that I’ve had for over 15 years and I still use when stabling overnight. Whenever I’m near someone who does PEMF Therapy I try to get that done too, I like it because I’ve had it done on myself and I believe it helps circulation and pain as it works on a cellular level. 3. What supplements/feeds do you use and why? I am a huge believer in SweetPro and EquiPride, my horses spend a lot of time in the paddock on grass and with the SweetPro I know they’re getting everything they need and they always look a million bucks. I’m a long time feeder of Pryde’s EasiFeed, so leading into events I use their extruded grain feeds. And finally good quality lucerne is always a must! 4. Have you seen any therapies out there that you are yet to try but would love to? The one thing I’d love to have access to is Cold Spa Therapy, it’s a treadmill in cold salt water. It looks like an awesome low impact way to keep an older competition horse fit. 5. If you were stuck on a desert island with just you and your horse what would be the one thing you would take to make sure he get's his TLC? Definitely great Lucerne and SweetPro.
03.01.2022 <3 NOMINATIONS FOR ROUNDS 3 & 4 <3 Links for each round are on the website ... Remember, you must enter each round separately. Keep an eye out in your emails for confirmation of entries *** Pre-paid entries only ***
02.01.2022 My clients horse tripped coming home from the 3rd barrel at a barrel race, and came up lame as seen in video. Veterinarian recommended waiting over weekend. So,... of course we go straight to pulsing! 4 days difference PEMF is pretty amazing This. This. This. This makes my heart happy See more
02.01.2022 While many people consider PEMF devices and TENS units to be in similar categories, these devices have several unique features that set them apart. The use very... different mechanisms of action to achieve therapy results and differ in their applications. TENS units are primarily useful in pain management, while PEMF can facilitate healing in addition to relieving pain. If you are looking for a PEMF session for you or your animals, get in touch today! See more
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