All Lashed Up By Sara | Businesses
All Lashed Up By Sara
Phone: +61 431 642 023
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24.01.2022 Our amazing Vitamin E skin care range Our Iconic Vitamin E range has been with us since 1977! Vitamin E is a nutrient we mostly absorb from our food however it can be absorbed through our skincare also It has hydrating and protective benefits for the skin and could even slow down premature aging. It’s an antioxidant which helps to protect your skin from harsh environmental factors and keeps your skin healthy and bouncy. #hyaluronicacid #plumpskin #healthyskinfood #vitamine #fightprematureaging #byebyebotoxouch #softhealthyplumpskin #aroundsince1977
23.01.2022 Ooohhh I’m lovin this natural volume look not too heavy on the eyes and they look so natural! I love it when my clients get asked if these are their natural lashes #AllLashedUpBySara #Natural #SoFluffy #NaturalVolume #GorgeousEyes #IWokeUpThisWay
22.01.2022 How absolutely amazing are our eyeshadow palettes! And we have our fabulous guest offer to get these for a steal! Pm me! #vegan #highlypigmented #matte #shimmer #versitile #multiuse #gorgeouscolours #eyeshadowpalette #crueltyfree
22.01.2022 Need extra $$$ for Christmas are you in the beauty industry and want an awesome side hustle like I have??? Ask me for more info NOW! #bossbabe #sidehustle #thebodyshopathome #loveyourjob
21.01.2022 Ooohhh oohhh aahhh aaahhh sexy eyes... and eyebrows... I know you sang that lol Today I played around using some of my Beauty Ambassador skills using our Own Your Naturals eyeshadow palette wet to give an amazing high pigmented pop of colour to my eyes, 2 coats of our Super Volume Mascara and fill in those 90’s brows with our Brow and Line Kit and I’m ready to... well... go out in my backyard lol But at least I look gorgeous for my family and my dogs lol #Beautyambassador2020 #ownyournaturalseyeshadow #lookinggoodandnowwheretogo #lovemakeup #newskills #thebodyshopathome #workfromhome #weneedmakeupartists #joinmyteam
21.01.2022 This is the face I made tonight when my team hit $200,000 in sales this month excited doesn’t even explain my emotions right now! Thank you to you guys, my amazing customers for supporting my little/massive adventure xxx I’m so grateful to you all xxx Want to join an amazing team, with one of the worlds most famous, luxurious brands? Messsge me... I need Xmas casuals now!!! #bossbabes #workfromhome #luxurybrand #worldfamousproducts # Xmascasuals #justgiveitatry #burstingwithexcitement #bringonpeaktrade #beauty #makeup #pamperyourselfandothers
20.01.2022 My 13 year old daughter wanted lashes for her school photos Not only are my girls lucky enough to get free lashes, they also have every item from The Body Shop to play with! #LittleMissLashes #AllLashedUpBySara #WokeUpLikeThis #Natural
20.01.2022 Nice and natural classic lash set xxx #classiclooksbeautiful #nomascaraneeded
17.01.2022 Who needs Botox when we have this? #botoxinajar #byebyesaggyskin #helloyouth #dropsofyouth #plantstemcells #giveitatry
17.01.2022 Our Advent Calendars are coming soon which means Christmas isn’t far away!! Last year we sold out in hours and this year will be so much quicker, so if you’d like one, DM me now xx #hohoho #bestgiftever #beauty #feelgoodgifting #whocanyouspoil? #limitededitionscents
17.01.2022 This was a beautiful surprise to come home to thank you TBSAH team I pinch myself every day that I get to work for such an amazing company and so many inspiring people xx
16.01.2022 Gorgeous set of peepers :)
16.01.2022 How amazing is our makeup! Get the look Want sun kissed effortless looking skin. Here’s some hacks and a step by step walk through on this look. 1. Apply VITAMIN C SKIN BOOST. I apply this with my fingers but you can apply with a brush if you wish ... 2. Apply a light layer of FRESH NUDE FOUNDATION with the BAMBOO FOUNDATION BRUSH (this is the foundationbrush with the densely packed bristles) apply in a ‘stippling’ or ‘patting’ motion do not drag down the face. Always apply your foundation from the middle of your face working outwards. 3. Apply FRESH NUDE CONCEALER under the eye. Create a v under the eye and blend out wards up towards the top of the cheekbone and towards the temple. Use a concealer lighter than your foundation as we are wanting to highlight the area. 4. Apply 1x pump of the COCONUT BRONZE WASH OFF TAN to the back of your hand (your using this as a palette) Then using the BAMBOO DUO FIBRE BRUSH ( pictured ) stipple small amounts of the tan into the forehead, cheeks, jawline and a tiny bit on the nose. Ensure this is blended and work quickly 5. Comb brows into place with CLEAR LASH and BROW GEL 6. Apply HAPPY GO LASH MASCARA 7. Use BORN LIPPY STRAWBERRY to finish the look. Super quick and easy for a natural ‘I woke up like this’ makeup. #beautyambassador
15.01.2022 Get the look Want sun kissed effortless looking skin. Here’s some hacks and a step by step walk through on this look. 1. Apply VITAMIN C SKIN BOOST. I apply this with my fingers but you can apply with a brush if you wish ... 2. Apply a light layer of FRESH NUDE FOUNDATION with the BAMBOO FOUNDATION BRUSH (this is the foundationbrush with the densely packed bristles) apply in a ‘stippling’ or ‘patting’ motion do not drag down the face. Always apply your foundation from the middle of your face working outwards. 3. Apply FRESH NUDE CONCEALER under the eye. Create a v under the eye and blend out wards up towards the top of the cheekbone and towards the temple. Use a concealer lighter than your foundation as we are wanting to highlight the area. 4. Apply 1x pump of the COCONUT BRONZE WASH OFF TAN to the back of your hand (your using this as a palette) Then using the BAMBOO DUO FIBRE BRUSH ( pictured ) stipple small amounts of the tan into the forehead, cheeks, jawline and a tiny bit on the nose. Ensure this is blended and work quickly 5. Comb brows into place with CLEAR LASH and BROW GEL 6. Apply HAPPY GO LASH MASCARA 7. Use BORN LIPPY STRAWBERRY to finish the look. Super quick and easy for a natural ‘I woke up like this’ makeup. #beautyambassador
15.01.2022 More gorgeous lashes today xxx
15.01.2022 Gorgeous blue eyes xxx #nomascaraneeded #lovelashing #lovemyjob
15.01.2022 So exciting when your last month freebies arrive this company absolutely rewards us for the work we put in #tookachance #liveandbreathebodyshop #runningoutofroom #thebodyshopathome #dreamjob #giveitatry #number2beautybrandinaustralia #crueltyfree #vegetarian #innerbeautyshinesout #joinmyteam
14.01.2022 How gorgeous is our Snow Globe it is such an amazing gift for little people like nieces and nephews and it is filled with products to make you smell amaze balls! And it’s also a money box so a great way to help them save and crack it open Christmas next year and see how much they have saved #toocute #almostasbigasmyhead #moneybox #giftsthatkeepgiving #iwantone #beautythathelpstgeworldanditspeople #beautyambassador2020 #thebodyshop #iknowwhatmyfamilyareallgettingthisyear
13.01.2022 Hello happy skin #clearerskin #ultimatepampering #youneedtotrythis #bestseller #facemask #healthyskin #beautyshinesfromwithin
12.01.2022 What a day today has been at Xmas Launch with The Body Shop At Home my team have had a killer 2 months and looking to kick some more ass for the next 3 months coming! But I need help! Looking for a fun side gig with a super amazing company, with ingredients helping communities around the world, 100% vegetarian, products that will be guaranteed to make you feel good? DM me now and get on board! #loveyourjob #sidegig #christmascasualswanted #easytostart #thiscouldchangeyourlife #beautyambassador #amazingteam #onehappyteamleaderrighthere #proudmumma
12.01.2022 You can’t beat natural looking beauty This babe has some stunning looking eyes #NaturalVolume #IWokeUpLikeThis #AreTheyYours #AllLashedUpBySara #NaturalBeauty
11.01.2022 Lusciously thick, healthy looking hair thanks to our banana shampoo and conditioner and a treatment of our Shea hair mask #hairlove #banana shampoo #bananaconditioner #lusciouslocks #hairfood #bleachedbutsohealthy #sheahairmask #happyhairdays
07.01.2022 Classic is best :) Miss lashing :( #goawaycovid19 #lovewhatido #classiclooksbest
05.01.2022 I’ve just done a LIVE on my VIP page on how to use our amazing makeup Before and after So bloody quick and easy anyone can do it All with 7 products! 1. Vitamin C Skin Boost to prime and smooth out lines and pores 2. Fresh Nude Foundation ... 3. Fresh Nude Serum Concealer to cover my redness and spider veins 4. Shimmer Waves in Bronze to bronze, highlight and as eyeshadow and over lip balm 5. Lash Sport waterproof mascara 2 coats on top lashes and 1 on bottom 5. Brow and Liner kit for my 90’s brows 6. Vitamin E lip balm Head over to to watch it and join my VIP group x #AllLashedUpBySara #TheBodyShopAtHomeConsultant #MakeupMadeEasy #SoQuick #ByeBye90’sBrows #CrueltyFree See more
03.01.2022 MAKEUP ARTISTS AND ENTHUSIASTS REJOICE!!! Omg!!! I’ve had these brushes in my hot little hands for the last month and I’ve been DYING to show you all!!! HOW EXCITING EARLY release ... available NOW! Meet the NEW BAMBOO MAKE-UP BRUSH COLLECTION!... Get the most out of your make-up with brushes that really do their job. With a brush for each essential, our new, super-soft make-up brushes are here to simplify your daily make-up routine. The new range is made from bamboo, known for its sustainability, and their bristles are completely cruelty-free! These brushes kick ass! They are better than our previous ones we had which so many make up artists raved about.... so imagine how amazing these are! #bamboo #newbrushes #makeupartistsbestfriend #webragbecausetheyareamazing #crueltyfree #amazeballs #sosoft #worldfamous #thebodyshopathome #flawless
03.01.2022 Gorgeous and natural looking classic set #nomascaraneeded #wakeupgorgeous #sleepin #naturalbeauty
03.01.2022 Beauty ambassador training with The Body Shop At Home #beautyambassador #lovemyjob #makeup #getyourglowon #koalaheadbandsforacause #learningonline #thebodyshopathome #opportunityofalifetime
03.01.2022 Oh my Lordy Lordy! Check out these gorgeous eyes! Her lashes were soooo long I had to use the longest lashes I had! Absolutely amazing xxx #AllLashedUpBySara #SuperLong #IWokeUpLikeThis #SoNatural #GorgeousEyes #DebReady #BacchusMarshLashTech
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