All Body Transformations in Robina, Queensland | Gym/Physical fitness centre
All Body Transformations
Locality: Robina, Queensland
Phone: +61 417 428 972
Address: 31 Bellatrix st 4227 Robina, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 Diet strategies. There are so many diet strategies out there. Zone diet, fasting, keto, paleo, vegan, south beach, low carb, high carb and I recently saw a sponsored post for the cookie diet. There are people in all camps going on about how (insert diet type here) helped them lose x amount of kilos. There is NOTHING special about any of these diets in terms of weight loss. They all did it through one mechanism - they helped the person create a calorie deficit. IE. They help...ed the person consume LESS calories than they burned for the day. That’s it! At the end if the day if you want to lose weight, choose a strategy that puts you in a calorie deficit & one you can sustain in the LONG term. Not just for a 6,8 or 12 week challenge.
23.01.2022 Cool image by Dr Spencer Nadolsky who is also a practicing physician and a doctor who actually lifts. His specialty is health, obesity & fat loss. We’re all guilty of it (even me) but this is reflective of what happens to the body when it becomes the norm.
23.01.2022 Whilst some types of diets might suit people better, none are more superior than the next when it comes to weight loss. The law of thermodynamics applies - be in a deficit to lose weight / fat.
22.01.2022 Another B/S news article on artificial sweeteners. From the title, it demonises them immediately. Read into it & the facts are revealed. The three topics are stroke, dementia & weight gain. Pays to read the article & more importantly check the studies cited and methods used. Dementia Claim: that 2 cans per day increased the risk of dementia. Then they concluded by saying that after accounting for all lifestyle factors, researchers deemed the link to be statistically insigni...ficant. Stroke Claim: 2 cans per day increased the risk of a stroke. The study was on obese women (hardly representative of the total population) and concluded that although a link, couldn’t prove diet drinks caused strokes. Weight gain Claim is that phenylalanine disrupted the metabolic rate and the sweet taste with fewer calories caused a feeding frenzy. Study was on fruit flies & mice. They concluded by saying that the results may not be the same for humans and that low calorie sweetened food could help keep weight off and is better for our teeth. I thought you'd be interested in this article.
22.01.2022 How heavy? This morning’s deadlifts for 4 sets of 6 with 4 second eccentric (lowering). I’ve had some niggles & tightness the past couple of months so it’s nice to see these getting back up there. Still a bit to go, slowly chipping away.
22.01.2022 There are plenty of theories, quick fix diets etc that claim to speed up the metabolism to induce fat loss. Most are just B/S. This info graph explains it pretty well.
20.01.2022 I’ve covered this in a previous post but if optimal health is your goal, don’t ignore aerobic work as part of your overall training program. Weight training is mostly anaerobic in nature & is essential for increasing strength & building muscle however the body likes equilibrium (things in balance) and energy systems (aerobic & anaerobic) are no different. We recycle energy through the aerobic energy system (think recovery between intense sets when lifting). A better aerobic system is not only great for heart health but will allow you to recover faster between sets meaning more work can be performed in a session. Signs your energy systems are imbalanced: - High resting heart rate - High waking heart rate. Anything over 65 when you first wake is high - Anxiety feelings - Feeling of always on the go - Inability to calm down before bed - Trouble falling & staying asleep - Elevated heart rate after walking up a flight of stairs If you have any of these signs, look at your program (and life in general) - it is most likely you are too much on the anaerobic side with poor aerobic capacity. If you mostly lift, try reducing the number of lifting sessions and incorporating some aerobic work. You don’t need much (unless you want to run a marathon) and it takes around 8 weeks of consistently doing it to experience to full benefits. I do 5 minutes on the bike with RPE (rate perceived exertion) of 5/10 followed by time on the treadmill at 10 km/h. I do this 1-2 times per week and at this pace can now maintain 45 minutes in total (although I ran out of time this session).
20.01.2022 Really good summary on BCAA’s by Luke Tulloch (@_luketulloch). Luke is a top trainer in Sydney and has a degree in Neuroscience. He would be one of the most intelligent people in the fitness industry and puts out really good content that is science based and not based on bull shit. If you aren’t already, I recommend following him. BCAA’s are 3 essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine & valine and every supplement store sells them. Most take them pre or intra workout (you’ve all seen people at the gym with sipping their coloured water - most likely BCAA’s). As said above BCAA’s make up 3 of the 9 essential amino acids. You need the other ones too which makes them an over priced alternative. Don’t let the supplement store person sell you them by pushing the so called benefits as the cost to benefit ratio doesn’t stack up.
20.01.2022 Well said from @thefitpharmacist
20.01.2022 If your gym has one of these, I suggest giving it a go - Swiss bar. Very good for pressing movements (bench, shoulder etc) especially for people who have or are experiencing shoulder issues. The neutral grip and other grip variations allow for better positioning of the shoulder joint during these movements thus reducing pain.
20.01.2022 Should you train with lighter weight, higher reps or heavier weight and lower reps? This depends on your goal. If you are a powerlifter or strongman, you’ll tend to gravitate to lower reps. A bodybuilder or physique person can spend periods alternating between lower & higher reps. Injuries or rehabbing an injury too will have you gravitating towards lighter weight & more reps so as to not aggravate the injury. This is where smart periodisation is key. Knowing when to switch between these types of training is very important to gains & avoiding plateaus.
19.01.2022 Sohee Fit is one of my favourite female fitness industry figures. This is a great summary of why just eating healthy isn’t enough in most cases if you are looking to lose weight / fat. I’ve heard it so many times - why can’t I just eat healthy or I eat healthy but the weight isn’t dropping. First off - improve your relationship with food first. If you have a history of crash diets, pills, 8/12 week challenges & booty camps, fad diets (the big ones at the moment are keto... and carnivore) STOP this sort of crap and improve your relationship with food & exercise. Only after this is mastered, do I recommend the next step. THEN Once you have a consistent eating pattern that doesn’t cut macronutrients out, you’re eating enough food and your exercise is consistent focusing on a combination of weight training & aerobic work, start tracking your food intake using an app such as My Fitness Pal. Put everything in there - most people are very surprised how little tastes here, nibbles there add up & can put you in a massive energy surplus which when you are trying to lose weight / fat isn’t what you want.
18.01.2022 I haven’t posted for a while but here’s one to get your brains thinking on a Friday. This post is by Dr Shawn Baker who is a strong advocate of the carnivore diet. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a diet that ONLY eats meat - no fruits and extremely limited veggies. Here he compares the look between him and the DJ Moby who is a well known vegan. Personally I don’t agree with him and believe optimal health lies (and the studies support this) with in the right ratios combining both.
18.01.2022 So I've posted a bit about energy balance and how to lose weight you need to be in a deficit, to remain weight stable you need your calories in to match your calories out and to gain weight you need a surplus of calories. Unfortunately, it's a little more complicated than a simple math equation as there are so many factors that influence the equation. Lean muscle, NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), training load / volume, daily tasks all play a role. Now, you could... use a TDEE calculator to work out your numbers. Problem is this is purely a number and the calculator can still be wrong. It is a guide and not 100% correct. For those who have dieted for too long, the body will adapt to run on low calories. If you calculate your maintenance to be 1600 calories and you eat this an gain weight, guess what? You are not in a deficit regardless of what the calculator says. To lose weight, this means increasing calories out (energy expenditure) and / or decreasing calories in (food intake). However there are many ways to manipulate the CICO equation without increasing exercise (energy out) or decreasing energy in (food intake) which is my preferred way first off. Most simply increase exercise (volume or frequency) & decrease food intake. There is a better way....
17.01.2022 Do you need sled pushes & other high intensity sprints for fat loss?
17.01.2022 Another cool one from Sohee Fit which leads on from a previous post. You don’t need to detox! Your body already does this. Your skin, liver, kidneys & other organs are incredibly effective at removing unwanted substances. You just need to give your body the right materials, enzymes and co-factors (which are found in a varied diet with adequate protein).
17.01.2022 Great post by @_luketulloch Those looking to lose body fat & retain muscle then here are some tips to follow.
17.01.2022 Great summarisation by Poliquin Group as to the reason why women should do strength training. Don’t worry girls, you won’t get bulky. Saying this is like me saying I don’t want to drive my Mazda in case it turns into a Ferrari.
17.01.2022 Reasons you’re not growing muscle. To build real lean tissue is bloody hard work, even more so when you have some training experience under your belt. In order to grow, you need a few things all lined up. 1) Training: mechanical tension & metabolic stress. Mechanical tension is simply the amount of weight you’re moving. Anyone looking to change their physique needs to spend time lifting big compound movements in the 3-6 rep ranges. Don’t waste your time doing pumpy high rep ...step class BS if building lean tissue is your goal. Women to, more often than not want this. Move some heavy shit and get stronger. Hard for most with gyms currently closed but when they re-open, hit the heavy stuff. Metabolic stress is damage, it’s getting the burn. This is where damage to the muscle occurs. Higher rep isolated movements (flys, curls, tricep extensions, leg press / curl etc) can be beneficial to induce the burn and expose the muscle to more total time under tension. A good program will periodise between both. 2) Calories. You can’t build a house without enough materials and this goes for muscle also. A 60 kg woman won’t build lean muscle eating 800 calories a day and 80 kg guys won’t do it on 1800 calories a day either. You need to eat a slight surplus to give your body the fuel to build muscle. Physiologically, it is considered non-essential to life so this is why it is down the priority list for the body. You need more than your body needs to maintain normal function so it can use this to build. Too many more though will result in unwanted fat gain. 3) Consistency & patience. Be consistent day in day out and give it time. Building muscle and getting stronger does not happen overnight. In today’s age with so many BS programs promising cover model results in 4 weeks, 6 week booty programs, people want things now. Unfortunately reality is, it takes longer than this and more work than most are willing to put in. Set realistic goals, aim to get progressively stronger over time.
16.01.2022 Want to really train your quads? Perform a squat (barbell, dumbbell or body weight) with your heels elevated on a wedge board or weight plates. Remember to keep your chest up!Want to really train your quads? Perform a squat (barbell, dumbbell or body weight) with your heels elevated on a wedge board or weight plates. Remember to keep your chest up!
15.01.2022 Post from Dr Layne Norton (BioLayne LLC) which is spot on. If you’re not losing weight, you’re by definition not in a calorie deficit. You only gain weight if in a calorie surplus. If you’ve put the numbers into an on line calculator and eaten the calories it said to, it means the calculation for you is wrong, not the calculator itself. Questions to ask yourself honestly:... 1) Was I tracking everything I eat / drink? With the exception of water and zero calorie soft drink, sauces, sugary drinks can up your calorie amount very quickly. 2) Did I use an app / detailed notes etc or was I just eye-balling? Eye-balling food accurately takes time (months even) of tracking so you learn to see approximately how many calories are in certain food types. Suggest to track for a while so you get an idea (personally I don’t track green veggies though). 3) What was my non-incidental activity like? In addition to normal exercise (ideally structured strength training), aim for at least 7,000 steps per day. 4) Have I been consistent over a long enough period? Play the long game and the results and you will hang onto the results for longer.
15.01.2022 The top three components of results in the gym: 1) Consistency To use a golf analogy- play the long game. Being consistent over a 12 month period & setting small goals along the way will yield better results than committing to a 12 week challenge with a big goal in mind. Consistency in the form of diet & training is essential. Are you tracking your sessions & food intake? Remember - just eating healthy can still result in gaining weight or plateauing out. Building musc...le & losing fat & keeping it off is a slow process. 2) Progressive overload The weights should be increasing. This is the number 1 sign you are getting stronger once skill acquisition has been mastered. If the weights are going up, it means you are growing muscle. Even for the ladies - more lean muscle means more definition, higher metabolic rate, increased chance of fat loss. You won’t get bulky & ugly - women lack the natural testosterone levels for this to occur. 3) Diet This leads on from number 1). If you are looking to gain muscle, you need a slight calorie surplus, around 5%. You don’t need crazy 20-30% surplus. This will result in getting fat. When you get fat, inflammation occurs, the cells become insulin resistant & will not uptake the nutrients (food you’re slamming down). If fat loss is the goal, you need a calorie deficit. How much deficit depends on your starting point. Those with more weight to lose can be quite aggressive - up to 25%. Those with less to lose, I’d recommend around a 10% deficit. Play the long game. Don’t do a 30% to lose 5kg. Yes you will get there fast, but then what? The body is smarter than you & will adapt to the low calories. Then the plateau will occur & the only way to induce further fat loss is by dropping calories more or increasing exercise.
15.01.2022 Festive season - did you train, eat right & maintain discipline? If not, then congratulations you’re human. Unless you are in the middle of a prep to get on stage, the most important question this time of year is did you enjoy it with family / friends? I’ve done 3 sessions the past week & a half and eaten so much food I’m sick of the sight of turkey, ham, potato bake, rum balls, apricot balls, chocolate and pretty much every bit of Christmas food you can think of. Was my c...onditioning (body fat) affected? Yes, body fat has increased. Simple maths - more energy going in (food intake) than energy going out (exercise, walking around, opting to sit & watch the Boxing Day test). Did my strength suffer? No. Actually each session saw new PB’s in one or more lifts (including a new 12RM trap bar deadlift of 175kg). Maybe the increased glycogen levels, more rest between sessions? Point is enjoy this time of year, let go a bit. You can always use the other 50-51 weeks of the year to be more strict. Your performance in the gym won’t suffer.
14.01.2022 Does your physique/body reflect your effort in & out of the gym? If not, question to ask yourself: 1) Does your training reflect your goals? So many do exercise programs that don’t align to their goals. E.g. goal might be to build lean muscle but they’re doing Bootcamps & running and not doing a dedicated hypertrophy training program design to build muscle. 2) Nutrition ... Is your nutrition paired to your goals? If the goal is fat loss and you have no idea how many calories you’re consuming and the macronutrient breakdown (ie. protein/carbs/fat) then how do you know if you’re in a calorie deficit? A deficit is the only way to lose fat. It’s the law of thermodynamics. You must consume less than you burn. If you’re unsure, punch your food into an app such as My Fitness Pal to give you an idea. You’ll be surprised. Conversely if your trying to build muscle then you need to be around your maintenance calories, maybe even a slight surplus (no more than 10% otherwise expect mostly fat gain). 3) NEAT Non-exercise activity thermogenesis is all movement outside of structured exercise. Are you moving enough outside of the gym? Good way to track this is through steps. Most smartphones have a pedometer. If you’re less than 2000 a day, try going for a walk. Great for de-stressing and has health benefits too.
14.01.2022 Stop taking health & nutritional advice from celebrities. Dr Layne Norton explains his top 5 celebrity worst offenders in this video. Pretty funny but highlights how bullshit science is spread & people actually believe it because it’s a celebrity promoting it.
13.01.2022 Great read from the guys at on nutritional myths that won’t go away.
12.01.2022 Rule #1 in the gym: leave your ego at the door. For a while there, even I was ignoring this rule. I’d purposely program exercises I knew I was good at and could move a decent amount of weight on. Perhaps this was to stroke my own ego or to purposely avoid exercises I knew I was weak on. Take the standing barbell press. I hated this exercise purely because I was weak at it - think my max would have been 45kg. The seated barbell press I can do around 80kg. Straight away this ...tells me my core, lower back & stabilizers were weak but as I couldn’t lift a lot, I got no ego lift from it. F$ck that! I then programmed it in as a primary lift on its own day. To get better, you need to face your weaknesses & fears head on. Fast forward, a 70kg press is the culmination of working on this deficiency. Core strength has improved too. So stay humble in & out of the gym and leave the ego. Look at where you’re weak & attack those weaknesses. You’ll find other things in & out of the gym will also improve.
12.01.2022 This is what’s wrong with the weight loss industry. Quick fixes, pills etc to solve weight problems rather than looking at longer term solutions including individual habits & educating people on portion control and energy balance. Thing is, as a society we DO NOT have a weight loss problem. To quote Dr Layne Norton - The statistics in the USA (and they are probably similar here) are that 6 out every 7 people who have weight problems can and will lose weight in their lifetim...e. Weight loss isn’t the problem. The issue is weight regain. Approximately 60% will regain weight lost within 12 months, 85% will regain the weight lost in 2 years and 95% will regain the weight lost within 3 years. So diets have a 95% fail rate. And 50% will not only regain the weight but add on more. It’s the sustainability of what they are doing that is the issue. Pills, crash diets are not sustainable so what happens when they stop taking pills or go back to eating normal after crash dieting... you guessed it, weight rebound and they’re back to square one or resorting to the quick fixes again.
10.01.2022 ATP Science were voted Australia’s number 1 supplement company.
09.01.2022 You know your quads are hammered when..... (complete the sentence)
08.01.2022 Pretty good graphic explaining the difference between weight & fat loss. Usually when people say they want to lose weight the really mean body fat. But they will hit the treadmill or waste time with crappy step / pump classes. Instead, go lift some heavy shit. Get stronger and build some lean muscle. More often than not, that’s the look you’re actually after.
07.01.2022 Deadlifts.... pick the weight up, then put it down again. Then repeat. Sounds simple right?
06.01.2022 The supplement industry is BIG business. ATP Science were recently voted Australia’s best supplement company. I used to listen to their podcast until recently as a few of their episodes started to have me questioning their real motives. At first, it appeared they were about health & looking after people with natural, quality products but when critical thinking was applied, I really started to question what they were saying. Quite often they would quote a study supporting th...eir theory (and product) but I knew of several studies on the topic that went against what they were saying. Obviously they have an agenda - to sell a product. Jackson Peos is a PhD candidate in Exercise Science based in WA. This is one switched on guy. He is extremely versed in the interpretation of scientific data & like Dr Layne Norton, isn’t afraid to call out bullshit. The link below he calls out ATP Science on some of their products. Worth a read to save some $$.
06.01.2022 Can you get fat eating healthy food? Can you get lean / lose weight eating unhealthy food?Can you get fat eating healthy food? Can you get lean / lose weight eating unhealthy food?
05.01.2022 Hitting new PB’s is always good. It means you’re getting stronger and the work you’re doing is paying off. Chasing new PB’s when calorie intake is low is near on impossible and never much fun. Energy will be lower, sleep & recovery will be impaired so motivation may drop. At the moment, my calories are in the low side. This is only a short term cut and not something i’ll sustain. You need food to grow lean muscle. If you grow, you’ll get stronger and that is when true body ...transformations happen. Need to work out your calorie level? I use It’s not perfect but it will give you an idea. Tweak it until you are starting to drop / gain weight (whichever the goal). The goal however is to maintain strength / lean mass & if you can hit new PB’s then that is a bonus.
03.01.2022 Didn’t get into the shape you wanted for summer? Don’t worry, only 9 months until summer rolls around again so start doing the work now!!
03.01.2022 Jason in the middle of a 28 rep trap bar deadlift & 50 rep leg sled set. This is a volume phase where I’m deliberately pushing him over his limits through high rep training to failure. Obviously this phase you don’t run for too long. Premise here is to send the body a message. Throw in some high rep presses & rows and that is the whole body done.
01.01.2022 Don’t neglect training the lower body posterior chain. By this I mean glutes down to your ankles. Try this workout. A1) Deadlift - either barbell or trap bar. Trap bar will put a little more emphasis on the quads. Do 2x8 (heavy lifting) and one set taken to 2 reps short of failure. B1) Barbell glute bridges. Aim for 3 x 10. Great exercise for guys looking to improve their deadlift & ladies looking to sculpt the booty. Your butt should be on fire after these. If not, the wei...ght is too light. Again, lift reasonably heavy. C1) Romanian Deadlifts (RDL). Love these for the hamstrings. In the majority of people, the hamstrings respond better to heavy weight, low reps. I recommend staying in the 6-8 reps for 3 sets & keep your back tight. D1) Wide stance leg press. 3 x 12. Again, butt & probably quads will be feeling these. E1) Walking lunge. 2 x 15 (each side). Start with body weight & work up to dumbbells. E2) Standing calf raises. 2 x 25. Superset with the walking lunges. Calves respond better to high reps so get them burning.
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