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All Day Long, Childcare and Education in Armstrong Creek | Education

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All Day Long, Childcare and Education

Locality: Armstrong Creek

Phone: +61 3 5264 1446

Address: 337 Charlemont Road 3217 Armstrong Creek, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 ATT: All Fathers, Time is ticking by and Mothers Day is fast approaching with just 4 more shopping days until we show how amazing and special mums truly are. We believe that home made and made with love have that added extra special wow impact, so please see below our suggestions of thing which you can make with your little ones in preparation of the big day ... Wishing every mum a special day of rest, love and being spoilt.

25.01.2022 TGI Friday = Pizza and movie night Make a simple pizza dough; equal parts flour, natural yoghurt (dairy free if required) and a pinch of salt, mix together and knead, or alternatively use wraps, pittas or pizza bases, but shhh Chef Cynthia says this is her secret recipe, especially when she adds a sprinkle of herbs through the dough............ Children of all ages enjoy, kneading stretching and pushing the dough, before spreading the sauce on the top and then adding from a selection of toppings. Tip of the day; small bowls with a verity of toppings of all different colours helps support children in colour recognition, exploring flavours, and making art before getting to enjoy these wonderfully tasty and healthy dishes, all whilst giving their fine motor muscles and hand eye coordination a good work out. What a great way to enjoy a Friday night with the family. Feel free to show us your creations and fun pizza making day #pizzanight #TGIFriday #alldaylong #wadawurrungland #healthyfunfood #childcareandedcuation #shareyourfunwithus

24.01.2022 After our daily Acknowledgement of Country we read the story Stolen Girl, to continue to support the childrens emerging knowledge and connection to the land and original custodians - the Wadawurrung people. We discussed the sad things that happened and how sorry we were about them and how sad we would be if it happened to us- along with the importance it is to know and understand our right and the rights of others. The children all went on to then enjoy creating their sorry... hands, using the colours of the Aboriginal flag, discussing the symbolism found in the colours as well as to start creating their large Bunjil for their display, in dedication of National Sorry Day, tomorrow........ #alldaylong #NationalSorryDay #Wadawurrungpeople #childcareandeducation #empowerwithknowledge #childrensrights

23.01.2022 Dear families, Please note that All Day Long, Childcare and Education will remain open unless we are advised to close at any point from the department. From Monday 3rd of August all children, parents/guardians and staff will continue to have their temperature checked on arrival. This is a measure which we will use to continue to safeguard the whole All Day Long community.... Please ensure all parents/guardians are wearing a mask at all times when entering the Centre. Please continue to be mindful and exclude any children who are unwell or have been tested for Covid until a negative result has been received. If you have any question please do not hesitate to speak to one of the educators or management team.

22.01.2022 All Day Long are passionate about embedding Indigenous culture throughout our program, and although seen daily in our rooms and programs feel it important to also educate and promote National Sorry Day #wearesorry #alldaylong #childcareandeducation #indigenousculutre #childrensrights #holisticorganicandsustainable

21.01.2022 With us fly through term 3 in our remote learning space, September vacation is nearly upon us. Dont miss out on one of our fabulous vacation care spots - book today

21.01.2022 It is great to see Ollie and his Dad enjoying participating in their annual fundraising event: Give where you live; Geelong This is a charity that really does make a difference, especially at this time of year. It is easy to get lost in the magic that Christmas brings to then forget how lucky we all are, so please take a moment to check out this charity and support those in need.... This wonderful family has also thrown in prizes to all that donate to give back on multiple levels. We are lucky to have you in our centre and community making a difference and sharing the pay it forward approach...... Check out the link to Instagram to learn more: #givewhereyoulive #payingitforward #alldaylong #howluckyweare #doingagooddeed #communityspirit

20.01.2022 Register now for kinder starting January 2021. Taking booking now for kindergarten 2021, wanting a change, or looking at childcare we have free spots until the end of the financial year, along with spots available with immediate starts. Offering a organic natural and holistic approach to care and education.... Dont miss out book your tour today; By calling: 0352641446 Or email: [email protected] Or check out website: Facebook: Or Instagram:

19.01.2022 What a wonderfully Sunny day we are seeing today........ If you are wondering what can fill you sunny days, and keep your little ones entertained, water play is the way to go. If you have a paddling pool, fill it with water, and add various items for them to splash, explore and discove3r with. No paddling pool, no problem! ... Grab a few pots and pans and fill these instead - the children have so much fun splashing, touching, moving and discovering. It is a great way to support cognitive development, vocabulary and language development, as well as emotional and social development, no matter what age. Being mindful not to waste the water, once the fun is complete, using cups ask the children to help water the garden by emptying the water on all the plants, and feeding up a bird bath....... #alldaylong #wadawurrungland #sustainableliving #waterplay #childcareandeducation #openendedplay

18.01.2022 Mable Madness Today the children in the Yurn have been having a blast as they create their very own marble mazes. They started off by moulding play-dough, where we observe children test their engineering skills using trial and error to make a successful maze for their marbles. ... In addition to this the children were able to engage their creative flares as they were inventive and made unique mazes of their own, demonstrating their strong sense of self. For those of you who may be stuck at home, this is a great activity, all you need is an old cardboard box, some play-dough and a marble or ball. Once you have got your maze up and running, we would love to see some photos, and take a look at how your children are implementing their very own engineering abilities. This is such a great way to extend upon children's STEM, fine motor, concentration and persistence skills. Well done Yurn!! #playdoughfun #mazemadness #alldaylong #wadawurrungland #childcareandeducation #STEMplay #engerinerringfun #supportingeachother #standingtogether

17.01.2022 The learning in Ngurr-Ngurr is simply out of this world - with space and the solar system being the childrens growing project at the moment. From counting down for the rocket to launch , creating planets seen as they orbit the universe or learning about gravity the children love the spend time exploring and investigating this amazing subject which supports them in communication, identity, connecting to their world, supporting learning dispositions as well as supporting knowledge of sustainability, their rights and indigenous culture- the possibilities are endless..... I cant wait to see where you guys take this further....... #alldaylong #outofthisworld #solarsystem #childcareandeducation #childguidedlearning

17.01.2022 Happy Monday everyone, with the sun shining, it feels like time for some fishing....... Utilising your coloured rice from last week, add to a tub, and then cutting fish out of the multiple fridge magnets taking up valuable art space (don't forget to keep a cutting for the 'hook') add the fish to the rice. Create rods from the sticks you collect on one of your lovely nature walks ('exercise time') using some strong or wool, and then happy fishing........... What a great way t...o support children's sense of adventure, imagination, hand eye coordination, fine motor and extend upon their vocabulary. "Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid." Albert Einstein #Wadawurrungland #alldaylong #gonefishing #getcreativeathome #supportingeachother #Childcareandeducation

16.01.2022 Enrol now and take advantage of 3 weeks free childcare, (finishing on the 28th June) This newly opened holistic, organic and sustainable centre has a unique approach to the care and education they provide. Offering a home away from home feel, which embeds the childrens rights, Indigenous culture and sustainability in all aspect fo the program. Family owned independently operated - Pop in for a tour or enrol today.... #alldaylong #childcareandeducation #inclusiveenvironments #sustainableandorganic #twinning #familyownandran #freechildcare #enroletoday

16.01.2022 Sending out a very special message to all the Daddys, Dads, Step Dads, Grandads, Grandpas and Poppys- We wish you a special day filled with fun, laughter and love......... #HappyFathersDay2020 #alldaylong

15.01.2022 Book week finale: We have come to the end of the book week celebrations, and after a week of fun filled imaginary adventures we are seeing children love of books, adventures and sharing their imagination stronger than ever. "If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams, and you will always look lovely." Roald Dahl... #bookweek #finalday #alldaylong #wadawurrungland #worldofimagination #adventuresarewaiting #childcareandeducation

15.01.2022 Bu and Perridak would like to introduce to you Buddy the Bunny our new and most beautiful little bunny who we have adopted into the All Day Long family Buddy was excited to met all his new friends, whilst the children watched him in ore, before excitedly using babbling and one word utterances to share their excitement of their new friend. "A good relationship with a pet can also help in developing non-verbal communication, compassion, and empathy." ... #buddythebunny #alldaylong #familyandcommunity #childcareandeducation #animalandchildrencare #pettherapyforall

15.01.2022 Don’t miss out of one of our kinder spots Offer 3 and 4 year old kinder Sessional or integrated... An independent family owned, holistic, organic and sustainable centre offering a unique approach to our environments, supporting life long learners. A program which embeds children’s rights and indigenous perspectives throughout the Centre. Check us out and book a tour today; Or call 0352641446 #alldaylong #enroltoday #3&4yearoldkinder #spotsgoingfast #childcareandeducation #holisticsustainable&organic #childrensrights #indigenousperspectives

15.01.2022 Supporting families through these tough and uncertain times, we are actively taking enrolments offering free childcare to families until the new financial year. With availability in all age groups. With such a great offer now is the time of you were thinking of changing childcare centres, starting childcare or needing a break to spend time supporting yourself to return to the work force. Check out our website: Or give us a call 03-5264-1446 Or pop in for a tour: 337 Charlemont Road #bookatour #enroltoday #openandavailability #alldaylong #childcareandeducation

15.01.2022 Early Childhood Educators Day Please join us to give all the amazing educators and teachers a very big shout out...... They are here every day, putting all their heart and passion into the care and programs they provide, no matter rain, hail and shine.... Even amid this pandemic, they provide not only normality for each child, but inspiring, fun and educational interactions for everyone. We can not ask for a better team than we have - Thank you guys!!! #alldaylong #educatorsday #wadawurrungday #childcareandeducation #thankyou #amazingeducators

14.01.2022 We are seeking to expand our All Day Long Family - if you are interested or know of someone who may suit our expanding team, please get in contact.

14.01.2022 Wishing all the wonderful Mummies a very special Mothers Day, we hope you have a day filled with love, hugs and laughter.

14.01.2022 Over the last couple of weeks Perridak children have been exploring the Aboriginal flag, colours and learning more about Wadawurrung culture through creative sensory fun experiences. It has been great to see how much they have been enjoying these whilst supporting their emerging fine motor and hand eye coordination along with creative arts. #alldaylong #childcareandeducation #NAIDOCWeek2020 #creativearts #minipicassos #takingenrolments #dontmissoutonaspot

14.01.2022 One of our Educators has been staying busy this month, stepping up to raise some money for breast cancer. Paige has so far stepped 320,000 so far, stepping between 10 and 20K each day in order to raise money for this great charity. If you would like to support Paige in her challenge and donate to her good cause, with a tax-deductible donation please click on the link below;

13.01.2022 Wishing everyone a wonderfully relaxing long weekend- we look forward to seeing you next week #alldaylong #closedfriday #gradfinalweekend #childcareandeducation #gothecats #happylongweekend

13.01.2022 Go-Yin room (Wallabies) is looking amazing with their new Australian inspired small world area ready for the children to explore and investigate about the land on which they learn and grow upon. At All Day Long we are passionate that everyone embed indigenous culture, childrens rights and sustainability into our pedagogy and philosophy- knowing the importance of how these connect to the land, lives and future for our growing generations. Only a few weeks left of free take advantage now and enroll to make the most of this offer. #acknowledgementofcountry #Alldaylong #wadawurrungland #empowerwithknowledge #go-yinnowopen #enroltoday

13.01.2022 Bu and Perridak have been very busy the last couple of weeks. They have enjoyed getting back to nature, and revamping their growing area spending time pulling out he old plants, turning over the soil and planting new seeds. The children enjoyed playing in the soil, getting messy through the sensory exploration and then taking time to wash their hands afterwards. They continue to care for and water the new plants and are excited to see what will come through in the coming months. #alldaylong #backtonature #organicandsustainable #childcareandeducation #plantingfun #BuandPerridak

13.01.2022 Summer time fun in the Ngurr-Ngurr room. The children have been enjoying team water racing, showing off their amazing communication, gross motor, hand eye co-ordination and team building skills. It was such a joy to see the children's enthusiasm to support each other, persist and never give up. Great job guys!!

12.01.2022 Wow, Go-Yin have been super busy over this past week; digging, planting and watering their vegetable patch. The children all loved getting involved in this process, encouraging each other to take a turn and sharing in each others delight. Go-Yin then extended upon their emerging spacial awareness and combination of multiple gross motor movements, hand, eye co-ordination and balance, with them creating obstacle course and moving around their large loose parts to build with or... support their imaginative play. We cant wait to see what else you guys add and create within your garden space with the warmer weather arriving. #alldaylong #loosepartsplay #naturalplay #gardenfun #childcareandeducation #naturalplay #holisticlearning #grossmotorfun

11.01.2022 Just wanting to do a big shout out to all our wonderful, passionate and amazing educators. You are here come hail, rain or shine, pandemic or no pandemic - with a smile on your face, passion in your heart, and a hop in your step. Nothing stops these amazing guys to share every wonder and adventure seen with each child in their care, whilst supporting their development and connection to each other and their community. Please enjoy this small token of our appreciation, and ...never stop chasing the rainbows, dancing in the rain or sharing the wonders of the world. Thank you so much @c2sfmc @CityToSurfMobileCafe #weareallinthistogether #supportingeachother #shoutoutfortheeducators #alldaylong #wadawurrungland #citytosurfmobilecafe #childcareandedcuation #coffeesallround #chasingrainbows #lovewhereyouwork

10.01.2022 Not sure you have picked the right kinder?? Are you new to the area?? Want a uniquely organic approach to your child's education??... Do you want to lay a strong foundation of learning for you child to set them up for their best outcomes for life?? Well then All Day Long, is the centre for you - we currently have a few spots left for both 3 and 4 year old kinder (with sessional spots as an option) Happy to offer tours, and currently offering free enrolment at the moment. Give us a call today or enrol online; 0352641446 #alldaylong #childcareandeducation #kinderspotsgoingfast #dontmissout

10.01.2022 Ngurr-Ngurr sharing their enjoyment of Bunjil the Eagle song with each other- great effort guys, especially when you only started learning this last week. #reconciliation #alldaylong #acknowrldgementofland #childcareandeducation #BunjiltheEagle

10.01.2022 Happy Early Chilldhood Educators Day. All Day Long would like to say a special thank you to all our dedicated, passionate and nurturing educators. With a year filled with so many uncertainties, these amazing educators continued to offer a high quality education program which natures, cares and supports individual children. These amazing educators always put in the extra mile by always creating an organic, nurturing, inclusive and supportive environment for all. ... We could not wish for better educators. So a big thank you and shout out to you all. #thankyou #earlychildhoodeducatorsday #loveyouECE #alldaylong #childcareandeducation

09.01.2022 We are all in this together; We are open and still actively taking bookings and enrolments. We understand how hard these times are for families and are passionate about supporting family wellbeing as well as the care and education of children. ... If you were considering starting childcare, moving centres, or simply need a change, we are here for you. Check us out both on social media and our website to learn more about our unique, natural and curiosity approach to teaching and caring for the next generation. #openandtakingenrolments #lldaylong #weareallingthistogether #bookatour #uniqueapproach #openended #looseparts #naturalplay #sustainableandorganic

08.01.2022 We are all in this together- National Reconciliation week; Bu and Perridaks reconciliation tree is completed...... The children have loved adding their handprints to this whilst discussing what the colours of the flag are, whilst Ngurr-Ngurr learn what the colours represent, the importance of why we say sorry and what happened......... Watch this space to see the completed Bunjil display which the Ngurr-Ngurr children are completing ... #reconciliationweek #wearesorry #childrensrights #learningwithawareness #inlusiveforall #alldaylong #childcareandeducation

07.01.2022 Are you okay?? With everyone walking their own journey, and everyone creating their own future, we should always remember to ask, support and simply be there for one another. Everyone wants to see their own rainbows but to create rainbows we must experience rain (and sometimes thunderstorms) please know we are always there to support you in your moments of need, and be kind to yourselves.... #areyouokay #alldaylong #wadawurrungland #weareallinthistotogether #childcareandeducation #toseerainbowswemustfirstdanceintherain

07.01.2022 Hooray!!!! We made a full year!!!!!! With so many hurdles this year with COVID and all that came with this pandemic, we are more than happy to celebrate our first birthday. We have loved supporting, educating and caring for all of the children. It has been a pleasure and honour be part of their growing journey and can not wait to see what new adventure they take us on in the coming years. Open and taking enrolments.... Dont miss out - hurry spots going fast. Offering childcare, 3 year old kinder and 4 year old kinder, sessionally as well as integrated. #freeenrolmentatthemoment #childcareandeducation #alldaylong #1stbirthday #manymoretocome

07.01.2022 Friday kick back as we are missing some of our friends who are staying safe at home. We looked through our photos, and thought with all the sunshine and the rain, it would be a good time to think about hitting the garden, for some weeding and seedling. With he rain making the soil wet, it is great to get the children involved in digging, pulling and pulling hose weeds, before planting seeds, ready for the summer harvest......... no seeds, no worries, when cooking save seeds... from. your veggies, tomatoes, capsicums, pumpkins and even strawberries........... "There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing." Sir Ranulph Fiennes And with these puddles, don't forget to jump, splash and dance - we all need rain in order to see the rainbows. #alldaylong #wadawurrungland #gardeningtime #funiintherain #wetherdoesntstopus #standingtogether #supportingeachother #childcareande3ducation

06.01.2022 Ngurr-Ngurr would like to say a massive thank you to National Tiles for donating a selection of beautifully coloured tiles for their garden mosaic sign. The children had so much fun creating their mosaic pieces, before transforming them into this masterpiece. Watch this space to see the final product......... #alldaylong #nationtiles #sustainableliving #childcareandeducation #thankyou National Tiles

06.01.2022 Wow!!! Love the new outdoor spaces for the children to enjoy. all sustainably, creative with a natural, organic and open ended approach.... We can't wait to see how the children engage and explore these new environments. #alldaylong #sustainableandnaturalenvironments #afewspotsleft #childcareandeducation #organicandnatural #loosepartsapproach #newgardenspaces

06.01.2022 Supporting families whilst transitioning back to school and childcare- offering suggested activities to enjoy- check out the local paper, website or social media for more ideas....... Actively taking enrolments offering free childcare until the 12th July, supporting families wellbeing. Book a tour today.... #alldaylong #takingenrolments #supportingfamilies #childcareandenduction #bookatourtoday

05.01.2022 A special thank you to Alistair Lawson for donating this amazing newly published childrens book to All Day Long. Its a fantastic book which highlights the important role models within our community through our childrens eyes. We cant wait for the children to engage and be inspired from this book and we look forward to seeing more in your new series. #Myheros #alldaylong #communityrolemodels #childcareandeducation #buildingthenextgenerationofstars

05.01.2022 Perridak have been extending their nature exploration linking the Australian land from outside to inside. They started their milestone tree display combining their love of Australian nature, sustainable living and a curiosity approach to learning and playing. Exploring and investigating native animals, lose parts nature play whilst supporting our emerging Learning dispositions. We cant wait to see how the milestone tree grows with all the amazing wow leafs which will be a...dded over time. #alldaylong #perridaklearning #natureplay #curiosityapproach #openeended #familyinput #milestonetree #childcareandeducation

05.01.2022 With another wonderfully sunny day, why not enjoy some outside play, with home made slime: Mix together Corn starch (cornflour), with children's shampoo/body wash and add a bit of food colouring....... When children are adequently sticky and gooey, add warm water and create lots of bubbly fun........ Sensory exploration supports children's knowledge and understanding of their world, creative, physical and communication, language and literacy development, as well as supportin...g mathematical concepts, and personal social wellbeing. What a wonderful way to spend time outside, and enjoy just being in the moment with your little one......... "In todays rush, we all think too much - seek too much -want too much - and forget about the joy of just being." Eckhart Tolle #alldaylong #slimeplay #sensoryexploration #wadawurrungland #childcareandedcuation #weareallinthistogether #supportingoneanother

04.01.2022 Offering kinder for 3 and 4 year olds. Offering a high quality program, both as an integrated and sessional option. Supporting children to becoming informed, knowledgeable global citizens equipped with the foundation to be life long learners. So dont miss out on a spot - book to enrol today!... #alldaylong #kindergartenready #dontmissout #careandeducation

04.01.2022 We are looking to extend upon our All Day Long family, if you are looking for a wonderful, friendly and fun environment to work for we are the place to be;

04.01.2022 Sneaky peek into what the children and educators have started doing to teach learn and acknowledge National Sorry Day next week........ We love hearing the children participate in their daily acknowledgement and the discussions which we hear throughout the day about how we must care for the land which was the Wudawurrungs. As well as teaching each other through a socio-cultural approach about the symbolisation of the colours in the Aboriginal flag

03.01.2022 What a fabulous spooky, fun way to end our Halloween themed week - We wish you all a happy, safe and spooky weekend #trickortreat #alldaylong #childcareandeducation #halloweenspecial #spookyfun

03.01.2022 Perridak children have been loving the creativity on offer in the last couple of weeks. Sensory creative exploration allows children to explore through their senses whilst also supporting their expressive communication, sharing their sense of enjoyment with each other and supporting those growing friendships........ Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. Pablo Picasso... #creativeplay #alldaylong #sensoryplay #buddingartists #childcareandeducation #bookatour #takingenrolments

03.01.2022 Slime play is a fun day Perridak enjoyed exploring with their senses today with some friendly safe slime play. They added loose parts (coloured pasta) to support fine motor, exploration and sensory and mathematical concept development. It is lovely to see the children share their joy with each other, supporting their growing strong relationships with each other, whilst using their senses to connect with and explore their world.... Add together 3 Tbsp of Tapioca flour, 1/3 cup of water and food colouring. microwave for 2x 30 second intervals, mix until translucent and slime like. Adding loose parts adds another dynamic of open ended learning in their play - today Perridak added coloured pasta, left over from threading. What a fun slim filled day Perridak!! #alldaylong #slimeday #funday #wadawurrungland #childcareandeducation #learninginallwedo #mathconceptsstartfrombirth

03.01.2022 The children in Ngurr-Ngurr are really enjoying learning and extend their knowledge of Bunjil the Eagle, continuing to create feathers for his wings whilst also enjoying singing along to the Bunjil song......... Great to see the enjoyment by all and their connection to the land and traditional custodians. #reconciliation #alldaylong #acknowrldgementofland #childcareandeducation #BunjiltheEagle

03.01.2022 Ngurr-Ngurr would like to say a BIG thank you to Mako Air from stopping past today and supporting our loose parts play where we have been able to extend upon our putter space exploration- cant wait to see what adventures tomorrow will bring everyone....... #alldaylong #communitylove #sharingthelove #childcareandeducation #Makoair #sustainableandorganic

02.01.2022 Families are doing it together: It is great to see so many families joining in the book week fun. Creating endless possibilities of imagination, fun, adventures and laughter "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Albert Einstein ... #endlessopportunities #imaginationadventures #alldaylong #wadawurrungland #bookweekfinalday #childcareandeducation #familiesdoingittogether #weareallingthistogether

02.01.2022 What a lovely way for the children to celebrate todays special day....... Enjoying some creative expression, learning colours, and supporting their strong relationships with each other and their educators, all whist making the most of this wonderful sunshine........ #educatorsday #alldaylong #buildingrelationshipstogether #childcareandedcucation #wadawurrngland

01.01.2022 What an amazing week to be extending upon our children's Indigenous knowledge, with NAIDOC week. We have had the introduction of our new pets, native Lelon's (blue tongue lizards) which the children have been fascinated by. Go-Yin have been really enjoying to deepen their knowledge of the Aboriginal flag, and the colour symbolisation. Supporting their current exploration of symbolisation which is seen in Perridak as well with the sand tray and symbol making.... Ngurr-ngurr have been extending and keeping their understanding of Australia, the structure of the country and dessert, which they have then been connecting back to native animals learning both the Australian and Wadawurrung name for these. It is this embedment which allows children to truly connect to the land, their world and support themselves in being informed, knowledgagble citizens for the future. Supporting this years NAIDOC "always was, Always will be" #NAIDOCWeek2020 #alldaylong #childcareandeducation #Aboriginalculutre #embedinformknow #connecttoyourland

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