Allenstown State School in Rockhampton, Queensland | State school
Allenstown State School
Locality: Rockhampton, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 4930 0111
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25.01.2022 Volunteers are needed for as little as an hour or two on a Tuesday or a Thursday, to help fill our student orders. Full training and lunch will be provided.
25.01.2022 Our Tuckshop will operate on Tuesday and Thursday next week. Volunteers would be greatly appreciated to assist on these days. Please note: orders will close at 8:30am on the day to ensure that students can get their lunch on time. Thank you for your understanding on this.
25.01.2022 A special project has commenced at Allies. The 2/O students have become Mini Project Managers. This term all students wrote a very convincing letter to Mr Lynn asking for concrete areas around the school to be painted. 2/O then brainstormed, researched and created a presentation for Mr Lynn. We are all looking forward to the end result!
25.01.2022 MESSAGE FOR YEAR 5 AND 6 STUDENTS There won’t be any swimming in PE this week or next. These classes will have land based PE lessons so no need for anyone to bring swimming gear.
24.01.2022 Hey Queensland, we survived the great Facebook snap of 2021. However, you may have noticed your school page has disappeared as they were caught up in Facebook...’s changes to how it displays news content in Australia. Please rest assured we are working hard to rectify the situation quickly. See more
24.01.2022 Year 5 camp is tomorrow. Students attending must be at school by 6.30am. Don’t forget to have a packed morning tea and lunch (in a plastic bag), water bottle and hat for the bus. See you all bright and early.
24.01.2022 We had a practice fire drill this afternoon.
24.01.2022 Today is R U OK? DAY. In these challenging times its important that we all stay connected with our family, friends and community.
24.01.2022 Have a look at some of our year five students performing in music yesterday.
24.01.2022 Day 2 of Year 5 camp - Water Activities
23.01.2022 And here it is! The new menu..there will be paper copies sent home from school with the students, if they havent received them today, they will on Monday..orders are only to placed via Tuckshop is open again as of Tuesday of week 2 this term
22.01.2022 Families can apply now for the next round of the FairPlay voucher valued at $150! The voucher can be used towards sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees with registered activity providers.
22.01.2022 Our tuckshop is in danger of not reopening this term unless we are able to get volunteer support. Please contact the school office on 49300111 if you are able to assist. A couple of hours is all thats needed - our kids are looking forward to using the tuckshop again.
22.01.2022 Term 3 begins tomorrow. Here are some helpful reminders.
22.01.2022 NAIDOC week 2020: Always Was, Always Will Be, recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.
22.01.2022 Here is the link to this week's newsletter:
22.01.2022 Year 6 Camp Update We have been notified that the camp bus ETA is 5:00pm
22.01.2022 We hope all of our Fathers and Grandfathers are having a wonderful day. Thank you for supporting our school.
21.01.2022 Day 2 of Year 5 camp
21.01.2022 Here is the link to this weeks newsletter:
21.01.2022 We had a practice fire drill this morning. Each term schools go through their evacuation routines so that everyone knows what to do if there is a real situation. I am pleased to say that today's practice went smoothly.
20.01.2022 Here is the link to this week’s newsletter:
20.01.2022 Here is the link to this week's newsletter:
20.01.2022 Here is the link to this week's newsletter:
20.01.2022 It's going to be a hot last three days this week. Please make sure that your child has a hat and water bottle with them each day. Students are expected to wear their school uniform on Monday and Tuesday (students who received an invitation to the End of Semester Party need to also bring their wet play gear on Monday). It will be free dress (no gold coin required) on Wednesday, which is the last day of term.
20.01.2022 Students in 2O, 3/4A, 4/5L and 4W took part in some activities this afternoon to celebrate National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day. This years theme is we are the elders of tomorrow, hear our voice. Students took part in rock painting, chalk collage, listened to traditional stories and Mr Smith shared some music and songs with the students.
20.01.2022 Dont forget its a long weekend! Fri 14 August is our show holiday. No school so enjoy a sleep in.Dont forget its a long weekend! Fri 14 August is our show holiday. No school so enjoy a sleep in.
19.01.2022 Our Year 5’s are on the road to Seaforth. Thank you to all our amazing parents for having everyone organised and at the bus on time. We are in for a great week!
19.01.2022 Our Yr 5’s arrived safely at camp and are currently participating in their afternoon program.Our Yr 5’s arrived safely at camp and are currently participating in their afternoon program.
19.01.2022 Here is the link to this weeks newsletter:
18.01.2022 Thank you to our hard working Teacher Aides who support and add value to our students education each and every day.
18.01.2022 Rockhampton School Sport are implementing a Covid Safe Plan to ensure our students have the opportunity to play interschool sport. It is essential that everyone follows the conditions. No spectators are allowed at venues. Covid Marshalls will be there to ensure each venue is Covid Safe. We thank those involved in the organisation of the interschool sport season to give our students the opportunity to play.
17.01.2022 Welcome back students and staff. Parents and carers have a great day.
17.01.2022 Here is the link to this week's newsletter: *** Updated Information - it will now be FREE DRESS for Tuesday's Party Day AND Wednesday (the last day of term) ***
17.01.2022 Dont forget that today is School Photo Day.
17.01.2022 Year 6 Camp Update Fun at Sparklab - Brisbane Sciencentre
17.01.2022 2021 Friday Inter-School Sport for Years 5 and 6 starts today. Spectators are welcome to attend providing they sign in at the venue and following covid safe protocols. All of our teams are travelling by bus so students need to pay their bus fare at the school office before they go. Good Luck to all of our teams.
16.01.2022 Our school has registered for Day for Daniel. This Friday, students are asked to wear red as we unite in a day of awareness raising and education for child safety.
16.01.2022 ATTENTION YEAR 6 PATENTS: On Friday, Mrs OBeirne - Year 7 coordinator at Rockhampton State High School came to Allies to speak with the Year 6 cohort about high school. She has asked that all families intending to enrol their child for 2021, please contact RSHS now to arrange an enrolment interview.
15.01.2022 Last stop before we head off to Seaforth Pines
15.01.2022 Yeah! Healthy Harold is visiting today. He and Liz Hills will be spreading healthy mind and body messages through Life Education modules from today until Monday 3 August. Today 4T and Prep J will have their turn.
15.01.2022 Thank you QFES for visiting our year ones today to teach them about Fire Education. During the session children were taught the stop drop and roll technique and what to do if there is a fire in the house. Obviously their favourite part of the visit was seeing the fire truck! Don’t be surprised parents, if your child talks to you about a fire evacuation plan for home.
14.01.2022 It’s Queensland World Teachers’ Day and we want everyone across the state to shout out and say thank you to our amazing and diverse teachers. We value and appreciate each one of you. Queensland says thank you! #ThankQldteachers
14.01.2022 Tomorrow, Friday 26 June is the last day of Term 2. It is a normal uniform day.
13.01.2022 Our P&C AGM was postposed on 18 November as we did not have enough parents attend for the meeting to go ahead. We are running out of weeks in the school year so a new date has been set for Wednesday 2 December 2020 at 3:15pm in the staffroom. Please consider supporting your school by attending.
12.01.2022 RUGBY LEAGUE GRAND FINAL CHAMPIONS Congratulations to our Year 5 and 6 Rugby League teams on your convincing wins today. Year 5 won the 5A GF 28-12 v Rocky Grammar.... Year 6 won the 6B GF 26-4 v Parkhurst SS
10.01.2022 Our adopt-a-cop Senior Constable Kara Skene dropped in for a visit today. She had the opportunity to talk with a number of our lower school classes and was a popular person to talk to at lunchtime around the playground. Thanks Kara for stopping by, in and around your work with the crash investigation unit. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
10.01.2022 Tuckshop Update for Term 3
10.01.2022 Dont forget that this Friday 4 September is a Student Free Day across Queensland. Our staff will be involved in Professional Development all day.
10.01.2022 The Morning Bulletin have provided a link to the livestream footage of the interschool Rugby League Grand Finals. You may wish to access this footage as spectators are not allowed at these events (to comply with Covid-Safe planning). Here is the link to the livestream story. It will be updated with the livestream before the first game kicks off at 8.30am tomorrow. The current subscription deal is $1 a week for 12... weeks. Full terms and conditions here: Our Year 6 team are playing against Parkhurst at 9:30am and our Year 5 team are playing against RGS at 12:30. Go Allies!!!
10.01.2022 We are busily making plans for 2021, so if you haven't already enrolled your child for Prep in 2021 please do so now. Children born between July 1 2015 and June 30 2016 are eligable for Prep in 2021
10.01.2022 Year 5 camp groups ready to head off for the day.
10.01.2022 A successful start to Year 5 camp today.
09.01.2022 Don't forget to wear red today. We are supporting Day for Daniel to raise awareness for Child Safety.
09.01.2022 Our Lost Property cupboard is filling with jumpers, hats and lunchboxes (many unfortunately are unnamed). We know you will want them back. Please remind your child to check the cupboard on Monday, if they have a missing item.
08.01.2022 Our Grade 5s have spent the last 9 weeks learning about democracy and elections in H.A.S.S. Yesterday they successfully ran their very own election to select camp leaders for next term.
08.01.2022 Here is a link to resources for parents that support the Healthy Harold message. You can find some great fact sheets, tips and videos to support conversations with your child about keeping their body and mind healthy.
06.01.2022 Handwriting and Fine Motor Clinic Open at CQUniversity Rockhampton! Numbers are limited! Get in contact with CQUniversity Health Clinic today on (07) 4930 9030 or email us at [email protected]
06.01.2022 Here is the link to this weeks newsletter:
05.01.2022 5CF have spent the term working on a passion project we called Genius Hour. Last Friday they were finally able to present their projects.
05.01.2022 Here is the link to this weeks newsletter:
05.01.2022 Step into Prep is starting soon for students who are intending to enrol in Prep for 2021 and not currently accessing a Kindy program. What is Step into Prep? A term-based program using a playgroup format where parents stay, play and learn with their child. Builds a childs social and emotional skills bank as they transition to formal schooling through engaging in age and developmentally appropriate learning games and routines.... Creates opportunities to experience the school environment and to build relationships with teachers and administrative staff. What benefits does the program offer participating families? Opportunities to learn about the school and a better understanding of how to support their child to be school ready. The opportunity for their child to experience being in school and to join with school staff in a welcoming and engaging way through play. The chance to make friends with other children who are enrolled in Prep the following year. Practical support to improve their childs development and their parenting skills in a non-threatening and supportive atmosphere. The opportunity to meet other parents and form friendships and support networks. Support to help foster their childs development and love of learning. Uninterrupted time spent playing with their child in a learning environment. What do participating families receive? Complimentary membership to Playgroup Queensland for 2020. Free playgroup sessions for their child over Terms 3 and 4 of 2020. Access to a range of age and developmentally appropriate resources. School credit (attendance and eligibility criteria exist).
04.01.2022 Year 6 Camp - Wonderful News A member of the public has taken the time to contact us about our wonderful Year 6 students. She and her son were at Australia Zoo yesterday and were impressed by their manners and behaviour. We are so proud that the community can see what great students we have. Well done students and staff - you are a credit to our school.
04.01.2022 Year 6 Camp Update: Ice skating last night - looks like they had a great time.
03.01.2022 Year 6 Camp Update They are currently at Marmor.Year 6 Camp Update They are currently at Marmor.
03.01.2022 Here is the link to this week's newsletter:
02.01.2022 YEAR 6 CAMP UPDATE This camp just gets better and better.... Wet and Wild, Urban Xtreme and Southbank.
02.01.2022 Here is the link to this weeks newsletter:
02.01.2022 Here is the link to this weeks newsletter:
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