Alliance Française d'Eurobodalla | Community
Alliance Française d'Eurobodalla
Phone: +61 2 4473 6401
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25.01.2022 La prochaine Réunion : (Next Meeting) Our next meeting will be our Fête de Noël to be held at 12 Noon on Saturday November 30 The Downward Dog Café 81 Princes Hwy... BODALLA Further details, including the Menu, will be forwarded shortly.
24.01.2022 Joyeux Noël tout le monde! A wonderful Christmas party today at Bodalla. Thanks to Gai for these photos (my phone playing up). Thanks to our intrepid Committee Carmel, Alexander, Helena & Lynette for organising a superb lunch at the Downward Dog. Delicious food. All the best for holidays. - Terry.
18.01.2022 Chers Amis The next meeting will be held Chez Helena. Saturday June 22nd @ 12 noon Address: 47 Forsters Bay Rd, Narooma... This will be a luncheon followed by a talk in French given by notre ainé estimé Dick Wood. In his words, "It will be on something profound" . So.... come along and find out what! Please RSVP directly to Helena and let her know what your contribution to lunch will be: [email protected] PH: 4476 2665 Hope to see you there! Carmel
17.01.2022 Chers membres Un petit rappel.(A little reminder) Merci à tous ceux qui ont déjà répondu. Tous les autres - ayez la bonté de le faire aussitôt que possible.... (Thank you to all of you who have already replied. Everyone else - kindly do so ASAP). Amitiés, Carmel. La prochaine Réunion : (Next Meeting) Our next meeting will take place on 11am Saturday 24 August at The Kinema 94 Campbell St (Main St) Narooma The Kinema has graciously afforded the Alliance exclusive use of Cinema 2 to view the French film The Ideal Palace which is based on the true story of a rural postman, who worked in the Drôme area of south-eastern France at the end of the nineteenth century. Consequently, the French title of the film is Facteur Cheval. Screening will be at 11am but please arrive by 10:45am in order to purchase your Meal Deal voucher for a 15% discount for lunch to follow at OBriens' Pub. Since it is a private booking, Seniors' discounts will not apply for your cinema ticket Helena est la responsable. Ayez la bonté de lui faire savoir si vous avez l'intention de participer. (Helena is the person in charge. Kindly let her know if you intend coming.) Helena Bettini 4476 2665 [email protected]
17.01.2022 AGM 2020: Notice is hereby given that our L'Assemblée Générale Annuelle (AGM) will be held on: Saturday February 29, 2020... at 61 Kyla Park Close (Cluster 4) Tuross Head. The meeting will be preceded by a shared lunch at 12 Noon. This will be a welcome opportunity to socialise after the tumultuous start to the year we've all experienced. Cask wine will be available and you are welcome to bring your own beverage. Please RSVP to me: [email protected] or Ph: 4473 6401 to let me know what your delectable food contribution will be. Looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. Amicalement, Carmel
14.01.2022 14 Juillet au Tern Inn à Tuross Head. Superbe repas, compagnie, amitiés, etc.
13.01.2022 26.10.19: What a lovely day out with our group for our October gathering, chez Frédéric et Patricia à La Galette à Tilba today. Superb meals at reasonable prices. Thoroughly recommended. On the way back Armelle & I stopped at Australia Rock at Narooma, as she hadn't been there before. -TM.
11.01.2022 Bonjour à tous, Notre réunion se passe ce samedi le 27 avril à midi aux Jardins Botaniques de Eurobodalla dans le petit pavillon près du café. On espère vous voir là-bas pour un pique-nique et des jeux de boules. Apportez un plat pour partager et si vous avez des boules, apportez- les svp.... Il y a des tables et des chaises fournies mais il faut apporter vos utensils et peut-être quelque chose à boire. EAF fournira du vin (cask) chaque réunion. Une très triste nouvelle: nous avons perdu notre cher Émile qui est mort le 14 avril à l'hôpital d'une crise cardiaque. Helena dira quelques mots en souvenir de lui. Bien cordialement, et à bientôt, Lynette Pour des questions : 4473 6555 ou 0417 480 941
11.01.2022 Notre prochaine Réunion : (Next Meeting) Our next meeting will take place at 12 Noon Saturday 26 October at La Galette Café ... 266 Corkhill Drive Tilba Tilba 4473 7084 Last year Patricia and Frédéric Coutant refurbished the Tilba Tilba business previously known as "Pam's Store" in order to fulfil a long-held dream of running their own restaurant. Their café offers authentic French cuisine, hence we will be able to practise French when ordering from their menu. After lunch, they will tell us all about their recent holiday in Noumea followed by Q&A. So please prepare your questions (in French) beforehand. La Galette is BYO so you may bring a bottle of wine if you wish. Otherwise, there will be good quality red and white cask wine available, courtesy of the Alliance. Je suis la responsable. Ayez la bonté de me faire savoir si vous avez l'intention de participer. (I am the person in charge. Kindly let me know if you intend coming.) Carmel Mackin 4473 6401 [email protected] NB La Galette have requested a week's notice for the number of people expected. Calendrier des Réunions Mensuelles : Schedule of Monthly Meetings: November 30 Downward Dog Restaurant and Café, Bodalla La fête de Noël NB: The Alliance will be in recess over December 2019 and January 2020.
11.01.2022 Great memories from 14th July 2019. Sad we can't get together like that this year!
10.01.2022 AGM 2020, 29.2.20. Aujourd'hui chez Carmel & Alexander à Tuross Head. A wonderful day with some truly amazing food. A successful AGM with a pretty good turn-out. Carmel will follow with details in her email. Our faithful committee was all re-elected. Thanks to Ashley (new member) for these great photos. (Tricolore dessert = my small contribution) - T.McD.
09.01.2022 Chers Tous, La réunion de EAF pour May aura lieu samedi prochain, le 25, chez Marijke et Patrick à Bingie à midi. Veuillez apporter un plat pour partager pour le déjeuner et quelque chose de boire si vous voulez. Un peu de vin sera fourni par EAF.... Pour l'activité de français je suggère que nous apportions tous une petite comptine ou fable, en français; à lire à haute voix. Les autres doivent suggérer le conte anglais équivalent. J'attends que Marijke envoie des instructions pour aller chez elle. C'est un peu loin de la route de Bingie. Répondez s'il vous plaît à Marijke si vous allez samedi et dites- lui ce que vous apporterez pour contribuer au déjeuner. **(details below)** Un grand 'Merci' à Marijke et Patrick avoir offert leur belle maison pour notre réunion. J'espère que vous pourrez venir et en faire un jour spécial. Mes Amitiés, Lynette Ph: 4473 6555 Mob: 0417 480 941 ** Instructions to Marijke & Patrick's home: " Lake View" 122 Bingi Rd, Bergalia Tel. 4474217 Marijke mob. 0427194343 14km south of Moruya, turn LEFT at the sign to Bingi & follow the Bingi Rd from the Hwy for about 1.2 kms, (just past the turnoff to Congo on your left); TURN RIGHT into our driveway; a white gate with numbers 118, 120 & 122. Follow the track; go over the 2 cattle grids; past a shed & a house; & there take the cobbled track a little to the right. Continue until you reach the large traditional farmhouse & some large sheds.
09.01.2022 Bonjour à tous We shall be celebrating la Fête Nationale de la France at the Tern Inn Restaurant in Tuross on Sunday 14 July @ 12 Noon. Please find attached the Menu.... If you wish to attend, please reply by email with your choice of dish for each course. Gluten-free offerings dishes will be available if needed. Should you require this, please call me on 4473 6401. Thank you to all those who have already submitted their Menu selections. Everyone else, RSVP = Saturday, July 6 Amitiés Carmel ------------------------------------------------ TERN INN - TUROSS HEAD: BASTILLE DAY 12 NOON Sunday 14TH JULY 2019 $42 per head for 3 courses including a welcome glass of champagne Entrée Blue cheese fennel quiche, walnut & pear salad or Pork & duck rillettes frisée, salad & toast . Main Fresh local fish Bordeaux style, ratatouille, potato gratin or Braised lamb shanks daube provençale, braised leeks, truffle mash Dessert Crêpes suzette or Hazelnut crème caramel .........................................
08.01.2022 From Milton-Ulladulla branch: Don't miss this year's French Film Festival! Please see all the details in the attached flyer. There will also be refreshments available at interval. Amitiés, Jeanine
05.01.2022 Nous vous remercions de la part de l'Alliance Française d'Eurobodalla (Région cote du sud, NSW, Australie)
05.01.2022 Soirée Beaujolais chez Jean & Heather with Milton-Ulladulla branch. Superbe repast. Lady waving at end of video is Christine, who runs courses up there. The Beaujolais was lovely. I had a ball! - Terry McD.
04.01.2022 What a lovely day chez Helena et Charlie. Cheese & nibbles on the deck, followed by lovely dinner by the fire. Welcome to Armelle! Une française de Malua Bay. More to follow...
03.01.2022 Je partage. Pourquoi pas?-TM
03.01.2022 Voir les superbes repas ici au Tern Inn à Tuross - le poisson était "amazing!", aucun photo parce que c'est tout mangé
03.01.2022 Lovely gathering today chez Patrick & Marijke at their fabulous property "Lake View" in Bingie for our May meeting. Wonderful food of all types - thanks everyone! Perfect weather & some fun tales, songs & nursery rhymes to entertain us. What a great crowd! Sorry I didn't take any photos -TM.
01.01.2022 And after all that wonderful food, we sat back & listened to two members' tales of their travels in France, David who travelled by canal boat & went to Villeurs-Bretoneux, & Dick who cycled around the Loire region.