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Rental support for tenants & landlords in the Clarence Valley. | Businesses

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Rental support for tenants & landlords in the Clarence Valley.

Phone: +61 487 289 471


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15.01.2022 ANOTHER AWESOME QUESTION: If we don't have pets you don't have to get carpet professionally cleaned? In NSW landlords & agents can not legally amend the lease to force tenants to have the carpets professionally cleaned nor a professional bond clean if no pet agreement signed. ... If you signed a pet agreement prior to 23rd March 2020 or a lease after the reform in regards to pets then yes you do need to have the carpets professionally cleaned and flea spray. If you added a pet after your signed lease stating no pets & the agent is to lazy or uneducated to have you sign a pet agreement then no you still don’t need to clean it legally. Unless you damaged and heavily stained the carpet above wear and tear. (Furniture indent is classed as wear and tear)

14.01.2022 QUESTION MESSAGED THROUGH - I HAVEN'T HEARD FROM MY PROPERTY MANAGER SINCE I VACATED LAST WEEK. REPLY: did they invite you to the outgoing?? REPLY BY TENANT: NO... As you can see below when you sign a lease agreement prior to 23rd March 2020 a tenant must be given 2 copies of an ingoing report (1 to be returned to agency within 7 days and 1 to keep as a tenant). New reform we can now electronically email through the ingoing without printing. If a landlord or landlord agent doesn't then it is 20 penalty points ($2,200 fine). A tenant has 7 days to return to the office or electronically to the agent/landlord. you can do this by taking into the agency (always have them sign and give you a copy to cover your bum), email it back or take screen shots and SMS through. (doesn't state you must hand deliver. When a tenant or agent/landlord terminates the tenancy the agent/landlord must complete the outgoing with the tenant unless the tenant doesn't show. The tenant must be invited. When completing the outgoing vacate inspection we go off the returned copy of the tenant if returned within the 7 days, so make sure as a tenant and agent/landlord you keep a copy. You then go through each room and tick off or make comments of any discrepancies. All discrepancies except fair wear and tear or known damages not tenants fault must be completed prior to handing back the keys, the agent/landlord is not obligated to give the tenant time to rectify or they can keep the keys a few more days and keep paying rent. Once outgoing completed and both parties agree then tenants receive their bond back, if both parties do not come agree then either party can claim the bond and the other party has 14 days to apply for NCAT. If you signed a pet agreement in your lease tenants are to have carpet and flea spray completed by a professional business and any other damages need to be fixed. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR SUPPORT REGARDING OUTGOINGS, ISSUES AND TRIBUNAL NCAT SUPPORT CALL OUR OFFICE.....

13.01.2022 DOES A TENANT HAVE TO PAY WATER & CAN A LANDLORD CHARGE TENANT FOR WATER USAGE IN NSW?? 39 Water usage charges payable by tenant (1) A tenant must pay the water usage charges for the residential premises, but only if (a) the premises are separately metered or the premises are not connected to a water supply... service and water is delivered to the premises by vehicle, and (b) the premises contain water efficiency measures prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section, and (c) the charges do not exceed the amount payable by the landlord for water used by the tenant. (2) A tenant is not required to pay the water usage charges unless the landlord gives the tenant a copy of the part of the water supply authority’s bill setting out the charges, or other evidence of the cost of water used by the tenant. (other is for outgoing vacate water charges) (3) A landlord must give the tenant not less than 21 days to pay the water usage charges. (4) A tenant is not required to pay the water usage charges if the landlord fails to request payment from the tenant within 3 months of the issue of the bill for those charges by the water supply authority. (5) Subsection (4) does not prevent a landlord from taking action to recover an amount of water usage charges later than 3 months after the issue of a bill for those charges, if the landlord first sought payment of the amount within 3 months after the issue of the bill. (6) A landlord must ensure that the tenant receives the benefit of, or an amount equivalent to, any rebate received by the landlord in respect of any water usage charges payable or paid by the tenant. NEW LEGISLATION CHANGES - CAN NOT CHARGE TENANTS FOR WATER IF THEY HAVE A SUB-METRE THAT IS NOT READ BY THE COUNCIL.

11.01.2022 QUESTION WE HAD THIS AFTERNOON: BOND LEGISLATION - can a private landlord ask for more than 4 weeks bond? 159 - Payment of bonds... (1) A landlord, landlord’s agent or any other person must not require or receive from a tenant or another person a rental bond of an amount exceeding 4 weeks rent under the residential tenancy agreement for which the bond was paid (as in force when the agreement was entered into). (1A) A landlord, landlord’s agent or any other person must not require or receive from a tenant a rental bond unless (a) the landlord or landlord’s agent is registered as a user of the online rental bond service established under section 157A. (AN AGENCY AND A PRIVATE LANDLORD MUST BE REGISTERED FOR BONDS ONLINE & MUST OFFER TENANTS TO PAY ON LINE BUT CAN NOT ENFORCE A TENANT TO PAY ONLINE.)

10.01.2022 QUESTION INBOXED... Asking for a friend... My lease runs out on 18th Sept. But I'll be moving out early October. When should I give notice? How much notice do I need to give?... Thank you for a great question that lots of tenants do ask: - if you give your termination on the 18th or September or prior you only need to give 14 days notice minimum. (Fixed lease) - if you give your termination after lease expires from 19th September you must give minimum 21 days notice. (Continuing lease) Seeing you are moving out early October count backwards from vacate date and if less than 21 days you’ll need to do prior to vacate. You can give more than 14 days notice & best suggestion is the more time you give the property manager & landlord the better rental reference you’ll receive in years to come & you don’t want to burn bridges. Do note if you had pets and signed an agreement for pets you’ll need to have carpets and flea spray done by a professional business. Make sure the property manager invites you to the outgoing vacate inspection at a time that suits both parties. HOPE THIS HELPS.... It all depends on your vacate date, count backwards to know if it’s 14 or 21 days notice minimum.


03.01.2022 NEW SMOKE ALARM LEGISLATION - landlords and agents are now responsible to change the battery yearly. We pay for new batteries yearly for all our landlords through our agency. For all private tenants or tenants through another agent, email your landlord or property manager if the battery isn’t changed for you. ...

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