All Natural Home Made Dog Treats | Charitable organisation
All Natural Home Made Dog Treats
Phone: +61 432 147 413
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25.01.2022 Well the launch of my new gazebo yesterday was a complete disaster , they let us set up , trade for approx 30 minutes then shut us down because of the weather. So consequently we have a lot of dog treats leftover :( we will be selling mega mixed bags for the low low price of $10 ! pick up only from Albion Park rail or Corrimal from tomorrow onwards as I'm at work until 6.30pm tonight. So won't be able to reply unfortunately to messages etc until my lunch break or when I finish work sorry To end on a bright note here's pics of two brave fur babies who braved the elements yesterday at Kiama
20.01.2022 For anyone that knows me well they'd know my favourite time of year is coming up soon .... Halloween !! where we have the best fun ever at markets or events dressing up , baking Halloween goodies , decorating the stall and even having Halloween photos available. Unfortunately with Covid this year it doesn't look like there's any Halloween themed events going ahead which is devastating for us. So please if anyone knows of a market or event that is having one around the Illawarra or Sydney could you please let us know so we can still get our Halloween fix :)
18.01.2022 We finally managed to see what the new gazebo looks like up , wow we're certainly not disappointed it looks simply awesome . You certainly won't miss us at The Kiama Seaside Market this Sunday lol , even though seeing I'm flying completely solo this weekend there's no guarantee it will be up and functioning for 9am :)
17.01.2022 I struggled with the decision to go ahead with The Kiama Seaside Market today after losing our darling girl Sally on Thursday, I went and met up with my partners in crime Carol and Pamela , tears were shed and hugs were given freely and surprising to me laughs during the day also . To top it all off Jools and Sharni surprised us by dropping in resulting in yes more hugs and tears and more laughs. Today was a magical day the weather was beautiful , great company, lots of gorgeous fur babies and yes we had a bumper day with basically only one donut and two mini cupcakes left at the end . It feels so good to be back fund-raising again after so long , and to kick it all off with such a huge day. This one's for you Sally girl xx
17.01.2022 We only have until 12pm today to save Sarge , can I implore everyone to sign and share the petition , email council and the mayor , message them do everything in our power to stop this from happening . If you're not aware of the save Sarge campaign please head over to the Help save Sarge FB page . SHARED FROM Sarge v Sunny Coast Council - How supporters can make a difference Amidst mounting public outrage and support, Sarge's destruction is only hours away. Here is what...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Can everyone please vote for the gorgeous Forest. We are blessed to be able to call Jools Becket our dear friend , she's a truly remarkable woman who has devoted her life to rescue and we're honoured to be able to support her wonderful rescue through sales , let's all help to get forest across the line by voting , it only takes a minute x
13.01.2022 Well what a day it was ,raining when we first set up then strong winds came in , in the afternoon meaning we had to literally hang on to the gazebo lol.A big thank you to Gillian today for being my partner in crime oh boy you arrived just in the nick of time I was getting smashed !! we met lots and lots of gorgeous fur babies today , made lots of money nearly selling out of everything again and was pleasantly surprised at my Sample packs selling out so quickly wow !!
13.01.2022 Sneak peek !! After starting this fund-raising journey it's always been a dream of mine to have a custom printed gazebo set up with all the bells and whistles. I came so close to achieving this in April but our girl Sally took sick and of course the money was put to a more important and much better use. Fast forward a few months , I acquired a second job and began working 60 to 70 hours most weeks squirriling away the money until combined with my tax refund my dream ...became a reality :) I've always said I would never keep or use one cent of the money I've raised for rescue, 100% of it gets donated always , so it may have taken me awhile but I'm so happy it's finally happened. Lol unfortunately looking at all the components of the gazebo and attachments it may be a while before you actually see it in use as I'm sure I'm going to need a degree just to assemble it Exciting times ahead , we're definitely going to stand out in a crowd now :) See more
13.01.2022 Well we're happy to say that some events will be back up and running from August namely Dogs In The Park events. Here's hoping that markets and other dog events will kick off about the same time so we can get back to baking and fundraising for rescues as it seems like we've been gone forever. Also an update on our Gracie Well we got the results back for the two tumours removed , both were mast cell tumours, the cancer isn't as aggressive as Sally's and they've... gave her 1-2 years slightly better than Sally's 2 months. They really took a lot of skin out for both tumours just to make sure but one of them the margins aren't clear so they think it's already spread . Our choices : cut into her again to try and get it all , take a sample of her lymph nodes to see if it's spread there or chemotherapy. We are absolutely devastated for both our girls , but it's time to dry my tears do some research and get the best plan going forward for our darling Gracie Whatever it takes x See more
12.01.2022 Carol and I will be at The Kiama Seaside Markets tomorrow , with it promising to be such a beautiful day weather wise , it's a perfect chance to drop in , say hi and buy your fur baby a treat :)
12.01.2022 I've had a few people ask if we're doing the christmas packs again this year and the answer is a resounding yes !! Lol I haven't yet worked out the logistics of doing the packs around working two jobs this year especially seeing we sold over 120 last year but rest assured I'll figure it out , maybe quite a few alnighters might come into play. I'll work out the pack contents in the next few days and hopefully do a post at the same time :)
11.01.2022 I was beyond excited to bake a birthday box for the gorgeous Kobi's 6th birthday today , wow how strange was it to bake again after so many months off lol I had forgotten my recipes , I can't wait to kick it all off again next month :)
11.01.2022 Well today Brett and I headed down to The Shoalhaven Animal Shelter something unfortunately we haven't done for quite a while , to take a fur baby out for the day who happened to be Diego. Let me tell you the story of Diego. He was surrendered a week ago on his first birthday, a very frightened boy whose coping mechanism when unsure of situations was to bark and growl , all while his tail was wagging. Sharon and the wonderful girls at the shelter took things with him and it wasn't long before his loving goofy nature shone through. In walks Brett and I today and we were greeted with barks and some growls , if only people realised just how important socialisation is for a pup a lot of these poor fur babies wouldn't have to go through such insecurity in situations. Anyway unperturbed we bundled Diego into the car and headed to the beach lol a few growls every time we looked at him along the way .On the beach such a transformation he loved the water lol once he figured out what it was , running crazy along the beach and planting kisses on us when we collapsed on the sand. His sweet nature came through in leaps and bounds , once he relaxes around you he just wants to sit on you and receive lots and lots of pats lol. He met another dog on the beach and just wanted to play and play and play lol before we went to the park for fish and chips , he's definitely a scallops boy instead of chips but is so gentle taking food , not like my ratbag , after lunch it was off to Petbarn to buy him a new collar and lead for when he's adopted and to let him pick his own treat . On the way back to the shelter he nodded off resting his head between us. Diego is such a loving gentle boy who just needs someone to look past the first initial barks of uncertainty and if they do they'll realise what a gem he really is . We paid $200 off his adoption fee to help this gorgeous boy find his new home x See more
11.01.2022 Unfortunately Wings Over Illawarra which we were beyond excited to be attending this year has been postponed until November 2021 . To say we're devastated is an understatement but can fully understand in these trying times that the main goal is to keep everyone safe and if that can't be guaranteed the event needs to be cancelled. We'll keep attending The Kiama Seaside Market , and The Bulli Foragers Market is recommencing again soon which is fantastic . There's still a lot of uncertainty going forward with a lot of events planned for the rest of this year but whatever we can book into we'll go ahead with and hopefully start raising money for rescue again on a more regular basis lol watch this space x
10.01.2022 A video of just how quickly Diego warmed up to us , Brett walked further along the beach while I sat on the sand , when Diego saw me he dragged Brett along then and jumped on me , all less than an hour after first meeting us and barking :)
09.01.2022 Let's do this :)
09.01.2022 While it may be a different Anzac Day this year, we will still remember them ... lest we forget x
06.01.2022 We'll be at The Kiama Seaside Market tomorrow between 9am and 3pm , pop in say hi and try one of our new sample packs great for those times you're not quite sure what your fur baby will like :)
06.01.2022 We hope everyone is staying safe during these trying times , I'm slowly getting used to not being at work lol slowly the end result being I'm sure having the cleanest cupboards in the area . The thing we're not able to get used to though is not being able to fundraise through our normal outlets , we have supported the wonderful Jools of Almost Home Rescue For Animals With Special Needs for just over a year now and want to continue through this social isolation. But ?? Carol and I have been trying to come up with a way to make this happen , postage is too expensive for perishable items and markets are postponed. We half thought about doing pop up selling at random parks in all different suburbs lol but knowing our luck we'd probably get dobbed in with people thinking we're selling drugs. Which brings us to home delivery treats , delivering to certain areas on different days ? maybe worth a go ? please if anyone can come up with any ideas for us please fire away, we emptied out our money tin today and deposited all the money over to rescue but we can't let it end there ...please help us find away to continue supporting rescues and the wonderful Jools x See more
05.01.2022 Beautiful day at Kiama Seaside Markets :) with Carol Neal
05.01.2022 My apologies for such a long break between posts , I hope everyone is keeping well ,now that things are slowly going back to normal. The last two months for me have been a whirlwind our girl Sally a Labrador collapsed and ended up having major surgery as a tumour burst resulting in her spleen being removed and two tumours on her liver , the devastating diagnosis Hemangiosarcoma a very aggressive cancer , because of her age nearly 13 we opted for quality of life ra...ther than quantity so no chemotherapy , the vet has basically sent her home with pain relief and an 8 week time frame.That really wasn't good enough for me so I've since researched the cancer changed her diet , found a herbalist and started acupuncture for her. Six weeks further on she's doing really well .In the meantime our other girl Gracie had to be rushed to the vets with a suspected blockage after numerous tests and scans she was sent home with medication and now seems to be doing fine , so her diet was changed as well. Unfortunately at a subsequent visit for a check up they discovered a tumour as well so this Friday our poor Gracie will have it removed we're praying so hard it's not cancer. Our girls mean the world to us and we'll do anything for them, absolutely anything. Needless to say with all this going on baking has been the last thing on my mind. Hopefully with things now starting to reopen it won't be long before the markets and dog events will be back on and we can get back to fundraising again seriously it's been way too long. Take care everyone , stay safe x See more
04.01.2022 Some wonderful news .... Diego has been adopted !! , hope you have a wonderful life gorgeous boy including many more trips to the beach and hopefully a few more scallops lol x
03.01.2022 A huge thank you to everyone who visited our stall today , what a truly amazing day .... we had basically sold out of most items by 1pm !! lol the downside of being so busy we didn't get a chance to take as many photos of all the gorgeous fur babies as we normally do , but we managed to make a massive $924 for rescue which was awesome :)
03.01.2022 We're beyond excited to announce we're back !! join us for the re-commencement of the Kiama Seaside Markets on the 19th July , can't wait to hopefully see you all there and start raising some much needed funds for rescue x
02.01.2022 For a lot of homeless people their pets are all they have , imagine through hard times not being able to feed or provide vet care for your beloved fur baby meaning that they have to give them up , this wonderful organisation steps in provides what's needed so they stay together, how truly amazing is that !! today every donation is tripled by their backers. We couldn't not step in and help so we've donated $335 which has ended up being a $1,005 donation to the organisation . No-one should ever be separated from their pet x
02.01.2022 We are beyond excited to have been approved to have a stall across this awesome weekend ... wow wow and wow !!
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