All Pets Education and Training in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Dog trainer
All Pets Education and Training
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 488 315 784
Address: Camp Hill 4151 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Two new classes started today. Loose lead walking and engagement - today we met Leia, Vilda, Maia, Eva and Wolfie. Peanut will be in class next week too. We started some basics and building value in being with us as well as mat training etc and working between some higher and lower arousal.... Next the new Cooperative Care class started. We had a short PowerPoint and then began the basics. Including the start of the bucket game. It’s going to be a fun class. Meet Mojo, Buddy, Tom, Mindy and Betty.
25.01.2022 This morning breakfast concoction. Premix kangaroo raw, Ziwi peak, paw probiotic powder and simply seaweed. Topped with a carob drop donated to the Allan pups by a wonderful client
24.01.2022 Big day day for Lincoln. He was a good lad. His knee has been repaired and now we can focus on recovery.... His trochlear groove has been deepened, and the joint soft-tissues tightened on the lateral side of his knee to help keep the patella in position. As an added and unusual complication he also has a fracture in his patella. I’ll post that pic in the comments He must have really applied some force to that knee when he injured it. It’s been a big day and a huge thank you to Dr Lisa and all those at Carina and Holland Park Veterinary Clinics - Phone 33988229, 33974664.
24.01.2022 Today Schrdinger was a very good boy at the vet. Pre visit meds help him relax, and he had a pretty thorough exam and didnt even notice his vaccination. He was to busy scoffing a lamb puff and lick mat. Booked for a dental in a month which will include dental X-rays and a blood test at same time.... And we were very happy to be the recipient of an awesome blown glass mini Lincoln gift. Mini Lincoln moved in with his pals at home and settled in perfectly Thank you Dr Laura from Holland Park Vet
24.01.2022 I had a lovely message from Brownbears mum last night. Hi Trish. Just thought I'd let you know that Brownbear and I have been to the HP Vet twice since we did your course and its gone really well both times playing the bucket game. The staff are also really accommodating when they know we are your students. Its great. So just wanted to thank you for all of your help. BrownBear is having surgery soon, and the team at Carina and Holland Park Veterinary Clinics will allow his mum to stay with him until sedated. We also discussed a way last night to offer some reinforcement safely without putting lots of food etc in his belly.
24.01.2022 For every cat guardian who says that their cat loves to be tummy-petted, there are 99 who tell me that they get "attacked." In reality, its not an attack, but... most commonly a case of petting-induced overstimulation. For some of my tips on how to pet cats, check out the link below, and then repeat after me..."I wont pet the tummy no matter how scrumptious and inviting it may seem!" :) Cat Petting 101: And of course, thank you to They Can Talk for another great comic! (Check out their page for more great cat-themed funnies.) #FridayFelineFunnies #teamcatmojo
23.01.2022 It certainly makes nail day much easier when the pups want to line up for it Plus they see there is payment for them too.
23.01.2022 Why do dogs pull on lead? Because it works. If you want to train your dog to walk on a loose lead - commit to it, be fair and engaging, and above all be consistent. With my pups I use a two point attachment harness. When the leash is attached both front and back I expect my dog to walk closely by my side with a smile in the lead.... If I just attach to the back. They have more freedom. Can move further away (will often use with a long line), and the smile in the leash doesn’t have to be so big. At all times if the leash is tight, we don’t go anywhere. #allpets #allpets #looseleadwalking #smile
22.01.2022 3 very happy puppies went to the beach this morning. It was just us, so they had plenty of space to run and play. Poco and Cheesie will go out somewhere special this afternoon.
22.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all our dads. Those that are not with us will always be close and remembered. And dont forget the human dads for our much loved fur, feather and fin kids too.... Share a Fathers Day photo below or tag #allpetsedhappydad
22.01.2022 Tonight Larry has his second Skype session. Larry and his mum are currently in lockdown in Melbourne so Skype sessions it is. We learnt bed/mat, target, down and started some impulse control with the IYC game.... Larry was a little tired and after a short lets kill my bed session passed right out at the end. Now I know the photos arent super clear.... but who can guess his breed?
22.01.2022 Important Posts
20.01.2022 Ever heard the saying Neurons that fire together, wire together? This phrase was first used by neuropsychologist Donald Hebb in 1949. This saying, along with practice makes perfect, describes how neural pathways are both formed and reinforced through repetition.... In other words the more we, or our pets practice any behaviour, the better we get at it. This goes for both undesired and desired behaviours. So, what to do? #1 Manage the environment to reduce practice of undesired behaviour. This could be keeping sweets out of the house for us, or preventing access to front fences for dogs that fence run, choosing quieter times or locations for walks, keeping benches and counter tops clear of snacks for counter surfing pups or actively not reinforcing jumping behaviours etc. #2 Set up for success. Choose a new replacement behaviour, practice it a lot (without distractions to begin with) and make it easy to achieve for the learner. Ie eat more fruit for humans, have it prepare and in easy reach. For pups? Practice engagement games, have on a long line in front yards, walk in quiet locations with plenty of space, use enrichment feeding to use those brains and gain the snacks they want, reinforce four on the floor and so forth. #3 Dont expect too much too soon. Gradually increase the level of difficulty or distraction and continue to reinforce the desired behaviours. #allpets #allpetsed #brisbanedogtrainer #forcefree #science #itsnotrocketsciencebutitisscience #fearfree #qualified #brisbane #dogsofbrisbane #petsofbrisbane #cooperativecare #husbandrytraining #virtualcourses #onlinecourses #skypeconsults
20.01.2022 Thank you Gwen. Its been wonderful having you in class and virtual is certainly a way of the future. Seems to work very well.... 1 spot left in the next Virtual Loose Lead Walking and engagement class. Starts in 2 weeks time.
19.01.2022 Zoom classes this morning. Loose lead walking and engagement. We were missing one of the Charlie’s but she will be back next week.... This week we introduced the leash on and off game, a leash to walking, the it’s your choice bowl and target training. Cooperative care course. We had Henry, Liana, Alfie and Maia this week. Hugo and Millar will be in class next week Today we started introducing tools, a sustained target to hand and to towel, focus game, as well as lay on side and the start of the deep breath on cue. A busy but fun morning!
19.01.2022 Yappy Barkday Cheesie! 10yo. Thank you for teaching us so much and being patient with your small fuzzy brother. We know he is annoying at times. Now if you could stop de-stuffing your toys.... that would be awesome. But we love you either way
18.01.2022 Tonight Poco went to the vet. All prepared with tasty small treats, lick mat, baby food etc . He has developed a small skin irritation on side of his face. Im suspicious that it may be fungal.... So hes had some hair plucked and a fungal culture started. Meanwhile we will now start treatment. Once I got there I found Bruno was the next appointment, so we waited to see him. Lots of rewards for engagement and calm. Working toward vaccination in a few visits. Brunos mum is so dedicated and works with him and within his limits. A big thank you to Dr Jacqui from Carina vet for her help this evening.
18.01.2022 I think they’re on to me.... Poco was on Lincoln needs a friend duty. Poco was very happy to discover the box that fires treats!
18.01.2022 The pups got a new calming bed. This time I got a brand name Pupnaps higher quality one, and a large. Safe to say, it works for at least 3 of them, this was exactly where I unpacked it....... Lincoln on the other paw, is just the annoying little brother.
17.01.2022 Last night I participated in an interesting webinar and completed the associated quiz today. I think this is really interesting stuff, and there is so much we can do if you work with the right professionals to help our pets that may have changes in their mechanical make up.
17.01.2022 The puppies love to see what chews come in the box of goodies. We are trialling some new furry ears (a little but gross). They will increase fibre etc. I must not be grossed out if I find furry poop. Safe to say they all enjoyed them. Thanks CLEAR Dog Treats
17.01.2022 Ok. Lincoln made up a new game this afternoon... kept him amused for ages! Meanwhile... we have a bigger and deeper sandpit on its way and another 80kg of sand
16.01.2022 Today was hot Molly and Jack worked on some flirt pole and impulse control as well as engagement including using pace etc as reinforcement. Benjamin had a run through of his PAT .... just need to finish the dog dog component (we didn’t see any out and about today).... Revis and Mochi were the final two. We discussed integration further after a recent set back. They did well today. We also talked about set up including more elevated areas for Mochi. Revis has also shown some fear in recent storms. It’s not excessive yet, but we can put things in to place to help reduce the stress how. He really liked TTouch.
15.01.2022 I had a lovely message from Brownbears mum last night. Hi Trish. Just thought Id let you know that Brownbear and I have been to the HP Vet twice since we did your course and its gone really well both times playing the bucket game. The staff are also really accommodating when they know we are your students. Its great. So just wanted to thank you for all of your help. BrownBear is having surgery soon, and the team at Carina and Holland Park Veterinary Clinics will allow his mum to stay with him until sedated. We also discussed a way last night to offer some reinforcement safely without putting lots of food etc in his belly.
13.01.2022 A restless night but much brighter this am and munching on his fuzzy roo ear. Those pup naps beds had 1 human, and 2 pups sharing them last night too . Who else has slept on the floor next to their recovering pup?
13.01.2022 Week 5 of the zoom classes. All pups should be rather tired.... potentially some humans too. Cheesie and Lincoln packed up 1/2 way through Multiple Dogs class and went next door instead. Cheeky sods.... Everyone graduates next week :)
13.01.2022 New virtual course starting Saturday 26/9/20 1030. 6 week course 2 team positions left. Tricks!!!! ... Check the link below and watch the YouTube video for some things we will be working toward.
12.01.2022 Todays LLW class and Multiple Dog Class graduated. So much fun. Thank you for playing with me
12.01.2022 Today is RUOK? day. 2020 has been a tough year for everyone. A reminder to check in with those around you.... Equally important is to not ignore your pets that may also be struggling with mental health. Enjoy the company of those around you, those that you can check in with using technology and also your pets.
12.01.2022 Today I had sessions with Jack, Cleo, Ella and Flora. No photos of Ella and Flora. Jack went for a walk at Southbank and had a cafe break. We discussed lots of set up for his new sister arriving next week. Cleo practiced some loose lead walking, hand targets and engagement games.... Cleo and Ella had plans put in place to manage their stress associated with separation, guests and walks. Great work to all the humans!
11.01.2022 Pre dinner hide and seek with the pups. A great way to get them moving, having fun and using their noses. They seem to know all my hiding spots!
09.01.2022 Weve had a couple of big days here. Lincolns sandpit got a serious upgrade. But first I had to dig out dirt and rock, level the hill, build two raised garden beds and join together. Line with weed mat and fill with lots and lots and lots of sand ~300kg.... Safe to say it has been a hit, and although some sand has escaped, no where near as much as previously. #allpets #allpetsed #brisbanedogtrainer #forcefree #science #itsnotrocketsciencebutitisscience #fearfree #qualified #brisbane #dogsofbrisbane #petsofbrisbane #cooperativecare #husbandrytraining #virtualcourses #onlinecourses #skypeconsults #meetlincoln #sandpit #somuchsand #ohmyback
09.01.2022 Last night I participated in a webinar through Sydney Uni. A reminder for anyone with pets with behaviour changes (especially sudden), there is often an underlying medical cause. This is why I so often refer you back to your veterinarian for work up. ... Pain is commonly linked to changes in behaviour. Consider if you have a head ache etc, are you more or less likely to be grumpy at the world?
09.01.2022 Teaching with TAFE today. On break for lunch I set the pups up with a quick lick mat. Not all lick mats start out their lives as lick mats.... here are 2 purpose made ones, 2 ice cube trays and 1 pot holder. Today’s lick mat = diluted cream cheese, taste of the wild, baby food pouch and a topper of InnerWinner CTFD. ... 40 mins later, 4 sleepy puppies and 1 determined Poco making sure he doesn’t miss a drop. What do you use and what do you put on them?
09.01.2022 Lincoln having his at home laser therapy. Teaching cooperative care skills before you need them is very helpful.
09.01.2022 This mornings Zoom based Loose lead walking class and Zoom based multiple dogs classes were a lot of fun. Chaos.... but fun. So many tired humans and pups I think this afternoon.... Thank you for joining me everyone. I upped the distractions my way. Sent Humphrey and Cheesie next door to complete class and had the other pups working with me on opposite side of fence.
07.01.2022 This morning I caught up with Jack and his people for a walk and coffee at south bank. Later I played mind games with my pups when I check in on camera and talked to them through it. The caught up with Paddy and Byron. Paddy was much calmer today. We also started teaching some fun games to play and a shake a paw.
07.01.2022 So Lincoln is most likely having surgery tomorrow to repair his knee. Two weeks of rest and he is not any less lame. So as part of our prep for tomorrow and the coming weeks he has had a bath, has reinforced his training with Elizabethan collar and muzzle again, prepped his pen with a stable bed, and new Paw-ta-Potty (not that he’s used the last one but he likes laying on it), and even better sourced some new enrichment goodies.... We have a Petcube Bites - remote activated camera with noise and motion alerts, the ability to speak to him and also deliver a reward through the device. He got a new snuffle type mat from Zach's Pet Shop He has his wall snuffle mat from Snuffle 'ems And today I made him a scent board for calm mental and sniffing enrichment and he will get plenty of practice at walls and his indication.
07.01.2022 2 more fun zoom consults this evening. Both Victorian puppies Little Larry learnt come when called, loose lead walking basics, leave and tricks.... Little Luna had plans put in place to build some confidence and resilience with alone time as well as managing Luna and her mouthing and also engagement with Ben new older dog brother.
07.01.2022 You all know how much I enjoy learning. TAFE is currently on non attendance time, which means I have a few more hours for continuing education. Ive been completing this course for a month or so, but was able to complete the last couple of hours today.... Cats are pretty cool little creatures
06.01.2022 Me: Puppies, we are trying to grow the grass again. You have to stay that side of the temporary fence. Not one paw is to go across. Lincoln: Like this?
06.01.2022 Tonight’s Zoom consult was Simba. Simba has been playing a little rough with young Josh. So we got Josh in as a junior trainer (pretty good for 6yo) and had him practice rewarding Simba was sits, come, going to bed and focusing while on leash.... It was great to see Simba choose not to jump and instead to sit after only a few minutes of training.
06.01.2022 Ok.... you know how I said I wasnt getting any more toys for the pups? Looks like I lied Their Uglybox came today with a new enrichment toy, stuff toy (which Ive had to remove from senior destuffing expert Cheesie already) and treats. And Lincolns new Rainbow Dog Tugs came today too. They love them!... Happy Puppies.
06.01.2022 This morning 2 new groups for zoom classes started. Loose lead walking and engagement with Cassie, Charlie, Paddy and Charlie. A great group of people and pups.... Cooperative Care via zoom. Only 2 of the 4 families could attend today - bonus of having recording of the live We went through a short PowerPoint covering how dogs learn, body language and choice of reinforcement. We went through some practical skills - just reinforcing the basics - look, sit, down and mat and started collar grabs, gentle lifting and the bucket game. Lots of fun and I’m keen to see these groups progress
05.01.2022 Last week I got an awesome update from Reviss mum. We did a session a while ago about introductions and setting up for success - good training takes time. Hi Trish,... I hope you are well. I just want to update you on Revis progress with the cat Mochi, and say a big thank you for the tips you have given me last time. We have been taking things very slowly and today they are sharing the same floor for the first time! Here is Revis relaxing on his mat and Mochi relaxing under his cat tree. Revis has been doing awesome not chasing Mochi, and letting Mochi know where his boundaries are. I will make sure to let you know when they become friends!
05.01.2022 Poco had physio this morning. A little sore but not as bad as 2 weeks ago. He had a few needles too. Back in a month. Lincoln was also back at vss today for X-rays and ultrasound. Ultrasound of bladder shows no cause for his recent accidents which is good. X-ray of knee - unfortunately still not healing like we would have liked so not able to remove his pin yet. Another month of antibiotics etc and continue on as we are already, and repeat X-rays in 4 weeks. Fingers crossed.... Home, having cuddles and some calming ttouch ear slides- he loves them
04.01.2022 Some privates from trust. Jack has a new sister - meet Molly. What a great set up for controlled and gradual introductions. ... And the I met Butters and his family. He going to grow up and hopefully be a therapy dog. We puts lots things in place today to build on current skills. Primarily 4 on the floor. When he has a mat, it gives him an obvious job to do. He did so well today, in a few different environments with building distractions.
03.01.2022 Remind me - next time I think the pups need new enrichment toys.... they have enough. My faves easy to pack and clean - so easy access in the basket. Plus another cupboard with lick mats.... Pulled some of the least used toys and will donate next time at RSPCA/AWL. Many of these toys are kong or busy buddy brand and some are 15 years old and still in good condition. Whats your fave toy for enrichment?
02.01.2022 Afternoon walk to the duck pond with Cheesie and Poco.
02.01.2022 Poco was very helpful when setting up for tonights Skype private session. Lucy appreciated his efforts.
01.01.2022 The pups sandpit was on the other side of the temporary fence. They havent had access for a couple of weeks. Moved it back to their side today. Safe to say they are happy to have it back. Must order more sand!
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