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Allpress Antiques in Malvern, Victoria, Australia | Furniture repair & upholstery service

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Allpress Antiques

Locality: Malvern, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9824 8551

Address: 1425 Malvern Road 3144 Malvern, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 A wonderful recent private purchase. Decorative 18th century french oak buffet deux corps, of small proportions. Over the years I’ve sold many, usually slight ...or profusely carved. This example has elegant modern like lines, beautifully worn and patinated. All original brass-work. The standout piece in a modern apartment living room, entrance or hallway. Stunning lines indeed. As I said usually carved, also usually much larger proportions. H.230cm W.120cm D.50cm #allpressinc #allpressantiques #buffetdeuxcorps #buffet #frenchantiques #rare #stylish #home #homedecor #interiors #interiordesign #interiordecoration #livingroomdecor #livingroom #entrancedecor #entrance #hallwaydecor #hallway #furnishwithstyle

22.01.2022 New into stock today. Private purchase this morning. 18th century English country oak (style) side/hall table of narrow proportions.... In the 18th & 19th Centuries side tables were never made this size. My customer thought it was period, as has been so well made. 18th century style English country oak side/hall table. The wide two plank top above a moulded frieze, having a small centre drawer. Resting on square tapered legs. H.82cm W.138cm D.38cm Tables like this don’t take long to sell. Message me if you’re interested... #allpressinc #allpressantiques #home #homedecor #sidetable #halltable #servingtable #interiors #interiordesign #interiorstyling #interiordecorating #hallwaydecor #entrancedecor #entrancetable #oak

22.01.2022 They’ve just arrived from UK 407 years old! Basilius Besler ... First editions 1613 Hand coloured copper engravings. #allpressinc #allpressantiques #allpressart #basilbesler #basilbeslerfirstedition #basilbesler1613 #art #home #homedecor #interiors #interiorstyling #interiordecor #interiordecorating #botanicalart #1613 #1613art #rare #unique #geranium #stunning

20.01.2022 The first piece in their newly purchased home. Delivered recently. It’s important to place the key pieces into any room before you start with the cushions, rugs..., curtains etc... get the bones in, then compliment them with suitably matching decorative items. I pulled this table out of storage a few weeks ago. Been there from my last English container a few years ago. Glued up, cleaned back and re wax finished and Bobs your Aunty! Other photos in my showroom. Note: this piece never made my website! It pays to pop in every now and then... #allpressinc #allpressantiques #home #homedecor #periodfurniture #farmhousetable #cherrywood #frenchcherrywood #antiquetable #interiør #interiordesign #interiorstyling #interiordecorating #kitchentable #diningtable #style First quarter 19th century French fruitwood (cherry) farmhouse table. The well patinated three plank cleated top, above a plain shaped apron, resting on square inner-tapered legs. C.1810

17.01.2022 A selection of decorative and antique mirrors within my showroom. All stocks generously reduced to clear. Sales have been fantastic over the past week. I have e...nough room to dance in my shop if I wished!!!! Not for long, as preparing replacement stock now!!! Enquiries on pricing, please DM me. To see further photos and details of all mirrors, go to my newly housed website, click ‘rare and unusual, ‘mirrors’ and scroll... Wait until tomorrow to see something amazing that I’ve never done before. Something I’ve wanted to do for many years.... Hint, Group framing of rare??? Also, one of the biggest announcements I’ve ever made!!! #allpressinc #allpressantiques #mirrors #antiquemirror #decorativeitems #home #homedecor #interiors #interiordesign #interiorstyling #interiordecorating #rare #botanical #botanicalart #surprise #sunburstmirror #retromirror #flemishmirror #erté #erte #ertemirror #raremirror #announcement

16.01.2022 Beautifully patinated fruitwood farmhouse table in showroom today.

10.01.2022 The footpaths may be empty Dictator Dan, but business continues, no matter how hard you try! Headline: Melbourne Antique Businesses Survive thanks to modern, eg a professional website. An Unusually Large 19th Century English Gilt Convex Mirror Retaining the original mirror, never restored, perfect condition. Dia. 76cm #allpressinc #allpressantiques #interiors #interiorstyling #interiordecorating #interiordecor #mirror #convexmirror #home #homedecor #style #classicstyle #classicstyling #livingroom #livingroomdecor #entrance #entrancedecor #hallwaydecor #decorative #decorativeitems #decorativemirror #sackdanandrews

10.01.2022 Reopening tomorrow morning 11:00am Come celebrate Melbournes first day of trading with me tomorrow. The sale I launched earlier this year continues.... 20% - 40% off everything. It’s a good chance to pick up some of the best furniture, art, lighting, ceramics and decorative items in Australia. All old stock and new stock included... Looking forward to seeing you. Jamie #allpressinc #allpressantiques #art #contemporaryart #periodart #botanical #botanicalart #chestofdrawers #dressers #buffetdeauxcorp #bookcase #maps #globe #bureau #interiors #chandelier #mirror #lighting #desk #farmhousetable #ceramics #rare #style #sale

06.01.2022 I sold this rare magnificent 18th century English Georgian country oak break-front bookcase, 20 years ago and purchased back today. So nice to have this back. ...Only a few months ago a customer rang me about this bookcase, remembering seeing in my showroom years ago. I told them it’s the only one I’ve seen, and sadly probably will never see another. I wish I could remember who called? The majority of 18th & 19th century English bookcases, are mahogany and much larger unattractive proportions. Anyway, still in need of a good wax, but looks great. 18th century English country oak break-front bookcase of small proportions. The three doors retaining the beautiful wavy glass panels. Above two panelled doors concealing six medullary-ray drawers, retaining most of the original brass swan-neck handles. C.1780 H. 221cm W.172cm D. 52cm #allpressinc #allpressantiques #rare #englishcountryoak #18thcenturyfurniture #interiors #interiordesign #interiorstyling #home #interiordecorating #interiordecor #bookcase #bookcasestyling #style #classiclines #classicstyle #homeinterior #periodfurniture #periodoak #englishoak #livingroomdecor

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