All Souls St Gabriels School in Charters Towers, Queensland | Public school
All Souls St Gabriels School
Locality: Charters Towers, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 4787 1433
Address: 30 Dr George Ellis Drive 4820 Charters Towers, QLD, Australia
Likes: 4360
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25.01.2022 ASSG AWARDS DAY 2020 - PART 2 || Congratulations to all of our Award recipients - we are so proud of all your efforts during this year A big thanks to all of our families who attended, it was a lovely morning at the Jim Rebgetz Centre and a wonderful opportunity to farewell our Class of 2020. #proudtobeASSG #teamsouls #ASSG100
25.01.2022 MORE THAN JUST A SCHOOL JOIN THE SOULS FAMILY || Enrol NOW for 2021 & Beyond Pre-prep to Year 12 with Boarding from Year 6 Smaller Classes | An Extensive Range of Subjects | Specialist Music Classes | Vocational Pathways | A Safe & Hygienic Environment | Experienced & Passionate Staff | Extra-Curricular Activities | A Friendly Inclusive Community | Boarding from Year 6 | Exceptional Boarding Facilities | Horse & Cattle Club | Duke of Edinburgh | Excursions & Camps | Servic...e & Leadership Opportunities | For more information - Contact our Head of Enrolments, Mr Jon Teichmann [email protected] Ph (07) 4787 1433 #proudtobeASSG #ASSG100 #teamsouls #ASSGmorethanjustaschool #ASSGboarding
25.01.2022 RU OK Netball - Album 2 Thanks again to Year 12 for organising such a fun finish to the term
24.01.2022 Congratulations to the ASSG 1st mixed team who won the Charters Towers Touch A Grade grand final 12-5 against All Stars. Well done to Todd Thorn who received player of the final.
24.01.2022 LIFESTYLES OF THE SOULS & FAMOUS || Today we meet Mrs Deb Sellars - Our 2021 Year 7 & 8 Coordinator Where are you from and School/Uni you attended? - I grew up in Maryborough, Queensland and was the School Captain of Maryborough State High School. Charters Towers is now my home. I completed my teaching degree through Central Queensland University (majoring in Early Childhood with a minor in Religion). I have a Graduate Certificate in Inclusive Education from QUT and will ...finish my Masters of Inclusive Education in 2019 through Charles Sturt University, before beginning a Masters of Applied Behaviour Analysis in 2020 through Griffith University. Your position, other roles & time at the school? - This is my first year at Souls, although I am a Senior Teacher. My roles have been varied this year, with Junior School Music and Learning Support, assisting Leslie Croker with the Junior School choirs, teaching Year 7 and Year 8 Music and Year 9 Foundation Maths. Your Personal interests/ volunteer work outside of school? - My husband, Ron Sellars and I are musicians who actively gig around Queensland when COVID isn't canceling events. I have been the Secretary of the Charters Towers Country Music Festival Committee for 6 years and have been involved in all country music clubs in town at some stage in various capacities. I am a singing teacher after school and specialise in putting students through Australian Music Examination Board certification. This year I joined the Eisteddfod Committee as a volunteer. I am the Events and Festivals Representative on the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Committee. Outside of school, you'll find me spending time with Ron and my 2 beautiful furchildren - Ellie and Evie the staffies. And I love letting my creative side loose through baking cakes. Why do you love working at Souls? - Souls has an incredible community feel that makes it an absolute joy to come to school each day. I love that as I walk through both the Junior and Senior campuses, it is not unusual to hear cheery hellos from both staff and students. Souls students are respectful and kind, and I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the varied lives of our students outside of school. Your advice to our students? - Enjoy your time at Souls - you will miss it when you have completed your education. And when the teacher says, "This may be on the test", listen to them, because chances are, it will be on the test! #lifestylesofthesoulsandfamous #teamsouls #ASSG100
24.01.2022 Looking for New & Used Uniforms? OR have some to SELL? JOIN our GROUP and get ready for 2021
23.01.2022 NEW Big ASS Fans and lighting for the Jim Rebgetz MPC || A combined project financed by the ASSG Parents & Friends and All Souls St Gabriels School. After many years of fundraising, installation of fans and new lighting in the Jim Rebgetz Centre will commenced today. ... Four Powerfoil X3.0 Fans, 7m in length, are being installed into the Jim Rebgetz Multi-Purpose Centre. The innovative fans will be a very welcomed addition to the facility which is used all year round by the Junior and Senior School. The large fans feature a patented system of aerospace-designed aerofoils and winglets, and the NitroSeal Drive gearbox requires no maintenance ever. The school is also replacing the facilities lights with an upgrade to a more modern LED lights which will be brighter instantly with immediate off and on capacity. This new project has perfect timing, as the School is proudly continuing to upgrade its facilities across the campus to provide an exceptional standard in education and boarding in North Queensland. Our active P&F meet monthly to discuss ways to fundraise, improve the school and support our students. Covid-19 has not slowed them down with the Committee planning their next fundraiser for Term 4. In Term 4, the P&F will be supporting projects such as the Year 6 camp, driver education training and is also working on Valedictory Gifts for our 2020 Seniors. We thank the P&F and it's volunteers, we really appreciate your continued support. #proudtbeASSG #ASSGparentsandfriends #ASSGprojects
23.01.2022 FLIPSIDE CIRCUS || Our Year 3 students attended a circus workshop with Flipside at the World Theatre today. They had lots of fun learning tumbling, trapeze, juggling and trampolining skills . Afterwards they went to Centenary Park to have a picnic, followed by completing a riddle scavenger hunt to learn about the different uses of Centenary Park for their Geography inquiry. ... Thanks to Olly Nunns for taking some of the Photos #flipsidecircus #ASSGyear3 #getoutbacktocharterstowers
23.01.2022 HELLO SUMMER || Check out our NEW #ASSG100 Caps.. Just in time for Summer Available at the ASSG Main Admin or at the ASSG Emporium on Gill Street from this Tuesday (6th October) - $30 Each #teamsouls #BLACKWHITEBLACK #proudtobeASSG
23.01.2022 Junior Inter-School Touch Gala || Last Friday, Souls participated in the annual Junior Inter-School Touch Gala. Here are our REPORTS Congratulations to the ASSG Boys U12 Touch team won their first interschool trophy. ... During the hot and dry conditions, they lost a close game to Millchester SS, drew with Richmond Hill SS, defeated Columba and Central SS and finished the final round with a win over BTC. They finished in 2nd place overall and a place in the final against Central SS. It was a very close and exciting game that finished 3-3, however since ASSG scored first, we were awarded the victory. All boys played well in the conditions and showed great sportsmanship to their opposing players and commitment in representing ASSG. All the boys ran themselves into the ground many times in both attack and defense. They listened and took on feedback and put plays into place to win through to the final. Well done boys. The All Souls St Gabriels School Girls Touch team competed in the Inter-School Touch Gala Day with determination, team spirit and a bucket full of readiness to learn. While it took the girls a couple of games to get into the swing of things, they were always ready and willing to take on board feedback in order to go back and improve in the next game. They definitely deserve an award for the most improved team. The girls won 2 games, lost 3 games and only just missed out on a place in the semi-final by a count back on for and against results. Well done girls. Congratulations to you all :) :) #proudtobeASSG #teamouls #ASSGjuniorschool
22.01.2022 R U OK || Today we celebrated R U OK day as a fitting end to a "different term" with a range of events, including a girls v boys Netball game. No guessing who was victorious - ps - it wasn't the boys. A huge thank you to our Year 12 students for organising an awesome day of activities. Enjoy your well deserved break
21.01.2022 ASSG AWARDS DAY 2020 - PART 3 || Congratulations to all of our Award recipients - we are so proud of all your efforts during this year A big thanks to all of our families who attended, it was a lovely morning at the Jim Rebgetz Centre and a wonderful opportunity to farewell our Class of 2020. #proudtobeASSG #teamsouls #ASSG100
20.01.2022 More than just a School ENROL Now for 2021 & BEYOND @ Souls PRE Prep to Year 12 | Co-Educational Boarding from Year 6... Smaller Classes Inclusive Community Dedicated Teachers & Staff A Safe & Hygienic Environment Experienced Boarding Staff Extra Curricular Opportunities Vocational Opportunities Service & Leadership Opportunities #proudtobeASSG #ASSG100 #teamsouls
20.01.2022 ASSG - COLOURS || Congratulations to all of our Students who received Colours at Headmaster's Assembly ATHLETICS - Colours are the highest award a student can receive in this discipline. Colours are awarded to an athlete who demonstrates a consistent high level of performance in both Inter-House and Inter-School Carnivals, in addition to a commitment to the sport through sportsmanship and attendance at training. ACADEMIC - Colours are the highest award a student can in this discipline. Academic Colours are awarded to a student who is ATAR eligible, displays exceptional commitment to their studies through both effort and results, and achieves a minimum of two credits in academic School-entered competitions or meritorious academic awards/representations. TENNIS - Colours are the highest award a student can receive in this discipline. Colours are awarded to an athlete who demonstrates a consistent high level of performance in both Inter-School Sporting fixtures and North Queensland trials, in addition to exhibiting commitment to the sport through sportsmanship and attendance at training. MUSIC - Colours are the highest award a student can receive in this discipline. Music Colours are awarded to a student who represents the school at an elite level within this discipline as well as demonstrate leadership and advocacy for the Arts within the school. RUGBY UNION - Colours are the highest award a student can receive in this discipline. Colours are awarded to an athlete who gains selection in a NQ Open Team, in addition to exhibiting commitment to the sport through sportsmanship and attendance at training. #ASSGcolours #proudtobeASSG #teamsouls
18.01.2022 ASSG Year 5 Paddock to Plate || Our Year 5 students had another brilliant excursion for our Paddock to Plate Design Technology Unit last week. This time they visited Anthony Caleo and Tomomi Shiina at Black River Produce. The students were taken through all of the production process from growing the seeds, planting, harvest, processing and packing to being able to buy them locally at Woolworths. They saw broccoli, kent pumpkin, cauliflower and asparagus crops and newly plan...ted watermelon. Anthony and Timomi were fantastic hosts and we are very grateful to them for sharing their knowledge with us. Thanks Anthony & Timomi #ASSGjuniorschool #paddocktoplate #ASSGdesigntechnology #proudtobeASSG
18.01.2022 Wedding wishes || Congratulations to Miss Browne & Mr Nicholls who were married on the weekend at their property in Charters Towers We wish you both all the best for your future together as Mr & Mrs Nicholls Lots of LOVE - Your Souls Family xxx ... #mrandmrsnicholls #teamsouls #loveisintheair #libbytwinephotography
18.01.2022 2020 Inter-School Netball Champions ASSG 1st Netball Team
16.01.2022 ASSG Senior Dinner || As part of the end of schooling, the School hosted a Senior Dinner event for staff and Year 12 students to attend at the Charters Towers RSL Function Room. It was a great night for all with staff acknowledging and celebrating the Year 12 groups time at Souls. A big thanks to all involved in putting on this lovely evening and thanks to the RSL for having us. ... #ASSGseniors #teamsouls #ASSG100
15.01.2022 Attention Secondary Students || PLEASE wear your PE Uniforms this week and remember to bring your swimmers THANKS Staff
15.01.2022 Join us for our 100 Years Celebrations 28th - 30th May 2021 #teamsouls #ASSG100
13.01.2022 ASSG AWARDS DAY 2020 - PART 1 || Congratulations to all of our Award recipients - we are so proud of all your efforts during this year Thank you to our many EXTREMLY talented students who performed for us all A big thanks to all of our families who attended, it was a lovely morning at the Jim Rebgetz Centre and a wonderful opportunity to farewell our Class of 2020.... #proudtobeASSG #teamsouls #ASSG100
13.01.2022 ASSG ARTS EXTRAVAGANZA || All Souls St Gabriels School proudly presents the 2020 Arts Extravaganza! FRIDAY 9th October 2020 @ 6:30pm The World Theatre - Charters Towers ... GOLD COIN DONATION at the door Please BOOK your tickets here ... Forget the trials and tribulations of 2020 for the cost of a gold coin donation as you delight in a night of quality entertainment, featuring SINGING, DANCING, MUSIC, a ARTS FASHION PARADE even a rock band! Please join us in a night of celebrating the unique talents of our students! #proudtobeASSG #theartsASSG #teamsouls #ASSGartsEXTRAVAGANZA
12.01.2022 REMINDER || This weekend is a LONG WEEKEND for our Souls Family - Monday 5th October 2020 is a Public Holiday TUESDAY 6th October - Travel Day WEDNESDAY 7th October - 1st Day Term 4... #proudtobeASSG #teamsouls #ASSG100
10.01.2022 ASSG Awards Day performance by our Year 12 Students - Kurtis West, Cody Bucklar, Kuage Koglkia and Holly Deans #nevertearusapart #proudtobeASSG #ASSGseniorband
10.01.2022 BTC Centenary Gift for ASSG || Today, Simon Murphy (Principal) and School Captains Jacqueline Brown and Ben Winkless visited the school to present Mr Fleming, and our School Captains Camryn Guldbransen and Michael Meteyard with our Centenary gift. THANK YOU Blackheath & Thornburgh College for our lovely gift #ASSG20 #ASSG100 #thankyouBTC
10.01.2022 Junior Inter-School Swimming Carnival || What a great day at the Town Pool, all of our swimmers did a fantastic job in the water - WELL DONE TO YOU ALL Congratulations to our Age Champions & Runners Up 11 Years Girl Age Champion - Hollie Laffin... 9 Years Boy Age Champion - Konner Laffin 9 Years Girl Runner Up - Lilah Plant Congratulations also to Lilah Plant who broke the 9 Years Girl Backstroke Record - More info to come :) A big thanks to Columba for hosting such a great Carnival and Congratulations on your overall win Congratulations also to the Dalrymple Cluster for the Averages WIN #proudtobeASSG #teamsouls #ASSGjuniorschool
09.01.2022 FLASH BACK FRIDAY || Today we reflect on the NEW YEAR and "FLASH BACK" to the start of St Gabriels School for Girls 100 Years ago Established by the Sisters of the Sacred Advent in 1921 and located on Gordon Street, Charters Towers (Advent House) #ASSGflashbackfriday #ASSG100 #stgabrielsschool
08.01.2022 Congratulations to the GIRLS who won the GIRLS v BOYS netball game this afternoon. A great game by all, and a wonderful way to finish the term
07.01.2022 Netball Clinic || This afternoon several of our ASSG netballers attended a skills clinic with Sunshine Coast Lightening player Cara Koenen. Cara took the players through some activities before sharing her journey into elite level netball. Thanks to the CTNA for organising the afternoon and BTC for hosting. ... Thanks especially to Cara for visiting Charters Towers. #proudtobeASSG #ctnetball #carakoenen #netballqueensland
06.01.2022 Inter-House Academics || Congratulations to Alban & Ramsay - OUR 2020 Inter-House Academics Champions #ASSGinterhouseacademics #proudtobeASSG #teamsouls
06.01.2022 Join us for the 45th Burry Weekend - PLEASE RSVP for Catering [email protected] #teamsouls #ASSG100
05.01.2022 ONLY 8 WEEKS till we draw our "Win a HILUX with Souls" Raffle... Do you have your Tickets? TICKETS - $50 Each ... ONLY 1999 will be SOLD Get online today @ Phone - (07) 4787 1433 Or Pop into the ASSG Main Admin Or Pop into the ASSG Emporium on Gill Street (Across from the Post Office) You don't have to be present to WIN this $55,000 Prize.. Plus 4 amazing CASH Runner Up Prizes! #winahiluxwithSOULS #ASSG100
05.01.2022 ASSG Junior School WATER EXTRAVAGANZA || Last Friday while the swimming carnival continued at the Town Pool, our younger Junior School Students had a WATER EXTRAVAGANZA A big thanks to our Staff for coordinating so many FUN water activities #proudtobeASSG #teamsouls #ASSG100
05.01.2022 2020 Inter-School Sports Finals ASSG 2nds - Runner Up Winners
04.01.2022 The school seeks to employ an experienced office professional to provide high level administration and technical support to the Headmaster to commence at the start of the 2021 school year. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE HEADMASTER (Full time, Permanent Position) For more information or to apply for this position - please go to our website ... Applicants should have the ability to: Support the Headmaster to efficiently and effectively lead the School. The successful candidate will: Understand and build relationships with staff, students, the School Board and School community. Liaise promptly and efficiently with external organisations and professionals. Ensure that welcoming and supportive interactions occur with all who communicate with the School. Work with discretion and confidentiality. Deal with difficult situations or unexpected events and support those involved. Identify ways of delivering a high-quality service. Work in a collaborative environment. Applicants must have a Blue Card (Working with Children) and undertake Child Protection Training prior to commencement. All staff are encouraged to contribute to the wider life of the school through their participation in extra-curricular activities. Further information about the School and the Role Description can be found on our website All Souls St Gabriels School reserves the right to appoint by invitation. Applications, including a full curriculum vitae with appropriate references and the names and telephone numbers of three referees, should be forwarded no later than 4.00pm Friday 15 January 2021 to: Sophie Urquhart Business Manager [Email hidden] 07 4787 1433
02.01.2022 ASSG Pennants || Congratulations to all of our students who received Pennants at Headmaster's assembly on Friday. ATHLETICS - A pennant is awarded to an athlete who demonstrates a consistent level of high performance in both Inter-House and Inter-School Carnivals, in addition to a commitment to the sport through sportsmanship and attendance at training. SOFTBALL - A pennant is awarded to an athlete who shows a consistent high level of performance in Inter-School Sporting... fixtures and commitment to the sport through sportsmanship and attendance at training. DANCE & MUSIC - A pennant is awarded to a student who has demonstrated a consistent level of high performance across their chosen discipline, through either a qualification grade/level or selection process and who has also shown commitment to music related extra-curricular TENNIS - A pennant is awarded to an athlete who shows a consistent high level of performance in Inter-School Sporting fixtures and commitment to the sport through sportsmanship and attendance at training. #proudtobeASSG #ASSGpennants #teamsouls
02.01.2022 NAIDOC WEEK 2020 || Always Was, Always Will Be. This week at Headmaster's Assembly we were treated to a unique and powerful collaboration on the Australian National Anthem. Year 9 Student, Jalen Barry in a few short practices taught himself how to use the Didgeridoo. ... Jalen was accompanied by Year 7 Student Demarques (Marky) Gibbo on the clap sticks and joined a few of our School Band Members to perform the National Anthem Well done and congratulations to you all!! #proudtobeASSG #teamsouls #NAIDOC2020 #alwayswasalwayswillbe
01.01.2022 May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand. Irish Blessing #ASSGseniors2020 #ASSG100 #proudtobeASSG #teamsouls
01.01.2022 SURF LIFESAVING - Townsville || This week our Year 5 and 6 students had a fantastic time at The Strand stinger net no2. They were instructed by Zoe and Jess @acadiansurfwoman from Arcadian Surf Life Saving Club on water awareness, personal safety. Surf sport and life saving skills are part of the Sporting Schools program. Our instructors kept the students busy wading into water, rescuing friends with a rescue tube, CPR, and flag races. It was an amazing opportunity for our students to learn practical skills to keep them safe when they are at the beach. #proudtobeASSG #australiansurflifesaving #ASSGjuniorschool
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