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Allure Journeys in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Tour guide

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Allure Journeys

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 474 042 681

Address: 1147 Mt Mee Rd, Mt Mee 4521 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Only in Australia...

24.01.2022 Anyone who attended the following locations at the relevant times are being asked to IMMEDIATELY self-quarantine and contact 13 HEALTH following the three new c...ases of coronavirus in Queensland today. 21 July 2020 - Virgin flights VA863 Mel - Syd and VA977 Syd - Bne 22-23 July 2020 (9:30am-6pm) - Parklands Christian College, Park Ridge 23 July 2020 (7-9pm) - Madtongsan IV Restaurant - Sunnybank 23 July 2020 (9:25pm) - Heeretea -Bubble Tea Shop - Sunnybank 23 - 24 July 2020 - YMCA Chatswood Hills Outside School Hours Care - Springwood 23 - 24 July 2020 (3:30-5:30pm) - Primary Medical and Dental Practice - Browns Plains 26 July 2020 (6:30-9:30pm) Thai Peak Restaurant - Springfield 27 July 2020 - Cowch Dessert Cocktail Bar - Southbank 27 July 2020 - P’Nut Street Noodles - Southbank 28 July 2020 - African Grocery Shop - Woodridge (Station Rd) 28 July 2020 (12.25pm-12.30pm) - Primary Medical and Dental Practice - Browns Plains 28 July 2020 - Chatime Grand Plaza - Browns Plains Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19, even if they are mild, must get tested. A number of Fever Clinic times have been extended: Logan Hospital Fever Clinic - 8am-9pm - Wednesday 29 July-Thursday 30 July QEII Hospital Fever Clinic - 8am - 9pm - Wednesday 29 July-Friday 31 July Parklands Fever Clinic (school community testing) - Closes 7pm tonight. Opens 9am tomorrow Orion Springfield Central Shopping Centre western car park (pop up clinic) - 9am-4pm - Thursday 30 July-Sunday 2 August

23.01.2022 If you enjoy bird watching then Kangaroo Island will be a treat! Over 250 bird species, several rare and so many places to see them. It also supports over 1% of the world populations of Cape Barren geese, just for starters. Here is a list to browse through. Are there any you haven't seen?

23.01.2022 How many have you done

23.01.2022 Modern Art. Jeff B.

23.01.2022 Well if it's scientifically proven, who are we to argue?! #oceanreach #lifesabeach

23.01.2022 These striking fish have been photographed in the waters off Kangaroo Island, where there are some 1000 different species of fish. The wonders of nature in this beautiful country never cease to astound one. Photo Credit: KI Friends of the Sea: School of Zebrafish, photo taken by Josh Sheppard

21.01.2022 A white moustache wallaby, the Parma Wallaby, is an ecosystem engineer. Discover why this happy resident of the NSW Barrington Tops plays 'a significant role in ecological functionality and habitat restoration'.

21.01.2022 Wanted to go and check out #barrongorge but couldn’t get across the road.

19.01.2022 Hop to it, guys! Very cute video of some rescued roos living at The Kangaroo Sanctuary in Alice Springs out on their morning hop. : The Kangaroo Sanctuary Alice Springs via Storyful

19.01.2022 Yes they are real...but our main beaches are well monitored for safety. Only approx 6 people have died from shark attacks on the east coast of Australia since shark nets were introduced in the 1960s.

19.01.2022 A kangaroo has hopped down the main street of Coolum. Latest 7 News: #7News

18.01.2022 This business is exciting, fresh and new promoting one of the oldest cultures in the world. We are looking forward to visiting the north to choose from the engaging activities available....pop it on your itinerary -

18.01.2022 Whoever came up with this sign to help us remember the safety warning of staying away from others during the Corona Virus situation, deserves a huge pat on the back. Very clever, original and a bit of fun. I love it.

18.01.2022 This Cradle Mountain wombat had an itch that just couldn't wait! #WombatWednesday #werkit : Piotr Babis

18.01.2022 Meet 20-month-old Isabella and her pet wombat, Boo! The pair grew up together after the two-year-old wombat was orphaned when her mother was hit by a car - the...y're now the best of friends! Credit: Wicked Wildlife #9News |

18.01.2022 VISITORS AND LOCALS Walking SA have put together a list of 13 walking trails to enjoy on KI. There are plenty of options to explore the island on foot. Enjoy...! Don't forget to pack a water bottle, hat, sunscreen and camera. #KIHealthyLiving #barkthemout #Familyfriendly #bookthemout #sellthemout #worklifebalance #timeout

18.01.2022 Please DO NOT GIVE WATER TO KOALAS BY POURING WATER FROM BOTTLES INTO THEIR MOUTHS. PLACE A BOWL OF WATER ON THE GROUND OR POUR THE WATER IN TO YOUR HAT/HELMET/...CUP ETC AND HOLD NEAR KOALAS MOUTH SO THAT IT CAN LAP AT IT With all the facebook posts about wonderful people caring for wildlife amidst the fire and heat disasters over these past weeks a silent tragedy is happening. Koala's are DYING because people are trying their best to help but don't understand how a koala actually drinks. The little Koala seen in the middle picture is Arnie. He comes from a little town north of Bairnsdale. Arnie survived the heat wave AND fires with only minor burns to his feet and hands. His burns were healing. He survived losing his mum and the loss of his home. He was found by some very caring people who did what any human would do when they find a distressed animal, and offered him a drink from their bottle of water. They were just trying to help. They didn’t know that it is dangerous for Koala’s to drink this way. They didn’t know that Koala’s usually get most of their water via the gum leaves that they eat and they don’t often drink water, but when they do, they are face down and lapping small amounts with their tongue. They didn’t know that when a Koala holds it head up and takes in too much water, it can easily get in to their lungs and cause Aspiration Pneumonia, which is usually fatal. This is exactly what happened to little Arnie. Despite a mammoth rescue effort involving all three emergency services and wildlife rescuers he died more specifically he drowned. It was heartbreaking for everyone involved. That is why we want to share this post. So people can help in the best way possible. If you find a Koala in need of help in the heat or in a fire zone, please DO NOT OFFER IT WATER BY TIPPINY IT FROM A BOTTLE OR CUP INTO THEIR MOUTHS AND NEVER FORCE A KOALA TO DRINK. IF it is safe to do so then catch it in a blanket and transport to the nearest shelter, otherwise take note of its location and let someone know the details. Please note that Koalas can cause nasty injuries so if the Koala is resisting do not try and pick it up. If you are nowhere near help then the best way to hydrate koalas is to PLACE A BOWL OF WATER ON THE GROUND OR POUR THE WATER IN TO YOUR HAT/HELMET/CUP ETC AND HOLD NEAR KOALAS MOUTH SO THAT IT CAN LAP AT IT, FACE DOWN. PLEASE remember that Koalas are arboreal and nocturnal. If you see one sitting on the ground during the day then please contact a wildlife rescue organisation. They are usually very stressed if they are at the point of allowing human interaction, so please do not try and take selfies with the animal as you are just causing continued stress. PLEASE share this. With all the videos going viral of people giving them water from their bottles, the koalas have an added risk, during an already dangerous time! Please tell all of your friends... and if you see a video of someone pouring water out for a Koala comment on it saying: "PLEASE DO NOT GIVE KOALAS WATER BY POURING IT. JUST LET THEM LAP AT THEIR OWN PACE. IF IT GETS IN THEIR LUNGS IT COULD KILL THEM.

18.01.2022 The elusive Pygmy Possum #pygmypossum #australiannativewildlife

17.01.2022 Like you will rarely see these falls at any other time.

17.01.2022 It doesn't get more perfect than Lake Eacham on a glorious sunny day : @applesnapple__ Discover Atherton Tablelands#athertontablelands #exploretnq #lakeeacham #magic #volcanicwater #ancient #rainforest #bucketlist

16.01.2022 When you want to see some of the best Australia has to offer....

16.01.2022 We really don't seem to ever get it right about how to live in this world in harmony with each other, so somehow it just doesn't surprise me that there are so many ignorant and viciously aggressive people in this world.

15.01.2022 SUPPORT FOR MEN Foundation 49 The Foundation 49 website includes a one minute men’s health check that can be printed off and taken to your GP. The site also in...cludes a more detailed DIY health check and men’s health information. Menshed's Australia The Australian Men's Shed Association is an Australian organisation that specialises in the needs of men, their health and wellbeing. beyondblue beyondblue, provides information and support to help Australians achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live. They have resources and programs specifically designed for men aimed at equipping men with the knowledge and skills to maintain their own good mental health and wellbeing, and recognise symptoms in people close to them, in order to prevent the development of a mental health condition. Family and relationship support MensLine Australia offers a range of services and programs to support men in managing family and relationship difficulties. The service is an initiative of the Commonwealth Department of Social Services. SOURCE: SA HEALTH WEBSITE #KIMen #everyonecounts #support

15.01.2022 Will you score $10,000 in Season 5 of the Northern Territory Fishing Competiton? Register at to take part in Season 5 of Million Dollar Fish. The season runs from 1 October 201931 March 2020. Send us your pics fishing in NT.

15.01.2022 Only in Australia will you ever see this early in the morning.

15.01.2022 Kangaroo Island

15.01.2022 For all the avid travellers trekking around Oz this summer ...

14.01.2022 Quaint little village between Glenn Innes & Armidale. Check it out.

14.01.2022 This was a sight to see today . Amazing Terry Sherri Williams Kim Oliver Ashleigh Brauer Taylah Oliver Lockie Oliver

13.01.2022 Night stand-up paddle boarding has arrived in Perth - in what's believed to be an Australian first. Who's in? FULL STORY:

13.01.2022 We are all chilled in Oz.

13.01.2022 Save your money and the environment...

13.01.2022 Have you travelled to Australia's top end before and seen one of these beauties? Pormpuraaw Crocodile Farm

12.01.2022 The Silo Art Trail is something that everyone should visit! Each silo tells its own story of the people and country that surround it, we were blown away by the sheer scale of these artworks. Amazing Please watch in HD and enjoy!

12.01.2022 The endless velvety-green hills get us every time! Have you added road tripping through Discover Atherton Tablelands to your TNQ wish list? Photo by

12.01.2022 Could you handle a 17-hour flight?

12.01.2022 Keeping warm in Oz...

10.01.2022 If you are planning a holiday to Queensland the best time to travel would be now, the climate is perfect and between April to October are the best months. Here are some great tips to the iconic Queensland islands. Which one is your favourite pick?

10.01.2022 Happy Advent - the beginning of a busy Christmas season ahead! @authentickangarooisland @southaustralia

09.01.2022 How beautiful is this moment? Wildlife Volunteer Kailas found this little one was hidden amongst dead foliage in a tree on Kangaroo Island that still had green on it three days ago but now sadly is brown. He says if they didn’t catch her, she would have starved there. The look on the little koala’s face says it all doesn't it Thank you, Kailas, for sharing this with us : @kailaswild #abcmyphoto

09.01.2022 "Today was a Difficult Day," said Pooh. There was a pause. "Do you want to talk about it?" asked Piglet.... "No," said Pooh after a bit. "No, I don't think I do." "That's okay," said Piglet, and he came and sat beside his friend. "What are you doing?" asked Pooh. "Nothing, really," said Piglet. "Only, I know what Difficult Days are like. I quite often don't feel like talking about it on my Difficult Days either. "But goodness," continued Piglet, "Difficult Days are so much easier when you know you've got someone there for you. And I'll always be here for you, Pooh." And as Pooh sat there, working through in his head his Difficult Day, while the solid, reliable Piglet sat next to him quietly, swinging his little legs...he thought that his best friend had never been more right." A.A. Milne Sending thoughts to those having a Difficult Day today and hope you have your own Piglet to sit beside you

09.01.2022 Around Oz Tour coming soon. Over 500 local regions to discover. Stay posted at this site for updates.Around Oz Tour coming soon. Over 500 local regions to discover. Stay posted at this site for updates.

09.01.2022 Yes, it gets cold in Australia too, and our native wildlife are not necessarily impressed, as you might notice from the shaking ear on this big buck.

08.01.2022 Did you know we love sustainability? Our own coffee brand, Glossy Black Coffee has been developed to raise awareness and protect the habitat and breeding grounds of the rare Glossy Black Cockatoo!

07.01.2022 Best Barber Shop

07.01.2022 It's so great to see that young people are doing this as well.... seeing other countries is awesome, but seeing your own country is so much more rewarding in so many ways!

06.01.2022 First Croc siting of the year....#afl #aflcairns #aflfootyshow #aflfarnorthqld #footy #footyshow #footyinparadise #billybrownless #gazatte

06.01.2022 What we have to look forward to.

05.01.2022 Another beautiful bit of silo art These two were spotted in Rochester, Victoria. : Maria Finlay-Frenken

04.01.2022 We made a new place home again I'm quite often asked where my home base is. People expect for travelers to come back "home" once they've had enough. The realit...y is we got rid of all possessions, everything for a reason to move around freely. Declattered our lives and our minds. Australia became my home 14 years ago but no particular place has earned a badge of a home base. We've been and lived in so many places, with so many yet to discover. Here's what home to us. It's a place where our family is together regardless how many walls there are. This is where we spend a lot of time talking, laughing, planning. Where we don't get separated by doors but still have privacy. We carry all we need with us and can stop anywhere to use our own amenities. My home base is where my family is happy

04.01.2022 The sort of thing that would only happen in Australia. P plater from Griffith stopped at Stationary RBT.

04.01.2022 Thinking of all those, including our Australian wildlife affected by the fires affecting Queensland and New South Wales. Thank goodness to all those committed to being there for the community and our wildlife.

02.01.2022 How good are you at water rafting? World Champions coming soon. Will you enter to show your finesse?

02.01.2022 Check out the landslide in the Daintree National Park near the Cooper Creek Valley, down the eastern slopes of Thornton Peak. Daintree resident Dean Jewell... said it sounded like thunder or a jumbo jet low to the ground. Following the landslide the normally crystal clear Cooper Creek was a red colour and covered in foam. Photos thanks to Dean Jewell

01.01.2022 Heading to out west? The Outback Queensland roads are all open and waiting for you to explore Make sure to check these tips before you head off

01.01.2022 The sunset over the Glass House Mountains reflects natural beauty. Did you know the Glass House Mountains consist of 13 hills? Image captured by @swaller4 #thisisqueensland

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