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Almanda Biodiversity Project | Non-profit organisation

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Almanda Biodiversity Project

Phone: +61 488 521 031


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25.01.2022 "Worts" - recently we posted a photo of a leafy liverwort. But what does the term 'wort' refer to and why 'liver'. It turns out that there is an extensive list of plants with the suffix 'wort' e.g. Birthwort, Bitterwort, Bladderwort, Bloodwort, Blushwort just to name a few starting with B. The term has nothing to do with the species, indeed most 'worts' come from different species. It harks back to the middle ages where plants/herbs were used for medicinal purposes. The... term 'wort' (old English 'wyrt') denoted a healing or beneficial property and the suffix of the common name denoted the ailment, part of the body or circumstance in which taking the 'medicine' would be beneficial. With the advent of the Scientific Revolution, the old medicinal remedies slowly faded .... but the names remain! I am not too sure we should take Lungwort to fight of Covid19!!

23.01.2022 Open Day 2019 Walking trails (1.Almanda Creek Walk & 2. Swamp Walk) There are over 70 points of interest on the two Open Day walking tails. Now you can download the Self Guided Information booklet that provides information for each of these interest points, including rare & endangered plants on the trail. There is no document store on FB so down load the guide using this link.!Ahjl41jG2QS3gdoFK9WSaJMykTiiqg?e=zfsURV... The trail markets were set up only for the open day but now there is a virtual walk video for each trail that is being prepared that you will be able to follow using the walking guide. (Coming soon .. will be see video section).

22.01.2022 Wow ... The brilliant yellow of the Australian Buttercup (Ranunculus lappaceus) has started!! In a couple of weeks Buttercup Meadow will be a carpet of yellow and well worth seeing. Help us spread the word about the Almanda Experiment by liking and sharing ... thanks

20.01.2022 This is a classic photo of John Wamsley. John, a former Australian Environmentalist of the Year, founder of Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary, developer of the Wamsley feral exclusion fence, founder of the first public company in the world dedicated to saving threatened species, (Earth Sanctuaries Ltd.), the first person in the world to breed platypus in a natural setting, the first high profile person to publicly campaign to address the enormous damage feral cats do to our animals .. and we could go on. John, now in his ninth decade, has commenced one last major environmental project. He has founded the Almada Project ... a grand experiment to see if we can save one of the last areas of natural, creek based habitat in the Adelaide Hills. And in so doing save a significant area of the unique biodiversity that once covered the land. This time the focus is on plant biodiversity. But no fences can keep out weeds and invasive plants, so three or four times a week you will find John with a small motley crew at Almanda (situated in Scott Creek Conservation Park) grubbing out blackberry, cutting out gorse and broom, pulling out weeds and introduced grasses, and nurturing the growth and spread of native plants. This is the dedication to saving the biodiversity of the planet that John has always had and inspires in others. If you like gardening in the bush why not join us!

19.01.2022 Australia's disappearing plants - there is no recovery from extinction. This is why Project Almanda in the Adelaide Hills is so important.

19.01.2022 The amazing find of rare, vulnerable plant!! This is a tiny plant and easy to miss. It is called Waterblinks (Montia fontana ssp. chondrosperma). It was found on a rarely used section of path on the Almanda site. Work is now underway to protect it and to encourage further growth. ...

17.01.2022 The Almanda Project is really a grand experiment. It is pioneering new ways to bring back the pre-colonial biodiversity of a section of the Adelaide Hills bushland. But where is it? The easiest way to find the project is to Google the Almanda Silver-mine which is located on Dorset Vale Rd, Cherry Gardens, SA. The main project areas runs along Almanda Creek commencing at a point opposite the mine car park to Scott Creek, It then runs along Scott Creek parallel to Matthew...s Rd to the ruins of Mackereth Cottage (see maps below) Work has commenced at various locations in this area at different times with significant developments occurring in the last twelve months. Each area has its unique challenges and for this reason we have given areas unique names to help in managing the process and in communications. Attached is a map indicating where the Almanda Project (experiment) is a situated and another showing some of the names. If you are interested in being part of this grand experiment lets us know, the contact details are on the page.

16.01.2022 CLEARING MONTPELLIER BROOM (Genista monspessulana) Broom is a particularly nasty and invasive bush. It took a couple of weeks but large infestation along the steep banks of Scott Creek has been removed. Next year (and the next, and the next ...) we will have to go back and remove the new seedlings that will spring up. Great work by Steve, Chris, Sarah and Anne. The photo below shows Chris balancing on the bank cutting out the broom!

15.01.2022 A bit of a parking problem at the park today. What the photo doesn't show is the steep slope down to the swamp. Thankfully the SES arrived to assist.

14.01.2022 Saving what's left of pre-European habitat is critical for our native birds. Another reason Project Almanda is so valuable. (Please help spread the word and 'like' the Projects page.)

14.01.2022 Ann and John discussing the development of the only patch of Austrostipa Muelleri (Wiry Spear-grass) in Almanda (part of Scott Creek Conservation Park). This is a rare grass in the Mount Lofty Ranges, one of the many such species being preserved in the Almanda 'living ark'.

13.01.2022 OPEN DAY Come along and enjoy a couple of hours in the bush. Walk some short trials highlighting our beautiful natural flora. Plants will be signed and there will be an easy to follow map and information guide to follow.

11.01.2022 A little help for Mother Nature! After removing the blackberries and other weeds from the Tea Tree Track the sloping bank below the road was barren. Young plants grown by John Wamsley (all local to the area!!) were planted along the bank to supplement the indigenous species starting to emerge. (Photo 1: Chris Thompson, photo 2&3: John Wamsley, Photo 4: Steve Davey). If you like what we are doing please help spread the work: like, follow & share. Thanks #environment #biodiversity #adelaidehills #scottcreek #indigenousplants

11.01.2022 Many of the native orchids that were once common in our grassy woodland are vanishing as it changes to shrubby woodland. Two that a still left in our grassland Almanda Creek are Prasophyllum fitzgeraldii and P. pallidum. The photos below were taken by our local grassland expert, Bob Bates. See more

08.01.2022 PROTECTION FOR RARE PLANT Last week we reported the discovery of the rare plant 'Waterblinks'. It is a small fragile plant and is located on a narrow path and at risk of being trampled by humans and kangaroos! To help protect it we widened the path by removing plenty of blackberry vines and excess bracken and put a rough border around the area. We will check back in a couple of weeks

06.01.2022 Almanda is full of serene moments: the creek crossing

06.01.2022 Question: Name a plant that grows its fruit at the base of the trunk? An Answer: The Mt Lofty Ground-berry (Acrotriche fasciculiflora). The flowers & fruit mainly form at the base of the main branches (trunk) near the ground. This may explain why the fruits are a favourite of the Southern Brown Bandicoot, a local resident ... and endangered species.... Sadly a branch was broken as we were clearing a thick grove of gorse at Project Almanda (Scott Creek CP, Adelaide Hills). There is a small number of flowers at the juncture of new growth as can be seen in the photo. (If you like these posts about Project Almanda please help spread the word; like the page & share the post ... you will be helping a valuable biodiversity poject, thank you)

05.01.2022 Steve Davey has lead the first stage of clearing with the brush cutter. The clear area in the video was thick with phalaris grass, blackberries and bracken just a couple of weeks ago.

04.01.2022 The Buttercup Meadow is part of the Almanda Biodiversity area of Scott Creek Conservation Park. One of the May tasks was to weed out the Broom and Blackberries that had sprouted. A few hours in the bush serenaded by birds while saving & restoring our natural heritage ... perfect. Why not join us? Make contact via the FB page.

04.01.2022 Moss on a fallen tree? No! It is a species of leafy liverwort called 'Southern Crestwort'. Moss and liverworts both belong to the bryophyte family and this species is indigenous to Australia and several other Southern Hemisphere regions. In the photo are long almost clear stems with a pod on top. These are not flowers but sporophytes that contain the spores of the plant that are dispersed when the pod opens. New plants grow from the spores.... See the earlier post for why it is called a liverwort, it is part of our pre-scientific history! The recognised scientific name in Australia is 'Chiloscyphus semiteres' but it is also known as 'Lophocolea semiteres'. Yep -- that's two different scientific names for the same plant. The story behind the two biological names is interesting, we will do a future post on how this happens. [If you liked the post please consider liking the page and help us spread the story of Project Almanda ... thanks.]

04.01.2022 John in action with the brush hook clearing Quoyii Flat.

04.01.2022 This is a brief video about the 2019 Almanda Biodiversity Project.

02.01.2022 SAVING RARE PLANTS (Adelaide Hills) The first leaf of the annual fern (Anogramma leptophylla) at Almanda (Scott Creek CP). It has been listed on SA's list of rare plants. Another reason why the Almanda Biodiversity Project is so important.

02.01.2022 TEA TREE TRACK UPDATE At the beginning of 2020 the Tea Tree Track did not exist. This area along Almanda Creek was dense blackberry and bracken. The video posted earlier shows the initial work done. Following the clearing the bank leading up to Dorsett Rd was barren ... years of blackberries had taken its toll. While still a lot of bare areas we are now seeing small outcrops of native grasses, and some early establishing species such as the Common Cranebill's Geranium (Ge...ranium retrorsum) and various senicios (compositae family). What is a little surprising is the extent of bryophyte (mosses, liverworts) spread that is forming a green mat over many sections. Of course, this also means that invasive grasses and other weeds are also appearing. The main work now weeding! This is the primary challenge facing the Almanda experiment .... keeping the alien invaders away so as to give the indigenous plants a chance to grow and spread. The following photos are attached: 1. A section of the Tea Tree Track 2. A photo showing one of the Common Cranes BIll Geranaiums. On the ground the beginning of the green bryophyte mat can be seen. 3. Steve Davey pulling out a thick section of phalaris grass and other weeds. 4. John Wamsley carefully weeding a section containing new growth of indigenous plants.

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