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Aloe View Garden in Sheldon, Queensland, Australia | Home improvement

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Aloe View Garden

Locality: Sheldon, Queensland, Australia

Address: Sheldon 4157 Sheldon, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Mr Aloe View and Miss Aloe View did an awesome job weeding the garlic beds today!! It’s going to love not having to share root space anymore!!

24.01.2022 I've been a bit quiet on here recently, but the work in the garden has been progressing well. I've been planting my food forest! This is some of what I have in already......most I have grown from seed or cuttings.

23.01.2022 I'm loving my new mulching machine! I am able to make as much mulch as I want for my garden. Some goes into the composter and some is being used to mulch around my newly planted fruit trees. Lucky we have plenty of trees around to collect fallen branches from!

22.01.2022 Not the largest crop of raspberries.....but they sure did taste good!!

21.01.2022 Phewy!! Well that's was a lot of rain!! I've never seen so much in such a short space of time! Our usually empty creek is overflowing!

19.01.2022 "Garlic" is all hung. The Southern Glen was hung from the rafters weeks ago and is pretty much dry, but the Russian Garlic (not technically garlic) has been outside drying in the sun for a week. I've brushed it and trimmed it all off and now hung it to dry. I hang this one upside down because it is much thicker than normal garlic and I find it dries better this way up and doesn't rot. Nothing gets wasted.....all the leaves and roots have gone straight back into the compost.

18.01.2022 We are getting ready to plant our garlic. Next weekend 200 Southern Glen will be going in and a couple of weeks later 150 Elephant / Russian garlic will follow. We have prepared the beds and dug in a lot of home made compost. 24 hours before planting we will soak the garlic cloves in a diluted Seasol (20ml per litre) and bi-carb soak. This is a fabulous way to kick start to your plants. The bi-carb gets rid of any surface mould and the Seasol gets the roots going faster.

18.01.2022 A guy at my bee keeping club is selling his bees. I'd initially thought that taking on a 3 box hive was going to be too much to start out with, but hey for a penny in for a pound!! What's a few tens of 1000 extra bees Before committing to buy the hive I wanted to check it all out, so on Tuesday I went for a visit. Unfortunately the top two boxes were way to heavy for me to lift off so I was unable to get down into the brood and check it out. The brood is where I'd be most likely to see disease if it's there...... So back I went today where the gentleman's son was there to help. The hive was a very busy one! Lots and lots of bees who weren't best pleased at being disturbed!! We used lots of smoke from the smoker to calm them. Surprising there was only 1 full frame of honey to take off and harvest. Usually at this time of year you'd be taking more.....especially as the hive hadn't been opened up and checked for a couple of months. Once we got down into the brood it was time to start checking for any issues. I was particularly keen to check there was no sign of American Foul Brood. American Foul Brood would mean that the hive would have to be sealed and either burned or irradiated. It is devastating to bees. The brood looked fabulous and the queen has clearly been laying lots. There were some drone cells in there, but I didn't see any new queen cells.....that's not a bad thing!!! So.......I'm getting a hive!! I am so excited. The bees will take a couple of days to settle down and with Mr Aloe View away for a few days, they won't be coming home until late next week. I will be a REAL bee keeper!!!

16.01.2022 ALL SOLD!! ********** FOR SALE ********** Fruit Trees: $10 each... Pick up from Sheldon (Redlands area) 1. Black Sapote (chocolate pudding fruit) 2. Jackfruit 3. Peanut Tree

14.01.2022 It’s amazing what you find at the back of the black hole cupboard. This unused compot was just begging to be used. It’s been buried into the soil and filled with kitchen waste and horse poop (no, the horses have not been wormed recently)! Come on your thing!!

13.01.2022 Along side my urban farm, I love to grow a few other things. A couple of years ago I was given some cuttings of Hoya. They have slowly grown and for the first time this year I have a flower!! It's not all out yet, but I couldn't wait to share it on here!!

13.01.2022 The veggie patch has been going crazy and giving us lots of fresh produce. It's zucchini "something" every day at dinner time at the moment This one is a Costata Romanesco variety zucchini and I allowed it to grow larger so I could collect seeds from it for the next cycle of planting. It weighs in at almost a whopping 3kgs. Phone is to show size!

13.01.2022 FOR SALE: Peanut Trees - Sterculia quadrifida $10 each This tree produces leathery, boat-shaped pods that ripen throughout summer. They split open to display a beautiful, bright red interior that contains shiny, black, peanut-sized seeds which have a delicious, nutty flavour. It is a fast growing highly ornamental rainforest tree. Nuts can be eaten raw or roasted.... Pick up from Sheldon, Qld

13.01.2022 Today we opened up the hive again. We had no idea what awaited us after finding brood in the middle honey super last time and having placed that middle box on of the top box during the inspection, the queen could have been anywhere. We were determined to find the queen and put her in her rightful place.the bottom box palace again. The two previous times we had opened the box we had not spotted her. So in sweltering bee suits off Mr Aloe View and I went prepared!! We cracked open that top box and tentatively started our search. The top box revealed no brood, so clearly our industrious queen had not made it up as far as there! So hurdle one was cleared. There was not a huge amount of honey, so we did not remove any frames. Ok so onto the middle box. We cracked off the queen excluder and started our search. Queens tend to like to hide and inevitably they are on the very last frame you look at. Frame number 1 came out and there was capped brood on it. There was a great big bee which Mr Aloe View was convinced was the queen.he (the bee) had a great big round bottom, but as practice, I caught him in my queen cage anyway. We checked the other side of frame 1 and there she was!!! In all her pointy tailed glory she was there. I couldn’t believe our luck finding her so quickly. The big fat man was released from his incarceration and her majesty was sent to the tower. She remained there, just on the front of the hive in her little prison whilst we worked. Knowing we had her safe, we were able to work quickly and clean and tidy up the hive. We swapped a few of the frames from the middle box that had brood on, to the bottom box. By cleaning the frames, we managed to get a 10th frame into the bottom box, as should be the case. We spotted a good amount of brood in the hive along with a few drone cells and all the brood looked healthy. We put the hive back together again, with the queen excluder down between the bottom and middle box again and Her Maj was released. I just opened up the queen cage by the hive entrance and she crawled straight back into the front of the hive. Hopefully next time we open up we will see plenty of brood, just in that bottom frame!! Each time we open up we are getting more confident with what we are doing. Getting that 10th frame in the bottom box has been on my mind, so by being able to work today, without the worry of where the queen might be, was fabulous.

10.01.2022 Jackfruit trees for sale $10 Can be collected from Sheldon, Qld or posted for $10 Jackfruits are amazing fruit and a single fruit can weigh up to $15kgs.

06.01.2022 Passionfruit vines for sale. (I have plenty) $3 each or 4 for $10. ... Pickup is from Sheldon

06.01.2022 An update on the bees!

02.01.2022 Hmmmmm some people have problems keeping possums out of their veggie patch, others rats, some have cats pooping in them, there’s even the odd bush turkey......we built a fence to keep out the wallabies. As it turns out we have a much bigger problem She gave David the right run around trying to catch her . Naughty Miss Kahlua

02.01.2022 For anyone one who is interested in fruit and veggie gardening, you might be interested in this group.

02.01.2022 I have a whole heap of succulents and a few other plants for sale. Prices from $2 Nothing over $8... Pick up is from Sheldon Qld (Redlands Area). (No postage available) No holds, first to collect gets first choice.

01.01.2022 Such a special experience last night. My husband randomly started digging into an area in what will be a new veggie bed and came across some completely buried baby turtles in the compacted earth. They must have been born in the past couple of days. He kept digging and eventually found 8 live babies. We called the local wildlife ambulance and they came out and checked them.....and were happy to release them back into our dam. They said that it was a miracle he had dug in that particular spot when he did. The ground was so compacted it was unlikely they would have made it out alive.

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