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Aloha Holistic Wellness

Phone: +61 422 016 623


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24.01.2022 Day dreaming of that time I got flown to Bali Karma Kandara Uluwatu for Balinese massage training .

23.01.2022 Okinawan sweet potatoes aka Hawaiian sweet potatos! This vibrantly purple sweet potato, a locally grown staple of Hawaiian cuisine, is rich in flavor and packed with nutritional benefits. Sweet potatoes of all varieties are high in vitamin A, vitamin C and manganese. They are also a good source of copper, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, potassium and iron. Sweet potatoes are known to improve blood sugar regulation and some studies have discovered significant antibacterial and a...ntifungal properties. Have you tried these before?

23.01.2022 Aloha Holistic Wellness got new business cards! So excited to be offering my services from Marcoola Sat 28th - Mon 30th - Holistic Health & Massage - Soulful Massage 60 or 90 min ... - Organic signature facial , sound healing, Ayurveda wand natural facelift! Nourish, slow down, tune in, calm the nervous system , reconnecting the mindbodysoul Pm for more info or phone for bookings M:0422016623

23.01.2022 Momma Cocao Has been Used for at least 5,000 thousand years by a number of communities around the world, on a metaphysical level cacao serves as a tool for connecting to the energetic space of your heart, as well as to people around you Some traditions (including the indigenous cacao keepers) believe that every plant has a spirit. In the earlier days, humans lived in harmony with the natural world and saw plants as intelligent, alive beings and healers in their own spirit + ...light. . She has more antioxidants then Blueberries, lowers blood pressure, aids digestion, increases orgasmic happy horomones in the brain, bursting with magnesium , iron, calcium. . Infusing her with intention amplifys guidance with spirit, connection with self + the world.. Manifestation magic Now available 400g for $40 pm if you would like to purchase Peruvian Cocao

23.01.2022 So excited to launch my website click the link below to book in. -Kahuna, Balinese infused Massage - Chinese Cupping -Meditation ... - Crystal Quartz 7 chakra Sound Bath

22.01.2022 FRESH BATCH RECEIVED Ceremonial Cacoa Fair trade organic cacao infused with loving intention, bring the sacred moments into everyday living. Giving thanks to mother earth infusing us with her plant medicine, divine wisdom energy. Cacao invites you back into the moment. Lifting our vibration, filling our hearts with juicy feels. Cacao is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet packed with minerals, antioxidants, magnesium, zinc. Cacao is here to fill your heart with intention & passion. Guiding daily rituals with depth , clarity grounding , connecting to source, spirit, divine within. 600 gm block $45

22.01.2022 Muladara 1st chakra The root chakra is the first chakra. This energy is based on the earth element. It’s associated with the feeling of safety and grounding. It’s at the base of the chakra system and lays the foundation for expansion in your life. We hold allot of stagnant energy based in the root chakra. High frequency crystal quartz singing bowl helps shift release and harmonies within

22.01.2022 OXYGEN Just like the lungs and veins of mother Nature , we need nourishment to expand, grow, shine, sparkle Like running water, running blood. It's vital to keep the stream flowing, connecting to our inner blooming, shining all of us to the world... Moving stagnant Chi around the body, calming the endocrine system, through massage, trigger points, Chinese cupping, sound healing, cocoa ceremonys. ... BREATH IT IN , BOOK IT IN

21.01.2022 We are energetic beings.

20.01.2022 MORNING RITUALS Do you have a morning practice to set intentions , drop into your heart space? INHALE + EXHALE

20.01.2022 Mindbodysoul facial infused with organic nourishing mother earth ingredients. This facial is to unlock stress built up in the face neck and shoulders, balancing out meridians centres, raising your vibration, grounding down while calming the nervous system...

17.01.2022 Posting out Ceremonial Cacao Order to WA

17.01.2022 Massage Calms the Nervous system, shifts stagnant energy, balances energy centres and makes you feel full Honour yourself , love yourself. Pm for bookings

16.01.2022 Good deed Friday! My beautiful friend handed me this powerful Amber Stone for my healing day, to add to the magic in each treatment this made my day! Make someone's day by being a good human. Smile at a random while your getting coffee, open the door , share your food. Give from the heart, complement yourself and your friend. ... Amber vibes manifestation, eases stress by clearing phobias and fears, and it is a lovely warm stone to wear. It is a powerful healer that gives the person who wears it a lovely sense of health and healing. Amber helps to balance the emotions, clear the mind and release negative energy See more

16.01.2022 Tapping into the energetic body Shifting blockages within Cleansing chakra energy centres ... Calming the mind-body-soul

15.01.2022 E M O T I O N Energy in motion Yin + Yang Ancient wisdom in the mindbodysoul... its far from western medical system, prescription drugs over the counter quick fix. ... The healing is when we stop to honor ourselves when we say yes to joy and happiness, when we say yes to more rest and invest our time in quality earth elements and healing modalities to support our bodies before dis-ease. Chinese Cupping Ancient healing modality. Promote Blood flow, Qi energy flow. Many Taoist believe that cupping helps balance yin and yang within the body. Restoring balance between these two extremes is thought to help with the body's resistance to pathogens as well as its ability to increase blood flow and reduce pain. Cupping has also great benefits for tissues, causing tissue to release toxins, activate the lympathic system, clear colon blockages, help activate, and clear viens, clear stretch marks and help cellulite, healthy Qi in the blood stream. Pm for booking

15.01.2022 Monday Morning Bliss MIND BODY SOUL ... MASSAGE Booking available in Marcoola Today! 0422016623

14.01.2022 It's time to make time for pleasure Did you schedule in some self love today?

14.01.2022 Unfortunately, the modern world messes with microseconds: screens and lights flicker at rates that drive the unconscious crazy, digital phones scramble subtle vocal nuance, loudspeakers make unphysical sound patterns, earphones create competing soundscapes, wireless interruptions make unpredictable shocks. Our delicate vibration-managing nervous systems become de-calibrated not just by the sounds we call noise pollution, but also by the artificial sounds we call entertainm...ent and connection. The solution to mental misery created by a de-calibrating sonic environment is to return to a calibrating one, such as a sound bath. The most natural sonic environment is obviously nature itself and, in fact, the practice of loitering quietly among trees, called forest bathing, provides well-documented benefits. Have you tried sound healing?

12.01.2022 This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness~@dalailama TREAT YOUR TEMPLE QUEENS Monday Massage and organic facials available send message for bookings.... M:0422 016 623

12.01.2022 What you love, You empower. What you fear, You empower. What you empower you attract. ... Cant wait to offer sound healing tonight at this Beautiful space! Connecting together, melting into the earth , grounding down, breathing in the moon magic. #BreatheDeep #quantumphysics See more

11.01.2022 THETA WAVE DREAM STATE Last night we celebrated a beautiful heart warming chakra sound bath paired with Qi Gong Yoga, ancient Chinese exercise, controlled breathing , movement, illuminating balanced life force energy within. Twenty three souls soaked up all the manna + Qi Energy . Community circle of all ages from youth to 80s rejuvenating the mindbodysoul on a cellular level through ancient traditions of sound, breathing and movement . Grounding down and tuning... into our bodies getting out of the head. Sound Healing Powers Anxiety insomnia Digestion Calming Brainwaves shifting stuck emotions / dis-ease Blood pressure Grounding + Rejuvenation Chakra Tuning YIN + YANG I LOVE COMMUNITY, Turns out the community want more of the high vibes!

10.01.2022 Good Morning Waterlilys The past two days I have been working at a wellness event on the sunshine coast offering massage, sound healing, Chinese cupping. OM MANI PADME HUM

10.01.2022 SOUND HEALING


07.01.2022 BRINGING RITUALS BACK TO THE WESTERN DISCONNECTED WORLD Have you connected with your heart, mind, body, soul today? Have you taken a few conscious deep breaths? Have you told yourself you are beautiful? ... Do you create sacred space to melt into your body and feel anything that arises? pain, scattered, jealousy, sabotage, fear, guilt, lifeless, worried about what people think. Less medicate more Meditate!! wake up, take some deep conscious breaths into the lungs up into the heart space, this is perfect time to meditate and change the subconscious mind when the brain is in theta wave state . Creativity , deep relaxation. Reprogramming the subconscious mind where any childhood trauma, self sabotage is stored, when we connect with our body we connect with our hearts, which raises our vibration to attract joy!! Self massage - massage away all the walls we have built around our hearts by breast massage! Well know is Chinese medicine for centuries Tao.Taoist Breast Massage, can help eliminate these toxins.It is now of vital importance that women are educated in breast awareness, increase lymphatic drainage and clear these toxins from our breasts especially for mothers that intend to nurse. Taoist Breast Massage is a series of loving, educated, self-massage techniques every woman can do to help clear these toxins and take breast health into their own hands, while deepening connection to self and pleasure I am open to pleasure I am open to love I am open to feel Link in bio to book 1. 1 sound healing, meditations, breathe work, cocoa ceremonys, massage, connection for mindbodysoul

06.01.2022 THIS ANCIENT INDIAN HEALING FACIAL TOOL. Known as the healing metal. Ancient beauty rituals harmonizing the Meridians and chakra centres gentle natural facelift! Just like jade rollers and gua shas, Kansa facial massage stimulates circulation, resulting in clearer, plumper, smoother skin. But the Kansa wand does so much more than that. Kansa, a metal blend of copper, tin and zinc, has been around for approximately 5000 years (so, yes, it's pretty ironic) ... On a physical level, "The Kansa wand helps to revitalize and plump skin, soften fine lines, de-puff the eyes, firm the jawline and cheekbones, and relax the neck and shoulders. In Ayurveda, the lymphatic system is seen as the most important system in the body, so the Kansa wand was engineered specifically to aid in lymphatic drainage. From a dermatologist’s perspective, this checks out. "Lymphatic drainage helps circulate blood and fluids. It's detoxifying and can help brighten the complexion and reduce facial puffiness," explains Antonia Balfour, holistic skin-care expert and founder of Yin Yang Dermatology. We are so excited to be offering this sacred ritual for mindbodysoul rejuvenation along with organic facial products locally sourced. Booking essential 90 mins signature facial with sound healing

04.01.2022 Birthday Sound Bath Offerings High Vibes after beautiful Chakra alignment Breathwork session.

03.01.2022 Heart warming Community Yoga + Sound Bath. +chocolate+chai #soundhealing ... #sunnycoast See more

03.01.2022 Freedom Where is your favourite place in the world?

03.01.2022 GIVE YOURself PERMISSION TO SLOW ... DOWN Excited to be offering services at Feel Good Marcoola tomorrow all- day! I will be offering complentary sounds healing on all my beautiful treatments! Activate the Heart Chakra, balance the energy flow.. Click the link below to book.

03.01.2022 CHRISTMAS SPIRIT IS IN THE AIR GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE! Great Christmas present to gift a loved one with the healing touch of massage or sound healing meditation, organic facial, cocoa ceremony. ... Massage helps the mind-body-soul connection Anxiety Blood pressure Muscular tension Alignment of the body Relaxation Blood flow Moving stuck emotions Clarity Balancing the Qi Energy flow Much needed for Christmas chaos Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

02.01.2022 7 Chakra Sound Bath Ignite Intuition, mysticism, inner wisdom Balance your body's chakras and release hidden energy! Nepali Quartz carries the purest spiritual energy on Earth and crystals from Nepal are known for their amazing clarity. These bowls are made of 99.993% purest quartz crystal sand, making them incredibly resonant. Especially designed the bowls so they are specifically tuned most accurately to the 7 chakra energy centers. Each bowl emits a powerful, pure reso...nant sound. The tones produced by these crystal bowls are not just heard by the ear, you feel them in your body, balancing your energy for healing, mindfulness & meditation. For centuries, from ancient Greeks to Native American medicine men, shamans etc. Music has been used in healing practices. The first known culture to heal with sound is the Aboriginal people of Australia. Their wind instrument called didgeridoo has been used as a healing tool for at least 40,000 years. The Aborigines uses it to heal broken bones, muscle tears and illness of every kind. Sound vibration healing is also well known in yogic traditions with the use of bija which relates to mystical seed syllables contained within mantras (healing prayers). As well, in Chinese Qigong (or Qi Gong), specific mantras, chants and sounds are used to stimulate specific organ systems in the body. 7 chakra crystals bowls resonate at a frequency connecting to each energy chakra centre, shifting stuck emotions within. Connecting you back to your body, grounding you back down to the earth, igniting your inner power, improve mind-body-soul connection. Everything is a vibration and you tune your body like you tune an instrument. Different instruments are set to certain frequencies. Sound healing allows your body to heal itself by slowing down your brain waves, which affect every cell in your body, shifting them from diseased to being in ease. This workshop can be a private booking, for events or 1-1 sessions. Including , sound healing music, breathe-work and meditation

02.01.2022 We use music for entertainment, expression, celebration, ceremony, leisure, and communication. Whether we are musically inclined or not, it is the one thing that truly connects humans from all cultures, creeds, and corners of the earth. We play music at our weddings to celebrate love, and at funerals to say goodbye. We listen when we are bored, and dance to it when we want to have fun. And we sing praises and worship our deities with it. But most importantly, we use mus...ic for healing. In Ancient Egypt, music therapy was a staple in temples. In biblical times, instruments were used to vanquish evil spirits from human souls. Native American culture uses song and dance to heal the sick. Instances of sound healing therapy are limitless. Some people assume that those who partake in sound healing therapy are crackpots who seek magical solutions to medical problems. However, music therapy, or sound healing, has a basis in both neurology and psychology. In neurological studies, it has been proven that listening to music makes us more productive and creative. It can relieve stress and improves our moods. This is because listening to music floods our brains with dopamine. It also releases oxytocin, a natural painkiller, and hormone that allows us to bond with others. Music also helps language development and improves communication. It’s even been shown to increase our IQs, so it’s safe to say that music makes us smarter. It improves our memory too, warding off brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s. Music is powerful. It can change our brains, and so it changes our bodies. Healing with sound can improve or cure many ailments including: Autism Depression Learning disabilities Anxiety disorder Stress PTSD Pain It can also bring about: Clarityandbalance Relaxation Improved memory concentration Improved sleep A stronger immune system Improved creativity Heightened awareness, both of the self and the environment Lullabies to the ears, harmonise by booking a session. See more

02.01.2022 How amazing are Monday's?? Stepping into nature is like laying on a massage table. They both balance your energy centres, calm the nervous system and make you feel alive.

02.01.2022 So excited to launch my website click the link below to book in. -Kahuna, Balinese infused Massage - Chinese Cupping -Meditation ... - Crystal Quartz 7 chakra Sound Bath

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