ALP Wannon | Political organisation
ALP Wannon
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25.01.2022 Congratulations to the winner of Australia’s Large Training Provider of the Year award, South West TAFE. Anybody who has visited South West TAFE would know why... they have won this award. Whether it be their outstanding industry links to align courses to the needs of the local economy. Or the high quality teaching they provide such as teaching building and construction students to build a house. Not to mention the support services they make sure students have from start to finish. This award is a testament to the dedication of all of the staff at South West TAFE. I visited last week to deliver their Victorian Training Award. And in doing so, I got to meet building and construction students and see the house they are working on. Now the national award is the icing on the cake.
25.01.2022 Shona McGuigan is Victoria’s 2020 Apprentice of the Year. She grew up on a farm in Mortlake and knew she wanted a career that required hands on skills. Some peo...ple tried to talk her out of doing plumbing but Shona followed her interests and did it anyway. And now she is working at Cri-Tech plumbing in Warrnambool. Her employer has nothing but great things to say about Shona’s work. Meeting her today, I know why. Shona is driven and passionate about the industry. Both she and her employer are rapt with the training provided at South West TAFE. We need more Victorians doing trades as we move into the economic recovery. And as Shona shows, trades open the door to outstanding career opportunities.
25.01.2022 Remembrance Day is a time to honour and pay tribute to the memory of our fallen and those who suffered. It’s also a time to remember the spirit of mateship and that we are forever grateful. Lest we forget
25.01.2022 Just finalising numbers for an informal meet and greet next week. If interested please contact us.
25.01.2022 Mount Elephant looking just spectacular How special is this image taken at Derrinallum by the talented Oat Vaiyaboon? It was taken on a pitch black night... and the photographer lit up the side of the dormant volcano using a torch. The night sky is the product of a composite stacked shot. Wow! : Hangingpixels Photo Art
24.01.2022 Care workers are on the frontline of the aged care crisis. A crisis which they say is failing older Australians. Because the facilities they work in are underst...affed, under stress and they’re burnt out. Earlier this week, they brought their stories to Canberra. And those stories were distressing and heartbreaking. They spoke about not having enough staff to provide safe and proper care to residents. About not having the time to sit and talk with residents desperate for company. About not having the equipment they needed. About feeling sad and exhausted at the end of each day. And about being desperate to see change in a sector they care deeply about. It’s about time we listened to these amazing but undervalued workers. They’ve been ringing the alarm bells for far too long while the Government has done nothing. Scott Morrison has neglected older Australians, aged and the aged care system - it’s a national disgrace.
23.01.2022 In 10 days’ time, Scott Morrison wants to wind back JobKeeper and JobSeeker. The Morrison Government doesn't have a plan for jobs but they do have a plan to c...ut support, cut wages, cut super and freeze the pension. At the very moment people need help, this Government only wants to hurt them.
22.01.2022 Happy Tomato Day! Spent the morning making a year’s worth of passata with the Bertoni family in Concord in Sydney. Nonna even let me take a couple of jars home.
20.01.2022 Mary has been at McCormick for 33 years. She's a machine operator and she loves her job. Mary hasn't had a pay rise in five years. And now her employer wants to... cut her conditions, still with no pay rise. This is happening across the country. Wages have gone nowhere in almost a decade. Work is getting less secure. Labor has a plan to fix this with our Secure Australian Jobs Plan. We need to get back to being a country where a full time job earns you a decent living. We're on your side.
20.01.2022 This is what happens when the Government refused to expand JobKeeper to higher education workers. Now over 11,000 jobs have been lost. Our kids will pay the price for this.
19.01.2022 Scott Morrison doesn't want anyone held to account for robodebt because the person responsible for robodebt is Scott Morrison.
19.01.2022 Today is World Maritime Day. We thank all our maritime workers, keeping freight moving during the pandemic.
19.01.2022 I used this quote from Labor Prime Minister John Curtin in my first speech two years ago. Curtin as Australia’s war-time prime minister, led Australia through... its darkest hour and to the dawn of a victorious and a brighter day. On this International Day of Peace, in a year where we have met dangers unprecedented and unpredictable, we must remember the lessons of John Curtin and work collectively as an international community to address our differences and challenges to shape a peaceful future.
18.01.2022 Another shocker of a week for the Morrison Government. And it’s not over yet!
17.01.2022 On 28 September the Liberals’ cut to JobKeeper will hit 977,604 Victorian workers. It makes no sense in the middle of this recession and risks more jobs and local business closures.
17.01.2022 Peta is battling cancer. She got vaccinated with me to show that for people with underlying health conditions, vaccines are safe. So here’s our call for every A...ustralian: When it’s your turn, get the vaccination. They’re safe. They’re effective. Do it for Australia.
17.01.2022 The Liberals can't guarantee whether jobs will be lost in the process of creating jobs. Undermining workers rights and job security.
17.01.2022 Murray Watt - Senator for Queensland nails it
16.01.2022 We need Aussie jobs, energy security, & cheaper bills. Not just photo opps from Mr Morrison.
15.01.2022 What a mega backflip on the part by Morrison. For 7 years they’ve botched my govt’s 2009 plan for fibre to the premises, instead wasting billions with fibre to the mythical node, giving us the worst speeds in the world. Now this! What total policy frauds.
15.01.2022 Susan Ryan achieved historic firsts as the first female Labor minister and the first female Minister for Women. But in a life dedicated to women’s rights and equality, Susan achieved something even bigger that while she was the first, she would never be the last. Vale Susan Ryan.
14.01.2022 From Labor women to you happy International Women’s Day.
13.01.2022 Our diversity is our strength. Congratulations to everyone becoming an Australian citizen today. Thank you for making our nation stronger.
13.01.2022 It’s been two years since Scott Morrison called the Royal Commission into Aged Care, but now he doesn’t want to hear what it has to say. Why? Because that would mean actually taking responsibility for something.
12.01.2022 Many people want to know why Mr Morrison won’t hold any of his Ministers accountable for the illegal Robodebt scheme. Is it because the person most responsible is Morrison?
12.01.2022 Women should be in every room where decisions are made and I’m proud to work alongside so many dedicated women in the Labor team. Happy International Women’s Day.
11.01.2022 When Victoria needed help and support all he did was finger point - Victorians won’t forget that.
11.01.2022 A Labor Government will lead a national push to help close the gender pay gap. Here’s how.
11.01.2022 Happy Diwali to all!
10.01.2022 A long list of bribes corruption rorts and deals...
08.01.2022 What's stopping you?
07.01.2022 Welcome back, Ed.
06.01.2022 A Labor Government will make workplaces more equal. Closing the gender pay gap requires leadership. And I'm proud to lead the Labor team that will take real action to get it done.
06.01.2022 You did it, Victorians. And you did it to keep all of us safe. Thank you.
06.01.2022 I’m pleased to announce 4 community projects in south west Victoria will share in funding from the Victorian Government’s Coastcare Victoria Community Grants Pr...ogram to help continue their important rehabilitation and protection works. Recipients include: Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (Convincing Ground Restoration Project) - restoring the health of a Convincing Ground near Portland, including weed management, revegetation and cultural heritage investigations. Tangaroa Bluee Foundation (Let’s Strain the Drains) the first stormwater debris monitoring project in Warrnambool. South West Environmental Education Inc (Fawthrop Lagoon Restoration and Revegetation Project) tackling environmental issues impacting on the Lagoon Project area and its estuarine environs with a community driven program of working bees and planting days. Australian Plants Society - Warrnambool & Districtt (Plants of the Great South West Third Edition) production and printing of a third edition of the popular book Plants of the Great South West which contains photographs and full descriptions of plants in south west Victoria. Congratulations to all recipients. Our electorate is lucky to have so many dedicated non-profit organisations and volunteers who are passionate about ensuring our coastal areas are protected for generations to come.
05.01.2022 Just finished at the National Press Club on the sexual degradation of women; the cancer of the Murdoch media monopoly; and the 5 big mega-challenges to Australi...a’s future. Get ready for fair and balanced Murdoch media coverage tomorrow. Full text & video: Please join our #MurdochRoyalCommission campaign at:
03.01.2022 Portland has a choice: Will it become a climate leader with clean, reliable renewable energy jobs? Or will it take a risk of expanding the dirty gas industry?
03.01.2022 These are things worth fighting for. Having a job used to mean something. It gave you security. It gave you dignity. But these days, there aren’t enough jobs, aren’t enough hours and for too many, the jobs that are there barely even cover the basics. Labor’s view is simple: having a job should mean a quality life for you and your family. But for almost a decade, people’s pay has gone nowhere. New data today shows Australia’s record stretch of flat-lining wages isn’t changing any time soon. It’s not good enough. Labor will fight for you and your family because we’re on your side.
02.01.2022 Where you raise your family is, in the words of Darryl Kerrigan, not a house, it's a home. Don't let the Liberals cut your super, forcing you to sell your home before you want to.
02.01.2022 Last week, Federal Labor Leader Anthony Albanese delivered his seventh Vision Statement ‘Tapping the Potential of Regional Australia’. Regional Australia needs critical infrastructure and a robust communications network to deliver more jobs and stimulate business innovation. It needs investment in education, health and people, and a commitment to greater national self-sufficiency through ensuring more things are made locally. An Albanese Labor Government will make this invest...ment in our communities, ensuring regional Australia can fulfill its potential and create well-paying jobs for the future. One year after promising a national plan for regional Australia, Scott Morrison has delivered nothing. Anthony Albanese and Federal Labor have a comprehensive plan for the future of regional Australia Scott Morrison drops flashy headlines and delivers nothing.
02.01.2022 A Very Good Boy. #DogsInPoliticsDay #EveryDayShouldBeDogsInPoliticsDay
01.01.2022 Today is the seven year birthday of the Coalition Government. My colleague Jason Clare got them a present to *celebrate* their *great* moments - I wonder if they'll like it?
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