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Alter Atlas in Fitzroy North, Victoria | Home improvement

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Alter Atlas

Locality: Fitzroy North, Victoria

Address: 1/430 Rae Street 3068 Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia


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23.01.2022 That's a wrap. A riveting semester teaching the Museum of Time, Place and Culture studio collaborating with @atlas_architects at @rmitdesignhub Well done @rmitarchitecture students. Thank you for your generous time and insightful critiques @superscale @martires_doyle @lauramartires @ RMIT Design Hub

22.01.2022 This semester, in 2018, we questioned whether we need yet another contemporary or modern art museum. In light of architecture increasingly becoming a global proposition, we maintained our position that architecture is and needs to be a time, place and culture proposition. We investigated how we identify our place in this world and in turn how we might communicate that identity through architecture through narrative driven design strategies and form. Some fascinating and wonderful @rmitarchitecture student proposals include a Museum of Conversation and Debate, a Museum of Integration, a Museum of Reconciliation, a Museum of Activism, an Auditory Museum of Aboriginal Stories and many more. Find out more tomorrow night at the end of semester exhibition opening @rmitdesignhub at 6 PM. All are welcome! @ RMIT Design Hub

20.01.2022 Alter Atlas Architecture, one out of five shortlisted teams to advance to Stage Two, out of 100 entries across Australia for the 2019 NGV Architecture Commission: a wonderful effort by @ngvmelbourne to promote Australian Architecture. We will be presenting our proposal on 21 March 2019 at @rmitdesignhub as part of Melbourne Design Week. All welcome. See you there!

18.01.2022 Delighted to share more of Parker Model, a proposition for a way to create 3895 hectares of new parkland within the CBD alone, which took out the 2nd Prize in the Future Park International Design Competition. We submitted two propositions, Parks and Restitution, and Parker Model. Both were shortlisted, top 30 out of over 120 worldwide entries. With the 2nd Prize awarded to Parker Model, we were the only architecture practice to win an award in the Landscape Architecture compe...tition. Super cool to have two shortlisted propositions in one competition and a wonderful honour to be recognised in this manner by the Landscape Architecture profession. Jury's Remarks on Parker Model: "Excellent demonstration on the power of planning rules to create opportunities for open space in the city. The intriguing graphics are engaging and provocative, and point to some very real possibilities for change" Thank you to the Office of the Victorian Government Architect, @rmituniversity @msdsocial @unimelb @aila_national for organising this important event. Incredibly proud of the @alteratlas team and our two propositions! #futurepark #parkermodel #alteratlas

11.01.2022 Vale I.M. Pei #Repost @daniellibeskind #impei

08.01.2022 The Lost Garden by Alter Atlas Architecture. 2019 NGV Architecture Commission Finalist. Top 5 out of 100 National entries. . We are too few to be divided. We are too many to be lost. Across the bridge over the water, The Lost Garden reappears. . #melbournedesignweek #architecture #commission #finalist #melbourne #australianarchitecture #ngv #nationalgallery #victoria #melbournearchitect #alteratlas #allegory #lostgarden #ngvarchitecturecommission #2019ngvarchitecturecommission #climatechange #plato #republic #melbournearchitecture #nationalgalleryofvictoria #ngv #alteratlasarchitecture

08.01.2022 The Lost Garden by Alter Atlas Architecture. 2019 NGV Architecture Commission Finalist. . Referencing the spatial planning logic of art galleries, the paths compress and release. The ‘new’ around the existing sculptures are gently skewed, celebrating both the old and the new. Perspectives shift. Familiar paths re-emerge from our consciousness. Leading. Meandering. Healing. Creating a meditative, immersive and sensory spatial encounter to remember the outdoor garden. . Instead... of an object in the landscape, this architectural intervention is intended as a spatial anchor. The Lost Garden is to become the centre that the Grollo Equiset Garden has always yearned for, orienting visitors while promoting engagement with the surrounding spaces. . Across the bridge over the water, The Lost Garden reappears. ... Part 3 of 8 @ National Gallery of Victoria See more

06.01.2022 The Lost Garden by Alter Atlas Architecture. 2019 NGV Architecture Commission Finalist. . We imagine every square metre ‘lost’ from past interference offset and repaired with an equal area of ‘garden’ reinstated. We consider the possibility of a new spatial experience formed by components that can be entirely recycled, reused, or biodegraded. . We imagine what the term ‘lost’ means in our contemporary political, social and cultural context. How can we, as a society, address t...he meanings of this politically charged word in a non-violent and respectful way that might lead somewhere better for all of us? . The Lost Garden contains three key moments: First, Rodin’s Monument to Balzac, a male French novelist, the literary and literal linking us to our past. Second, an observational space encouraging visitors to observe and be mindful of what is present, with the exisiting bluestone searing utilised as a communal bench and with the proposal’s descriptive plaque positioned in the circle’s centre. Third and only accessible when one travels away from the present, a dead end designed to deliver a sense of finality, leading visitors to Henry Moore’s Draped Seated (anonymous) Woman, symbolising, hopefully, a female future. A melding of past, present and future. As we rest on the bluestone seat, we face toward the future with the past behind us. ... Part 2 of 8 "A garden is always felt, never just ‘looked at’. We are too few to be divided. We are too many to be lost. @ National Gallery of Victoria

04.01.2022 The Lost Garden by Alter Atlas Architecture. 2019 NGV Architecture Commission Finalist. . We began this project with the notion that if we continue in our current industrial trajectory, we will one day no longer have gardens to build architectural interventions in. . The Lost Garden is intended as an allegorical proposition that is one and the same in many places at once yet continuous with itself. It is a new spatial topography that engages strong environmental, social and c...ultural agendas. We question and challenge the nature of architecture pavilions and temporary interventions. We aim to raise awareness of the looming environmental crises by encouraging a mindset of restoration, working together to emphasise the beauty of what's left. . The temporary architectural installation is exposed to conflicting demands: impermanence and visibility, movement and stillness, focus and peripheral. The garden is exposed to conflicting demands: growth and control, use and conservation, containment and openness. We conceive The Lost Garden as a sequence of three imaginations that aim to reflect and reconcile these contradictions, all at once. . We imagine that the possibility of an environmental future without gardens appears imminent given our current economic and industrial trajectory. We consider the possibility of a future with more gardens. More trees. More engaged and cohesive communities. . Greeting the gallery with a reverent nod, the missing piece of Sir Roy Grounds' strong platonic language is reunited: a circle. Akin to holding the future in our open palms, a new ground rises up, creating a soothing open space of inclusiveness. A space for relaxing, for performing, for thinking. Compared to the elegant stoicism of the adjacent structures, this pavilion seems exaggerated in its lightness: its impermanence invisible, it's stillness allowing movement, its focus becomes the periphery. Growth is controlled. Its use is to conserve. ... Part 1 of 8 "It is more than meets the eye. It is more than a one-liner. It is not a garden. We make no apologies for that. We are too few to be divided. We are too many to be lost." @ National Gallery of Victoria

03.01.2022 The Lost Garden by Alter Atlas Architecture. 2019 NGV Architecture Commission Finalist. . We envision the inevitable event of a temporary architectural intervention’s de-installation as an integral part of this verdant allegory. . We propose to celebrate the temporal nature of this architectural intervention by concluding it in an atemporal manner. By donating all the plants to civic and public institutions all across Victoria, we hope to extend the intervention’s life cycle ...indefinitely, at the same time increasing the appeal and reach of The National Gallery of Victoria. . As we witness The Lost Garden’s vanishing at the end, the garden truly becomes lost, presenting the possibility that we might now choose a path where gardens will never ever be lost. A poignant and thought-provoking epilogue: Of remnants and traces. Of triumph. Of loss. Of waste and growth. We are too few to be divided. We are too many to be lost. . #melbournedesignweek #architecture #commission #finalist #melbourne #australianarchitecture #ngv #nationalgallery #victoria #melbournearchitect #alteratlas #allegory #lostgarden #ngvarchitecturecommission #2019ngvarchitecturecommission #climatechange #plato #republic #melbournearchitecture #nationalgalleryofvictoria #ngv #alteratlasarchitecture See more

03.01.2022 What a genuine privilege to have been a 2019 National Gallery of Victoria Architecture Commission Finalist and Melbourne Design Week VIP @ngvmelbourne We extend our congratulations warmly to our friend @kimbridgland @editionoffice and @yhonniescarce for winning the coveted commission with a sublime scheme and to the other shortlisted teams. We're now delighted to share with you 'The Lost Garden', an allegorical proposition we're immensely proud of after pouring our hearts it and developing it together in the practice over the last few months. Heartfelt thanks to our student @nsiokr for your work ethic and commitment to architecture, and to everyone who came to our presentation last week at @rmitarchitecture @rmitdesignhub We began this project with the notion that if we continue in our current industrial trajectory, we will one day no longer have gardens to build architectural interventions in. We look forward to sharing, in time, even more of our allegory of The Lost Garden: Remnants and Traces. Of triumph. Of loss. Of waste and growth. A melding of past, present and future. A lush respite. A lightness that permeates. An optimism that rejuvenates. A communal future. A refuge rises. Aspatial and atemporal. There is no beginning and no end. An ephemeral vision. Destruction is healed. The healing destroys. Everything changes. But nothing moves. We are too few to be divided. We are too many to be lost. To be communal is to be human. A new ground includes all. Welcomes all. The absolute one becomes many. The absolute many become one. Let us reflect and engage. With the birds and the trees. With nature once more. What kind of future do we want? To be ourselves, by ourselves, with ourselves? We are too few to be divided. We are too many to be lost.

01.01.2022 Alter Atlas Architecture, one of five shortlisted teams to advance to Stage Two, out of 100 entries across Australia for the 2019 NGV Architecture Commission: a wonderful effort by The National Gallery of Victoria to promote Australian Architecture. We will be presenting our proposal on 21 March 2019 at @rmitdesignhub as part of Melbourne Design Week. All welcome. See you there!

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