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Alternate Touch Equine Supplement Specialists | Alternative & holistic health service

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Alternate Touch Equine Supplement Specialists

Phone: +61 457 169 536

Address: Lakelands road 6209 Barragup, WA, Australia


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24.01.2022 Guess the ingredient.... #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements

23.01.2022 When I found out I was pregnant with Michael, I remember telling the horses and assuring them that nothing would change and they would always be my babies While my love for them obviously never waned, things did change, rather a lot... especially once Harry came on the scene I pretty much stopped riding or even spending time with them and it is only in the last year that I have gradually started to prioritise spending time in the saddle I now have to rehabilitate my back after a disc injury I had been ignoring from lack of self care and all these signs from the universe point to one thing... you need to fill your cup before you can help others, get your own oxygen mask on, self care is not selfish... it’s critical . . #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements

23.01.2022 The time has come to pick a winner for the new face of our #equinemetaidbars So, what are these bars for? Well they are a really interesting combination of natural ingredients that stimulate the production of an amino acid (key building block in the body) called L-Arginine. This amino acid is important in our horses for several reasons, and can assist with boosting metabolism, increasing blood flow, boost stamina, reduce lactic acid build up, boost immune function and/or assist with recovery from injury Comment below with your favourite and feel free to share and tag your friends to get in on the fun Winner gets a free box of 30 Equine Met-Aid bars for their horse and their horse's face immortalised on the label for these new bars (link to website in comments) #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements

19.01.2022 Can you imagine getting on your horse to find that they feel totally different underneath you? If they transformed out of sight, simply by using our Alternate Touch Equine Supplements? Many owners state that their horses as 'unrecognisable' or 'not the same horse' (in a good way ) after using our digestive supplements Have you tried our #equinedigestionbars and #digestivesupportelixir yet? Available from our stockists (see pinned post) or via our website (link in the comm...ents) . #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements See more

19.01.2022 Beautiful morning before the weather hit exploring in south Yunderup It really is the #luckycountry . . #drpenny_h #brothersforlife #brotherlylove #fatherson #fishingislife #fishing #startthemyoung #playgroundfun #playgrounds #saturdaymorning

18.01.2022 Nothing like a corny joke to start your Sunday . . #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements

17.01.2022 You may or may not realise but the labels for all of our products are tied in someway to horses that have impacted my life in some way. So with the official launch of our new Equine Met-Aid bars not far away, I am looking for a horse to be the 'face' of the new bars So, what are these bars for? Well they are a really interesting combination of natural ingredients that stimulate the production of an amino acid (key building block in the body) called L-Arginine. This amino a...cid is important in our horses for several reasons, and can assist with boosting metabolism, increasing blood flow, boost stamina, reduce lactic acid build up, boost immune function and/or can assist with recovery from injury So brains trust... if you have a pic (that you must own and give permission to be used for commercial purposes - i.e. taken by yourself) that you feel may help to convey the essence of these new bars then drop it below - I will short list my favourites and put it to the popular vote next week Please feel free to tag or share to help us get the most horsey pics to choose from! Winner gets a free box of 30 Equine Met-Aid bars for their horse #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements

17.01.2022 Do you take your horse for a walk in hand?

16.01.2022 #funfactfriday Perhaps unsurprisingly after our discussions the other day... she was a mare (actually a 2 year old filly at the time ) #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements

16.01.2022 What a way to spend a Saturday morning Have you had any horsey time this weekend? #drpenny_h

15.01.2022 Welcome to Alternate Touch Equine and Canine Supplements We are dedicated to maximizing the health and well being of animals so that they can live their best lives. Our knowledge of both scientific research and natural therapies are the inspiration to create a range of products to support healthy joint/muscle function (#EquineRecoveryBars), support healthy digestion (#EquineDigestionBars, #Equinepreworkbars and #DigestiveSupportElixir), support healthy metabolism, nervous ...and immune function (#EquineMetaidBars support a healthy urinary tract (#EquineUTbars) and assist with sand management (#EquineSandBars). We also have a range of calming products (#MagnesiumMagic, #CalmMeEssentialOil and #HelpmyhorseBars) and mineral supplements (#BJTcopperzincmix and #Performancemineralmix plus or minus B complex) tailored to our conditions here in Western Australia. Our supplements can be also be combined our topical products, providing a truly holistic approach to optimize and maintain the well-being of your horse. We also have a canine version of our Equine Recovery Bars to help to support healthy joint and muscle function, healthy skin and/or to assist with recovery from injury in your dogs (#caninemiraclebars - Alternate Touch Canine) Check out our website for more information or to order directly, check out our products through our stockists (listed below) or feel free to drop me a PM to chat WA Stockists (please contact directly to check product range and availability) Budget Stockfeeds Oakford Stockfeeds Albany Horseworld Equine Therapies WA. (Geraldton and surrounds - by prior arrangement) Rachael Brown Equine Sports Therapist (by prior arrangement) Aspire Clinic WA - Equine & Pet (by prior arrangement) #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements

14.01.2022 This one popped up in my FB memories this morning Polocrosse horses love our equine recovery bars after a hard game Have you tried them yet?! #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements

14.01.2022 Change in coat colour and texture is a common observation associated with putting your horse on our #equinedigestionbars Why do YOU think that might be #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements

10.01.2022 I’m want to create a montage video highlighting horses who love our supplement bars do you have a clip of your horse gobbling them down? I’d love you to share below I’m want to create a montage video highlighting horses who love our supplement bars do you have a clip of your horse gobbling them down? I’d love you to share below

10.01.2022 Heads up guys! Kate from Aspire Clinic WA - Equine & Pet will be heading to the ARC Spring Challenge on the 18th of October She is taking bookings now for massage (horses and riders!) and thermal imaging around the Swan Valley and Brookleigh Estate over the 17th and 18th of October. Limited appointments so please comment or PM their page (Aspire Clinic WA or Aspire Clinic WA - Equine & Pet) to book so you don't miss out! #drpenny_h

09.01.2022 Is there something that you want to do? Has fear been holding you back? In case you needed to hear it today... You. Can. Do. It "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." --Dale Carnegie .... . #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements See more

09.01.2022 I am very excited to announce our first North of the River official stockist of our Alternate Touch equine and canine supplements -Herne Hill Stockfeeds Currently in stock: Equine digestion bars Equine sand bars Help my horse calming bars (event pack) ... Magnesium magic Digestive support elixir (1L and 4L) BJT copper and zinc mix Drop in to see Felicity and her team and get started on our products today!! New Stockist Prize Giveaway ** For the month of October... take a pic of your receipt after purchasing any of our products from Herne Hill Stockfeeds and attach as comment to this post to go into a prize draw for a free #alternatetoucheventpack (link in the comments to see what that is)** Winner drawn 1st November #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements

08.01.2022 When you need to wear a hat to cover the grey hairs . . #drpenny_h

07.01.2022 This is how my weekday mornings start loaded up in the car to head off to drop Michael off at school and Harry at daycare then back home go squirrel away creating our products for you, our very valued customers Do you have anything you would like to ask me? Any niggling questions about your horse or our business? Go on... ask me anything ... #drpenny_h

07.01.2022 Wow three years since we launched our Equine sand bars! The time is now if you haven’t yet tried them Available from our stockists (see pinned post) or via website (link in comments) ... #drpenny_h

06.01.2022 Channeling my inner cow girl after 15 years living in Australia I’ve finally accepted that I have to wear a hat in summer and of course armed with my #radiantdefense skincare with a tint and spf to keep my English skin protected from the sun . . #drpenny_h Love your skin

05.01.2022 Alternate Touch products restocked at Budget Stockfeeds and Oakford Stockfeeds get in quick before they sell out Alternate Touch products restocked at Budget Stockfeeds and Oakford Stockfeeds get in quick before they sell out

04.01.2022 Do you have any itching questions or queries about our products? Would you like my perspective on an issue you are having with your horse? Ask me ANYTHING (within reason ...) and I will answer in the comments . .... #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements See more

02.01.2022 When you need a bit of extra zen ...

02.01.2022 How fast 2 years can go and how much can change in that time What were you doing 2 years ago? #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements

02.01.2022 It’s Monday again! Where do the weeks go I tell you?! How is it March already off to school and daycare for these guys while I get on with my day as a #mumpreneur What are you up to today? . .... #drpenny_h See more

01.01.2022 Ten years... a decade... ten birthdays... I dare not even think about how old I am going to be in 2030 But where will #alternatetouch equine and canine supplements be? My vision for Alternate Touch is for our supplements to be available to as many horses and dogs as possible all across the world Maybe another 10 years from now and that vision will be reality . . #drpenny_h #alternatetouchequineandcaninesupplements

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