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25.01.2022 Despite impressive sales and product growth, Individual Disability Income #Insurance (IDII) is leading to revenue losses for the industry - so is it time for a new policy design? In his award-winning article, "Towards sustainable income protection cover", Troy Williams TAL reveals several ways in which the traditional approach to IDII can be reimagined. Read more on the RiskeBusiness page >>
24.01.2022 Don’t forget to get your nominations in for the ALUCA Life Insurance Excellence Awards. Nominations close Monday 31 August at 5pm. Nominate Now:
24.01.2022 We would like to thank those who have provided feedback for the ALUCA IDII Best Practice Financial Underwriting and Claims Report. The consultation period has now been moved to November 5th with the launch date for the final report on November 25th. Join us for a complimentary member informational Q & A webinar to hear from the Chair of the ALUCA IDII working party and other members of the group. ... DATE: Tuesday 26 October 2021 TIME: 12:30pm 1:30pm AEDT SPEAKERS: Jo Hetherington - TAL , Shane Burdack - Swiss Re, and Ted Voges - SCOR Register for the webinar here >> #lifeinsurance #underwriting #insuranceindustry
22.01.2022 We asked Alicia Gibbs - Why become CPLI accredited? ALUCA Rehab Subgroup Member and CPLI Associate Member Alicia Gibbs reveals why she decided to become CPLI accredited, how easy it is to apply as well as her thoughts on accumulating CPD points. It's quick and easy to apply. Find out if you're eligible >>
22.01.2022 Applications closing soon for the 2020 ALUCA Turks Scholarship > Have your say on an important life insurance industry matter, and be in the running for the major prize, valued at up to $8,000. Entry is now open to all ALUCA members.
19.01.2022 Breathe deeply. Relax. Our next webinar will feature a 20 minute meditation session, taking you through the benefits of being mindful, and tips and techniques on building mindfulness and meditation into your every day lives. Register here >
19.01.2022 "Insights into individual and workplace resilience": Our most recent RiskeBusiness Byte Size article came from mlcoa, highlighting the importance of proactively building resilience in individuals and in the workplace.... Read it now >
18.01.2022 REMINDER: Applications are now open for the 2020 ALUCA Turks Scholarship. Have your say on an important life insurance industry matter, and be in the running for the major prize, valued at up to AU$8,000 ... Entry is now open to all ALUCA members.
17.01.2022 Following our popular recent legal seminar ‘The Law on TPD Claims and Pro-Fair Requirements’, ALUCA is delighted to share the article ‘Declining Prospects: Why Courts Keep Setting Aside Insurers’ Decisions in TPD Claims’. Written by Stephen Walsh, Barrister at Sir James Martin Chambers and a key speaker at our legal seminar, the article aims to give an advocate’s view of some of the difficulties of persuading judges to uphold TPD decisions. The content addresses; - The of opinion clauses, and the response of the courts - Do opinion clauses still serve their purpose? - What can be done to improve insurers’ chances? Read More >>
17.01.2022 Find out about underwritten annuities in our next #webinar: Led by David Shuvalov, Head of Retails & Structure Solutions at HLRA, we'll explore the life industry's solution to the ageing population, social support reducing and the increasing push for all retirees to be self-funded.... Wed 11 Nov 12:30-1:30pm AEDT.
17.01.2022 Hear Peter Tilocca - Chief Underwriter at OnePath Life and 2019 ALUCA Life Insurance Excellence Awards Leadership winner - describe what winning the award means to him. WATCH the full video: NOMINATE your colleagues for an award:
17.01.2022 Webinar: Recovery and Growth The pandemic has affected different businesses in different ways, even within the same industry. This webinar will propose that the key skill you need to thrive is foresight the ability to look ahead into an uncertain future. Find out how to use scenario planning to not only plan for what you can see, but to also map out plausible future scenarios. ... Member-complimentary, non-member $35 + GST. Thursday 20 Aug, 11am - 12pm (AEST).
17.01.2022 Carola Moore answers - What made her apply to become CPLI accredited? ALUCA Board Member and CPLI Member Carola Moore describes how she became affiliated officially to ALUCA, what drove her to apply, overcoming the barrier of Busy-ness Syndrome and what she is hoping to achieve with her CPLI accreditation. Instantly boost your industry reputation with CPLI accreditation. Find out if you're eligible >>
16.01.2022 Have you registered for ALUCA’s mandatory CPLI webinar yet? ALUCA’s Mandatory CPLI Webinar: Regulatory, Ethics & Professional Standards Update DATE: Thursday 9 September 2021 TIME: 12:30 2:00pm (AEST) ... COST: Member-complimentary, member-only webinar Open to all ALUCA members, and mandatory for CPLI accredited members, this special webinar focuses on the importance of regulatory and legislative forces in the life insurance industry. Hear from speakers including Nick Kirwan from the Financial Services Council (FSC) and Alph Edwards from TurksLegal. Register now: NOTE: Registration is a 2-step process - please sign up on the ALUCA event page, after which you’ll receive a link to register to the ZOOM webinar.
16.01.2022 Applications are open for the 2020 ALUCA Turks Scholarship: Have your say on an important life insurance industry matter, and be in the running for the major prize, valued at up to $8,000.
16.01.2022 Effective April 2021, what is the potential impact of the upcoming Unfair Contract Terms (UCT) laws on life insurance contracts? In ALUCA's series of award-winning articles, Suzanne Whyte at RGA unveils how underwriters can adapt to this change, with improved practices that balance their risk assessments with better outcomes for customers. Read more >>
15.01.2022 It is great to see the life insurance industry unite to provide confidence to customers and the community that even once vaccinated, their life insurance products will continue to protect and cover them as they have always done #getvaxxed #wehaveyoucovered #lifeinsurance #insuranceindustry
15.01.2022 And the winner of the 2021 ALUCA Turkslegal Scholarship isAlan Tealby, MLC Australia Congratulations to Alan and the runners up, Troy Williams, TAL and Alicia Gibbs, Zurich. Find out more #lifeinsurance #insurance #insuranceindustry #awards2021
15.01.2022 We interviewed Tyson Johnston of our platinum partner Pacific Life Re in the lead up to the ALUCA Life Insurance Excellence Awards. Watch the interview: As Pacific Life Re’s General Manager and Executive Director, Tyson provides leadership and strategic direction to the Australian office. Tyson will once again be presenting ALUCA’s Life Insurance Underwriting Excellence Award won last year by Scott Power who demonstrated excellence in innovative underwriting business and customer outcomes.
15.01.2022 Masterclass TODAY: There are a few spots left for our ALUCA Masterclass, A framework to re-engineer engagement with insured persons and their treaters. Brought to you by Medilaw Group and WorkForce Australia. ... TODAY 12:30-2:00pm
15.01.2022 Webinar TODAY: 12:30-1:30pm AEDT. Getting your communications right is critical in ensuring you meet your insurer and procedural obligations, and provide the best possible customer experience. ... The ALUCA CMG is pleased to present ‘Effective Communications’, with Gerry Davies & Catherine McAdams, Partners at Moray & Agnew; and Paul Hastings, Principal, LifeRisk Insurance Solutions. Register now
15.01.2022 WEBINAR TODAY - 11:30am - 12:30pm (AEST) How do employers best bring immunosuppressed employees back into the workplace? Register
14.01.2022 There are less than 2 weeks to nominate your peers for industry recognition. Tony Baker of Zurich Financial Services describes what winning the David Mico Education Award at the 2019 ALUCA Life Insurance Excellence Awards means to him. WATCH the full video: NOMINATE your colleagues for an award: See more
13.01.2022 The new ALUCA website and Member Centre are close to completion...
13.01.2022 Join us for a virtual fireside chat with ALUCA Chair, Mark Raberger. Thursday 3 September, 1-1:45pm (AEST). Members-only. Limited to first 100 registrations:
13.01.2022 LAST DAY: Nominations for the ALUCA Life Insurance Excellence Awards close at 5pm today! Nominate Now:
12.01.2022 Associate CPLI Member and Chairperson of ALUCA’s Rehabilitation Subgroup, Lucy Hartley describes the process of applying for CPLI, the wide range of CPD activities on offer that can be tailored to suit each individual, the benefits she has experienced as well as why being CPLI accredited is important to her. Instantly boost your industry recognition with CPLI accreditation, find out if you're eligible #insuranceindustry #insurance #lifeinsurance #careeradvancement
10.01.2022 WEBINAR TODAY: 50% of life insurance professional stated they are working longer hours due to the COVID19 pandemic. Register here > ...for a panel session that outlines the results of our member survey, and strategies for the industry to take forward. ... TODAY 12:30-1:30pm Today's event also coincides with R U OK?Day, so head to their website for useful resources on how to stay connected during these challenging times, and ways to ask R U OK?
10.01.2022 ** 2 Days to Go Last Chance to Apply for CPLI for Free! ** Want your hard work and commitment to the life insurance industry to be instantly recognised? Certified Professional Life Insurance (CPLI) is a professional accreditation for ALUCA members with life insurance industry experience, knowledge and expertise. ... The CPLI program strengthens careers, and the industry’s reputation, by providing an objective means for distinguishing those who have met recognised professional standards and are committed to continuous professional development. Apply today to take advantage of our limited-time offer: no application fee (saving $75). Offer ends 27 August 2021. Join us in congratulating the following ALUCA members who’ve recently become CPLI accredited: Elizabeth Burke Zurich Life Kylie Williams Zurich Life Jessica Lee Zurich Life David Wetzler MLC Life Cameron Read Link Group Maddie Aucoin AIA Oanh Vo MetLife There has never been a better time to become accredited with ALUCA. Apply now >>
10.01.2022 ALUCA Webinar - ‘Peace of Mind in Turbulent Times: How to Survive COVID, Kids and Claims’ DATE: Wednesday 22 September 2021 TIME: 12:00 - 1:00pm (AEST) COST: Member-complimentary, Member-only event... Join Dr Joe Dunn in an informal fireside chat about how to stay mostly happy in a global crisis that none of us could predict. A leading Australian psychiatrist, Dr Joe Dunn is the Medical Superintendent at Northside Cremorne Clinic for over 25 years and a consultant to the life insurance industry since 2001. Dr Dunn is also the founder of mental health charity Psychs on Bikes. Register for the webinar here >> Interested to know more? In this video, Dr Dunn gives a little preview of what to expect. #lifeinsurance #insurance #insuranceindustry #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealth
09.01.2022 39.7% of life insurance professionals feel their mental wellbeing is worse than it was prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. ALUCA members: register for our next webinar, a panel & discussion, as we unpack the results of the ALUCA Mental Wellbeing Survey. Thu 10 Sept, 12:30-1:30pm ... Register > See more
08.01.2022 TODAY, 12:30pm AEST. Discover the power of mindfulness and meditation in our special, interactive member-only webinar. For this session, which includes 20 minutes of guided meditative practice, you’ll need to bring loose clothes, and a relaxed environment free from distraction. Register now >
08.01.2022 Webinar: Effective Communication Brought to you by ALUCA CMG and covering key insights and tips when drafting for show cause, procedural fairness and decision letters. ... If you deal with customer communications, this session is not to be missed. 18 Nov, 12:30-1:30pm (AEDT) Register now
08.01.2022 Have you registered for ALUCA Connect Lite? Join us on Thursday 14th October, 12-2pm AEDT This virtual session will feature a presentation from the internationally renowned business growth expert and keynote speaker Chris Savage, who will also moderate, and challenge, a panel of industry leaders. ... The 2021 Turkslegal Scholarship winner will also be announced. Register today #lifeinsurance #insuranceindustry #insurance
08.01.2022 ALUCA Masterclass Learn how to re-engineer engagement with insured persons and their treaters. Thu 24 Sept, 12:30-2:00pm ... The new Masterclass format is usually $99 for members, but thanks to our Platinum sponsors Medilaw this will be complimentary to members. Places limited. Register now.
08.01.2022 Webinar TODAY 12:30pm (AEST): What does indemnity only IP mean for financial underwriters? Tony Baker of Zurich Financial Services unpacks indemnity only IP, requirements from APRA and FSC’s LICOP, risk management underwriting tools and more.
07.01.2022 R U OK? ALUCA is proud to acknowledge and support national R U OK Day today and World Suicide Prevention day tomorrow. R U OK? is about empowering and inspiring us all to meaningfully connect with those around us our families, friends, workplace and communities. Check in and listen. Keep the conversation and R U OK message alive each day.... The R U OK day website has some great resources about how to start a conversation that could change a life. Are they really OK? Ask them today >> Don’t forget to sign up to our special mental health webinar on Wed 23rd Sept with Dr Joe Dunn: Peace of Mind in Turbulent Times - How to Survive COVID, Kids and Claims. Register via this link >> #RUOKDAY #WorldSuicidePreventionDay #mentalhealth
06.01.2022 98% of surveyed ALUCA members working in the life insurance industry would like to continue working from home in some capacity. Members, head to the Members Area > Useful Links and Papers to download the full report from the Mental Wellbeing survey:
05.01.2022 Webinar: What does indemnity only IP mean for financial underwriters? Join us Thursday 27 August 12.30 - 1.30pm (AEST) as we unpack indemnity only IP, requirements from APRA and FSC’s LICOP, risk management underwriting tools and more.
04.01.2022 MetLife Australia recently released their Value of Life Insurance Report which seeks to articulate the value of life insurance through several lenses: Individuals the impact life insurance has on individuals and their families, both financially and non-financially. Economy how the industry supports the economy. ... Society the benefits to the broader community and the Government through limiting the impact on taxpayers. Find out how you can help educate and build awareness on the Value of Life Insurance. #insurance #insuranceindustry #lifeinsurance #lifeinsuranceawareness
02.01.2022 ALUCA Mandatory CPLI Webinar: Regulatory, Ethics & Professional Standards Update DATE: Thursday 9 September 2021 TIME: 12:30 2:00pm (AEST) COST: Member-complimentary, member-only webinar ... This is a special webinar that is mandatory for all ALUCA CPLI members. It is specifically designed to build you regulatory, ethics and professional standards knowledge to ensure you are up to date on developments in these important areas. Speakers include; Nick Kirwan - Policy Director for Life Insurance at the Financial Services Council (FSC) Alph Edwards - Partner & Practice Head of Life Insurance, Superannuation & Advice at Turks Legal. Register now >> NOTE: Registration is a 2-step process - please sign up on the ALUCA event page, after which you’ll receive a link to register to the ZOOM webinar.
01.01.2022 WEBINAR TODAY - 11AM - 12PM (AEST) Join Futurist Gihan Perera for an insightful look into how businesses and individuals can use foresight and scenario planning to navigate through the pandemic. Register now
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